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Short- and long-term experiments were conducted in the rice fields of Valencia, Spain, to determine the ecological significance of ammonium on nitrogen fixation. A significant inhibition of nitrogenase activity by ammonium, at concentrations higher than 0.5mM, was observed after 8h of incubation in short-term experiments done with a bloom of the N2-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. In a second set of short-term experiments for in situ assays of nitrogenase activity in the field, a significant correlation between nitrogenase activity and the number of N2-fixing cyanobacteria in soil was found. No significant inhibition of nitrogenase activity by ammonium at concentrations up to 2mM was observed in these assays after 24h of incubation. This lack of inhibition was probably due to the rapid decrease in ammonium content in the flood water. Only 5% of the ammonium initially added remained in the water 24h later. In the long-term experiments, nitrogenase activity was assayed in plots fertilized with 0, 70 and 140kgNha–1, over the cultivation cycle, for 5 years. A partial inhibition of nitrogenase activity by deep-placed N fertilizers was observed. Differences were only significant in 2 years. Mean results from 5 years only showed significant differences between plots fertilized with 0 and 140kgNha–1. The partial inhibition of nitrogenase activity by ammonium increased over the cultivation cycle. Inhibition was only significant in September, at the end of the cultivation cycle. Received: 28 January 1996  相似文献   

Summary N2 fixation by free-living microorganisms was investigated at an intensively studied low Arctic site near Toolik Lake in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska, during July 1987. Four characteristic vegetation associations along an elevational gradient were assayed using minimally disruptive in situ acetylene reduction assay methods. The acetylene reduction rates did not differ significantly among vegetation associations. The mean rate for the site was 9.60 mol m–2 h–1 or 90 g N m–2 day–1, which is within the range of values given for other Arctic and alpine tundra studies. The complex microtopography and resulting patchy distribution of free-living and phycobiont diazotrophs is the most likely cause of the high spatial variability in acetylene reduction activity. Rates were most variable among samples from the lowest position, a riparian site. The potential contribution of heterotrophic diazotrophs was examined through a laboratory enrichment study. Soils from the two lower slope positions showed dramatic responses to added C, suggesting that heterotrophs may contribute fixed N2 to this system.  相似文献   

Estimates of asymbiotic biological N fixation (BNF) in temperate grasslands are few with large variations. In the past six decades, European grasslands have been subjected to intensive management practices and presently it is not known how asymbiotic BNF is influenced by these practices. Our objective was to assess the impact of fertilizer application and mowing frequency on asymbiotic BNF in a Central European grassland. In 2008, we established a three-factorial experiment with two fertilizer treatments (no fertilizer application and combined nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilization at 180–30–100 kg ha−1 yr−1), two mowing frequencies (cut once and thrice per year) and three sward compositions through the application of herbicides (control, monocot- and dicot-enhanced swards). Three years after the initial sward manipulation, there was no more difference in functional group composition. Between June 2011 and May 2012, we measured in-situ asymbiotic BNF using the acetylene reduction assay, calibrated with 15N2-fixation method. Across treatments, asymbiotic BNF rates in the 0–5-cm soil depth ranged from 1.7 (±0.2 SE) kg ha−1 yr−1 for fertilized plots cut once a year to 5.7 (±2.3 SE) kg ha−1 yr−1 for unfertilized plots cut thrice a year. Fertilization decreased asymbiotic BNF, suggesting that the potential positive effect of increased soil P levels might have been overruled by the negative effect of increased soil mineral N levels. Intensive mowing stimulated asymbiotic BNF, which was probably due to an increase in rhizodeposition. Our calibration of the acetylene reduction assay with the 15N2-fixation method resulted in a conversion factor of 0.61, which largely deviates from the theoretical conversion factor of 3. Furthermore, laboratory incubations under increased soil moisture and temperature conditions overestimated BNF rates compared to in-situ measurements. Thus, laboratory measurements with altered soil moisture, temperature or disturbed soil may lead to strong biases in estimates of asymbiotic BNF. Our results suggest that input of N through BNF may be considerable in temperate grasslands. We conclude that BNF studies should be conducted in-situ and that the acetylene reduction assay should be calibrated against 15N2-fixation calibration for reliable estimates.  相似文献   

