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One of the main applications of serum proteomics is the identification of new biomarkers for animal disease or animal production. However, potential obstacles to these studies are the poor performance of affinity serum depletion methods based on human antigens when using animal samples, and loss of minor serum components bound to albumin and other proteins. In the present study, we have analyzed the efficiency and reproducibility of the ProteoMiner® beads with bovine and porcine serum samples, and compared to a traditional immunoaffinity-based albumin and IgG depletion system specific for human samples. The ProteoMiner kit is based on the use of a combinatorial peptide binding library and intends to enrich low-abundance proteins.  相似文献   

A reference protein map for pig serum was set up using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). Thirty-nine protein chains or spots deriving from 26 different proteins were identified by immunological and mass spectrometric methods. Thus, the positions of most medium to higher abundance serum proteins could be determined on the 2-DE gels. The plasma protein fibrinogen was also included in our study. The overall pig protein pattern differs in some respect to serum/plasma maps of other mammalian species, e.g. in levels and properties of single proteins such as haptoglobin or IgM or in species-specific proteins like pig major acute phase protein. Serum protein maps are a useful tool to get an overview on expressed proteins, and to monitor changes in concentration as well as isotype distribution of the identified proteins. As a consequence, more detailed knowledge on protein pattern changes may give deeper insights into the metabolic development of some pathologic conditions and may lead to putative biomarkers for further investigation. Selected examples for protein pattern changes in pigs infected by a viral (porcine circovirus type 2) and a bacterial (Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae) pathogen illustrate the usefulness of the method.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus causes different pathologies in humans and animals. In particular, it is involved in intramammary infections in cows, causing economic losses and milk-safety problems. Although it is well-known that surface components (proteins and capsular polysaccharides) and exotoxins are virulence factors involved in the pathogenesis of bovine mastitis, less is known about the precise biochemical identity of such molecules. Therefore, mapping of surface proteins using specific disease- and environment-isolates provides a benchmark for strain comparison of pathogens with different pathogenic characteristics and antibiotic resistance mechanism and can aid in defining specific vaccine and therapeutic targets. In this study, we used a proteomic approach on protein extracts of lysostaphin-treated S. aureus in isotonic conditions, to produce a reproducible and well resolved 2-D electrophoresis (2-DE) reference map of surface associated proteins of isolated S. aureus from a case of bovine mastitis. The most abundant protein components were identified by Matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used on pooled serum and milk samples to determine whether hypodermosis could be detected where a larger sero-epidemiological survey was required. This study was undertaken to assess the potential of this assay for testing sera on milk samples, pooled from 10 cows, and determining the period of the year when detection was optimal. The sensitivity of the assay was determined by increasingly diluting a positive serum with pooled negative sera, from 1:10 to 1:100. The diagnostic lower limit of the assay requires at least two serological reactors within a herd of 100. The kinetic development and depletion of anti-Hypoderma antibody of individual and pooled sera or milk from 30 cows was evaluated from November to July. Anti-Hypoderma antibody levels of two groups of 8 calves, one control and one teated with ivermectin (Ivomec), were tested from October to June. These preliminary results indicate that an ELISA assay on serum or milk samples pooled from 10 cows can be used between February and April to evaluate the prevalence of hypodermosis within cattle herds in France, demonstrating the feasibility of using pooled serum already collected for bovine leucosis testing.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of bovine serum albumin (BSA; 4 mg/ml) and estrous cow serum (ECS; 10%) in North Carolina State University (NCSU) 23 medium on the development of in vitro-matured and in vitro-fertilized porcine oocytes. Early cleavage rate was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in NCSU/ECS (71.3 +/- 14.7%) vs. NCSU/BSA (60.6 +/- 4.7%). Cleavage beyond the four-cell stage was not different between the two culture media (43.5 +/- 9.5% and 41.4 +/- 17.7%, respectively). The proportion of development to blastocysts was--with borderline significance (P = 0.05)--higher in NCSU/BSA (28.0 +/- 4.4%) than in NCSU/ECS (20.4 +/- 7.3%). Blastocysts produced in NCSU/BSA had significantly (P < 0.001) higher cell numbers than those cultured in NCSU/ECS (29.5 +/- 20.1 vs. 16.9 +/- 10.8). The ultrastructure of in vitro-produced blastocysts from both culture systems was compared vs. in vivo-derived blastocysts. The latter showed a clear differentiation between trophectoderm (TE) and inner cell mass (ICM) cells. The TE cells were anchored to other TE cells or ICM cells by long, well-developed junctional complexes. The apical membrane of trophoblast cells was covered with numerous microvilli. Mitochondria were abundant, round to elongated in shape, and showed clear transverse cristae. The ultrastructure of blastocysts cultured in NCSU/BSA mimicked that of in vivo-derived embryos closely. In contrast, blastocysts from the NCSU/ECS culture system displayed an irregular ultrastructure with reduced numbers of organelles and numerous cytoplasmic inclusions, such as lipid-yolk-vacuoles and vacuoles with lipid content. In some sections of these embryos, cellular debris was detected in cytoplasm. The shape of mitochondria was more ovoid and cristae were not visible. In summary, our results demonstrate a beneficial influence of ECS in the culture medium on initial cleavage of in vitro-produced porcine embryos. Clearly negative effects of ECS in the subsequent culture period are associated with marked ultrastructural changes of embryonic cells.  相似文献   

