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种植桑树具有防风固沙、涵养水源、调节气候、净化空气的社会生态作用,又可调整农村产业结构,增加林农收入。文章对桑树的几种主要病虫的为害症状、发生规律进行了调查分析,提出了相应的防治技术。  相似文献   

RNAi技术防治害虫的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用RNAi技术来防治害虫成了人们研究的热点之一。RNAi可分为细胞自主性的和非细胞自主性的。对应用RNAi技术防治害虫来讲,研究的焦点集中在非细胞自主性RNAi,即昆虫能通过取食来内化目标基因的dsRNA。RNAi技术防治害虫的特异性极高,不会出现残留污染问题。可以通过注射、饲喂和转基因dsRNA来进行害虫的防治。本文还介绍了昆虫吸收dsRNA的机制。  相似文献   

缓释剂微胶囊防治林业害虫   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农药缓释剂微胶囊自70年代出现以来,在国内外得到广泛的应用和发展。着重介绍了杀虫剂微胶囊防治林业害虫和昆虫性信息素微胶囊在干扰成虫交配防治林业害虫中的应用,并阐述了微胶囊剂在我国林业害虫防治方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

杨树病虫害的发生原因及防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了杨树病虫害防治工作的重要性及其发生的原因,介绍了杨树主要病虫害及其防治方法.  相似文献   

园林病虫害的综合防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
了解各种病虫害的发生发展和其周围环境条件的关系,掌握它们发生发展的规律和影响它们消长的主要因素,并以此为依据,因地制宜,采取各种有效措施,综合防治各种病虫害。  相似文献   

园林植物害虫有效防治对策的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对园林植物害虫的危害和使用化学农药防治害虫所造成的副作用进行了分析,并从建立稳定的园林植物群落和安全的园林生态体系出发,对园林植物害虫的有效防治对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

白蜡是衡水市园林树木的重要组成部分,白蜡树在衡水地区有两种,一种是美国白蜡(也叫大叶白蜡)(Fraxinus americana L.),另一种是白蜡(也叫小叶白蜡、中国白蜡)(Fraxinus chinensis Roxb)。美国白蜡在衡水栽植较早,近几年分布愈来愈少,正逐步被小叶白蜡所取代。小叶白蜡以其适应能力强、耐修剪、耐瘠薄、耐盐碱、  相似文献   

通过对山核桃主要虫害的形态特征以及生物学特性的分析,总结出了山核桃主要害虫的防治措施。  相似文献   

豆秀翚 《甘肃林业科技》2003,28(1):61-61,65
梨圆蚧(Diaspidiotus perniciosus Comstock)是国内森林植物检疫对象,天水为该虫的新发生区。阐述了梨圆蚧的分布、寄主、及生物学特性等,并提出了5种有效的防治措施。  相似文献   

城市绿地虫害发生的影响因素与控制对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为有效控制城市绿地害虫,对城市绿地虫害发生的影响因素进行了研究.研究表明,当今城市绿地植物害虫发生的主要原因是自然环境的变化、不合理的绿地规划设计、农药的使用、人为活动及频繁的国际交流.文章对今后城市绿地植物保护工作的重点进行了讨论.  相似文献   

本文介绍了利用蜘蛛控制森林害虫的诸多优点,提出了保护蜘蛛的有效措施。  相似文献   


Pest management strategies relying on agrochemicals could be altered by climate change, because of the temperature-dependent toxicity of the compound involved. Many studies have explored the response of targeted pests to pesticide and temperature. Pesticides are seldom strictly selective and also affect nontarget pests. Surprisingly, the way temperature may shape these side effects of pesticides remains overlooked, limiting our understanding of the net impacts of future chemical treatments on the overall damage induced by different pests. We investigated how temperature modulates the response of a major grape insect pest (the tortricid moth Lobesia botrana) to a copper-based fungicide. We examined the lethal (larval survival) and sublethal (larval development, pupal mass, immune parameters) effects of exposure to different concentrations of copper in larval food. We found that copper concentration had negative linear effects on larval development and pupal mass. In addition, copper concentration had biphasic curvilinear effects on total phenoloxidase activity, which is indicative of hormesis (stimulation and inhibition of insect performance at low and high copper concentrations, respectively). Temperature stimulated development, while compromising immunity (total phenoloxidase activity). Significant interaction between copper concentration and temperature was detected for larval survival and phenoloxidase activity: warmer conditions improved pest tolerance to copper through temperature-driven hormesis (larval survival) or by shifting the hormesis-related peak of performance toward higher copper concentrations (phenoloxidase activity). This combination of simple and interactive effects could propagate to populations, communities and agroecosystem, with implications for future management of viticultural pests.


