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Anthropogenic activities have increased nitrogen (N) deposition in terrestrial ecosystems, which directly and indirectly affects soil biogeochemical processes, including soil respiration. However, the effects of the increases in N availability on soil respiration are not fully understood. In this study, soil respiration was measured using an infrared gas analyzer system with soil chambers under four N treatments (0, 5, 15, and 30 g N m-2 year-1 as control, low N (LN), moderate N (MN), and high N (HN), respectively) in camphor tree and slash pine forests in subtropical China. Results showed that soil respiration rates decreased by 37% in the camphor tree forest and 27% in the slash pine forest on average on an annual base, respectively, in the N-fertilized treatments when compared with the control. No significant differences were found in the soil respiration rate among the LN, MN, and HN treatments in both forest types as these fertilized plots reached an adequate N content zone. In addition, soil microbial biomass carbon (C) content and fine root biomass declined in N-treated plots compared to the control. Our results indicated that elevated N deposition might alter the tree growth pattern, C partitioning, and microbial activity, which further affect soil C sequestration by reducing soil respiration in subtropical forests of China.  相似文献   

Carbon (C) is an important factor controlling heterotrophic nitrification in soil, but the effect of individual C components (e.g., labile and recalcitrant C) is largely unclear. We carried out a C amendment experiment in which either labile C (glucose) or a recalcitrant C (cellulose and biochar) was added to a subtropical forest soil. A 15N-, 13C-tracing and MiSeq sequencing study was performed to investigate soil gross heterotrophic nitrification rates, carbon utilization for soil respiration and microbial biomass production and microbial composition, respectively. After 2 days, results showed a significant increase of gross heterotrophic nitrification rate in glucose (GLU) (on average 3.34 mg N kg−1 day−1), cellulose (CEL) (on average 0.21 mg N kg−1 day−1) and biochar (BIO) (on average 0.13 mg N kg−1 day−1) amendment in comparison with the unamended soil (CK) (on average 0.01 mg N kg−1 day−1; p < 0.05). The contribution of heterotrophic nitrification to total soil nitrification was significantly larger in GLU (average 85.86%), CEL (average 98.52%) and BIO (average 81.25%) treatments compared with CK (average 33.33%; p < 0.01). After 2-month amendment, the gross rates remarkably decreased in GLU (average 0.02 mg N kg−1 day−1), and the contribution to total nitrification (average 8.73%) were significantly lower than that in CK (p < 0.05). A decrease in the proportion of heterotrophic nitrification to total nitrification in soil was also observed in CEL (average 38.40%) and BIO (6.74%) treatments. Nevertheless, BIO amendment (compared to CK, GLU and CEL) showed the highest gross heterotrophic nitrification rate, accompanied by a notably higher abundance of specific heterotrophic nitrifiers, i.e. Trichoderma, Aspergillus and Penicillium. These results point to a stimulatory effect of C addition on soil heterotrophic nitrification in the short term, while the stimulatory impact of C amendment diminishes with the decline in easily available C. In addition, a shift of the microbial composition in the long term can possibly be sustained for longer if additional recalcitrant C is available to heterotrophic nitrifiers. The dynamic response of heterotrophic nitrification to labile and recalcitrant C in this study offered an explanation for the positive effect of plantation and plant root exudation on the process.  相似文献   

通过大田试验研究了不施有机肥(CK)、施用平菇栽培废料(T1)、施用干腐熟牛粪(T2)和烘干鸡粪(T3)在种植黄瓜01~50.d内土壤中活性有机质和4种土壤酶活性的变化。结果表明:施入不同有机肥对土壤总有机质含量的影响为烘干鸡粪平菇栽培废料干腐熟牛粪对照;对活性有机质含量的影响为平菇栽培废料烘干鸡粪干腐熟牛粪对照;施用平菇栽培废料的土壤中脲酶、转化酶和脱氢酶活性最高,施用干腐熟牛粪的土壤中过氧化氢酶活性最高。相关性分析显示,脲酶、转化酶和脱氢酶活性与土壤活性有机质显著相关。用平菇栽培废料做有机肥能有效提高土壤活性有机质含量和土壤酶活性。  相似文献   

