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鱼道是解决拦河筑坝阻隔鱼类洄游的重要手段之一。为了满足兴建峡江水利枢纽工程后洄游鱼类上溯的要求,保护赣江水生生态环境的完整性,减缓工程对鱼类种群遗传交流的影响,针对峡江水利枢纽实际情况制定了鱼道过鱼方式。鱼道采用垂直竖缝式结构设计,由上游鱼道(出口段)、坝体过鱼孔口、下游主、副鱼道(进口段)、集鱼系统及连接段组成,设计主要过鱼季节为4-7月,流速0.7~1.2 m/s。采用仪器监测与人工观察相结合的方式对峡江鱼道过鱼效果进行了初步监测。监测结果显示:2017年监测到过鱼总数67.8万尾,其中上行占41.67%;期间共监测到22种鱼类,共计4目、7科、18属,以小型鱼类为主,如贝氏(Hemiculter bleekeri)、三角鲂( Megalobrama terminalis)、银鲴(Xenocypris argentea)、银鮈(Squalidus argentatus);不同季节过鱼数量不同,其中以二季度最多,占总数49.17%,过鱼数量以7月最多;过鱼数量昼夜差别大,以上午10:00至下午16:00是过鱼数量最多;与国内其他鱼道相比,峡江鱼道过鱼数量较多,过鱼效果显著。  相似文献   

长洲水利枢纽鱼道功能的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鱼道是解决水坝阻隔鱼类上溯的重要途径之一,过鱼效果的监测是其科学运行的重要环节。2011年和2012年4-6月对试运行阶段的长洲水利枢纽鱼道进行了监测采样;共计采集到鱼类30种,主要优势种类为银飘鱼(Pseudolaubuca sinensis)、餐(Hemiculter leucisclus)、瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)、赤眼鳟(Spualiobarbus curriculus)、鲮(Cirrhinus molitorella)、日本鳗鲡(Anguill japonica),青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys)、鳙(Aristichthys mobilis)也有出现;体长60~870mm的个体可以通过鱼道上溯;鱼道中鲢体重达1.5kg,鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、鲶(Schilbe intermedius)体重达到2.8kg,采集到最大规格的种类为鳡(Elopichthys bambusa),体长达870mm,体重7061g。监测数据表明,长洲水利枢纽鱼道具有较好的过鱼功能,但监测中未采集到西江重要的洄游性鱼类广东鲂(Megalobrama hoffmanni)。从不同批次监测到的鱼类种类组成及规格上分析,鱼道运行效果明显受水文变化的影响,其运行及效果监测需要充分考虑水文状况及西江鱼类的生态习性。  相似文献   

我国过鱼设施现状分析及鱼道适宜性管理的关键问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水电开发对于洄游性鱼类产生的负面影响最为直接,阻碍了其繁殖、索饵以及越冬等生命行为。在调查的25个水电项目中,有17个采取了鱼类保护措施,其中采取增殖放流措施的占82.4%,仅有1个项目修建了鱼道。介绍了“莱茵河-2000计划”和哥伦比亚河鱼道建设及运行效果。鱼道不单纯是洄游性鱼类的通道,更是实现大坝上下游物质与能量循环的生态廊道。国内开展鱼道适应性管理的关键问题是:建立鱼道长效运行与保障机制,对鱼道过鱼进行长效监测以及研究鱼道过鱼效果评价方法。  相似文献   

竖缝式鱼道作为一种协助鱼类洄游上溯从而缓解提升河流连通性 的设施得到广泛的应用,但是多数鱼道的实际过鱼效能并不理想,尤其 是鱼道的池室结构尚具有一定的提升空间。本研究通过数值模拟和对照性过鱼试验对池室内部未增加和4种方式增加桩柱的池室水流结构进行了比较分析。结果表明在鱼道主流中间增设桩柱结构,可以有效减小回流区面积,减幅达49%;并减小竖缝处紊动能,最大紊动能减小18%;增加鱼类上溯路线分布,提高了池室空间利用率更高 。分析两种结构的上溯轨迹发现,齐口裂腹鱼多选择回流区外侧上溯,避免进入回流区中心,多选择较高的水力应变与紊动能区域调整作为上溯方向 ,且上溯路线中偏好较低水力因子区域上溯,上溯偏好流速范围0.01~0.09m/s,紊动能范围0.001~0.008m2/s2,水力应变范围0.2~3.0s-1  相似文献   

