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捕食线虫性真菌的分离培养及分布规律   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
对自然界中的捕食线虫性真菌进行了分离和种属区分,并对分布规律进行了研究。从土壤、粪便等材料中获得了2类活性较强的捕食线虫性菌株:即套捕型(hooping)捕食线虫性真菌和粘捕型(sticking)捕食线虫性真菌。主要的代表种类有3种。这些捕食线虫性真菌在捕食性结构分生孢子形态及某些生物学特性上有一定差异。套捕型捕食线虫性真菌代表种为少孢节丛孢菌(Arthrobotrys oligospara)和梨形指环菌(Dactylaria pyriformis),它们以菌环、菌网作为捕食性结构(器官),以套捕方式杀灭线虫幼虫。梨形指环菌可产生多量厚垣孢子(chlamyalospore)。粘捕型捕食线虫性真菌代表种为纺锤隔指孢菌(Dactylella ellipsospora)。可形成菌结捕食线虫性结构,以粘捕的方式杀灭线虫幼虫。结果表明:捕食线虫性真菌在土壤和家畜粪便中的分离率是40.41%;此类菌适合于生存在阴暗、潮湿、富含腐植质的环境中。在温暖季节时,采用0.4g/L玉米粉琼脂培养基(CMA)易于对其进行分离培养。  相似文献   

对捕食线虫性真菌——少孢节丛孢菌(Arthrobotrys oligospora)菌株进行了临床杀家畜寄生性线虫幼虫作用的研究。结果表明:培养的少孢节丛孢菌分生孢子经口饲喂动物后,对粪便中线虫幼虫的杀虫率分别可达96.3%(羊)、96.5%(牛)和97.4%(马)。说明少孢节丛孢菌菌株分生孢子可通过家畜消化道,并保持了其捕食寄生性线虫的能力。研究结果为捕食线虫性真菌的临床应用奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

对捕食线虫性真菌——少孢节丛孢菌(Arthrobotrys oligospora)菌株体外粪便捕杀马寄生性线虫幼虫进行了研究。结果表明:菌株可以在体外粪便中发育并发挥其捕食作用。在实验室条件下,其对寄生性线虫第一、二期幼虫的作用与对第三期幼虫的作用相比较.捕获致死速度快。菌株对马粪便中线虫幼虫的杀虫率高达98.7%;与对照组相比有显著差异。而且加入粪便的分生孢子数量在达到一定阈值后,再加入分生孢子,则杀虫率不再增加。此结论对捕食线虫性真菌今后临床的应用具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   

对捕食线虫性真菌——少孢节丛孢菌A1分离株(Arthrobotrys oligospora A1)的18S rDNA基因序列进行了研究。结果表明:其18S rDNA全基因序列为1769bp,在进化树上与同种国外分离株A.oligospora var oligospora 1最为接近,同源性为94.7%。这与二者都具有捕食性结构—菌网的特点相一致。证实捕食线虫性真菌的捕食性结构与捕食线虫性真菌种系发生有关。从少孢节丛孢菌3个分离菌株(Arthrobotrys oligospora A1、A.oligospora 1、A.oligospora2)的进化树及同源性来看。不同国家地区的丛孢菌属(Arthrobotrys)分离株确实存在差异。  相似文献   

在体外试验中评估7株当地分离的食线虫真菌奇妙单顶孢菌(Monacrosporium thaumasium)对捻转血矛线虫感染性幼虫(L3)的捕食能力。取2 mL试验菌株的菌悬液加入含有10 g捻转血矛线虫虫卵的粪便中作为试验组,对照组中不加真菌,然后进行粪便培养、L3分离和计数,计算L3的平均数和百分减少率。选择NBS063分离株灌服感染有捻转血矛线虫的绵羊,收集灌服后0 h(对照组)、12~96 h不同时间点的粪便(试验组),经粪便培养后,计算L3百分减少率。结果显示,7株当地分离株在与绵羊粪便中发育的幼虫相互作用后,与对照组相比,试验组粪便培养后所分离的L3显著减少(P0.05),它们对粪便中L3的减少率为89.21%~99.86%。NBS063灌服绵羊后,分别在灌服真菌后12,24,36,48,72,96 h对L3的减少率是85.18%,95.26%,94.82%,53.60%,29.49%和15.06%。7株奇妙单顶孢菌当地分离株具有将来应用于动物寄生线虫病生物防治中的潜力。  相似文献   

