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Modern methods in plant production and crop protection are closely related to modern technologies. Near-range and remote sensing, like hyper- and multispectral sensors or thermography, in precision pest management possess multiple opportunities to increase the productivity of agricultural production systems and do them more environmentally acceptable. Experiments are carried out on sugar beet plants and their pathogens to investigate the use of imaging and non-imaging hyperspectral sensors referring to the following questions: Is early detection of infection by pathogens possible? What is the potential to differentiate damage causing organisms?  相似文献   

In order to provide recommendations for future cropping systems with regard to the necessary minimum of pesticide use, a long-term field trial at the field site in Dahnsdorf of the Julius Kühn-Institute was conducted in the years 2004 to 2016 to investigate possible reduction of pesticides, taking into account the general principles of integrated pest management (Strategies to reduce the use of plant protection products). Two winter wheats (WW1 and WW2) were part of the crop rotation with six components and different quality classes (A wheat (WW1) and E wheat (WW2)) and resistance levels to important wheat pathogens. In all years, herbicides and fungicides were needed to control weeds and fungal pathogens due to the excess of the control threshold. Insecticides were only necessary in two years. When considering the treatment frequency index (TFI), the mean overall TFI varied with 2.6 in WW1 and 3.5 in WW2, but was significantly lower compared to practice. There were also differences in the mean fungicide TFI of the two crop rotation elements with 1.1 in WW1 and 1.6 in WW2 due to their different resistance level to important fungal pathogens. The same is true with regard to the herbicide TFI with of 1.1 in WW1 and 1.3 in WW2. The treatments in the strategies 2, 3 and 4 mostly resulted in significantly higher yields compared to the non-chemical strategy 1, which can be attributed to the strong weed and fungal infestations in strategy 1 and the good efficacy of the used plant protection products. The tended differences between strategy 2 with a situation-related application rate and the 25 and 50% reduced application rates in strategies 3 and 4, respectively, were not significant. A reduced application rate showed no negative long-term effects on weed emergence even after 13 years, but increased emergence numbers in strategies with reduced herbicide use. The results show that plant protection products savings are possible without significantly reducing yields. However, this requires a high level of human resources for monitoring and scoring the consistent observance of the principles of integrated pest management, such as the consideration of good crop rotation, the cultivation of resistant cultivars and the optimally coordinated treatments after the control threshold has been exceeded.  相似文献   

In frame of an cooperative research project the model SYNOPS to assess environmental risk of plant protection measurements has been successfully applied for evaluation of three chemical plant protection strategies in sugar beet growing tested in field experiments at 9 respectively 10 sites in 2008 and 2009. The assessment has shown relative advantages of the ??Minimal dosage strategy?? with a high number of pesticides against a ??Common practice strategy?? with a smaller number of pesticides and common dose rates and a ??Registered strategy?? with very few pesticides applied with the registered application dose. But all calculated risk indices for earthworms are below the neglect-limit where negative effect can be excluded with high confidence. The same has been found out for water organisms if the pesticide specific application requirements regarding buffer zones are complied with. The results of the field investigations regarding effects on earthworms have confirmed the results of model SYNOPS. Simulation of the tested strategies on all sugar beet fields in 5 large regions in Germany and the comparison with strategies in practice of these regions by means GIS-technology has shown their environmental soundness in general. Only very few calculated risk indices for algae were above the neglect-limit caused by extremely unfavourable application conditions. Whether there is a real risk should be investigated in further hot-spot analysis.  相似文献   

In the period from the beginning of grain cultivation in Central Europe until the middle of the last century, the number of arable weed species has steadily increased due to diverse and extensive cropping systems. Since 1950, crop production systems have been intensified, arable land has been used for development (construction), chemical and mechanical weed control has improved and many crops have disappeared. These factors all have contributed to a strong decrease of weed species diversity. Based on detailed vegetation assessments this pattern was confirmed in the Mehrstetten area (Reutlingen County). Sampling data from 2011 were compared to data available for the same sites from 1948/1949 and 1975–1978. In the period covered, weed diversity decreased from by 64 % (97 species). Abundance of weed species was significantly higher in the field margins as compared to the center of the fields. Vegetation data obtained in 2011 no longer allowed for the identification of plant species communities since no species distinctly characterizing certain communities were recorded. There was no shift in the Ellenberg, Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa, 1991, indicator values. None of the 23 endangered species still present in 1948/49 was recorded in 2011. Based on survey results, we assume that decrease in weed species diversity was caused by intensive cropping practices associated with the use of mineral fertilizer and herbicides as well as other effective methods of weed control.  相似文献   