青田水利枢纽是瓯江流域水利开发的最后一级水电站,过鱼对象为花鳗鲡(Anguilla marmorata)、鳗鲡(Anguilla anguilla)、香鱼(Plecoglossus altivelis)和中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)。过鱼对象的生态习性和游泳能力各不相同,且溯游能力均较弱,结合工程实际,设计修建由出水管道、“八字”形诱导网、集鱼网箱、起降机械和过鱼滑道5部分组成的“诱导式垂直升降过鱼设施”实现过鱼对象上行。  相似文献   

鱼道是水利枢纽中的一种过鱼设施。在我国,开展鱼道研究和建设的历史还较短。过去兴建的某些鱼道,由于种种原因,缺乏充分的论证,故存在着“该不该建”的必要性问题和“该不该这样建”的合理性问题。  相似文献   

对吉林省珲春市老龙口水利枢纽工程中配套的过鱼设施——鱼道进行了研究、论证与设计。同时对老龙口水利枢纽工程及珲春河的主要洄游鱼类作了介绍;总结分析了国内外鱼道的发展现状和趋势;对比分析了几种常用鱼道的优缺点,对垂直竖缝式鱼道进行了设计计算,确定了有关参数,并就鱼道各部分的设计进行了说明。  相似文献   

为了探明不同进口朝向的布置方式和进口位置对诱鱼效果的影响,本研究通过建立鱼道进口概化模型,设计3种环境流速工况,以马口鱼为实验对象,针对不同朝向和不同位置鱼道进口分别进行放鱼实验。结果显示,在同一鱼道进口位置时,垂直于河道水流方向上的鱼道进口其诱鱼效果明显优于顺河道水流方向的鱼道进口;当开启与电站不同相对位置不同的进口时,其诱鱼效果受河道水流速度和进口位置的影响较为显著;在所设计实验工况中,环境流速为0.3 m/s时,鱼道进口诱鱼效果最好。研究结果将对水利工程中鱼道进口布置具有重要的参考意义并指导工程实践。  相似文献   

全双工射频识别系统(RFID)相较于半双工具有操作简便、数据传输方便等优势,国外广泛应用于鱼道过鱼效果评价。针对而国内相关研究较少的现状,以植有PIT标签的仿野生齐口裂腹鱼(Schizothorax prenanti)识别与否作为评判系统监测效率高低的依据,定量分析鱼体入射角度、鱼体入射范围、鱼体长大小和游泳速度对全双工射频识别系统监测效率的影响,以接收到监测数据作为因变量,构建Logistic回归模型,利用AIC模型准则筛选出最优的Logistic回归模型。结果表明,游泳速度(P=0.001)和鱼体长大小(P=0.03)与系统成功监测概率呈负相关。鱼体入射角度(0°~90°)对系统监测效率的影响不显著(P0.05);鱼体入射范围0~10 cm的监测效率显著高于入射20~30 cm和30~40 cm(P0.05)。为进一步提高鱼道监测效率,建议在开展实际鱼道工程监测前,应掌握鱼类基础参数(如体长)和行为(如游泳速度)数据,合理布置天线位置,将有助于为监测评估后的鱼道优化设计提供技术支撑和数据参考。  相似文献   