Topsoil carbon (C) stocks are known to decrease as a consequence of the conversion of natural ecosystems to plantations or croplands; however, the effect of land use change on subsoil C remains unknown. Here, we hypothesized that the effect of land use change on labile subsoil organic C may be even stronger than for topsoil due to upward concentration of plantations and crops root systems. We evaluated soil labile organic C fractions, including particulate organic carbon (POC) and its components [coarse POC and fine POC], light fraction organic carbon (LFOC), readily oxidizable organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and microbial biomass down to 100 cm soil depth from four typical land use systems in subtropical China. Decrease in fine root biomass was more pronounced below 20 cm than in the overlying topsoil (70% vs. 56% for plantation and 62% vs. 37% for orchard. respectively) driving a reduction in subsoil labile organic C stocks. Land use changes from natural forest to Chinese fir plantation, Chinese chestnut orchard, or sloping tillage reduced soil organic C stocks and that of its labile fractions both in top and subsoil (20–100 cm). POC reduction was mainly driven by a decrease in fine POC in topsoil, while DOC was mainly reduced in subsoil. Fine POC, LFOC and microbial biomass can be useful early indicators of changes in topsoil organic C. In contrast, LFOC and DOC are useful indicators for subsoil. Reduced proportions of fine POC, LFOC, DOC and microbial biomass to soil organic C reflected the decline in soil organic C quality caused by land use changes. We conclude that land use changes decrease C sequestration both in topsoil and subsoil, which is initially indicated by the labile soil organic C fractions.  相似文献   

biochar;charcoal;chronosequence;porosity;prescribed burning;soil amendment;X-ray microtomography  相似文献   

典型区域果园土壤有机质变化特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在黄土高原、胶东半岛和北京郊区果园选择11个采样区,按照5~10年、10~15年和15年以上3个园龄段,利用GPS定位系统,共采集0~20 cm表层土壤样品99份,并在取样果园附近选择普通农田作为对照采集土壤样品33份,测定了果园与普通农田土壤的有机质含量,并从果园土壤有机质数量特征,果园与农田差异特征以及有机质随园龄段变化特征3个方面进行统计分析.研究结果表明:胶东半岛栖霞和北京郊区果园土壤有机质含量较高,黄土高原宝塔较低.与农田相比,60%多的果园土壤有机质未发生显著变化,明显提高的果园不到30%,明显降低的果园不到10%;土壤有机质发生变化的果园,平均提高0.62%,平均降低0.20%;随园龄增加,两个样点果园土壤有机质明显提高,其他果园变化不显著.在优质高产果园区,果园土壤有机质提高归因于施用有机肥、果园种草、青草或秸秆还田.总体上看,典型区域果园土壤有机质高低值差异较大,土壤有机质含量普遍不高,果业持续发展能力较低.  相似文献   

Understanding soil organic carbon (SOC) responses to land-use changes requires knowledge of the sizes and mean residence times (MRT) of specific identifiable SOC pools over a range of decomposability. We examined pool sizes and kinetics of active and slow pool carbon (C) for tropical forest and grassland ecosystems on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, using long-term incubations (180 days) of soil and stable C isotopes. Chemical fractionation (acid hydrolysis) was applied to assess the magnitude of non-hydrolysable pool C (NHC). Incubation revealed that both grassland and forest soil contained a small proportion of active pool C (<1%), with MRT of ~6 days. Forest and grassland soil apparently did not differ considerably with respect to their labile pool substrate quality. The MRT of slow pool C in the upper soil layer (0–10 cm) did not differ between forest and grassland, and was approximately 15 years. In contrast, changes in vegetation cover resulted in significantly shorter MRT of slow pool C under grassland (29 years) as compared to forest (53 years) in the subsoil (30–40 cm). The faster slow pool turnover rate is probably associated with a loss of 30% total C in grassland subsoil compared to the forest. The NHC expressed as a percentage of total C varied between 54% and 64% in the surface soil and decreased with depth to ~30%. Grassland NHC had considerably longer MRTs (120 to 320 years) as compared to slow pool C. However, the functional significance of the NHC pool is not clear, indicating that this approach must be applied cautiously. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The intensity of decomposition of the organic matter in the particle-size fractions from a agrogray soil sampled in a 5-year-long field experiment on the decomposition of corn residues was determined in the course of incubation for a year. The corn residues were placed into the soil in amounts equivalent to the amounts of plant litter in the agrocenosis and in the meadow ecosystem. A combination of three methods—the particle-size fractionation, the method of 13C natural abundance by C3–C4 transition, and the method of incubation—made it possible to subdivide the soil organic matter into the labile and stable pools. The labile pool reached 32% in the soil of the agrocenosis and 42% in the meadow soil. Owing to the negative priming effect, the addition of C4 (young) carbon favored the stabilization of the C3 (old) carbon in the soil. When the young carbon was absent, destabilization or intense decomposition of the old organic matter was observed. This process was found even in the most stable fine silt and clay fractions.  相似文献   