为了给动物线虫病的防治工作提供适应本地生存的候选捕食性真菌菌株,对新疆乌鲁木齐地区采集的土壤进行筛选,采用土壤撒布法,以秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)作为诱饵线虫对土壤中的捕食性真菌进行分离鉴定,成功分离出具有捕食线虫功能的真菌1株。通过形态学观察,该菌捕食器官为黏性菌网,分生孢子无色,呈圆锥形,中央有一分隔,形态结构与节丛孢属相符。分子生物学分析显示,该分离株的ITS2基因序列与圆锥节丛孢菌(Arthrobotrys conoides)的同源性为99%~100%,判定该菌为圆锥节丛孢菌的新疆分离株。在实验室条件下,利用该菌株进行捕食线虫活力测定,结果发现该菌株在CMA培养基中对马圆形线虫三期幼虫的捕食率为97.47%,具有较强的捕食效率,可作为新疆地区动物线虫病生物防治工作的候选菌株。  相似文献   

肠黄作泻是家畜常见多发病,发病率高,死亡严重。据报道,马属动物发病率为1.50%~7.29%,死亡率为21.5%~35.0%,此病在农区常年发生。笔者从2002年开始收录了门诊中药治疗家畜肠黄作泻的病例,共治疗96例(马35例,骡21例,牛40例)愈89例,有效10例,治愈率92.7%,有效率96%.效果显著。现予报道,望同行斧正指教。  相似文献   

用嗜线虫真菌防治家畜胃肠道线虫病的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要论述了嗜线虫真菌种类及其捕捉器官和国内外生物防治家畜胃肠道线虫病的研究进展。国内外防治该病主要是用各种驱虫药物定期驱虫,由此造成寄生虫抗药性、动物组织残留药物、环境污染、线虫反复感染等诸多负作用。用线虫天敌嗜线虫真菌生物防治家畜胃肠道线虫病成为该领域研究的重点课题之一。实验室和野外的大量研究结果证明,嗜线虫真菌在通过动物胃肠道时能不被消化,从而保持活性,在粪便中能有效捕食营自由生活阶段的线虫幼虫,使放牧草场中感染性线虫幼虫明显减少,呈现出良好的生物防治效果。文章重点介绍了嗜线虫真菌Duddingtonia flagrans,对用嗜线虫真菌生物防治家畜胃肠道线虫病的前景充满信心。  相似文献   

为研究新疆地区捕食线虫性真菌的生物活性,本实验采用玉米粉琼脂培养基(CMA)培养分离自新疆不同地区的捕食线虫性真菌,通过对分离株纯培养物的形态学观察和18S rDNA基因序列分析,鉴定4株少孢节丛孢菌,分别命名为XA3、XA6、XD1和XD4。18S rDNA基因遗传进化分析表明,XA3、XA6、XD1和XD4新疆分离株之间同源性较高,与GenBank登录的少孢节丛孢菌CBS289.82株同源性最高,分别为99.6%、99.5%、99.1%和98.9%,与形态学鉴定结果一致。捕食线虫活性测定试验表明,4个分离株在CMA中的捕食率为92.8%~97.6%;体外对绵羊粪便中线虫幼虫的捕食率为90.7%~95.4%,均具有很强的捕食活性。本研究为研究绵羊消化道线虫生物防控制剂奠定基础。  相似文献   

