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随着大气CO2浓度的升高,主要由其引起的温室效应与对生物新陈代谢的影响变得越来越显著。森林生态系统在全球碳循环中扮演着重要的角色。为了评估和理解森林土壤CO2通量及其随空气和土壤温度的季节和昼夜变化规律,我们在长白山北坡典型阔叶红松林内利用静态箱技术进行了原位观测。实验在整个生长季(6月初至9月末)昼夜进行,利用气相色谱进行气体分析。结果表明: 长白山阔叶红松林土壤是大气二氧化碳源,其CO2通量具有明显的季节和昼夜变化规律。通量的变化范围是(0.30-2.42)μmol穖-2穝-1,平均值为0.98μmol穖-2穝-1。土壤CO2排放的季节规律表明,土壤CO2通量的变化与气温和土壤温度的变化有关。CO2平均通量的最大值出现在7月((1.27±23%)μmol穖-2穝-1),最小值出现在9月((0.5±28%)μmol穖-2穝-1)。土壤CO2的昼夜波动与土壤温度变化有关,而在时间上滞后于温度的变化。森林下垫面土壤CO2通量与土壤温度显著相关,与6cm深度土层温度相关系数最大。基于气温和土壤温度计算的Q10值范围为2.09-3.40。图2表3参37。  相似文献   

李玉文 《林业研究》1999,10(4):203-206
IntroductionThecapacityofwoodyplantstoassimilateavail-ablenitrogen(nitrateandammonium)hasbeenweIlstudied,especiaIIyintermsofhabitatandspe-cies-reIateddifferencesinnitrateandammoniumassimiIationcapacity(Addoms1937lHauck1968lAlGharbietaI.1984,L8eetaI.1978,Tamm,1991,Vi-touseketaI.,1982iLietaI1994a,1994b,1995)However,nostudyhasfocusedonspecies-specifictemporalvariationinnitrateandammoniumassimiIa-tionamongexplicitIyco-existingwoodyplants,eventhoughtemporaIdifferentiationintheuseofnitratean…  相似文献   

IntroductionMorerecently,Thehumanl1asshowedagreatinterestli1studiesonpatternsofchangesinspeciesdiversityduriI1gprocessofsuccession,ThedistuIbal1ceofI1umanactivitiesornaturedisastershasagreatbopactonspeciesdiversity.PlantsPeciescomprisingapost-disturbancecommunityderhefromavarietyofsources-winddispersedseed,buriedpropagulesandresproutingsurvivorsl1'l.TheirulthatecontributiontotheserialflorarenectSacomplexinteractionofinitialabundance,includingdistuthanceintCnsity,proPagatCavailability,andc…  相似文献   

The uncertainty in the predicted values of a process-based terrestrial ecosystem model is as important as the predicted values themselves. However, few studies integrate uncertainty analysis into their modeling of carbon dynamics. In this paper, we conducted a local sensitivity analysis of the model parameters of a process-based ecosystem model at the Chaibaishan broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest site in 2003?C2005. Sixteen parameters were found to affect the annual net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) in each of the three?years. We combined a Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis with a standardized multiple regression method to distinguish the contributions of the parameters and the initial variables to the output variance. Our results showed that the uncertainties in the modeled annual gross primary production and ecosystem respiration were 5?C8% of their mean values, while the uncertainty in the annual NEE was up to 23?C37% of the mean value in 2003?C2005. Five parameters yielded about 92% of the uncertainty in the modeled annual net ecosystem exchange. Finally, we analyzed the sensitivity of the meteorological data and compared two types of meteorological data and their effects on the estimation of carbon fluxes. Overestimating the relative humidity at a spatial resolution of 10?km?×?10?km had a larger effect on the annual gross primary production, ecosystem respiration, and net ecosystem exchange than underestimating precipitation. More attention should be paid to the accurate estimation of sensitive model parameters, driving meteorological data, and the responses of ecosystem processes to environmental variables in the context of global change.  相似文献   