不同森林植被下土壤活性有机碳的含量及动态变化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Soil organic matter (SOM) in forest ecosystems is not only important to global carbon (C) storage but also to sustainable management of forestland with vegetation types, being a critical factor in controlling the quantity and dynamics of SOM. In this field experiment soil plots with three replicates were selected from three forest vegetation types: broadleaf, Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.), and Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook.). Soil total organic C (TOC), two easily oxidizable C levels (EOC1 and EOC2, which were oxidized by 66.7 mmol L^-1 K2Cr2O7 at 130-140℃ and 333 mmol L^-1 KMnO4 at 25 ℃, respectively), microbial biomass C (MBC), and water-soluble organic C (WSOC) were analyzed for soil samples. Soil under the broadleaf forest stored significantly higher TOC (P ≤ 0.05). Because of its significantly larger total soil C storage, the soil under the broadleaf forest usually had significantly higher levels (P ≤ 0.05) of the different labile organic carbons, EOC1, EOC2, MBC, and WSOC; but when calculated as a percentage of TOC each labile C fraction of the broadleaf forest was significantly lower (P ≤ 0.05) than one of the other two forests. Under all the three vegetation types temperature as well as quality and season of litter input generally affected the dynamics of different organic C fractions in soils, with EOC1, EOC2, and MBC increasing closely following increase in temperature, whereas WSOC showed an opposite trend.  相似文献   

The quality of dissolved organic matter (DOM) is highly variable and little information is available on the relation of DOM quality to the structure and composition of its parent soil organic matter (SOM). The effect of increasing N inputs to forest soils on the structure and composition of both SOM and DOM also remains largely unclear. Here we studied the release of DOM, its specific UV absorption and two humification indices (HIX) derived from fluorescence spectra from Oa material of 15 North- and Central-European Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands. The Oa material was incubated aerobically at 15 °C and water holding capacity over a period of 10 months and extracted monthly with an artificial throughfall solution. Soil respiration was determined weekly. The influence of mineral N inputs on composition of DOM and on respiration rates was investigated on periodically NH4NO3-treated Oa samples of eight selected sites. Release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from untreated Oa material samples ranged from 0.0 to 58.6 μg C day−1 g C−1 and increased with increasing C-to-N ratio. One HIX and UV absorption of DOM were negatively correlated to the degree of oxidation of lignin-derived compounds and positively to the C-to-N ratio and – HIX only – to the aromatic C content of SOM. Mineral N addition had no distinct effect on respiration rates. In six of eight samples the N-treatment caused an increase in specific UV absorption or one HIX of DOM. However, these effects were not statistically significant. Addition of mineral N did not affect the rates of DOM release. Our results show that properties of SOM largely determine the amount and quality of DOM in forest floors. Changes of DOM quality due to mineral N additions are likely, but we cannot confirm significant changes of DOM release.  相似文献   

不同森林植被下土壤活性有机碳含量及其季节变化   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
通过对湖南省会同县地区不同季节地带性常绿阔叶林、杉木纯林、火力楠纯林以及杉木火力楠混交林土壤各活性有机碳的含量测定,分析了森林植被对土壤活性碳库及其季节变化的影响.结果表明,常绿阔叶林转变为人工林后,土壤活性有机碳含量明显降低;与杉木纯林相比,火力楠与杉木混交可提高土壤活性有机碳含量,但只有土壤水溶性有机碳含量显著提高;各林地土壤活性有机碳具有明显的季节变化,一年中土壤水溶性有机碳含量的大小始终为常绿阔叶林>杉木火力楠混交林>火力楠纯林>杉木纯林,土壤微生物量碳、热水浸提有机碳和碳水化合物则表现为常绿阔叶林>火力楠纯林>杉木火力楠混交林>杉木纯林.与杉木纯林相比,杉木火力楠混交林可提高林地质量,但不同林地活性有机碳的季节变化规律表现不尽一致,表明土壤活性有机碳的季节差异不仅与温度、降雨等气候因素有关,还受到植被类型的影响.  相似文献   

The molecular changes of organic matter in a cultivated soil after compost amendments was followed by off-line-pyrolysis-TMAH GC-MS. Thermochemolysis of soil and compost provided a detailed molecular characterization of soil organic matter (SOM) by releasing a large amount of different molecules mainly derived from plant biopolymers such as lignin, waxes and bio-polyesters. No significant differences were found before and after 1 year of cultivation in the pyrolytic products released by control soil, which were mainly fatty acids, oxidized forms of lignins, and minor amounts of microbial bio-products and biopolyesters derivatives. Conversely, significant qualitative and quantitative variations were found in the molecular characteristics of SOM between control and compost-amended soils after 1 year of cultivation. Increasing amounts and diversified components of fatty acids, n -alkanes and various biopolyesters derivatives such as hydroxy-alkanoic and alkandioic acids were found in the compost-amended soil. These results indicate that a significant amount of exogenous compost-derived organic molecules were incorporated into SOM after 1 year of cultivation. The organic structural indexes derived from these results indicated direct inputs of undecomposed lignin residues and hydrocarbon waxes from compost material. When compared with the control soil, small but significant amounts of plant biomarkers, such as cyclic di- and triterpenes derivatives, were found only in the compost-amended soil. These findings suggest that the molecular changes of SOM brought about by amendment with biomass residues can be followed by using thermochemolysis of bulk soil samples.  相似文献   

