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为评价马流感病毒(EIV)HA基因核酸免疫效果,本研究以甲病毒复制子载体pSFV1CS分别构建了表达EIV H3N8亚型的美洲型和欧洲型HA基因的重组真核表达质粒。并将其转染293T细胞,经间接免疫荧光鉴定表明HA基因获得表达;以重组质粒免疫的BALB/c鼠能够检测到特异性抗体产生,而且HI抗体水平持续升高,同时小鼠体内IFN-γ、IL-4分泌水平也有所升高。攻毒后小鼠表现轻度临床症状,但病毒分离和RT-PCR均未检测到病毒。上述结果表明,该重组质粒pSFV1CS-EIV-HA具有良好的免疫原性并且可以诱导免疫动物产生较高免疫应答的能力。  相似文献   

Several studies conducted during the past few years have shown that the pharmacokinetics of a variety of drugs may be altered following viral infection or vaccination. The elimination of drugs which are extensively metabolized, such as theophylline, may be prolonged, especially following exposure to RNA viruses such as Type A influenza or similar orthomyxoviruses. The purpose of this study was to determine whether vaccination of horses with equine influenza virus affected pharmacokinetic parameters describing the distribution and elimination of intravenously administered theophylline. Three thoroughbred horses and three ponies were vaccinated with a trivalent vaccine containing inactivated strains of A/Equi 1 (Prague), A/Equi 2 (Miami) and A/Equi 2 (Kentucky 81). Antibody titre, serum interferon concentrations, and the pharmacokinetic parameters t1/2 beta, Vc, Vd(ss), Vd(area) and ClB were measured at various intervals after vaccination. Antibody titre increased substantially in only two animals, while plasma interferon was detectable in low concentrations in four subjects. There was no significant change in any parameter describing the pharmacokinetics of theophylline when measured 2, 6, or 12 days after vaccination. It is suggested that the failure of vaccination to substantially increase plasma interferon concentrations, and thereby alter theophylline elimination, was related to the use of an inactivated viral vaccine, the only type available for vaccination of horses against infection with equine influenza. Regular use of such vaccines, as is required by most Racing Authorities, is therefore unlikely to affect drug withdrawal times.  相似文献   

It has been recommended that modern equine influenza vaccines should contain an A/equi-1 strain and A/equi-2 strains of the American and European-like subtype. We describe here the efficacy of a modern updated inactivated equine influenza-herpesvirus combination vaccine against challenge with a recent American-like isolate of equine influenza (A/equine-2/Kentucky/95 (H3N8). The vaccine contains inactivated Influenza strains A-equine-1/Prague'56, A-equine-2/Newmarket-1/'93 (American lineage) and A-equine-2/ Newmarket-2/93 (Eurasian lineage) and inactivated EHV-1 strain RacH and EHV-4 strain V2252. It is adjuvanted with alhydrogel and an immunostim. Horses were vaccinated at the start of the study and 4 weeks later. Four, six and eight weeks after the first vaccination high anti-influenza antibody titres were found in vaccinated horses, whereas at the start of the study all horses were seronegative. After the challenge, carried out at 8 weeks after the first vaccination, nasal swabs were taken, rectal temperatures were measured and clinical signs were monitored for 14 days. In contrast to unvaccinated control horses, vaccinated animals shed hardly any virus after challenge, and the appearance of clinical signs of influenza such as nasal discharge, coughing and fever were reduced in the vaccinated animals. Based on these observations, it was concluded that the vaccine protected against clinical signs of influenza and, more importantly, against virus excretion induced by an American-like challenge virus strain. In a second experiment the duration of the immunity induced by this vaccine was assessed serologically. Horses were vaccinated at the start of the study and 6 and 32 weeks later. Anti-influenza antibody titres were determined in bloodsamples taken at the first vaccination, and 2, 6, 8, 14, 19, 28, 32, 37, 41, 45 and 58 weeks after the first vaccination. Vaccinated horses had high anti-influenza antibody titres, above the level for clinical protection against influenza, against all strains present in the vaccine until 26 weeks after the third vaccination.  相似文献   

Market vaccines against equine influenza were developed some 15 years ago on the basis of the two prototype strains A/equine-1/Prague 56 and A/equine-2/Miami 63. Their basic composition has not been altered up to the present day. We and other workers have reported on certain antigenic changes observed on field isolates. Although not substantiating their assumption objectively, many veterinarians and horse-owners believed, that the 1979 A/equine-2 epizootic affecting large horse populations of Western Europe went on account of antigenic drifting of presently circulating subtype 2 strains. According to their view, vaccine composition needed a change.