Abstract In the frame of the investigation of epidemiology of soil-borne viruses, like the Soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV), Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) and the Bymovirus Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV), which were transmitted by fungal vector Polymyxa graminis Ledingham, the infection progress in different cereals was observed. The detection of furovirus and bymovirus in field plants was depending on temperature conditions during the vegetation period and the kind of cereals. The furoviruses tolerate a broad temperature spectrum and once established infection is detectable until the harvest time. In contrast to this observation, the propagation of WSSMV seems to be restricted to lower temperatures. Consequently, this virus is detected best at the end of February until the middle of April. Among the tested cereals, rye becomes more early infected than wheat and triticale. Both furoviruses could be differed by variable virulence reactions on cereal hosts and indicator plants. The SBCMV infects rye, triticale and wheat but not barley. The SBWMV is able to contaminate beside these cultures barley too. Both viruses are distinguished in the infection typ in Nicotiana benthamiana. Whereas SBCMV isolates spread out in the whole plant and cause yellowing and the die back of plants, the SBWMV infects the inoculated leaves only.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In den Jahren 1980–1990 wurden auf insgesamt 100 Probefl?chen Wühlmausf?nge für die Schadensprognose in Forstkulturen durchgeführt. Die gefangenen Tiere wurden im Labor eingehender untersucht und verschiedene Parameter mit der Dichteentwicklung der Schadnager verglichen. Für einen beschr?nkten Zeitraum von etwa 3 Monaten war die ?u?erlich me?bare L?nge der m?nnlichen Gonaden mit der Populationsentwicklung korreliert. Bei einer mittleren L?nge der Testes über 3,5 mm wurde eine Zunahme der Populationsdichte beobachtet (Gradation). Bei einer geringeren Gonadenl?nge war die Populations-entwicklung rückl?ufig (Retrogradation). Dieser Zusammenhang kann für eine Schadensprognose bedeutsam sein.
Predicting damages of voles in forest cultivations
Voles like the Field VoleMicrotus agrestis, the Common VoleM. arvalis, the Bank VoleClethrionomys glareolus and the Water VoleArvicola terrestris can cause severe damages in forest cultivations by gnawing the trunks and the roots of the young trees. Damages occur during winter time when the population density of these species is high and food resources are limited. The forecast of the development of vole populations is needed to prepare countermeasures against vole damages. The increase or decrease of a vole population can be predicted, if the fertility of the caught specimens is observed. The gonadal size of the males was a suitable predictor for the trend of the development of a vole population. The change of population density of the Bank Vole in a time interval of 3 month (September–December) was highly correlated (r=0.86) with the gonadal index of males. The percentage of pregnant or lactating femals was also a good indicator, but less suitable for practical use. It is assumed, that the hormones of the hypophysis like FSH, LH and Prolactin rule the growth of the gonads, the fertility and the reproduction in a vole population. Testis size is an indicator for the activity of these fertility hormones and for the reproductive process. It can be used to predict the development of vole populations for a limited time interval.

For evaluation of ?Nema-Check“, a new test, recently developed at the Bodengesundheitsdienst (BGD?=?Soil Health Service) as a semi-quantitative PCR technique for detection of beet cyst nematodes (Fürstenfeld 2004), a comparison with a conventional method, routinely performed at the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL), was made within a field trial with various sugar beet varieties. As the PCR method was optimized only with regard to distinguish three classes of infestation, the correlation between both methods was only small when values were exceeding 1500 eggs and larvae/100?g soil as observed after cultivation of the susceptible cultivar. To reach a better correlation also in this range, where a linear correlation between the amount of PCR products and nematode concentration is not given with the existing PCR method, a further adaptation is necessary. However, as a routine test for simply differentiating between classes of infestation the PCR method established at the BGD seems to be suitable because initial nematode population determined with both methods differed in only 85,2% and final population in only 94,5% of all samples at a maximum of one class.  相似文献   