Summary Wildland shrub improvement is needed for sound range and disturbed land revegetation practice. The possibility of selecting superior N2-fixingFrankia-Ceanothus spp. actinorhizal associations was examined. Greenhouse tests were used to expose various soil-borne microsymbiont andCeanothus sp. population accessions in reciprocal combination. The acetylene reduction rate was used as a measure of N2-fixation capacity. There was no significant interaction between host and microsymbiont regardless of source for all variables measured. The acetylene reduction rate, nodule number and mass, plant biomass, and root: shoot ratio were significantly different among soil sources. The acetylene reduction rate was not significantly different amongCeanothus sp. accessions. Neither was it strongly correlated with other variables. It was concluded that the N2-fixation rate is more a function ofFrankia sp. than the hostCeanothus sp. in actinorhizal associations. It appears possible to select soil sources with superior N2-fixing microsymbiont populations.The use of trade or firm names in this paper is for reader information and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture of any product or service.This article was produced by government employees and is in the public domain and not subject to copyright. It may be freely reprinted with customary crediting of the source.  相似文献   

Summary The contribution of associative N2 fixation to the N nutrition of lowland rice was estimated in a long-term pot experiment with ten consecutive crops of rice. The experiment comprised two N and two K levels with wet (WF) and dry fallow (DF) between the cropping seasons. Growth of N2-fixing cyanobacteria was prevented. Greatest yields were obtained in the high NK fertilizer treatment, but with continuation of the experiment yields responsed more to DF than to WF. Nitrogenase activity, however, was favoured by WF. Higher K application increased and higher N application decreased nitrogenase activity. Under WF treatments the organic C and total N contents of the soil remained unchanged during the experimental period, but alternate drying and flooding in DF treatments caused a decline. Lower N fertilizer rates in the second five-crop period did not affect yields, but increased the ratio of N removed to N applied. For the ten-crop period the estimated N balance was positive in the low-N and negative in the high-N treatments. N balances were also established separately for both the first and the second halves of the ten-crop period. In the first period N losses were higher, and the N balance was mostly negative. In the second period only high-N combined with low-K fertilization resulted in a negative N balance. DF favoured N losses in the first but not in the second period. The highest N gain in the second period was found in the DF treatment with low-N and high-K application. In this treatment, nearly one-quarter of the N taken up by the above-ground parts of the plants could be ascribed to associative N2 fixation. In the corresponding treatment with the higher N level and a 49% higher yield, the contribution of fixed N declined to less than 5%. When harvested straw contained more than 10 mg N g–1, the N balance was mostly negative, while at N contents less than 10 mg N g–1, the N balance was generally positive.  相似文献   

In the dry savannas of west and central Africa, where low soil fertility is major constraint to maize production, the development of tropical maize genotypes with high and stable yield under low-nitrogen condition is very important, since access to these improved genotypes may be the only affordable alternative to many small scale farmers.

Field trials were conducted at Samaru (Typic Haplustalfs) to investigate the response of low-N tolerant maize cultivars to nitrogen (N) fertilizer. Nitrogen application rates were 0, 30, 60, 90 kg N ha−1 and four maize cultivars (Low-N pool C2, ACR 8328 BN C7, Super Oba II and TZR-SR). Maize leaf area index, intercepted radiation, leaf area and stover weights were increased due to nitrogen application at flowering. For most of the parameters, 60 kg N ha−1 appeared to have the significantly high values. However, there was no significant difference between application rates of 60 and 90 kg N ha−1 in stem weight, stover weight, grain yield and shelling percent at harvest. Genotypic variation observed in the maize agronomic traits were not significant except in leaf weight and grain yield. The amount of nitrogen taken by maize increased with increase in fertilizer rates. Application of 30 and 90 kg N ha−1 to soil increased the maize grain N concentration and total N uptake. About 45.3 kg ha−1 and 8.8 g N kg−1 nitrogen uptake was obtained in maize shoot and grain, respectively, at the application of 90 kg N ha−1. Low-N pool C2 genotype had the highest grain N concentration and shoot uptake significantly higher than TZB-SR. Nitrogen fertilizer applied accounted for 97% variation in soil nitrate. There existed a positive and significant correlation between maize grain yield and leaf nitrogen uptake (r = 0.33, P < 0.01). Averagely, nitrogen fertilizer applied accounted for 86% variations in maize grain yield.  相似文献   