A large-scale surveillance was conducted by us from 1973 until 1975 in vaccinated horses, and was resumed in 1979. Sera from appropriate groups of horses were examined for hemagglutination-inhibition antibodies, the most stringent parameter of influenza immunity in man and the horse except for challenge infection. Titres were determined and their GMT compared, established with both prototype strains contained in market vaccines, but also the isolates A/equine-1/Wien 73, A/equine-1/Lyon 75, further the isolates A/equine-2/Wien 69, A/equine-2/Algiers 71, A/equine-2/Sachiyama 72, A/equine-2/New Market 76, and A/equine-2/Wien 79.

GMTs computed differed for factors zero to 2.1, but in no case significantly in horse sera. Sera of hyperimmunized rabbits also differed merely two-fold. On the other hand, ferret and rabbit sera produced by nasal inoculation showed HI-differences of 8–16 fold at Mill Hill, but no significant change of the neuraminidase antigen Neq 2. The possible reasons for this striking discrepancy in H1-response are discussed and the opinion is expressed, that ferret sera are most suitable for classification and epidemiological purposes. But the vaccinated horse's seroresponse, as natural host species, should serve for decision taking on how to compose market vaccines. Our surveillance clearly indicates that presently there is no need to change their composition. This finding is supported by our analysis of vaccination status, epidemiology and morbidity rates in 1979 on 1000 Austrian horses, reported elsewhere, which disclosed that properly spaced vaccinations had induced protection against this epizootic.  相似文献   

An adjuvanted vaccine containing inactivated equine influenza, herpesvirus antigens, and tetanus toxoid was administered to young seronegative foals of 8 months of age by deep intramuscular injection in the neck (Group A). The first two vaccinations were given 4 weeks apart. The third was administered 6 months later. Another group of foals (Group B) was vaccinated according to the same scheme at the same time with monovalent equine herpes virus (EHV) vaccine (EHV1.4) vaccine. Antibody responses to the equine influenza (single radial haemolysis; SRH) and tetanus (ToBi ELISA) components of the vaccines were examined from first vaccination until 1 year after the third vaccination. The influenza components of the combination vaccine induced high antibody titres at two weeks after the second vaccination whereafter titres declined until the time of the third vaccination. After the third vaccination, the titres rose rapidly again to remain high for at least 1 year. Antibody titres against tetanus peaked only after the third vaccination but remained high enough to offer protective immunity for at least 1 year. Foals vaccinated with monovalent EHV1.4 remained seronegative for influenza and tetanus throughout the study. Four and a half months after the third vaccination of groups A and B, a third group of animals was vaccinated twice with monovalent EHV1.4 vaccine 4 weeks apart (Group C). Two weeks after the administration of the second dose in the later group, all groups (A, B, C and an unvaccinated control group D) were challenged with EHV-4. Vaccinated foals (Group A, B, C) showed a clear reduction of clinical symptoms and virus excretion after EHV-4 challenge compared with the unvaccinated control foals. No difference could be demonstrated among the vaccinated groups, suggesting that the combination vaccine protects as well as the monovalent vaccine. In EHV1.4-vaccinated foals both antigenic fractions induced clear protection up to 6 months after vaccination (9). It can therefore be anticipated that the efficacy of the combination vaccine against EHV-1 challenge is similar to the efficacy against EHV-1 induced by EHV1.4 vaccination.  相似文献   

An outbreak of an influenza-like illness affected approximately 1/3 of the 1050 race horses stabled at a standardbred racetrack and resulted in a 3-day suspension of racing. A/Equi-2 influenza virus was isolated from 1 affected horse and 8 of 10 horses sampled seroconverted. Threshold protective levels of HI antibody against A/Equi-2 influenza virus were not demonstrated in unaffected horses. Resistance in unaffected horses was assumed to result from other factors following previous exposure. Few of the horses had been vaccinated against equine influenza. It was felt that an outbreak of this magnitude might have been prevented if a vaccination program had been followed.  相似文献   