Camera-sensors offer a non-contacting and non-destructive measurement of the canopy. The equipment is easy to fix on tractors or field sprayers. Field experiments were conducted to quantify the relationship of the sensor signal and the four plant parameters LAI, fresh mass, stems/m2 and plant height. Using image analysis tools the coverage level of the green biomass as sensor signal was calculated. In the case of a fungicide application the green plant mass has to be protected against fungi attacks. By the help of regression analysis a strong linear correlation was found between the coverage level and the four plant parameters. This relationship enables for a linear adaptation of the application amount on the local differences of the plant parameters while spraying.  相似文献   

Wheat insect pests and the beneficial arthropod populations were assessed using sweep net across a large scale winter wheat field in Bad Lausick (Free State of Saxony, Germany) before and after insecticide applications. The insecticides used were Karate (pyrethroid), Biscaya (neonicotinoid) and NeemAzal T/S (botanical insecticide). The tested compounds were sprayed twice during the early season growth stage (Elongation- GS 32) and at the heading stage (GS 55), and their effects were evaluated on wheat insect pests. The side effects of these insecticides on associated natural enemies were also studied. Monitoring was conducted for 4 weeks after each treatment. Cereal aphids, thrips, leafhoppers, cereal leaf beetles, cereal bugs and also many natural enemies such as predators (lady beetles, lacewings, syrphids, dance flies and spiders) and parasitoids (parasitic wasps) were surveyed. The dose of these insecticides resulted in reductions of wheat insect and natural enemy populations and this reduction was corrected based on Abbott equation. The results showed that Karate is correlated with the highest percentage reduction (79.5 %) to wheat insect pests. Karate use also resulted in a percentage reduction to natural enemies (30–60 %). Biscaya and NeemAzal T/S is correlated with an equivalent mortality percents (50–65 %) to wheat insect pests and resulted in a smaller percentage reduction of natural enemies (10–40 %) compared to Karate. Thrips and cereal bugs were more affected than leafhoppers. Lacewings and dance flies were more susceptible; while spider, syrphids and parasitoid wasps were more tolerant. Compatibility between natural insecticides and natural enemies is highly required to keep the environment clean.  相似文献   

Early blight is a major disease of potatoes which has established in most potato growing areas as a destructive disease. The integration of several factors like weather conditions, nutrition, the use of potent fungicides as well as the cultivation of tolerant varieties are essential parts of an integrated control strategy and can be effective in preventing early blight disease. Cultivar resistance to early blight disease has become more important due to losses in fungicide sensitivity. Nevertheless, little research has been directed towards this area. Several, perennial field trials were carried out in order to investigate disease susceptibility for varieties out of different maturity groups. Early maturing varieties have shown to be more susceptible. The disease intensity (AUDPC) was much more expressed in early varieties contrary to medium and late maturing varieties. However, a stronger impact on potato yield has been found in the medium to late maturing varieties. We discuss the relevance of time and amount of leaf damage for formation of tuber yield.  相似文献   

In this study dealing with the development of management strategies for P. ramorum in Rhododendron stands several plant protection and fertilizer products were tested for their suitability to control this pathogen on Rhododendron. Tests were conducted on young potted plants and abscised leaves, using the following products: phosphite (Nutri-Phite® PK), copper hydroxide (Cuprozin® liquid), Bacillus subtilis (Serenade®), a mycorrhizal preparation, and a product based on ‘effective microorganisms’ (EMa). Although transmission of the pathogen from infected to healthy plants was successfully inhibited by phosphite, Cu hydroxide and B. subtilis, subsequent tests showed that only phosphite and Cu hydroxide had a significant effect on disease development. All other preparations based on antagonistic or growth promoting microorganisms had no preventive or curative effect. While B. subtilis tended to increase disease symptoms, the remaining products caused a slight reduction of disease severity only. In contrast, phosphite and Cu hydroxide almost completely inhibited infection by P. ramorum. Therefore, in field situations, the use of the ecologically safe, systemic phosphite against P. ramorum in Rhododendron stands appears to be reasonable and advisable. Along with other supporting measures within the framework of a management strategy, this will allow to prevent or slow down further spread of the disease.  相似文献   

