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One normal cadaver specimen and six labrador retrievers with suspected elbow osteochondrosis were examined using a microfocal radiographic technique as an aid to diagnosis. This allowed the production of a magnified image (macro-radiograph) with high spatial resolution. The macroradiographs were compared with radiographs obtained using a standard technique to see if they facilitated decision making with respect to case management. The lesions that were suspected from radiographic examination were correlated with the gross lesions found at elbow arthrotomy. Microfocal radiography gave additional information about the changes within the joints but it still remained difficult to image the lesion satisfactorily in some cases.  相似文献   

Snout radiography is a useful and practicable aid to the diagnosis of atrophic rhinitis. It is also a fairly reliable means of detecting and measuring turbinate atrophy and distortion of the septum nasi in the live pig. Suitable physical and pharmacological methods of restraining pigs for snout radiography are described and guide lines for producing satisfactory, standard snout radiographs are given. Parameters and criteria are recommended for qualitative and quantitative methods of interpreting snout radiographs. The quantitative scoring system approximates the macroscopic post mortem snout scoring system generally employed in Britain and provides data which might be used in genetic or other control programmes. Radiographic standards are tentatively suggested for certifying pigs free from gross lesions of atrophic rhinitis for sale or export purposes.  相似文献   

The diagnosis and treatment of skin disease form a major part of the small animal practitioner's work. A significant number of cases will be allergic in nature and may present difficulties in diagnosis. In man, skin testing for allergy is an established aid to diagnosis, but has been little used by the small animal veterinarian; published results are few. This paper is a preliminary report of the results of skin tests using allergens on normal and allergic dogs. It is considered that the method is of value as an aid to the diagnosis of flea hypersensitivity, but that the preliminary results using other allergens are inconclusive. Résumé. Le diagnostic et le traitement de dermatoses constituent une partie importante du travail du vétérinaire spécialisé dans le traitement d'animaux domestiques. De par la nature allergique d'un nombre considérable de cas, leur diagnostic peut poser des problèmes. Chez l'homme, les essais dermiques pour déterminer l'allergie sont reconnus comme facilitant le diagnostic; les vétérinaires, toutefois, n'y ont pas souvent recours et rares sont les résultats publiés dans ce domaine. Cette communication est un rapport préliminaire des résultats qu'ont fournis les essais dermiques en usant des allergènes chez des chiens normaux et ailergiques. On estime que la méthode a de la valeur en ce sens qu'elle aide à établir le diagnostic de l'hypersensibilité aux puce, mais que les résultats préliminaires avec d'autres allergènes sont peu concluants. Zusammenfassung. Die Diagnose und die Behandlung von Hautkrankheiten stellen einen grossen Teil der Arbeit des praktkchen Tierarztes dar. Eine nicht unbedeutende Zahl von Fällen wird allergischer Natur sein und kann diagnostische Schwierigkeiten bieten. Beim Menschen ist die Prüfung der allergischen Reaktion der Haut ein anerkanntes Mittel der Diagnose, das jedoch in der tierärztlichen Praxis wenig angewendet wurde, und auch Veröffentlichungen über die Ergebnisse sind selten. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist ein vorläufiger Bericht über die Ergebnisse von Hauttests unter Verwendung von Allergenen an normalen und allergischen Hunden. Man darf annehmen, dass die Methode einen Wert als diagnostisches Hilfsmittel im Falle der Überempfindlichkeit gegen Flöhe besitzt, dass die vorläufigen Ergebnisse der Verwendung anderer Allergene aber nicht eindeutig sind.  相似文献   

A case of chronic fistula associated with foreign body penetration of the soft tissues was diagnosed in the skull of a dog by fistulography. Radiographic technique and diagnostic features are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

The vertebral heart scale was measured on right lateral recumbent thoracic radiographs of 320 dogs of six popular breeds, including for each breed at least 20 dogs with no clinical signs of cardiovascular or respiratory disease and at least 19 dogs with cardiac or respiratory disease. There were significant differences between the mean values of the scale for the different breeds; the normal boxer dogs had a significantly higher mean value than the normal dogs of all the other breeds, and the labrador retrievers had a significantly higher mean value than all the other breeds except the boxer and the cavalier King Charles spaniel. For all the breeds except the boxer, there was a trend for dogs with cardiac disease (but not respiratory disease) to have higher mean values on the scale than normal dogs of the same breed; however, at the optimal value of the scale for distinguishing between dogs of each breed with and without cardiac disease, the sensitivity and specificity were relatively low, in the range 58 to 83 per cent. The scale was most accurate for the diagnosis of cardiac disease in the Yorkshire terrier and the cavalier King Charles spaniel, breeds affected by predominantly dilative forms of cardiac disease. In contrast, it was very inaccurate in the boxer, a breed that has a higher incidence of cardiac diseases associated with concentric hypertrophy.  相似文献   