连江西牛鱼道运行效果的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鱼道建设被认为是有效缓解水坝阻隔鱼类洄游的重要方法之一,而鱼道效果监测是评价其功能的重要环节。连江西牛鱼道是广东省第一座建立在水坝主体上的过鱼通道,为了解其运行效果,采用张网法和截堵法,2012年3-8月共6次对西牛鱼道的过鱼效果进行监测。研究表明,西牛鱼道共监测到鱼类3目、8科、30属、38种,以银鮈(Squalidus argentatus)、乐山小鳔鮈(Microphysogobio kiatingensis)、子陵吻鰕虎(Rhinogobit giurinus)等小型鱼类为优势类群。进入鱼道的鱼类呈现昼夜差异,上午集鱼效果要显著优于其他时间段;不同季节集鱼的种类和数量呈现较大差别,3-8月集鱼数量逐渐减少,集鱼种类数以5月最多。与国内外其他鱼道的过鱼效果比较,西牛鱼道能较好地发挥其功能。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a vertical-slot fishway on the Burnett River barrage for facilitating migration of fish was assessed. In 100 samples taken at the top and bottom of the fishway, over 52 000 fish representing 34 species were collected at a maximum rate of 4500 fish per day. In contrast, less than 2000 fish ascended the original pool-and-weir fishway in 128, 24 h samples at the top between 1984 and 1987. Juvenile size classes dominated the abundance of many species in the present study and fish between 24 and 930 mm in length ascended the vertical-slot fishway. However, passage of small fish was restricted and for new fishways on tidal barriers a further reduction in head loss between pools is recommended. Importantly, the width of the vertical-slots was too small for effective upstream passage of large Queensland lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri (Krefft). The greatest diversity of fish species was found during low river flows. The findings suggest that vertical-slot fishways with wide pools and low turbulence pass a diverse range of fish fauna present in subtropical coastal rivers.  相似文献   

Light intensity within a vertical‐slot fishway was manipulated to determine the effect on fish movement. Three treatments (darkness, low light, artificial light) were tested with natural daylight used as a control. Light intensity varied from 0 to 1,692 lux for the three treatments and from 1 to 4,550 lux for the control. Light intensity outside the fishway ranged from 31 to 80 900 lux. A total of 64 385 fish were collected from six species. The abundance of Australian smelt Retropinna semoni (Webber), unspecked hardyhead Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum fulvus Ivantsoff, Crowley and Allen, bony herring Nematalosa erebi (Günther), carp gudgeon Hypseleotris spp. and Eastern gambusia Gambusia holbrooki (Girard) moving upstream reduced significantly under low‐light conditions. Conversely, movement of macroinvertebrates (freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium australiense Holthuis and freshwater prawn Paratya australiensis Kemp) increased at low‐light intensities. The number of fish moving under artificial light (28 617) was similar to that under natural daylight (33 919). Movements of Australian freshwater fish and macroinvertebrates were found to be influenced by changes in light intensity. Instream structures that alter light conditions, such as road culverts, may thus act as behavioural barriers to fish movement, and this could be mitigated by the provision of natural or artificial light.  相似文献   

The use of nature‐like fishways to increase ecosystem connectivity has increased in recent years, but their effectiveness has rarely been evaluated. A rock ramp was constructed in the Shiawassee River in 2009, and post‐construction effects (2011–2012) were evaluated on the summer fish assemblage by comparing fish assemblage composition to a nearby free‐flowing river and a nearby river with a dam. Patterns of fish species richness, mean catch‐per‐unit‐effort and proportional abundance in reaches upstream and downstream of the rock ramp, dam and comparable sites in the free‐flowing river were evaluated. Overall, species richness by site and proportional abundance in the rock‐ramp river were more similar to the free‐flowing river, while species richness by reach was more similar to the dammed river. These findings suggest that the rock ramp has improved connectivity for the summer fish assemblage, but has not fully restored conditions to the level observed in a free‐flowing river.  相似文献   

Abstract  A modified 'lock' mode of operation was trialled within a low-slope (3.1%) vertical-slot fishway to improve passage of small-bodied (<60 mm long) native fishes in the Murray River, Australia. Significantly greater numbers of three small-bodied native fish and two crustacean species ascended the fishway during lock operation than during standard operation. Up to 9700 small-bodied fish and crustaceans exited during the lock operation in a single 2-h replicate. A deficiency of the temporary lock conditions was that large-bodied fish and their young-of-the-year (>50 mm long) did not ascend during the study. Considerable experimental work is required at other sites and at higher fishway slopes before widespread retro-fitting of lock gates. Nevertheless, these results highlight new options for potentially improving the ecological performance of existing pool-type fishways and new facilities.  相似文献   

