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In three successive years, sward height was maintained at 3, 5, 7 or 9 cm on grass swards receiving a total of 300 kg N ha?1 in six equal monthly dressings from April, and on grass/clover swards receiving 50 kg N ha?1 as a single dressing in early spring. From turnout in April until weaning in July, 64 ewes and their lambs (mean litter size 1·5) were continuously grazed at the four sward surface heights on the two sward types. White clover content of grass/clover swards remained low throughout the experiment ranging from 0·2 to 7·4% of the herbage mass. During the first two years, lamb gains averaged over sward types were 204, 260, 285 and 308 g d?1 up to weaning, while in the third year gains were 238, 296, 296 and 260 g d?1 on 3, 5, 7 and 9 cm swards respectively. Ewes lost live weight on 3 cm swards but apart from this sward height had little effect on performance. During the autumn, weaned lambs gained — 27, 87, 147 and 167 g d?1 on 3, 5, 7 and 9 cm swards respectively. Sward type had only a small effect on the performance of lambs up to weaning but in the autumn, mean gains of weaned lambs were lower on grass/N swards (73 g d?1) than on grass/clover swards (115 g d?1). Relative to 3 cm swards, carrying capacities of 5, 7 and 9 cm swards were 0·76, 0·57 and 0·52 respectively from turnout to weaning and 0·66, 0·52 and 0·44 respectively during autumn. Grass/clover swards carried 0·67 of the ewes carried by grass/N swards from turnout to weaning and 0·51 of the live weight carried by grass/N swards during autumn. The reaction of the two sward types to sward height did not appear to differ but in the third year there was evidence of a reduction in white clover content when swards were grazed at 9 cm. The data suggest that lamb growth rates will increase as sward height increases up to 9 cm and the evidence for this was stronger with weaned lambs in autumn than with suckling lambs in spring.  相似文献   

Herbage height was measured in ryegrass/white clover ( Lolium perenne/Trifolium repens ) swards grazed by cattle using the rising plate meter or the sward stick. Ordinary single normal and double normal distributions were fitted to the data obtained. After the first 6 weeks of continuous grazing the double normal distributions fitted data for the taller swards better than the single normal distribution did, but for a short sward there was no improvement. There was no improvement due to the use of the double normal distribution with data for swards grazed by sheep.  相似文献   

Two contrasting decision rules for adjusting stock density to control the sward height of continuously grazed grass swards were tested and developed. One rule calculated the adjustment as a percentage of the existing stock density (Percentage Rule); the other related the adjustment to estimates of the bulk density of the grazed horizon and individual animal intake (Absolute Rule). Both decision rules related the adjustments to the change in sward height over the previous week and to the deviation from the target value. The decision rules were tested by continuously grazing lactating ewes and then dry ewes after weaning with a target sward height of 4 cm on 0·33-ha plots with stock density adjusted by varying animal numbers. The Percentage Rule failed to increase the stock density sufficiently rapidly when grass growth was accelerating, leading to increasing deviation in sward height from a 4 cm target value. The Absolute Rule succeeded in controlling sward height once the bulk density term had been correctly adjusted. Pre-emptive adjustment of stock density in anticipation of a change in grass growth rate marginally improved the control that was achieved by the Absolute Rule.  相似文献   