针对绥宁县近年毛竹主要虫害发生特点及危害情况,提出了健全测报网络,科学测报虫情;加大培训,提高业务素质;筹集防治基金,专款专用;定期开展专业调查;同时开展以生物防治为主,结合营林措施和化学防治等一系列综合防治措施。  相似文献   

Chen  Xu  Jaworski  Coline C.  Dai  Huijie  Liang  Yuyong  Guo  Xiaojun  Wang  Su  Zang  Lian-Sheng  Desneux  Nicolas 《Journal of pest science》2022,95(2):685-697

Banker plants increase biological pest control by supporting populations of non-pest arthropod species, used as alternative hosts or prey by natural enemies. Due to the specificity of trophic interactions, banker plants may not efficiently promote natural enemies with different ecologies. Yet in most cropping systems, different pest species are present together and require different biocontrol agents to efficiently control them. In the present study, we tested the combined use of two banker plants and their associated prey/host to enhance populations of the specialist parasitoid Encarsia formosa targeting the main tomato pest Bemisia tabaci, and a polyphagous ladybird Propylea japonica targeting the secondary pest Myzus persicae in tomato crops. In a laboratory and a greenhouse experiment, we measured the abundances of these four species using the Ricinus communisTrialeurodes ricini banker plant system alone, in combination with the Glycines maxMegoura japonica system, or in absence of banker plants. We found that the first banker plant system enhanced populations of E. formosa, resulting in increased suppression of B. tabaci populations and the suppression of their outbreak in both our laboratory and greenhouse experiment. Conversely, abundances of P. japonica were not affected by this first system, but were significantly increased when the second was present. This resulted in increased control of M. persicae populations and the suppression of their early and late outbreaks. Our study demonstrates the potential for combined banker plants to provide long-term, sustainable control of multiple pests by their target natural enemies in complex agroecosystems.


In comparison with integrated pest management and chemical control, the authors put forward a new strategy of forest pest control, named ecological control of forest pest (ECFP). This paper reviewed the development history, summarized the concept and principles of ECFP, discussed the technology and methods of ECFP, and evaluated the ECFP and its application conditions.  相似文献   

园林植物病虫害制约着园林可持续发展,化学农药的不合理使用是引起城市环境恶化的重要根源,尽可能减少园林植物病虫害防控对化学农药的依赖。从园林植物保护扩展到保护园林生态体系,促进园林生态系统能健康可持续发展,维护发展和环境之间的平衡,可持续园林是未来园林植保的发展方向。  相似文献   

通过分析影响雾灵山森林虫害发生的因素,以及外来有害生物威胁、周边人工林面积增加的情况,提出了森林虫害的防治对策和办法。森林虫害的防治要坚持生态控制,走持续治理的道路。  相似文献   

文章详细介绍了城市园林病虫害防治中存在的问题,有针对性地提出了防治对策。切实做好预测预报工作,正确选用无公害农药,应用拟除虫菊酯和新型杀虫剂。通过植株茎部、根部施药技术,低量、静电啧雾技术的使用,使城市园林植保工作朝着健康的方向发展。  相似文献   

通过对绥宁县楠竹虫害的持续调查与分析,并对发生状况作了简要阐述,总结出了相应的防治对策与措施,以期对防治楠竹虫害有理论与现实的指导意义。结果表明:绥宁县楠竹虫害主要有黄脊竹蝗、竹异缕舟蛾、灰顶竹毒蛾、竹长尾小蜂、竹笋禾夜蛾五种,其中黄脊竹蝗、竹异缕舟蛾、灰顶竹毒蛾危害严重,竹长尾小蜂、竹笋禾夜蛾存在潜在危害;需要政府加大扶持力度和建立科学的防治体系。  相似文献   

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