为获取理想的生物防治捕食线虫性真菌菌株,达到利用自然天敌有效控制家畜寄生性线虫病的目的,作者利用低能氮离子注入诱变捕食线虫性真菌——少孢节丛胞菌(Arthrobotrys oligospora)的分生孢子,测定分生孢子萌发后菌丝的生长速度、产孢能力及菌株对线虫幼虫的捕食率,筛选正突变株。结果表明,低能氮离子束具有诱变少孢节丛孢菌的潜能,诱变后的1株少孢节丛孢菌的生长速度、产孢量和对线虫幼虫的捕食率呈现出了正突变效果。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Saunders Manual of Small Animal Practice Birchard SJ, Sherding RG.
Veterinary Clinical Sciences The University of Sydney Sydney, Australia Veterinary Medicine—A Textbook of the Diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Goats, and Horses Radostits OM, Gay CC, Blood DC, Hinchcliff KW.  相似文献   

For oral applications, biocontrol of animal parasitic nematodes in ruminants, ion beam implanted nematode-trapping fungi must have the capacity to survive the passage through the digestive tract and be efficient in reducing infective larvae of nematodes in the faeces.Ion beams induced mutation in the spores of nematode-trapping Arthrobotrys oligospora. Mutants with genetic stability were bred. The fungi were cultured in bottles with corn kernels as growth media, and spores of different doses were, respectively, administered orally to each group of sheep naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. The control group did not receive fungi. The faeces of these experimental animals were collected and faecal cultivations carried out. The fungal germination, growth, reproduction and predation of livestock parasitic nematode larvae were tested in laboratory. The efficacy of an A. oligospora N mutant in nematode-trapping larvae after passage through the digestive tract of sheep was tested. The results indicated that the ion beam implantation induced mutation of the nematode-trapping fungi is a positive mutation. The mutant spores through the digestive tract of sheep can kill livestock parasite nematode larvae in vitro. These results indicate the potential of the A. oligospora N mutant as a biological control agent for sheep nematodes.This study showed that such biotechnology could be explored for improving the effectiveness of the use of fungal infections to control livestock parasitic nematodes. This work represents the first application of nematode-trapping fungi in eukaryotic microorganisms.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Cat Owner's Encyclopaedia of Veterinary Medicine J. Joshua, FRCVS.
Pharmacological Basis of Small Animal Medicine Ed. by A. T. Yoxall and J. F. R. Hird.
Veterinary Medicine. A textbook of the diseases of Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Horses (5th Edn). By D. C. Blood, J. A. Henderson and O. M. Radostits.  相似文献   

Three hundred and eighty-four samples of leaf litter, soil, faeces from domestic and game animals, compost and aqueous cultures of infective nematode larvae contaminated with unidentified fungi were plated out on water agar, baited with pure infective larvae of Haemonchus contortus, incubated and examined for the presence of nematophagous fungi. Duddingtonia flagrans was isolated from five samples, and 73 samples were positive for other nematophagous fungi.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of two formulations of triclabendazole and ivermectin in combination against liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica), gastro-intestinal nematodes and sucking louse species in cattle and sheep. PROCEDURE: A study of 540 cattle and 428 sheep at 18 sites throughout Victoria and New South Wales was undertaken. At each site, one group of cattle or sheep was treated with a combined formulation (Fasimec Cattle or Fasimec Sheep), another received ivermectin and triclabendazole separately. In trials on lice infestation, an additional group remained untreated. Samples for faecal egg counts were collected on days -7, 0 (treatment day), +7, +14 and +21 after treatment. Lice assessments were carried out on days -7, 0, +7, +14, +28, +42 and +56. RESULTS: Both treatments were highly efficacious (> 98% efficacy) against liver fluke in cattle and sheep, against three sucking lice species of cattle and against gastro-intestinal nematodes in sheep. There was also no significant difference between treatments in efficacy. Against gastro-intestinal nematodes, Fasimec Cattle was significantly (P < 0.01) more effective than the separately applied ivermectin and triclabendazole treatment. Mean efficacy for the Fasimec Cattle and Ivomec/Fasinex 120 groups respectively, was 97.6% and 94.2% on Day +7, 98.9% and 91% on Day +14 and 98.5% and 92.6% on Day +21. CONCLUSION: The efficacy of Fasimec' Cattle and Fasimec Sheep was at least equal to that of currently registered products (with the same active ingredients) used to control these parasites.  相似文献   