Turnover rates of grass laminae and clover leaf tissue were estimated over a range of intervals within three periods each year in the second to fourth years (1983-85) of a trial involving swards continuously grazed by steers and receiving either 60 kg N ha-1 in spring (60N) or 360 kg N ha?1 throughout the year (360N). Within the 60N swards initial stocking rates at turnout were low (60N LS) at 7-2 steers ha?1 and high (60N HS) at 90 steers ha?1 in 1983, and in 1984 and 1985 corresponding rates were 10-8 and 13-5 ha?1. The 360N swards were initially stocked at turnout at 96 (360N LS) and 120 (360N HS) steers ha?1. Stocking rates were reduced by 33% in midsummer except for 60N in 1984 and 1985 when they were reduced by 50%. Meaned over 3 years, 360N HS had lower herbage mass than 60N LS. Tiller density in 360N was almost 50% higher than in 60N and clover growing point density was only one quarter that of 60N with the 60N LS having lower clover densities than 60N HS in 1985. Generally, leaf extension rate per tiller was higher in 360N than 60N and, when significant, 60N LS had higher senescence rates per tiller than 360N HS. Rate of increase in new clover lamina tissue per stolon was not affected by treatments, whereas in 1983 LS had higher senescence rates of clover laminae than HS. Petiole growth per stolon was higher in LS than HS in 1983 and 1984, the mean over these years for 360N HS being 77% that of 60N LS. Petiole senescence per stolon was lower in 360N HS than 60N LS only in 1983. When comparing 60N HS and 360N LS (representing similar levels of grazing intensity, having similar herbage mass) the gross growth of leaf material in the former was 75% of the latter, in contrast to 57% for net growth. Clover contributed 18% to the estimated growth of leaves compared to a mean of 7% in herbage mass. Taking inflorescence and pseudostem into account in 1984 and 1985,60N HS had 7% clover in standing herbage and 14% in net growth. Therefore, the contribution of clover to growth is considerably higher than its presence in herbage mass would suggest in continuously grazed swards. It is concluded that low-N swards, owing to their lower tiller density and slower grass leaf extension rate, will be less efficiently grazed than swards at higher N levels at a given herbage mass, but the presence of clover will partly offset that disadvantage.  相似文献   

The long-term influence of sward height from April to July (Phase 1) and from July to early October (Phase 2) on total herbage and white clover production was measured over four years (1988–1991) as herbage accumulation. A subsidiary experiment to determine the influence of leaf area index (LAI) on gross canopy photosynthesis was conducted to aid interpretation of growth from herbage accumulation data. Target sward heights in 0·5 ha plots in two blocks were 5,7 or 9 cm in Phase 1 and 7 or 9 cm in Phase 2, although mean actual heights per phase were slightly higher. Net herbage accumulation (NHA) was measured within mobile exclosure areas over successive two-week intervals. Gross photosynthesis was measured in circular turves removed from the trial area representing a range of LAIs with an at least reasonable clover content. Despite wide differences in mean sward height and herbage mass, NHA and net clover accumulation for a given phase were not generally affected by treatments. Positive effects of grazing at 5 cm in Phase 1 on NHA and clover accumulation later in the year, and of grazing at 7 cm in Phase 2 on NHA in the following spring were sometimes apparent. Gross canopy photosynthesis (g CO2 m?2 h?1) at 1500 μE m?2 s?1 and 18–21°C was linearly related to LAI described by 1·003 + 1·165 LAI over the LAI range 0·7 to 4·5. Total herbage and clover growth, interpreted from NHA by a previously described model, was predicted to be marginally lower in shorter swards. Similarity in NHA and clover accumulation between treatments was considered to be because of lower senescene and decomposition, and a higher proportion of new tissue being assigned to lamina growth, despite lower LAI and gross photosynthesis in the shorter swards. It was concluded that stocking intensity in swards continuously stocked with cattle did not have a strong influence on net total herbage and clover growth.  相似文献   

The pool of nitrate-N (NO3-N) in the soil is more prone to losses than that of ammonium-N (NH4+-N) so any shift towards NO3-N dominance in the soil pools, caused by management intensity, could have environmental implications. The change in the balance of soil NH4+-N and NO3-N content with time was studied using grazed grass swards receiving different fertilizer N inputs. In addition, the effect of past management on net nitrification of 400 μg NH4+-N g–1 was investigated in a soil incubation study. Mineral N was determined at frequent intervals (at least every 2 weeks) throughout the year in the top 5 or 7·5 cm of a sandy clay-loam soil at the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland at Hillsborough, County Down, for a 7-year period (1989–90 to 1995–96). The treatments were a perennial ryegrass–white clover sward receiving no fertilizer N, together with perennial ryegrass swards receiving 100, 200, 300, 400 or 500 kg N ha–1 year–1 as calcium ammonium nitrate. The plots were continuously grazed by beef steers from April to October to maintain a constant sward height of 7 cm. There was little or no change in average soil NO3-N and NH4+-N content from 1989–90 to 1995–96 on the grass–clover sward and plots receiving 100 and 200 kg N ha–1 year–1. However, with the plots receiving 300, 400 and 500 kg N ha–1 year–1 NO3-N became progressively more dominant with time. The incubation study confirmed that this was due to an increase in net nitrification rate. There was evidence that rapid microbial assimilation of NO3-N occurred during the soil incubations. Past management history can play an important role in determining soil NO3-N content and hence potential losses of N to the environment.  相似文献   