The critical difference values for acute phase proteins in canine serum samples were established on a week-to-week basis. Blood samples from 11 apparently clinically healthy dogs were collected once weekly for five consecutive weeks. For each protein the total variance of analytical results was divided into intraindividual variance (S(Intra)(2)), interindividual variance (S(Inter)(2)), and analytical variance (S(Analytical)(2)). The critical difference (d(K)) was then calculated as d(k)=22(S(Intra)(2)+S(Analytical)(2)). The critical difference values were 1.95 g/L for haptoglobin, 4.85 mg/L for C-reactive protein, and 0.016 DeltaAbs/min for ceruloplasmin. When used in conjunction with the corresponding reference interval, critical difference values can be an aid in correctly interpreting acute phase protein results, by determining whether observed differences between two consecutive measurements in individual animals are due to natural variation or due to disease therapy or experimental procedures.  相似文献   

The epitheliochorial nature of the porcine placenta prevents the transfer of maternal immunity. Therefore, ingestion of the colostrum immediately after birth is crucial for neonatal piglets to acquire passive immunity from the sow. We performed a shotgun proteomic analysis of porcine milk to reveal in detail the protein composition of porcine milk. On the basis of the Swiss‐Prot database, 113 and 118 proteins were identified in the porcine colostrum and mature milk, respectively, and 50 of these proteins were common to both samples. Some immune‐related proteins, including interleukin‐18 (IL‐18), were unique to the colostrum. The IL‐18 concentration in the colostrum and mature milk of four sows was measured to validate the proteomic analysis, and IL‐18 was only detected in the colostrum (191.0 ± 53.9 pg/mL) and not in mature milk. In addition, some proteins involved in primary defense, such as azurocidin, which has never been detected in any other mammal's milk, were also identified in the colostrum.  相似文献   

双峰驼血清蛋白初析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国的双峰驼(Camelidaebactrianus),主要分布在华北和西北的荒漠、半荒漠地带,具有重要的经济价值,它能利用其它家畜所不能利用的荒漠草场为人们提供绒、毛、肉、乳产品和役力,是我国重要的畜种资源之一。本研究对双峰驼血清蛋白质进行测试分析...  相似文献   