Soil samples taken from four experimental sites that had been cropped to continuous corn for 3–11 years in Ontario and Quebec were analyzed to evaluate changes in quantity and quality of labile soil organic carbon under different nitrogen (N) fertility and tillage treatments. Addition of fertilizer N above soil test recommendations tended to decrease amounts of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and microbial biomass carbon (MBC). The quality of the WSOC was characterized by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectrophotometry and the results indicated that carbohydrates, long-chain aliphatics and proteins were the major components of all extracts. Similar types of C were present in all of the soils, but an influence of management was evident. The quantity of soil MBC was positively related to the quantities of WSOC, carbohydrate C, and organic C, and negatively related to quantities of long-chain aliphatic C in the soil. The quantity of WSOC was positively related to the quantities of protein C, carbohydrate C, and negatively related to the quantity of carboxylic C. The quantity of soil MBC was not only related to quantities of soil WSOC but also to the quality of soil WSOC. Received: 2 April 1997  相似文献   

Water vapor adsorption isotherms were used for estimation of (apparent) surface areas of samples of limed and unlimed plots of an acidic sandy forest soil. Samples were taken at two microrelief (ridge and furrow) positions from five subsequent 10 cm layers. Values of surface area and CEC correlated linearly with organic matter content but only for four bottom layers. Surface areas and CEC values calculated per the unit mass of organic carbon were higher in upper layers than in lower layers for control samples. For limed samples an opposite trend was observed. The estimated average (apparent) charge densities of organic matter showed a better correlation with humic to fulvic acids ratio. Values of surface charge densities for every investigated profile increased with depth and they were lower in limed than in unlimed profiles.  相似文献   

Ecological stoichiometry provides the possibility for linking microbial dynamics with soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) metabolisms in response to agricultural nutrient management. To determine the roles of fertilization and residue return with respect to ecological stoichiometry, we collected soil samples from a 30-year field experiment on residue return (maize straw) at rates of 0, 2.5, and 5.0 Mg ha-1 in combination with 8 fertilization treatments:no fertilizer (F0), N fertilizer, P fertilizer, potassium (K) fertilizer, N and P (NP) fertilizers, N and K (NK) fertilizers, P and K (PK) fertilizers, and N, P, and K (NPK) fertilizers. We measured soil organic C (SOC), total N and P, microbial biomass C, N, and P, water-soluble organic C and N, KMnO4-oxidizable C (KMnO4-C), and carbon management index (CMI). Compared with the control (F0 treatment without residue return), fertilization and residue return significantly increased the KMnO4-C content and CMI. Furthermore, compared with the control, residue return significantly increased the SOC content. Moreover, the NPK treatment with residue return at 5.0 Mg ha-1 significantly enhanced the C:N, C:P, and N:P ratios in the soil, whereas it significantly decreased the C:N and C:P ratios in soil microbial biomass. Therefore, NPK fertilizer application combined with residue return at 5.0 Mg ha-1 could enhance the SOC content through the stoichiometric plasticity of microorganisms. Residue return and fertilization increased the soil C pools by directly modifying the microbial stoichiometry of the biomass that was C limited.  相似文献   

Identifying ‘functional' pools of soil organic matter and understanding their response to tillage remains elusive. We have studied the effect of tillage on the enriched labile fraction, thought to derive from microbes and having an intermediate turnover time. Four soils, each under three regimes, long‐term arable use without tillage (NT), long‐term arable under conventional tillage (CT), and native vegetation (NV), were separated into four aggregate size classes. Particle size fractions of macro‐ (250–2000 μm) and microaggregates (53–250 μm) were isolated by sonication and sieving. Subsequently, densiometric and chemical analyses were made on fine‐silt‐sized (2–20 μm) particles to isolate and identify the enriched labile fraction. Across soils, the amounts of C and N in the particle size fractions were highly variable and were strongly influenced by mineralogy, specifically by the contents of Fe and Al oxides. This evidence indicates that the fractionation procedure cannot be standardized across soils. In one soil, C associated with fine‐silt‐sized particles derived from macroaggregates was 567 g C m?2 under NV, 541 g C m?2 under NT, and 135 g C m?2 under CT, whereas C associated with fine‐silt‐sized particles derived from microaggregates was 552, 1018, 1302 g C m?2 in NV, NT and CT, respectively. These and other data indicate that carbon associated with fine‐silt‐sized particles is not significantly affected by tillage. Its location is simply shifted from macroaggregates to microaggregates with increasing tillage intensity. Natural abundance 13C analyses indicated that the enriched labile fraction was the oldest fraction isolated from both macro‐ and microaggregates. We conclude that the enriched labile fraction is a ‘passive' pool of soil organic matter in the soil and is not derived from microbes nor sensitive to cultivation.  相似文献   