The polyphagous gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) is able to feed on about 400 different woody plant species. In general, oak species are preferred – on the other hand some other groups of plants are avoided on account of the presence of toxic substances. These unfavoured hosts are, for example, most of the Papilionaceae, like locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). We compared survival rate and development of two populations of different origin with long-term habituation to oak and locust, respectively. Larvae from the population habituated to oak proved unable to develop on locust food. There must be a lack of detoxification systems to modify the toxic alcaloids and flavenoids produced by Robinia pseudoacacia. On the other hand, larvae isolated from an locust stand were able to feed on oak leaves without problems in larval development or eclosion of adults. Gypsy moth larvae specialized on locust as host showed increased mortality (up to 27%) in the early larval instars, but the surviving animals, especially female individuals, reached significantly higher pupal weights and showed better fecundity: 40% higher egg numbers/egg mass compared to those feeding on oak. These results indicate that the gypsy moth population originating from the locust forest had achieved a high level of metabolic adaptation to this host plant and formed a 'biotype' of Lymantria dispar with optimal reproductive conditions in this special habitat.  相似文献   

The polyphagous gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) is able to feed on about 400 different woody plant species. In general, oak species are preferred – on the other hand some other groups of plants are avoided on account of the presence of toxic substances. These unfavoured hosts are, for example, most of the Papilionaceae, like locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). We compared survival rate and development of two populations of different origin with long-term habituation to oak and locust, respectively. Larvae from the population habituated to oak proved unable to develop on locust food. There must be a lack of detoxification systems to modify the toxic alcaloids and flavenoids produced by Robinia pseudoacacia. On the other hand, larvae isolated from an locust stand were able to feed on oak leaves without problems in larval development or eclosion of adults. Gypsy moth larvae specialized on locust as host showed increased mortality (up to 27%) in the early larval instars, but the surviving animals, especially female individuals, reached significantly higher pupal weights and showed better fecundity: 40% higher egg numbers/egg mass compared to those feeding on oak. These results indicate that the gypsy moth population originating from the locust forest had achieved a high level of metabolic adaptation to this host plant and formed a 'biotype' of Lymantria dispar with optimal reproductive conditions in this special habitat.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  In den Jahren 1992 und 1993 wurden 24 schwarzeTheysohn-Schlitzfallen mit Kombinationen von synthetischen Borkenk?ferlockstoffen, Pheroprax, Chalcoprax, Linoprax und Cembrax, auf ihre F?ngigkeit getestet. Zum Vergleich wurden Fallen mit Einzelbestückung und Zweifachkombinationen von Pheroprax+Cembrax und Linoprax+Cembrax sowie zwei Fallen ohne Lockstoff in einem 24 ha gro?en Forstgebiet aufgestellt. Mit den Fallen wurde die Flugaktivit?t der angelockten Scolytiden ermittelt. Die erhaltenen Fangzahlen vonIps typographus, Pityogenes chalcographys, Xyloterus lineatus undX. domesticus wurden w?chentlich registriert und in Verbindung mit der unterschiedlichen Pheromonbestückung der Fallen diskutiert. Von den drei letztgenannten Arten wurde der Fang von M?nnchen und Weibchen getrennt bewertet. In einzeln mit Pheroprax bestückten Fallen fanden sich die meisten Buchdrucker pro Falle. Ihr Anteil nahm 1993 um 9% gegenüber dem Vorjahr zu. Für den Kupferstecher waren die vierfach kombinierten Pheromonfallen etwas f?ngiger als die einzeln mit Chalcoprax bestückten Fallen. AuchXyloterus-Arten bevorzugten die vierfach kombinierten Pheromonfallen gegenüber solchen, die nur Linoprax enthielten. Die Anzahl der gefangenen Ambrosiak?fer wurde im Verlauf von 5 Jahren stark reduziert. In beiden Untersuchungsjahren wurden neben den gezielt gek?derten Scolytiden 252 K?ferarten aus 49 Familien registriert, von denen 10 Arten eine Pheromonpr?ferenz erkennen lie?en. Der Beifang betrug j?hrlich 0,6–0,7% der Gesamtzahl an gefangenen K?fern. Zu 85–87% war der Kupferstecher am Gesamtfang beteiligt. Der Buchdrucker hatte einen Anteil von 11–14% an der Gesamtausbeute.
In the years 1992 and 1993 blackTheysohn slit-traps were set up in a forest area near Hanover, Germany. The traps were baited with combinations of the synthetic bark beetle pheromones Pheroprax?, Chalcoprax?, Linoprax?, and Cembrax?. Their captivity was tested in comparison to singly baited and control traps without pheromone. Additionally, combinations of Pheroprax+Cembrax and Linoprax+Cembrax were tested. The captivity numbers obtained fromIps typographus, Pityogenes chalcographus, Xyloterus lineatus andX. domesticus were discussed in relation to the differently baited traps. In the latter three species, females and males were separated. The periods of flight activity of the four Scolytidae baited were ascertained for both years. Concerning the singly baited traps, Pheroprax captured the highest amount ofIps typographus per trap, its population increased 9% in 1993 related to that of 1992. ForP. chalcographus, the combination of the four pheromones resulted in a little higher number of individuals than in singly baited traps.Xyloterus lineatus preferred the four-pheromone combination, in which Linoprax was present showing a synergistic effect of baiting. In contrary, the baiting ofX. domesticus was lower by the combined pheromones than by Linoprax alone. The latter was found in lower numbers thanX. lineatus. The trapped amounts of both Xyloterus species were continuously reduced throughout the years 1989 to 1993. The Coleoptera species, not specially trapped, amounted yearly to 0.6–0.7% of the collected individuals.P. chalcographus was collected to 85–87%, andIps typographus to 11–14% of the total amount of Coleoptera trapped.