A 2-year experiment was designed to compare the output from a permanent grass sward, either containing clover (GC) or receiving 200kg N ha-1 (GN), when continuously grazed by sheep stocked at 12 and 15 ewes ha-1 on GC and 15 and 18 ewes ha-1 on GN. Sward surface height (SSH) was controlled within designated guidelines by adjusting the size of the grazing area with an electrified ‘buffer’ fence; the herbage surplus to grazing requirement was cut and conserved. A dried grass supplement was offered to the sheep during periods of low herbage availability. The experiment was carried out during 1989 and 1990. No silage was made on GC15 in either year compared with 28 and 90kg DM ewe-1 on GN15 in 1989 and 1990 respectively; supplementation was consistently and significantly greater on GC15 than on GN15. Clover proportion was generally higher on GC12 than GC15 (significant (P <0·01) in September 1989) and reached a maximum level of 14%on GC12 in August 1990. Herbage organic matter digestibility was little affected by the inclusion of clover in the sward. Differences in lamb growth rate were not significant and, at the common stocking rate, there was no difference in lamb output between GC and GN. In 1990, GC12 and GN15 treatments proved to be successful after weaning in balancing the increasing nutritional requirements of the ewes during the period prior to mating, the requirements of a declining lamb population as the lambs satisfied the criteria for slaughter and were sold, and a continuing need to conserve surplus herbage. The metabolizable energy requirements of the ewes and lambs over 2 years were 75·8 and 74· 7 GJ ha-1 for GC15 and GN15 respectively, and the differences in total utilized metabolizable energy output of the two systems were due to the amounts of herbage conserved and supplement consumed. The 2-year mean total UME output on GC15 was 80% of that on GN 15 (67·8 and 84·4 GJ ha-1 for GC15 and GN15 respectively) and the experiment provided further evidence that grass/white clover swards with no fertilizer N applied are capable of producing about 80% of the total output of grass swards receiving 200 kg N ha-1.  相似文献   

The potential productivity of perennial ryegrass/ white clover swards (GC) under continuous stocking management was assessed by comparing their performance, when grazed by sheep at sward surface heights of 3, 6 and 9 cm, with that of an all–grass sward (G) maintained at 6 cm and fertilized with 420 kg N ha–1 The grass/clover swards received no nitrogen fertilizer. The different grazing treatments had a marked effect on animal performance. In the first year for example, for treatments GC3, GC6, GC9 and G6–420 respectively, mean stocking rates to weaning were 19–7, 14–3, 8–9 and 18–4 ewes ha–1 (plus twin lambs); lamb growth rates were 223, 268, 295 and 260 g d–1and so total lamb live weight gain was 1054, 920, 630 and 1148 kg h a–1. The relative performance of the treatments was similar in all three years. All three grazing treatments had a similar effect on the composition of the grass/clover swards. Clover content increased in 1985, and was sustained in 1986 and 1987 during the main grazing season, although a marked decline in clover content during the winter led to a progressive long–term decline in both the proportion and the amount of clover.
It is suggested that a management based on maintaining a sward surface height close to 6 cm (as in all–grass swards) leads to optimum performance in grass/white clover swards grazed using continuous stocking with sheep. Despite the presence of a small and declining clover content, the output of the mixed grass/clover sward managed in this way was 80%, 80% and 82% of that of a grass sward supplied with 420 kg N ha–1 in 1985, 1986, and 1987 respectively and, similarly, 83% of the output in 1987 of a grass sward receiving 210 kg N ha–1.  相似文献   