The development of equine immunity from the fetus to adulthood is complex. The foal's immune response and the immune mechanisms that they are equipped with, along with changes over the first months of life until the immune system becomes adult‐like, are only partially understood. While several innate immune responses seem to be fully functional from birth, the onset of adaptive immune response is delayed. For some adaptive immune parameters, such as immunoglobin (Ig)G1, IgG3, IgG5 and IgA antibodies, the immune response starts before or at birth and matures within 3 months of life. Other antibody responses, such as IgG4, IgG7 and IgE production, slowly develop within the first year of life until they reach adult levels. Similar differences have been observed for adaptive T cell responses. Interferon‐gamma (IFN‐γ) production by T helper 1 (Th1)‐cells and cytotoxic T cells starts shortly after birth with low level production that gradually increases during the first year of life. In contrast, interleukin‐4 (IL‐4) produced by Th2‐cells is almost undetectable in the first 3 months of life. These findings offer some explanation for the increased susceptibility of foals to certain pathogens such as Rhodococcus equi. The delay in Th‐cell development and in particular Th2 immunity during the first months of life also provides an explanation for the reduced responsiveness of young horses to most traditional vaccines. In summary, all immune components of adult horses seem to exist in foals but the orchestrating and regulation of the immune response in immature horses is strikingly different. Young foals are fully competent and can perform certain immune responses but many mechanisms have yet to mature. Additional work is needed to improve our understanding of immunity and immune regulation in young horses, to identify the preferred immune pathways that they are using and ultimately provide new preventive strategies to protect against infectious disease.  相似文献   

Successful vaccination against West Nile virus (WNV) requires induction of both neutralizing antibodies and cell-mediated immune responses. In this study, we have assessed the ability of a recombinant ALVAC-WNV vaccine (RECOMBITEK WNV) to elicit neutralizing antibodies and virus-specific cell-mediated immune responses in horses. In addition, we examined whether prior exposure to ALVAC-WNV vaccine would inhibit B and cell-mediated immune responses against the transgene product upon subsequent booster immunizations with the same vaccine. The results demonstrated that the recombinant ALVAC-WNV vaccine induced neutralizing antibodies and prM/E insert-specific IFN-gamma(+) producing cells against WNV in vaccinated horses. Prior exposure to ALVAC-WNV vaccine did not impair the ability of horses to respond to two subsequent booster injections with the same vaccine, although anti-vector-specific antibody and cell-mediated immune responses were induced in vaccinated horses. This report describes, for the first time, the induction of antigen-specific cell-mediated responses following vaccination with an ALVAC virus recombinant vaccine encoding WNV antigens. Moreover, we showed that both WNV-specific IFN-gamma producing cells and anti-WNV neutralizing antibody responses, are not inhibited by subsequent vaccinations with the same vector vaccine.  相似文献   

The detection of ChIFN production after ex vivo antigenic-stimulation of T-lymphocytes has been evaluated for the first time, as a tool to assess cell-mediated immunity (CMI) after avian influenza (AI) infection in 10-day-old SPF chickens. Preliminarily, recall antigens have been produced either by concentrating and inactivating the whole virus or by dissociating the viral proteins. Biologically and structurally intact forms of the viral proteins were isolated by non-ionic detergents while heating, chemical agents and ionic detergent used for virus inactivation altered the antigenic viral components. The n-octyl-B-D-gluco-pyranoside treatment at low temperature was very efficient to produce AI antigenic proteins used for evaluation of ChIFN production after ex vivo antigenic-stimulation of splenic and peripheral lymphocytes. In addition, protocols to isolate lymphocytes from the respiratory tract - the trachea and the lung - have been adapted for local CMI evaluation after similar ex vivo recall assay. Specific AI CMI in the spleen, the blood and the lung was detected for 5 weeks after low pathogenic AI (LPAI) infection in chickens, while further development is needed for tracheal CMI measurement.  相似文献   

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