The performance of Sesbania rostrata varies widely from site to site. This makes it difficult to predict the N yield and biomass of this plant in marginally productive soils, and to arouse the interest of farmers in green manure technology. Three consecutive pot experiments were conducted in a greenhouse at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to evaluate growth, nodulation, N2 fixation (C2H2 reduction assay and 15N dilution method), and N yield of 6-week-old S. rostrata on 13 physicochemically different wetland rice soils of the Philippines and on three artificial substrates. The performance of S. rostrata on the unfertilized controls was compared with two fertilizer treatments containing either P (100 mg P kg-1 dry soil) or P+K (100 mg P kg-1 and 200 mg K kg-1 dry soil). In the control soils and substrates, the N yield of S. rostrata varied between 20 and 470 mg N per pot, with the N rate from N2 fixation ranging between 0 and 95%. In three of the nutritionally poor soils even Mn toxicity symptoms apparently occurred with S. rostrata. P application alleviated these symptoms and increased the overall N yield considerably, mainly through increased biological N2 fixation. An additional increase in N yield was obtained by the PK treatment. Multiple regression analysis between soil characteristics and the N yield of S. rostrata showed that the original level of P (Olsen-extracted) and Mn in the soil accounted for 73% of the variance in biomass production by S. rostrata among the unfertilized soils and substrates.  相似文献   

 The effect of six Bradyrhizobium sp. (lupin) strains (WPBS 3201D, WPBS 3211D, USDA 3040, USDA 3041, USDA 3042 and CB 2272) and Fe supply on nodulation, N2-fixation and growth of three lupin species (Lupinus termis, L. albus and L. triticale) grown under Fe deficiency in an alkaline soil, were examined in sterilized and non-sterilized pot experiments. When inoculated with USDA 3040, 3041, 3042 and CB2272 without Fe addition, the three lupin species had a very low nodule number and mass, low shoot and root dry matter accumulation and lower N yield. However, inoculation with WPBS 3201D and 3211D without Fe treatments increased all these parameters substantially. The ability of WPBS 3201D and 3211D to form nodules on the three lupin species under conditions of Fe stress could be attributed to their ability to scavenge Fe from Fe-deficient environments through their siderophore production. Addition of Fe to the other four strains significantly increased nodulation and N2-fixation of the three lupin species, indicating that the poorer nodulation and N2-fixation of these strains in the absence of Fe, resulted from a low ability to obtain Fe from alkaline soils. Bradyrhizobium strains WPBS 3201D and 3211D were superior to the other four strains in terms of promoting greater nodulation, N2-fixation, plant growth and N accumulation of L. termis and L. albus. However, the other four strains were more efficient in symbiotic association with L. triticale. The greater variations in nodule efficiencies (specific nitrogenase activity) under different levels of Fe supply could be attributed to the quantities of bacteroid protein and leghaemoglobin in the nodules. The results suggested that Bradyrhizobium (lupin) strains differ greatly in their ability to obtain Fe from alkaline soils, and that the selection of bradyrhizobial strains which are tolerant of Fe deficient soils could complement plant breeding for the selection of legume crops for Fe-deficient soils. Received: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

 Simultaneous measurements were made to assess the diurnal and seasonal patterns of nitrogenase activity of red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) growing together in a silvopastoral agroforestry system using the acetylene reduction assay. Diurnal measurements were made in the summer and autumn at 3-h intervals whereas seasonal nitrogenase activity was assessed based on observations made at midday in July, September and January to represent the summer, autumn and winter seasons, respectively. No obvious diurnal patterns of nitrogenase activity were found in either red alder or white clover in summer and no significant variations in nitrogenase activity were observed between day and night. However, in autumn, pronounced diurnal patterns were observed in both species. Significantly higher rates of nitrogenase activity per unit dry weigh (dwt) of nodules were detected at 1500 hours in red alder, whereas, in white clover, significantly higher rates were obtained at 2100 hours. There was no significant correlation between diurnal nitrogenase activity and air temperature, photosynthetically active radiation and soil temperature at 10 cm depth in either red alder or white clover. Seasonal rates of nitrogenase activity showed significantly higher activity in summer, which subsequently decreased in autumn, to reach very low levels in the winter. The rates of nitrogenase activity of white clover were consistently higher than those of red alder both diurnally and seasonally. In the three seasons sampled, the average nitrogenase activity for white clover was 66.42 μmol C2H4 g dwt–1 h–1, which was 3.5 times higher than the 18.67 μmol C2H4 g dwt–1 h–1 obtained for red alder. Received: 11 November 1997  相似文献   