The effect of level of nitrogen application upon the dynamics of herbage growth in a continuously grazed sward of tall fescue was investigated during two successive years. In order to obtain a large range of sward structural conditions, the experiments were carried out with two contrasting cultivars: cv. Clarìne and cv. Barcel, and, in Year 2, with two different sward heights or leaf area indices (LAIs). During each of five experimental periods (2-3 weeks), swards received either optimum (N2) or deficient (N1) N applications, were maintained at their target LAI, and leaf growth was measured on labelled tillers. With continuously defoliated tillers, N-shortage had only a small effect on the leaf elongation rate compared with tillers protected by cages. The leaf production per tiller was only slightly reduced by N shortage, and it was mainly by the means of a reduction in tiller density that the N deficiency resulted in reduced herbage growth per hectare. These results indicate that, in continuously grazed swards, in contrast with results previously found in intermittently defoliated swards, leaf elongation is not the only important component of difference in herbage growth and that the promotion of tillering rate is an additional pathway for N response in such management regimes.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of different defoliation treatments in spring on sward morphology and animal performance in mid-season and late season. Three treatments were applied in both experiments: Control (C), sward grazed by cows in spring to 6–8 cm grass height. Grazed Aftermath (GA). sward grazed by cows in spring to 3–4cm and allowed to regrow before being grazed by summer-calving cows, Silage Aftermath (SA), sward not grazed in spring, but a primary cut taken and the sward allowed to regrow before being grazed by summer-calving cows. The aim of treatment GA was to produce a sward with a high tiller density and high intake characteristics to meet the forage intake requirements of continuously grazed summer-calving cows, without resorting to offering forage buffers. Experiment 1 was conducted in 1989 on a sandy loam soil and Experiment 2 in 1990 on a heavy loam soil. In both experiments the GA treatment led to high live tiller density and live: dead tiller ratios compared with the C and SA treatments. Differences in sward morphology were also detected by applying double normal distribution analyses to measurements of grass height. The GA treatment also increased sward herbage mass and, to a limited extent, herbage metabolizable energy and crude protein contents. The results from Experiment 1 suggested that these sward effects lead to increased herbage dry-matter intake (as estimated by the n-alkane technique) and milk yield in cows grazing the GA sward. However, in Experiment 2, where conditions for grass growth in mid-season were more favourable than in Experiment 1, the differences in sward morphology produced in spring were quickly lost in June and July. There were therefore no differences in herbage intake or milk yield in the second experiment. Herbage intakes (kgDMd?1± s.e.d) estimated in July for cows on treatments C, GA and SA were 11·0, 13·4, 10·1 ± 2·16 for Experiment 1 and 10·7, 11·1, 11·2 ± 2·32 for Experiment 2. Average milk yield (kgd?1± s.e.d.) for cows on treatments C, GA and SA were 26·1, 28·0, 25·6 ± 0·31 (Experiment 1) and 28·5, 27·3, 28·4 + 0·58 (Experiment 2). The results suggested that acceptable milk yields can be obtained from grazing summer-calving cows, without offering forage buffers, by applying high stocking rates (low grass heights) in spring. However, the benefits of this manipulation could be lost by lax grazing in mid-season.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to assess the performance of ranked set sampling relative to random sampling for the estimation of herbage mass and clover content in grazed swards. The expected theoretical efficiencies were not observed due to the method of selection of quadrats and the nature of the distribution of herbage mass. Nevertheless there should be worthwhile improvement in precision over random sampling, provided that the quadrats within a set are as well spaced as possible, allowing, if necessary, for visual comparison.  相似文献   