China’s 13 th 5-year forestry plan explicitly requires the end of commercial harvesting and the improved management of natural forests by means of adjusting and optimizing forest structure and developing high-quality forest production.This requires the quantification of stand structure and species diversity.In this study,species distribution,association and size differentiation in a mixed broad-leaved/Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis Siebold&Zucc.)forest in Mudanfeng National Nature Reserve were analyzed using three spatial structure indices:uniform angle index,complete mingling index,and size differentiation index.The results show that the species were randomly distributed,with a moderate size differentiation and high mixed structure.Three dominant species exhibited different patterns in terms of the three indices and their bivariate distribution.Overall,Korean pine showed an opposite trend to Manchurian maple(Acer mandshuricum Maxim.),whereas the distribution pattern of Manchurian linden(Tilia mandshurica Rupr.&Maxim.)was similar to that of the entire stand.Our work contributes to further the knowledge of population structure in order to optimize the structure of secondary forests and plantations.  相似文献   

许广山  郭大立 《林业研究》1998,9(3):208-210
IntrotIuctionBroad-leavedKoreanpineforestistI1ezonalvegetationinNortheastChina.Theforms,transfdrmationandtransfer-enceofNintheforestlandarenotonlyimportantpartSofmaterialcyclingintheforestecosystem,butalsocon-cernedwithhoPOrtantenvironmentalquestions.InordertoinquireintoNflux,Nmineraliration,plantuptakeandleachinglossesinthetop2ocmoftheforestfloorwerestudiedwiththeinsitUsequentialcoringtechniquefromMaytoSeptemberofl994.MatcriaIsandmethodsSitcconditionThesampleplotstUdiedissituatedinErd…  相似文献   

Using the closed chamber technique, thein situ measurements of N2O and CH4 fluxes was conducted in a broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest ecosystem in Changbai Mountain, China, from June 1994 to October 1995. The relationships between fluxes (N2O and CH4) and some major environmental factors (temperature, soil water content and soil available nitrogen) were studied. A significant positive correlation between N2O emission and air/soil temperature was observed, but no significant correlation was found between N2O emission and soil water content (SWC). This result showed that temperature was an important controlling factor of N2O flux. There was a significant correlation between CH4 uptake and SWC, but no significant correlation was found between CH4 uptake and temperature. This suggested SWC was an important factor controlling CH4 uptake. The very significant negative correlation between logarithmic N2O flux and soil nitrate concentration, significant negative correlation between CH4 flux and soil ammonium content were also found. This project is supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   


Key message

The effects of distance dependence, negative density dependence (NDD), phylogenetic density dependence, and habitat filtering were integrated to provide additional evidence in temperate forest tree seedling survival. The main focus of this study was to explore how population density and habitat filtering regulate NDD. An approach involving four classes of population density and three classes of soil moisture was tested, including the effect of habitat variables to more accurately evaluate the underlying ecological processes affecting the density dependence of seedlings.


NDD is an important mechanism for the maintenance of species diversity across multiple life stages, particularly during seedling recruitment. By regulating specific population structures to maintain species diversity, the effects of density dependence and distance dependence are sometimes difficult to distinguish. Nevertheless, the contribution of NDD to community assembly, relative to other processes such as habitat filtering, remains a subject of debate. Recently, it has been reported that seedling survivals are also negatively correlated with phylogenetic relatedness between neighbors and focal individuals. This effect is known as phylogenetic negative density dependence (PNDD). However, another opposite effect known as phylogenetic positive density dependence (PPDD) has also been reported to exist.


The objectives of this study are to examine the following: (i) how population density affects negative density dependence (NDD); (ii) how habitat filtering regulates the NDD; (iii) whether more evidence can be found for PNDD or PPDD and why; and (iv) whether the intensity of negative density dependence is affected by the distance between parent trees and seedlings.