Summary Growth, ATP levels, and N2-fixing activity of Azotobacter chroococcum culture exposed to 500 g ml-1 of methyl isocyanate were investigated. In methyl isocyanate-exposed cells, the lag phase was extended up to 16 h but the control cells started to multiply immediately. ATP levels and N2-fixing activity as determined by acetylene reduction assay were markedly reduced in the treated cells.  相似文献   

Widespread and ecologically important, biological soil crusts include those microbial communities living on the surface of the soil and those that live beneath semitranslucent rocks (a.k.a. hypolithic crusts). We examined the distribution, abundance, physiology, and potential soil N contributions of hypolithic, biological crusts in hyperarid ecosystems of the Baja California peninsula and islands in the midriff region of the Gulf of California, Mexico (Sonoran desert). Crusts were limited in distribution to areas with translucent quartz rocks less than 3 cm thick, were not found on areas of islands with seabird guano deposition, but covered as much as 1% (12,750 m2) of the surface area of one island. The percent of available rocks colonized by crusts was similar between the mainland (38%) and islands without seabird guano (26%). Carbon fixation rates in the field, which have not been previously reported, ranged between 0 and 1.23 μmol m−2 s−1, and in the lab ranged between 0.66 and 0.94 μmol m−2 s−1. Evidence of low rates of N fixation was inferred from δ 15N values of crust and soil. Hypolithic crusts were found to have minimal, if any, influence on soil salinity, pH, and , but may represent up to 14% of the biomass of primary producers on these islands and provide C and N to the belowground and possibly aboveground heterotrophic communities where crusts exist. The results of this study suggest a limited but potentially important contribution of hypolithic soil crusts to hyperarid ecosystems.  相似文献   

To assess whether local knowledge can contribute to the identification and evaluation of natural and anthropogenic disturbances in a mangrove forest, interviews were conducted with local fisherman of the Teacapán‐Agua Brava lagoon–estuarine system of Mexico. The results indicate that an increase in water salinity, following the opening of an artificial canal, has resulted in a major disturbance in the mangroves of this region. Observations of changes in the fauna of the mangroves also coincide with this modification. The responses of the fishermen further suggest that the degree of impact from the salinity on the mangroves varies by species (e.g. Laguncularia racemosa is less tolerant than Rhizophora mangle). Other factors identified as inciting disturbances, but not previously reported for this system, include a hurricane and an infestation by caterpillars. According to the fishermen, the continued modification of the water salinity and hurricanes are the two greatest threats to the remaining mangroves. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Leguminous crops are genetically polymorphous for the balance between symbiotrophic and combined types of nitrogen nutrition. In pea, polebean, alfalfa and fenugreek the wild-growing populations and local varieties exceed the agronomically advanced cultivars in the activity of N2 fixation that occurs in symbiosis with nodule bacteria (rhizobia). Combined nitrogen nutrition ensures higher productivity than symbiotrophic one in the old leguminous crops (pea, alfalfa, common vetch, polebean, soybean), while the symbiotrophic type dominates in some young crops (hairy vetch, kura clover, goat's rue). An importance is emphasized of using the symbiotically active wild-growing genotypes as the initial material for breeding the legume cultivars. The data on high heritability (broad sense, narrow sense, realized) of the legume symbiotic activity demonstrate that the plant selection for this activity may be highly effective. A range of methods to select the legumes for an improved symbiotic activity is available including plant growth in N-depleted substrates, analysis of nodulation scores, direct (isotopic) and indirect (acetylene reduction) estimation of nitrogenase activity. Analysis of the specificity of interactions between different plant genotypes and bacterial strains (via two-factor analysis of variance) demonstrates the strain-specific plant polygenes are of a special importance in controlling the intensity of nitrogen fixation. Therefore, a coordinated plant-bacteria breeding is required to create the optimal combinations of partners' genotypes. Selection and genetic construction of the commercially attractive rhizobia strains should involve improvement of nitrogen fixing, nodulation and competitive abilities expressed in combination with the symbiotically active plant genotypes, Breeding of the leguminous crops for the preferential nodulation by highly active rhizobia strains, for the ability to support N2 fixation under moderate N fertilization levels and to ensure a sufficient energy supply of symbiotrophic nitrogen nutrition is required  相似文献   