The sustainability of white clover in grass/clover swards of an upland sheep system, which included silage making, was studied over 5 years for four nitrogen fertilizer rates [0 (N0), 50 (N50), 100 (N100) and 150 (N150) kg N ha?1]. A common stocking rate of 6 ewes ha?1 was used at all rates of N fertilizer with additional stocking rates at the N0 fertilizer rate of 4 ewes ha?1 and at the N150 fertilizer rate of 10 ewes ha?1. Grazed sward height was controlled, for ewes with their lambs, from spring until weaning in late summer by adjusting the proportions of the total area to be grazed in response to changes in herbage growth; surplus pasture areas were harvested for silage. Thereafter sward height was controlled on separate areas for ewes and weaned lambs. Areas of pasture continuously grazed in one year were used to make silage in the next year. For treatments N0 and N150, white clover stolon densities (s.e.m.) were 7670 (205·4) and 2296 (99·8) cm m?2, growing point densities were 4459 (148·9) and 1584 (76·0) m?2 and growing point densities per unit length of stolon were 0·71 (0·015) and 0·67 (0·026) cm?1 respectively, while grass tiller densities were 13 765 (209·1) and 18 825 (269·9) m?2 for treatments N0 and N150 respectively. White clover stolon density increased over the first year from 780 (91·7) cm m?2 and was maintained thereafter until year 5, reaching 8234 (814·3) and 2787 (570·8) cm m?2 for treatments N0 and N150 respectively. Growing point density of white clover increased on treatment N0 from 705 (123·1) m?2 to 2734 (260·7) m?2 in year 5 and it returned to the initial level on treatment N150 having peaked in the intermediate years. Stolon density of white clover was maintained when the management involved the annual interchange of continuously grazed and ensiled areas. The non‐grazing period during ensiling reduced grass tiller density during the late spring and summer, when white clover has the most competitive advantage in relation to grass. The increase in stolon length of white clover in this period appears to compensate for the loss of stolon during periods when the sward is grazed and over winter when white clover is at a competitive disadvantage in relation to grass. The implications for the management of sheep systems and the sustainability of white clover are discussed.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to compare the effects of two compressed sward height treatments, each at two fertilizer nitrogen (N) treatments (0 and 50 kg ha−1 in spring), on the date of turnout and liveweight gain of steers grazing a perennial ryegrass/white clover ( Lolium perenne/Trifolium repens ) sward sited on clay loam in south-west England. The sward height treatments were 6 cm all season, and 4 cm in the spring rising to 6 cm in June; these were maintained using continuously variable stocking with Hereford × Friesian steers. Cattle were turned out on average 11·5 days earlier on the 4-cm sward height compared with the 6-cm sward height treatment. Liveweight gain early in the season was lower on the 4-cm swards than on the 6-cm swards. Liveweight gain ha−1 over the whole season was similar for the two sward height treatments. Fertilizer N did not affect turnout date or liveweight gain.  相似文献   

The effect of a reduced level of nitrogen fertilizer application upon the herbage consumption of a continuously grazed sward of tall fescue has been investigated during two successive years. Two contrasting cultivars were used and two levels of leaf area index were maintained on the swards in order to obtain a wide range of sward structure. The herbage growth, herbage senescence and herbage consumption were measured directly on labelled tillers. It was possible to estimate the different components of the defoliation process (frequency and intensity) at the level of individual tillers of each leaf category. The results show that the effect of reduction in N fertilizer on herbage consumption rate is proportionally more important than that on herbage growth rate. In consequence, the efficiency of herbage utilization in continuously grazed conditions is reduced when nitrogen nutrition becomes limiting for herbage growth. The data suggest that this phenomenon is not directly attributable to nitrogen deficiency but is an indirect effect owing to the reduction of the stocking density at the low N level, which leads to a lower frequency of defoliation of individual tillers.  相似文献   