浙江南部亚热带森林土壤植硅体碳的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植硅体封存有机碳(Phytolith-occluded organic carbon,Phyt OC)是一种稳定的有机碳形态。它由植物自身硅化作用产生,在植物死亡或凋落后归还于土壤,从而影响森林生态系统稳定性碳库的储量。本文以浙江庆元县5种不同亚热带典型森林立地土壤为研究对象,利用不同土层深度(0~10 cm、10~30 cm、30~60 cm和60~100 cm)土壤样品,分析土壤植硅体含量和植硅体碳含量,并估算土壤中植硅体碳储量。结果表明,毛竹林、杉木林、针阔混交林、阔叶林和马尾松林土壤植硅体含量(土壤剖面平均值)变化范围在8.14~19.74 g kg-1,其中毛竹林土壤植硅体含量最高。而植硅体中Phyt OC平均含量最高的为马尾松林(24.31 g kg-1),最低的为针阔混交林(13.06 g kg-1)。土壤Phyt OC/TOC比值随土层深度增加而急剧增加。统计分析表明,不同林分下土壤硅含量与土壤植硅体含量呈极显著相关关系(p0.01),与土壤Phyt OC含量之间呈显著的正相关关系(p0.05)。我国亚热带毛竹林、杉木林、马尾松林、阔叶林和针阔混交林1 m土体Phyt OC总储量分别为1.988×107、4.025×107、2.575×107、2.542×107和0.340×107 t。  相似文献   

Recognition of biochar as a potential tool for long-term carbon sequestration with additional agronomic benefits is growing. However, the functionality of biochar in soil and the response of soils to biochar inputs are poorly understood. It has been suggested, for example, that biochar additions to soils could prime for the loss of native organic carbon, undermining its sequestration potential. This work examines the priming potential of biochar in the context of its own labile fraction and procedures for their assessment. A systematic set of biochar samples produced from C4 plant biomass under a range of pyrolysis process conditions were incubated in a C3 soil at three discrete levels of organic matter status (a result of contrasting long-term land management on a single site). The biochar samples were characterised for labile carbon content ex-situ and then added to each soil. Priming potential was determined by a comparison of CO2 flux rates and its isotopic analysis for attribution of source. The results conclusively showed that while carbon mineralisation was often higher in biochar amended soil, this was due to rapid utilisation of a small labile component of biochar and that biochar did not prime for the loss of native organic soil organic matter. Furthermore, in some cases negative priming occurred, with lower carbon mineralisation in biochar amended soil, probably as a result of the stabilisation of labile soil carbon.  相似文献   

While the influence of climate, vegetation, management and abiotic site factors on total carbon budgets and turn-over is intensively assessed, the influences of these ecosystem properties on the chemical complexity of soil organic matter (SOM) remains poorly understood. This study addresses the chemical composition of NaOH-extracted SOM from maritime temperate forest sites in Flanders (Belgium) by pyrolysis-GC/MS. The studied forests were chosen based on dominant tree species (Pinus sylvestris, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus robur and Populus spp.), soil texture and soil-moisture conditions. Differences in extractable-SOM pyrolysis products were correlated to site variables including dominant tree species, management of the woody biomass, site history, soil properties, total carbon stocks and indicators for microbial activity. Despite of a typical high intercorrelation between these site variables, the influence of the dominant tree species is prominent. The extractable-SOM composition is strongly correlated to litter quality and available nutrients. In nutrient-poor forests with low litter quality, the decomposition of relatively recalcitrant compounds (i.e. short and mid-chain alkanes/alkenes and aromatic compounds) appears hampered, causing a relative accumulation of these compounds in the soil. However, if substrate quality is favorable, no accumulations of recalcitrant compounds were observed, not even under high soil-moisture conditions. Former heathland vegetation still had a profound influence on extractable-SOM chemistry of young pine forests after a minimum of 60 years.  相似文献   

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