Soil microorganisms are actively involved in many processes of the soil N cycle and are strong competitors with plants for soil N. Therefore, microbial dynamics are important factors in controlling forest productivity. Nevertheless, they are poorly studied especially in relation to forest age, which can produce strong effects on the microbial community by affecting the forest floor environment. In the present study, seasonal variations of soil microbial N (Nmic) were monitored in an old floodplain hardwood forest (270 years) and in a young hardwood plantation (19 years) in two soil horizons (0–15 and 15–30 cm). Although the differences according to time of sampling and soil horizon were statistically significant, Nmic was significantly higher in old than in young forest, especially for the deeper soil layer. However, the highest percentage of total N (Ntot) immobilised in microbial biomass was found in the surface soil layer of the young plantation. Soil organic C (Corg) explained 23% of the spatial–temporal variation of Nmic over all sampling periods in the old forest, whereas the linear combination of Ntot, total extractable soil N (Ntotex) and the C/N ratio explained 59% of variation in Nmic when considering only the growing season. In contrast, Corg and Ntotex explained 59% of variation in Nmic in the young stand when considering all sampling periods and 75% when the analysis was limited to growing season. Soil moisture did not show any significant correlation with Nmic in either site. The sensitivity of Nmic to variation in Corg and Ntot seems to be affected by forest age, being higher in young than in old forest. Finally our results indicate that during the growing season, when the Ntotex availability is low, the dynamics of Nmic and Ntotex are temporally interdependent, suggesting the existence of a reciprocal control whose mechanisms deserve to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Summary N2(C2H2) fixation by Ulex gallii Planchon (dwarf or autumn flowering gorse/furze) seedlings was determined following 8 months of growth (December-August) in the glasshouse in a very acid, N- and P-deficient forest soil. Application of Na2HPO4·12H2O or North African ground rock phosphate fertilizer was essential for growth, nodulation and C2H2 reduction activity. Overall, both the sodium phosphate and the rock phosphate were equally effective P sources and the maximum acetylene reduction by intact roots was measured as 4.09 and 4.69 mol C2H4g-1 fresh weight nodule h-1, respectively. Applied NH4Cl severely inhibited nodulation and restricted acetylene reduction activity but not seedling growth. The results are discussed in relation to the spread of U. gallii in the south of Ireland and its potential as a leguminous nurse crop for Sitka spruce on the very impoverished forest soils of the region.  相似文献   

Summary Cultures of Azolla sp. ST-SI, A. microphylla BR-GI, A. mexicana BR-GL, A. caroliniana WT-V, and A. filiculoides BR -H were grown in N-free International Rice Research Institute growth medium in the glasshouse at 38±1 °C (day) and 25±1 °C (night) under a light intensity of 350 Em2s–1 for 27 days. Biomass, chlorophyll contents and nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction assay) were recorded on the 19th and 27th day. For comparison the same parameters were studied in Azolla spp. under normal growth conditions at 26±1 °C (day) and 19±1 °C (night). Azolla sp. STSI and A. microphylla BR-GI had produced a larger biomass by the 19th and the 27th day of incubation than A. caroliniana WTV and A. filiculoides which showed poor growth. Under normal growth conditions A. caroliniana WTV and A. filiculoides BRH produced less biomass than the other Azolla spp. cultures tested. A. mexicana BR-GL had a higher total chlorophyll content in both incubation periods than A. caroliniana WT-V and A. filiculoides BR-H. The N content was high in Azolla sp. ST-SI, A. microphylla BR-GI, and A. mexicana BR-GL compared with the low N content of A. filiculoides BR-H and A. caroliniana WT-V. At the higher temperature (38±1 °C/25±1 °C) Azolla sp. ST-SI and A. microphylla BR-GI consistently showed a higher growth rate than A. filiculoides BR-H and A. caroliniana WTV, while the growth rate of A. mexicana BR-GL was intermediate.The study was carried out at C.F. Kettering Research Laboratory, Yellowsprings, OH - 45387, USA  相似文献   