This study reports the leaching of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) from beneath grazed leguminous swards established at two Mediterranean and two north‐western European sites. The purpose of the experiment was to provide scientific evidence on whether moderately extensive systems of animal production based on legumes could be environmentally sustainable, to comply with the Water Framework Directive. There were differences in the legume species and the grazing animal between sites, reflecting differences in local management and climatic conditions. There were also differences in the methods used to assess nutrient leaching, again reflecting soil and hydrological conditions present. There were no general differences between the quantities of nutrient leached at Mediterranean and north European sites over the 3 year experiment and these quantities, up to 6 kg ha?1 year?1 for nitrate‐N, were similar to those reported from earlier studies of leaching beneath grass‐white clover swards at temperate sites. Temporal variability in leached nutrient concentrations and amounts was greater at the Mediterranean sites. There were no discernible differences in the effects of sward treatment on leaching. The proportion of N leached in organic combination or as ammonium was greater than with N‐fertilized grass systems. The quantities of P leached were relatively high, ranging from 0·1 to 3 kg ha?1 year?1 for soluble reactive P, reflecting the practice of high levels of fertilizer application to these systems. Reduction of P transfer to water from these systems will be critical for future compliance with the Water Framework Directive.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out over 2 years to examine the interactions between two planes of winter nutrition and summer gracing at 5.5 and 7.5 cm compressed sward height on the performance of Limousin X Friesian steers grazing grass/white clover swards. Diets were offered in winter to give liveweight gains of either 0.5 (low) or 0.8 (high) kg d?1. The experiment was repealed over 2 years. Liveweights gains (low 0.50 vs. high 0.84 kg d?1 s.e.d. ±0.044) were achieved in winter 1 and (low 0.55 vs. high 0.91 kg d?1, s.e.d. ±0.041) in winter 2. These differences resulted in animals from the high treatment being 44 and 60 kg head?1 heavier at turn-out than the low-treatment animals in years I and 2, respectively. There was evidence of compensatory growth with animals from the low treatment subsequently tending to grow faster than those from the high treatment, with liveweight gains during the period from turn-out to 84 d of 1.27 vs. 1.18 s.e.d. ±0.65 kg d?1; P= 0–213 and 1.11 vs. 0.95 s.e.d. ±0.062 kg d?1; P=0.015 in summers I and 2 respectively. In general, animals grazing the short sward tended to grow more slowly than those on the tail swards (1.18 vs. 1.27 s.e.d. ±0.065 kg d?1; P= 0.166 and 0.93 vs. 113 s.e.d. ±0.062 kg d?1, P = 0.002) for years 1 and 2 respectively. Growth rates in year 1 were significantly higher than those in year 2. However, increased summer growth rates did not compensate for the differences in live weight established during the winter, and more animals reached slaughter weight in a shorter time from the high than the low treatment. Mean stocking rate on treatments 5.5 and 7.5 over the 2 years were 5.2 and 4.3 animals ha?1: differences were significant in year 2 (P <0.01). The 5.5 cm sward treatment also gave a greater liveweight gain ha?1 than the 7.5-cm sward treatment in both years with a mean for the two years of 670 vs. 572 kg ha?1 but differences were not significant.  相似文献   

A rising-plate meter was used in a double sampling technique to measure the herbage mass of rotationally grazed perennial ryegrass-white clover swards over a period of 2 years. The meter was calibrated by developing a linear regression between meter reading and herbage dry matter mass as measured by cutting 0·2-m2 quadrats to ground level. There was a strong relationship between meter reading and herbage mass, and correlation coefficients were consistently 0·2 or above. The calibration regression was normally constant for extended periods, especially over the winter and spring. The relationship was more variable over the summer but appeared to follow a pattern that was to some extent repeatable between years. The slope of the regression (kg DM ha-1 cm-1) was 312 and 267 in the two winters and reached values of 800 and 452 in the two summers. The calibration relationship was adequately described by a linear model over the winter and spring but there was a tendency for a curved relationship in mid-to late summer. The standard pooled regression found with winter ryegrass-clover swards was not applicable to the more erect prairie grass, and the standard regression overestimated slightly the yield of heavily grazed swards. There was no evidence of a difference in relationship between irrigated and non-irrigated swards over the summer. The individual meter readings could be used to develop a useful diagrammatic picture of the changes that occurred in sward structure as the pastures were subjected to different managements and this could be used to illustrate problem areas in pasture management. The meter was useful in overcoming the problem of variability of herbage mass within paddocks and could give precise estimates of herbage mass, especially when it was possible to use a pooled regression encompassing a large number of calibration cuts. In these cases the meter could be used to detect differences of about 8%.  相似文献   