The study was conducted in a 20-ha primary mixed broad-leaved Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain of China. We used generalized linear mixed models to analyze how the seedling survival of 23 woody plant species relates to neighborhoods and habitat variables. Four models were established with and without habitat variables, and two of the four models were used to test how different population densities of focal seedlings and different gradients of habitat variable regulated negative density dependence.


The following results were obtained: (1) the strongest conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD) was found within a radius of 15 m; (2) seedling survival were most strongly impacted by the density of conspecific seedling and adult neighbors in habitats with relatively low soil moisture; (3) the effect of seedling-seedling CNDD was especially significant, when densities ranged from 20 to 40 seedlings/4 m2, and (4) there were some evidences of phylogenetic positive density dependence (PPDD), and the effect of seedling-seedling PPDD was increasing with an increase in soil moisture.


Our results demonstrate that conspecific negative density dependence played an important role in seedling survival, which is closely related to habitat filtering and population density. However, we found some evidences of phylogenetic positive density dependence. We suggest that future studies of neighborhood density dependence should increase awareness of evolutionary relationships.

Li Yuwen  Wang Yeju 《林业研究》1995,6(3):100-104
Chemical and biochemical analysis methods were used to monitor the variations of nitrogen nutrient among the dominance trees species in secondary succession process of the mixed broad -leaved/Korean pine forest on Changbai Mountains, Northeast China. Amounts of total nitrogen, ammonium and NRA in soils of virgin broad-leaved/Korean pine forest which is in climax were higher than those ofsecondary birch forests those are in succession stage. The amount of nitrate was in the other hand. In climax, dominance trees species are tolerant mesophytic trees such asPinus Koraiensis, Tilia amurensis, Acer mono and alsoFraxinus mandshurica, they are all ammonium + nitrate adapted species, but they show a preference for the ammonium rather than those of the pioneer trees species in secondary birch forest, such asPopulus davidiava andBetula platyphylla. Because they have more ammonium in their leaves and roots, especiallyPinus koraiensis. Populus davidvana andBetula platyphlla are intolerant trees, amounts of nitrate and total nitrogen is higher in their leaves and roots and also NRA in their leaves, so they preference for the nitrate rather than the others. In secondary birch forest, the regeneration trees species adapt their nitrogen nutrient to the variation of nitrogen nutrient situation in soil, finally they could survival well and the secondary birch forest would succession to climax. In climax, dominance trees species adapt their Nitrogen nutrient to the situation in soil and there are not strong competition in nitrogen nutrient among them, so they can coexist well and keep the climax as stable vegetation.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate represents an important part of the soil labile organic carbon pool. Water soluble carbohydrate drives the C cycle in forest soil by affecting microbial activity and hot water extractable carbohydrate is thought related to soil carbon sequestration due to the association with soil aggregation. In a temperate forest region of northeast China, Changbai Mountain, we investigated the abundance, spacial distribution, and seasonal dynamics of cool and hot-water extractable carbohydrate in soils under mixed broad-leaved Korean pine forest. The concentrations of cool-water extractable carbohydrate (CWECH) in three soil layers (0-5, 5-10, 10-20 cm) ranged from 4.1 to 193.3 g·kg-1 dry soil, decreasing rapidly with soil depth. On an annual average, the CWECH concentrations in soils at depths of 5-10 and 10-20 cm were 54.2% and 24.0%, respectively, of that in the 0-5 cm soil layer. CWECH showed distinct seasonal dynamics with the highest concentrations in early spring, lowest in summer, and increasing concentrations in autumn. Hot-water extractable carbohydrate (HWECH) concentrations in three soil layers ranged from 121.4 to 2026.2 g·kg-1 dry soil, which were about one order of magnitude higher than CWECH. The abundance of HWECH was even more profile-dependent than CWECH, and decreased more rapidly with soil depth. On an annual average, the HWECH concentration in soils 10-20 cm deep was about one order of magnitude lower than that in the top 0-5 cm soil. The seasonality of HWECH roughly tracked that of CWECH but with seasonal fluctuations of smaller amplitude. The carbohydrate concentrations in cool/hot water extracts of soil were positively correlated with UV254 and UV280 of the same solution, which has implications for predicting the leaching loss of water soluble organic carbon.  相似文献   