Summary Previous laboratory and greenhouse studies have shown that phages significantly reduce soil populations of homologous rhizobia. Reductions in nodulation and N2 fixation have also been observed. The purpose of the current study was to examine the effect of a phage specific ofBradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 117 on nodulation, nodule occupancy, N2 fixation and soybean growth and yield under field conditions. The phage was inoculated in combination withB. japonicum USDA 117 and/orB. japonicum USDA 110 (resistant strain) into a rhizobia-free sandy loam soil and planted toGlycine max (L.) Merr. Williams. When the phage was applied to soil inoculated withB. japonicum USDA 117 alone, significant reductions in nodule weight and number, shoot weight, foliar N, nitrogenase activity, and seed index were observed. When, however, the soil also contained the non-homologous strain,B. japonicum USDA 110, no significant effects on any of these parameters were found. Nodule occupancy by competing strains ofB. japonicum USDA 110 and USDA 117 was also affected by the phage. In soil which did not contain the phage, 46% and 44% of the identified nodules were occupied by USDA 110 and 117, respectively. When the phage was present in the soil, nodule occupancy byB. japonicum USDA 117 was reduced to 23%, while occupancy byB. japonicum USDA 110 was increased to 71%. These results suggest that nodulation by selected strains of rhizobia can be restricted and nodulation by more effective, inoculated strains can be increased through the introduction of a homologous phage to soils.  相似文献   

Summary Following screening, selection, characterization, and symbiotic N2 fixation with 12,5, 25.0, and 40.0 mg N kg–1 in normal and saline-sodic soils, only two Phaseolus vulgaris genotypes (HUR 137 and VL 63) and two Rhizobium spp. strains (ND 1 and ND 2) produced maximum nodulation, nitrogenase activity, plant N contents, and grain yields in saline-sodic soil, with 12.5 mg N kg–1, compared with the other strains. However, interactions between strains (USDA 2689, USDA 2674, and ND 5) and genotypes (PDR 14, HUR 15, and HUR 138) were significant and resulted in more nodulation, and greater plant N contents, nitrogenase activity, and grain yields in normal soils with 12.5 mg N kg–1 compared with salt-tolerant strains. Higher levels of N inhibited nodulation and nitrogenase activity without affecting grain yields. To achieve high crop yields from saline-sodic and normal soils in the plains area, simultaneous selection of favourably interacting symbionts is necessary for N economy, so that bean yields can be increased by the application of an active symbiotic system.  相似文献   

Summary Aeschynomene afraspera is a wild annual legume growing in periodically waterlogged soils in western Africa. This legume is characterized by a profuse stem nodulation. Nodules are formed on the stem at the emergence of lateral root primordia, called nodulation sites. These sites are irregularly distributed on vertical rows all along the stem and branches. Stem nodules are hemispherically shaped. Their outside is dark green and they contain a red-pigmented central zone. Stem nodules exhibit a high nitrogen-fixing potential. Acetylene reduction assays result in stem nodule activity of 309 mol C2H4 g–1 dry nodule h–1. Field-grown stem nodulated Aeschynomene accumulated more N (51 g N m–2 in 10 weeks) than the root nodulated one. Because of this nitrogenfixing potential and its ability to grow in waterlogged conditions, A. afraspera could probably be introduced into tropical rice cropping systems.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in multi-scale spatial variation in soil chemical properties, which may be controlled simultaneously by biotic and abiotic factors, have not been studied in tropical dry forests. We evaluated the spatial variation of physico-chemical soil properties, plant litter and terrain attributes at multiple scales in a tropical dry evergreen forest using multivariate geostatistics. Soil samples were collected at different depths using nested interval sampling during 1- and 10-m intervals in both the wet and dry seasons. We measured pH, exchangeable cations (Ex-K+ and Ex-Ca2+), acidity (Ex-H+ and Ex-Al3+), particle size (clay and sand contents), and forest floor mass (Oi and Oa). Pronounced spatial variation in pH was observed in surface soil (0-5 cm) but not in deeper soil (5-55 cm). Multi-scale spatial structures with short (20 m) and long (86 m) ranges were observed in the auto- and cross-variograms of soil, litter and slope gradient. Pronounced multi-scale structures were observed simultaneously in pH and Ex-Ca2+ both in the wet and dry seasons. Only a short-range structure was observed in Ex-K+ and Oa, whereas a long-range structure was pronounced in sand contents and slope gradients. Although the variograms had similar shapes between wet and dry seasons for almost all variables, the short-range structure of the cross-variogram between Oa with pH and base cations was more pronouncedly developed in the wet season than in the dry season. Scale-dependent correlation coefficients suggest that a small-scale spatial variation in pH was connected to heterogeneous litter accumulation via base-cation input, whereas long-range spatial variation was simultaneously linked to particle size and slope gradient. This multivariate geostatistical approach applied within a stand detected biotic and abiotic factors controlling spatial variation in soil properties at both short and long distances.  相似文献   

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