A mosaic of short, frequently grazed areas and tall, infrequently grazed areas is a characteristic of swards continuously stocked with cattle. Inclined point quadrat measurements were used to compare sward structure on the frequently and infrequently grazed areas in an experiment on mixed grass/clover swards with beef cattle, in which the swards were maintained at overall mean rising-plate target heights of 3·0, 5·5 or 7·0 cm. The results demonstrate large within treatment differences in the vertical distribution of plant parts between the frequently and infrequently grazed areas, and smaller differences within these areas between treatments. The consequences of these observations and the need for greater effort in recording the detailed structure within these areas in grazing experiments is noted.  相似文献   

The use of sward height as a criterion for determining the time and extent of stocking-rate changes on continuously grazed swards was investigated over a 2-year period (1985–86) in a sheep production experiment. Swards of three contrasting perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) varieties were established with and without Aberystwyth S184 small-leaved white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) at an upland site (310–363 m) in mid-Wales. From spring (late April) until weaning (mid-July) the pastures were continuously stocked with Beulah Speckled Face ewes and Suffolk cross lambs. During this period sward heights of 4 ± 0.5 cm were obtained and maintained by regular adjustment of animal number on individual paddocks. Grass-only swards received 160 and 200 kg N ha−1 and the grass clover swards were given 80 and 75 kg N ha−1 in 1985 and 1986 respectively.
Differences were observed between the treatments in sward height profiles over the season necessitating contrasting adjustments to stocking rates. Mean stocking rate necessary on early flowering Aurora (22 6 ewes ha−1) was respectively 27% and 17% higher than on late-flowering Aberystwyth S23 and Meltra (tetraploid) ryegrasses; mean stocking rate on grass-only swards was 19% higher than on the grass-clover pastures.
It is concluded that sward height is a useful criterion on which to make adjustments to stocking rates to compare the potential performance of contrasting swards, under continuous grazing. The infrequent adjustments required to maintain a constant sward height, especially on the late flowering diploid perennial ryegrass variety on which many upland pastures are based, suggest that the criterion of sward height could be successfully employed on farms as an aid to efficient grazing management.  相似文献   

The response of continuously stocked spring-calving beef cows and calves to a range of sward surface heights was determined. Mean sward heights of 4-5, 60, 70, 91 and 11-0 cm (treatments A to E respectively) were maintained from mid-May to mid-August (Period 1) and treatments C, D and E continued until the end of September (Period 2), during which time mean sward heights were 5-4, 7-8 and 9-2 cm respectively. Hereford x Friesian or White Shorthorn-x Galloway cows with their Charolais-cross calves were used, with 9, 6, 6, 5 and 9 cows on treatments A to E respectively. During Period 1 the mean live weight gains of cows were-0-52,-005,0-32,075 and 0 40 (s.e.d. 0167) kg d−1 on treatments A to E respectively and during Period 2.-0-31, 057 and 059 (s.e.d. 0153) kg d−1 for treatments C, D and E respectively with maximum cow liveweight gain at sward heights of 8 to 10 cm. Calf liveweight gains were 0 88,091, 098, 1 04 and 1-06 (s.e.d. 0068) kg d−1 in Period 1 for treatments A to E respectively and 098, 1-22 and 1 35 (s.e.d. 0067) kg d−1 in Period 2 for treatments C, D and E. The percentage of area infrequently grazed was generally less than 20% on treatments A to D, but on treatment E it was more than 40% for 6 weeks after turnout and thereafter remained between 20 and 40%. Maximum calf liveweight gain per hectare was achieved on the shorter swards, but maximum total liveweight gain of cows and calves per hectare occurred on treatment D. It is concluded that for maximum cow and calf performance on continuously stocked pastures, sward height should be maintained at no more than 8 cm in spring and early summer and then increased to 9 to 10 cm later in the grazing season.  相似文献   

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