Based on a vast of field investigation on stamps inTilia broad-leaved Korean pine forest on northern slope of Changbai Mountain, age structure of some major species were studied in this paper. The results showed that Korean pine population was composed of grouped patches with different ages. There were not strict intervals among the dominated generations, and the curve of age structure often had two or more peaks. The distribution of broad-leaved species in natural Korean pine forest was grouped or scattered, and age distribution was also uneven-aged. There existed close relation between quality of broad-leaved species and Korean pine. So, it shaped multi-storied and uneven-aged mixed forest. The model of age structure and growth demonstrated their passive correlation, but growth became slow when woods had reached old age. The study was funded by the Opened Research Station of Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystems, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. (Reponsible Editor: Chai Rulhai)  相似文献   

阔叶红松林倒木贮量动态研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
代力民  李扬等 《林业研究》2002,13(2):107-110
本文研究了中国吉林省长白山区阔叶红松林倒木贮量的动态变化规律。阔叶红松林倒木贮量包括其现有倒木及其年输入量等贮量的变化规律。阔叶红松林现有倒木贮量开始为16.25 t·hm-2,以后随时间减少,到100年分解掉其干重的85%左右,300年后所剩无几。倒木年输入量平均约为0.6 t·hm-2,其贮量是随时间而增加,200年后稳定在31 t·hm-2,可保持到该群落的顶级时期。倒木总贮量的变化在初期呈增加趋势,而后随着现有倒木的完全分解,倒木贮量就与其倒木的年输入趋于一致,最后稳定在上述水平上。图4表2参9。  相似文献   

Regeneration of tree species associated with canopy gaps in broad-leaved Korean pine forests was investigated. Species diversity in gaps and under closed canopy was compared, the relationship between biodiversity and gap structure was analyzed. Results indicate that there were significant differences between tree species diversity in gaps and that under canopy (p<0.01). In terms of Shannon-Wiener index, evenness index, and abundance index, the biodiversity in gap community were higher than those under forest canopy in regeneration layer. In terms of Simpson’s dominance index, the dominance of certain species in the regeneration layer increased from gaps to closed canopy (p<0.01). In contrast, trends of biodiversity changes of succession layer in gaps and under closed canopy were opposite. Tree species diversity of different layers reacted directly to the change of gap size class. For example, Shannon-Wiener index and abundance index is higher and Simpson’s dominance index is the lowest in succession layer of medium-size gap (100–250 m2) in the broad-leaved Korean pine forest of Changbai Mountains. Shannon-Wiener index reached the highest in a size of ≥250 m2 and <100 m2, reached the lowest in a size of 200–250 m2 in the regeneration layer. Simpson’s dominance index reached its maximum when the gap size was between 200 and 250 m2. Generally, species of different layers reacted differently to the changes of gap size classes. The gap size class with more seedlings did not correspond to size class containing more medium-size trees. Tree species diversity indices in the two layers behaved reciprocally during the development process of forest gaps. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2005, 16(12): 2,236–2,240 [译自: 应用生态学报, 2005, 16(12): 2,236–2,240]  相似文献   

IntroductionAgestructureoftrees,whichreflcctsrcge11eratio11processandvelocity,meansquantityoftreesdividingbyage.Broad-leavedKoreanpineforestwastl1etypicalzol1alvegetationofChangbaiMountaininNortheastO1ina,anditwastheprimarygymnospermconununitysurvivedaftertheQuatemaryGlacierPeriod.Alotofcommunityinf`)r-mationaccumulatCdinthestr-uctllreofforeststandsa11dgrowingprocessofindividualtrees.So,athoroughstUdyonagestructureanditsdistributiol1ofbroad-leavedKore-anpine.forestwouldprovidetl1eoretical…  相似文献   