An immunoradiometric assay and serum extraction procedure were developed to measure dimeric inhibin in porcine serum with minimal interference by putative inhibin-binding proteins. Assay sensitivity was 50 pg/tube, and it incorporated antibodies against the N-terminal region of inhibin's -subunit, -(1–25)-Ab, and against the C-terminal region of inhibin's βA-subunit. To determine whether inhibin-binding proteins were present in porcine serum, serum was incubated with [125I]-recombinant human (rh)-inhibin and then chromatographed by gel filtration. Radioiodinated rh-inhibin was associated with protein(s) >600 kDa. Radioiodinated rh-inhibin also was incubated with 2-macroglobulin, an inhibin-binding protein in human and rat serum. Elution profiles were similar for serum and 2-macroglobulin. Serum- and 2-macroglobulin-[125I]rh-inhibin complexes dissociated upon exposure to 8 M urea. Porcine serum was treated with urea, after which inhibin was isolated and concentrated. The recovery of rh-inhibin added to starting serum was 28%. Concentrations of endogenous dimeric inhibin were <28 pg/ml in serum collected from sows at random stages of the estrous cycle and were <21 pg/ml in serum collected from sows 2 d postweaning. Results demonstrate that 1) concentrations of dimeric inhibin are low in porcine serum, and 2) an inhibin-binding protein(s), consistent with 2-macroglobulin, is present in porcine serum.  相似文献   

Serum and urinary phenylbutazone (PBZ) concentrations were measured for eight Thoroughbred mares following four daily oral doses and one IV dose of PBZ per mare. Urine flow was estimated from urinary creatinine concentration. The serum PBZ concentration significantly correlated with the urinary concentration, but only about half of the variation in serum PBZ concentrations was explained by the linear relationship with urinary PBZ concentration (R2=0.48). Correlation of serum PBZ concentration with urinary PBZ excretion, which was estimated using urinary creatinine concentration, over half of the variation in serum PBZ concentrations: (R2=0.60).  相似文献   

Serum, milk and urine specimens were taken from 15 bovine leukaemia virus (BLV)-positive and 20 BLV-negative cattle which had been determined previously to be infected or not by the use of a monoclonal enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). An ELISA was performed on the samples for the detection of IgG1 antibodies to the BLv surface glycoprotein, gp 51. The three types of samples had parallel optical density (OD) values apart from three urine samples which, although accepted as- negative for anti-BLv antibodies, had numerically higher ODS than those of control BLV-negative animals. Therefore, detection of IgG1 antibodies against BLv in the urine of naturally infected animals could be an indication for the use of urine for diagnosis of BLV infection.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine efficacy of a discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) gradient for isolating viable porcine spermatozoa more tolerant to 5-d liquid storage in Beltsville Thawing Solution (BTS) at 15 degrees C. The gradient, contained in a 500-ml separatory funnel, consisted of 4% BSA (60 ml) over 10% BSA (60 ml). Spermatozoa were extended in 26 ml of BTS, layered on top of the gradient, and allowed to migrate through the BSA. The quality of spermatozoa separated by the gradient varied among boars. However, populations of spermatozoa isolated from the bottom 30 ml of the gradient (Fraction 4) consistently contained a high percentage of spermatozoa with acrosomes possessing normal apical ridges (NAR; 89.6%) and progressively motile spermatozoa (MOT; 84.0%), as well as spermatozoa with high velocity (VEL; 336.5 mu/s). Increasing sperm migration time, but not gradient temperature, increased the number of spermatozoa recovered in Fraction 4, but it did not reduce quality of the separated spermatozoa. Spermatozoa isolated in Fraction 4 had greater NAR, MOT and VEL after 5-d storage in BTS than did unseparated spermatozoa. Boar spermatozoa isolated on a discontinuous BSA gradient were more tolerant to storage at 15 degrees C than were unseparated spermatozoa. Such a population may be desirable for use in artificial insemination programs.  相似文献   