The clinician may use the clinical pathology laboratory as a valuable aid to diagnosis and management, for the assessment of response to treatment, and in preventive medicine programs. Each "link in the chain," that is, sample selection, collection, handling, analysis, result reporting, and interpretation must be carefully and efficiently managed, using an informed combination of art and science, to provide a useful endpoint. This general introduction precedes more specific and detailed articles.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the use of computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis of chronic nasal disease in dogs. METHODS: A retrospective study of 85 dogs with chronic nasal discharge due to primary nasal disease, which had undergone nasal CT and biopsy, was carried out. Medical records were reviewed for signalment, clinical signs, CT findings, endoscopic findings and histopathology. The results obtained via CT were correlated with nasal histopathology and gross anatomical observations were recorded at the time of rhinoscopy. RESULTS: Neoplasia was diagnosed in 37 dogs for which CT typically revealed a soft tissue density associated with extensive turbinate destruction. Inflammatory rhinitis was diagnosed in 40 dogs. CT disclosed either normal turbinate structures or mild to moderate turbinate destruction, with or without the presence of soft tissue densities (mucopus) within the nasal passages. Fungal rhinitis was diagnosed in seven dogs for which CT disclosed extensive turbinate destruction with hyperlucency of the nasal passages. One dog had normal CT and histopathology findings. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: CT greatly enhanced the ability to diagnose chronic nasal disease in dogs, providing detailed Information regarding the extent of the disease, accurate discrimination of neoplastic versus non-neoplastic diseases, and identification of areas of the nose to examine rhinoscopically and suspicious regions to target for biopsy.  相似文献   

Electromyography was used as an aid to the diagnosis of equine motor neuron disease in a conscious horse while it was under caudal epidural anaesthesia. A muscle biopsy was taken to confirm the diagnosis which was then supported by a postmortem examination.  相似文献   

Twenty-five horses, suspected on clinical grounds of having grass sickness, were given a barium swallow. Using image intensification the passage of the barium bolus was followed radiographically from the pharynx to the stomach. All 18 horses in which grass sickness was later confirmed at post mortem examination showed defective oesophageal motility. Although the specificity of the abnormality could not be proven, the technique offers a valuable aid to the ante mortem diagnosis of grass sickness.  相似文献   

Objective : To describe the use of computed tomography scanning in the management of dogs with chronic signs after oropharyngeal stick injury. Methods : Dogs with a final diagnosis of chronic oropharyngeal stick injury that underwent a computed tomography scan during their investigation were selected retrospectively from case files at the Royal Veterinary College, London. Results : The six dogs were young (median age 3·1 years) and medium to large breed (19·0 to 42·0 kg). By the time of referral the most common clinical sign was cervical swelling (five dogs). Stick foreign bodies were apparent on the plain computed tomography images in all cases and appeared as well‐demarcated, linear abnormalities. A ventral mid‐line approach was used for foreign body retrieval, and the computed tomography findings corresponded well with the surgical findings, with stick foreign body length ranging from 1 to 7 cm. Closed suction drainage was used in five dogs, for two to four days. Clinical signs fully resolved postoperatively in all cases, although cervical swelling recurred three weeks after surgery in one case. This dog had the smallest foreign body, the greatest number of surgical interventions before referral (three) and the longest disease course before referral (eight months). Clinical Significance : Computed tomography scanning is accurate in identifying the presence and location of chronic stick foreign bodies. Recurrence of disease is possible despite successful retrieval of the wood fragments found by computed tomography scan.  相似文献   

Our aim was to compare plastinated sections of the canine heart with corresponding two-dimensional (2D) echocardiographic images. Thirteen dog hearts were fixed by dilation and then processed by the S10 silicon plastination method (Biodur). Two dogs without evidence of cardiac disease were imaged using 2D echocardiography so as to obtain a complete series of the standard right and left parasternal images, which were compared with corresponding plastinated slices obtained by knife sectioning of the hearts. The plastinated slices revealed the internal anatomy of the heart with great detail and were particularly useful to display the spatial relationship between complex anatomic structures. The plastinated slices corresponded accurately with the echocardiographic images. Because of the dilation of the right heart during the fixation process, it was not possible to obtain plastinated specimens in ventricular systole. This paper may be a reference atlas for assisting 2D echocardiography interpretation.  相似文献   

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