In den Jahren 1992 und 1993 wurden 24 schwarzeTheysohn-Schlitzfallen mit Kombinationen von synthetischen Borkenk?ferlockstoffen, Pheroprax, Chalcoprax, Linoprax und Cembrax, auf ihre F?ngigkeit getestet. Zum Vergleich wurden Fallen mit Einzelbestückung und Zweifachkombinationen von Pheroprax+Cembrax und Linoprax+Cembrax sowie zwei Fallen ohne Lockstoff in einem 24 ha gro?en Forstgebiet aufgestellt. Mit den Fallen wurde die Flugaktivit?t der angelockten Scolytiden ermittelt. Die erhaltenen Fangzahlen vonIps typographus, Pityogenes chalcographys, Xyloterus lineatus undX. domesticus wurden w?chentlich registriert und in Verbindung mit der unterschiedlichen Pheromonbestückung der Fallen diskutiert. Von den drei letztgenannten Arten wurde der Fang von M?nnchen und Weibchen getrennt bewertet. In einzeln mit Pheroprax bestückten Fallen fanden sich die meisten Buchdrucker pro Falle. Ihr Anteil nahm 1993 um 9% gegenüber dem Vorjahr zu. Für den Kupferstecher waren die vierfach kombinierten Pheromonfallen etwas f?ngiger als die einzeln mit Chalcoprax bestückten Fallen. AuchXyloterus-Arten bevorzugten die vierfach kombinierten Pheromonfallen gegenüber solchen, die nur Linoprax enthielten. Die Anzahl der gefangenen Ambrosiak?fer wurde im Verlauf von 5 Jahren stark reduziert.  相似文献   

The foilage of Asparagus officinalis L. has a large contact surface for different leaf diseases, which can lead to profits cuts, especially by the causal pathogen of Stemphylium leaf spot, Stemphylium botryosum. The maintaining healthy of the foliage is an important precondition to achieve an optimal harvest in the following year. Therefore, it is necessary to describe the efficacy of currently approved plant protection products against S. botryosum in order to optimize the fungicide applications. In the context of greenhouse trials with asparagus seedlings a method should be developed to evaluate the preventive and curative efficacy of fungicides. At the beginning, stable, repeatable and homogeneous infections of S. botryosum needed to be achieved. Ad hoc the factors plant age (weeks after sowing date), inoculum (density of conidia per ml and concentration of malt), infection conditions (period of high relative humidity) and day of rating, as well as their influence on the occurrence of the symptoms, were investigated. With the exception of the factor plant age, the other factors had a significant effect on the infection. For the trials to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides, the analysed factors were defined. The age of the seedlings was six weeks after sowing, the inoculum was composed of 1,00?×?105 conidia per ml combined with an 0,5% malt concentration, as infection condition the ??tunnel system?? with periodically high relative humidity was chosen. 13 days past infection was the optimal day of rating. To apply the seedlings with the fungicides, the registered application rate was reduced to 1/5. The trials to evaluate fungicides were conducted with the fungicides Signum®, Rovral® WG and two different testing agencies. At four consecutive application days, the plants were covered with fungicides. In the following, the infestation degree of stems in percent was evaluated. Additionally, the used S. botryosum-Isolates were biomolecularly investigated and the QoI- and SDHI resistance state determined.  相似文献   

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