探究南水北调东线一期工程输水干线水质变化情况,为水生态保护提供基础资料。基于2003年开工建设至今29个断面长序列监测数据,采用单指标水质评价法、主成分分析法、Spearman秩相关系数法、综合污染指数法和t检验法,研究输水干线水质变化总体趋势和主要污染指标时空变化特征。结果表明:输水干线水质整体向好,采样点优良比例2020年较2003年增加了33.1%。2003-2020年,氨氮、五日生化需氧量、化学需氧量、总氮和高锰酸盐指数浓度呈显著下降趋势,总磷浓度下降但变化趋势相对平稳;各点位调水期综合水质指数优于年内非调水期,调水对主要污染指标的浓度变化均有显著影响(Sig.<0.05)。建设初期,主要污染指标浓度空间差异显著,输水干线后半段污染程度相对较高,梁济运河段多个指标已达劣类;建成通水之际,除总磷外,主要污染指标浓度显著下降,空间差异显著缩小,部分指标仍呈现后半段浓度较高的空间特征;2020年,南四湖及梁济运河段水质改善效果明显,主要污染指标浓度空间差异进一步缩小。建议继续抓好污染防治,切实推进沿线生态建设与修复。  相似文献   

南水北调东线工程贯通后,将为南四湖提供较稳定的水位和水面面积,水域环境质量也将大大改善;将有利于南四湖区渔业功能区划,合理开发利用渔业资源,有利于生态环境的改善,有利于发展二、三产业;同时,对水生动植物也会产生不利影响,限制了水产养殖业的发展,部分渔民需要搬迁,增加了冬季凌汛的威胁。建议成立专门管理机构,加大投入,发展生态渔业和健康养殖业,进行渔业资源修复,实施湖区渔民转业转产工程,建立有效的灾害预警系统等。  相似文献   

周路  杨兴  李正友  陈凡  魏浪  刘霆  李道友 《水利渔业》2006,26(5):64-65,113
调查河段发现有鱼类49种(亚种),没有海河间洄游的鱼类。董箐电站建设将导致长薄鳅、叶结鱼、乌原鲤、长臀鮠、卷口鱼等濒危保护鱼类和珠江水系特有鱼类以及部分经济鱼类减少,甚至绝迹,应予以保护。通过对比分析,建立鱼类增殖保护站,结合资源、环境和渔政的保护管理,合理调度电站的生产运行,可以将电站建设对鱼类资源的影响降到最低的程度。同时,需要进行长期的调查、分析,针对性地采取措施,才能使资源得到长期、有效的利用和保护。  相似文献   

Few studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of nature‐like fishways, particularly in low gradient warmwater streams with diverse fish communities. We evaluated a nature‐like fishway that was installed to facilitate upstream passage at a low head dam on Indian Creek near Spencerville, Ontario, Canada. A passive integrated transponder (PIT) array was used to quantify attraction and passage efficiency for 391 PIT tagged warmwater fish, represented by seven species. Attraction efficiency for the three most common species, common shiner (Luxilus cornutus), creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus) and white sucker (Catostomus commersonii), was 63.3%, 83.7% and 65.6%, respectively, and passage efficiencies were 5.1%, 38.4% and 25%, respectively. Creek chub were able to locate the fishway in less time than white sucker and common shiner; however, took longer to successfully pass. Manipulation of creek chub release locations was used to separate issues of attraction and passage and revealed that passage efficiency was highest (76.2%) for those released within the fishway and intermediate for those released at the entrance (42.1%). This multispecies fishway improved stream connectivity, but additional work is needed to fine tune its configuration. Similar projects that engage stakeholders in nature‐like fishway construction are a promising approach for the thousands of small dams that occur on low gradient streams around the globe, but those studies should incorporate a biological evaluation to ensure that attraction and passage efficiency are optimised.  相似文献   

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