We undertook a comparative analysis of (peri-)urban livestock production strategies across three West African cities. Using a semi-structured questionnaire, livestock-keeping households (HH) were interviewed in Kano/Nigeria (84 HH), Bobo Dioulasso/Burkina Faso (63 HH) and Sikasso/Mali (63 HH). Questions covered livestock species kept, herd sizes and structure, feeds used, manure management, livestock marketing and production constraints. Sheep and goats dominated (p??0.05), but the proportion of HH heads with a long-term experience in UPA activities was higher in Kano and in Bobo Dioulasso than in Sikasso (p?相似文献   

Natural infestations of the cattle tick Boophilus microplus, levels of the buffalo fly Haematobia irritants exigua and faecal nematode egg concentrations (Bunostomum phlebotomum, Cooperia spp., Haemonchus placei, Oesophagostomum radiatum and Trichostrongylus axei) were assessed in 221 Belmont Red calves during the post-weaning period, when the animals were between 9 and 18 months of age. In addition, the 98 males of this group were challenged with B. microplus larvae on two separate occasions. There were strong positive correlations among replicate assessments of the same parasite. Field tick counts and tick counts following deliberate challenge were strongly correlated, and both showed negative correlations with post-weaning weight gain. There was a weak positive correlation between buffalo fly counts and post-weaning weight gain. There was a negative correlation between total worm egg count and weight gain. Among worm species, only the effect of O. radiatum on weight gain was significant. Cattle with bovine major histocompatibility (BoLA) antigens W6.1 and W7 had significantly fewer ticks than cattle lacking these antigens. Cattle with BoLA antigens W7 and CA36 had lower concentrations of nematode eggs in their faeces than cattle lacking these BoLA antigens.  相似文献   


AIM: To describe the seasonal pattern of development of third-stage infective larvae (L3) from eggs of Teladorsagia (=Ostertagia) circumcincta, Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Haemonchus contortus on pasture in the North Island of New Zealand.

METHODS: Sheep faeces containing known numbers of eggs of all three nematode species were deposited on, or buried in, pasture plots at three sites, viz coastal Manawatu, Upper Hutt Valley, and East Cape hill country. Development was measured by recovering L3 from faeces, herbage and soil 28–31 days after deposition on 13–18 occasions, between January 2005 and July 2006. Analysis of the number of larvae recovered used a mixed model including number of eggs deposited, weight of faeces recovered (an assumed indicator of earthworm activity), site, contamination date, and position of deposited faeces, i.e. on the surface or buried.

RESULTS: There was a significant effect of contamination date on development of all three species, with maximum numbers ofL3 developing between late spring (November) and early autumn (March), and minimum numbers in June and July. There were large differences between species, with H. contortus exhibiting a long period (April to October) where development was close to zero, whereas T. circumcincta developed to some extent all year round. Development of T. colubriformis was intermediate between the other two species.

Burying faeces containing nematode eggs increased the number of L3 recovered compared with surface deposition (p≤0.001), although there were a small number of exceptions involving only T. colubriformis. The weight of faeces recovered at harvest, which was assumed to be an indication of earthworm activity, was correlated with the number of L3 recovered for all species (p<0.001). In a separate analysis, earthworms were assumed tohave been active if <5 g faeces remained at harvest. Where this occurred, the number of L3 of T. colubriformis and T.circumcincta recovered was reduced by 56% and 58%, respectively (p<0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: A marked seasonal pattern of development was observed for all three species, with the most larvae developing in spring-early autumn and the least in winter. This seasonal pattern was most pronounced in H. contortus and least obvious in T. circumcincta. Burying faeces containing eggs generally resulted in more L3 being recovered, whilst the apparent activity of earthworms resulted in fewer larvae being recovered.  相似文献   

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