刘丽娟  葛建平 《林业研究》2003,14(4):269-274
Investigations on charcoal in the soil, fire-scarred trees, stand composition, forest structure as well as regeneration status were carried out in the natural broad-leaved/Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) forest after fire disturbance at Liangshui Nature Reserve on the mid-north of Xiaoxing‘an Mountains from 1990 to 1992, and the ecological effects of fire disturbance on the formation and succession of this kind of forest were analyzed according to the survey results. The average depth of charcoal in the soil was related to the timing of the fire. According to the characteristic of fire-scarred trees, the dynamic map of the fire behavior was drawn onto the topographic map. It showed that the dimension and extent of the fire disturbance was closely related with site conditions. Fire disturbance only led to a significant difference in stand composition and diameter class structurefor the stands at different locations, rather than completely destroying the forest. After fire disturbance, the horizontal community structure was a mosaic of different patches, which were made up of different deciduous species or different sizes of Korean pines, and the succession trend of each patch was also different. In the sites with the heavy fire disturbance, the intolerant hardwood species were dominant, and there were a large number of regenerative Korean pine saplings under the canopy. In the moderate -disturbed sites, the tolerant hardwood species were dominant, and a small number of large size Korean pines still survived. In the light-disturbed sites, large size Korean pines were dominant.  相似文献   

土壤水分梯度对阔叶红松林结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2002年8月,在吉林省白河林业局红石林场(12755E,4230N),沿着一个山坡设置了一个长宽为112m8m、包含14个样方的样带。调查了群落结构、0-10cm和10-20cm的土壤含水量、枯落物现存量及其C、N、P含量,主要树种的叶片和枝条的C、N、P含量。沿着山坡的不同位置土壤含水量的不同导致阔叶红松林的群落结构发生变化。蒙古栎的比例随着土壤含水量的下降而逐渐升高,而其他主要阔叶树种则逐渐减少乃至消失。枯落物的水分变化趋势与土壤一致。在不同坡位枯落物的分解状况不同,干重差异显著。坡下枯落物含量较坡上的丰富,部分原因在于群落结构的变化。水分和养分含量的变化影响了枯落物的成分、降解及其养分的释放,进一步影响了林木的生长速度和林分结构并最终影响整个生态系统。图7表2参14。  相似文献   

长白山阔叶红松林林地附近湍流特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2001年8月使用三维超声风温仪(IA-SA 485)测定并分析了中国科学院长白山森林生态系统开放站阔叶红松林样地(12828扙,4224?N,吉林省,中国)林地附近湍流特征。发现林地附近气流具有高度间歇性和不对称性,并为活跃的向上运动主导。垂直方向的湍流受到抑制,其时间尺度和长度尺度都小于水平两个分量的相应值,林地附近的气团呈偏平结构。热力作用对当地湍流产生和维持过程起到了主导作用。图4表3参15。  相似文献   

河岸带是森林小流域单元的重要组成部分之一。由于河水的影响和边缘效应等因素的综合作用,河岸带植物群落与远离河岸带的森林群落在组成、结构和分布格局等方面存在较大差异,其群落最小面积也不同。本文对长白山原始阔叶红松林河岸带植物群落最小面积和物种丰富度进行了探讨。结果表明河岸带植物群落的最小面积均小于森林内部植物群落的最小面积。对于长白山原始阔叶红松林群落而言,在河岸带,包括群落的60%、80%、90%植物种类时的平均最小面积分别为80m2、180m2和320m2左右;;对应于远离河岸带的森林内部,包括群落的60%、80%、90%植物种类时的平均最小面积分别为260m2、380m2和480m2左右。河岸带植物群落的物种丰富度、均匀度和Shannon-Wiener指数普遍高于森林内部植物群落,但优势度则相反。表4参20。  相似文献   

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