Coliform mastitis remains a primary focus of dairy cattle disease research due in part to the lack of efficacious treatment options for the deleterious side effects of exposure to LPS, including profound intra-mammary inflammation. To facilitate new veterinary drug approvals, reliable biomarkers are needed to evaluate the efficacy of adjunctive therapies for the treatment of inflammation associated with coliform mastitis. Most attempts to characterize the host response to LPS, however, have been accomplished using ELISAs. Because a relatively limited number of bovine-specific antibodies are commercially available, reliance on antibodies can be very limiting for biomarker discovery. Conversely, proteomic approaches boast the capability to analyze an unlimited number of protein targets in a single experiment, independent of antibody availability. Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), a widely used proteomic strategy for the identification of proteins in complex mixtures, has gained popularity as a means to characterize proteins in various bovine milk fractions, both under normal physiological conditions as well as during clinical mastitis. The biological complexity of bovine milk has, however, precluded the complete annotation of the bovine milk proteome. Conventional approaches to reducing sample complexity, including fractionation and the removal of high abundance proteins, has improved proteome coverage, but the dynamic range of proteins present, and abundance of a relatively small number of proteins, continues to hinder comparative proteomic analyses of bovine milk. Nonetheless, advances in both liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry instrumentation, including nano-flow liquid chromatography (nano-LC), nano-spray ionization, and faster scanning speeds and ionization efficiency of mass spectrometers, have improved analyses of complex samples. In the current paper, we review the proteomic approaches used to conduct comparative analyses of milk from healthy cows and cows with clinical mastitis, as well as proteins related to the host response that have been identified in mastitic milk. Additionally, we present data that suggests the potential utility of LC-MS/MS label-free quantification as an alternative to costly labeling strategies for the relative quantification of individual proteins in complex mixtures. Temporal expression patterns generated using spectral counts, an LC-MS/MS label-free quantification strategy, corresponded well with ELISA data for acute phase proteins with commercially available antibodies. Combined, the capability to identify low abundance proteins, and the potential to generate temporal expression profiles, indicate the advantages of using proteomics as a screening tool in biomarker discovery analyses to assess biologically relevant proteins modulated during disease, including previously uncharacterized targets.  相似文献   

Fecal samples from 131 cattle clinically suspect for paratuberculosis were cultured bacteriologically, using the traditional sedimentation processing method and a processing method that included a centrifugation step. Of 16 samples that were contaminated, 6 were culture-positive on at least 1 medium and by 1 processing method. Ten of 131 (7.6%) fecal samples processed by both methods were lost because of contamination. The number of culture-positive samples (using both processing methods) were 65 of 121 (53.7%) on media without miconazole and 60 of 121 (49.6%) on media with miconazole. Seven of the 121 (5.8%) samples were culture-positive, using centrifugation, after 16 weeks' incubation at 37 C. Thirteen of 60 (21.7%) isolates were obtained only with centrifugation, and 10 of these had low colony counts, suggesting that a centrifugation step may have concentrated microorganisms that would have gone undetected without centrifugation. Six of 60 (10%) isolates positive for M paratuberculosis on the sedimentation method were negative on the centrifugation method. Contamination rates were significantly (P less than 0.001) increased when centrifugation was used. The miconazole significantly (P less than 0.001) decreased contamination rates when centrifugation was used.  相似文献   

Surveillance of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) in negative sow farms is usually performed by testing for the presence of antibodies against PRRS virus in serum with a commercial ELISA test. The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of pooling serum samples for detection of PRRS virus antibodies by ELISA. The effect of pool size on the sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA test was evaluated by testing true positive samples and false positive samples, respectively, diluted in negative sera. The effect of three different cut-off values for the interpretation of the diagnostic test (0.4, 0.3 and 0.2) was evaluated as well. Furthermore, the obtained sensitivity and specificity estimates were used to calculate the herd sensitivity and herd specificity of surveillance protocols in different scenarios. The results showed that pooling serum samples to detect PRRSV antibodies resulted in a decrease in sensitivity and an increase in specificity, compared to testing individual samples, while the reduction of the s/p cut-off value recommended by the manufacturer (0.4) had the opposite effect. We describe an approach that can increase the herd sensitivity of a surveillance protocol for breeding herds, while maintaining high herd specificity and low testing costs. This can be achieved by sampling a larger number of animals and running the samples in pools. Therefore, the conventional monitoring protocols based on ELISA on individual samples can be improved by using pooled-sample testing.  相似文献   

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