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Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) has a short life span of 2 years and tends to exhibit marked population fluctuations. To examine the importance of sea surface temperature (SST) and mixed layer depth (MLD) as oceanographic factors for interannual variability of saury recruitment in early life history, we analyzed the relationship between abundance index (survey CPUE (catch per unit of effort)) of age‐1 fish and the oceanographic factors in the spawning and nursery grounds of the previous year when they were born, for the period of 1979–2006, in the central and western North Pacific. Applying the mixture of two linear regression models, the variability in the survey CPUE was positively correlated with previous year's winter SST in the Kuroshio Recirculation region (KR) throughout the survey period except 1994–2002. In contrast, the survey CPUE was positively correlated with the previous year's spring MLD (a proxy of spring chlorophyll a (Chl‐a) concentration) in the Kuroshio‐Oyashio Transition and Kuroshio Extension (TKE) during 1994–2002. This period is characterized by unusually deep spring MLD during 1994–1997 and anomalous climate conditions during 1998–2002. We suggest that saury recruitment variability was generally driven by the winter SST in the KR (winter spawning/nursery ground), or by the spring Chl‐a concentration (a proxy of prey for saury larvae) in the TKE (spring spawning/nursery ground). These oceanographic factors could be potentially useful to predict abundance trends of age‐1 saury in the future if the conditions leading to the switch between SST and MLD as the key input variable are elucidated further.  相似文献   

The relationships between fishing ground locations of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) and the two Oyashio fronts, the offshore front between 146oE and 155oE and the coastal Oyashio intrusion, before the saury fishing season, were examined using data from 1971 to 1991. Interannual geographical shifts of both the offshore Oyashio front and saury fishing grounds had a dominant interdecadal fluctuation. In years when the offshore front shifted north (south), the fishing grounds were formed relatively nearshore (offshore). When the offshore front shifted north, the fishing grounds were formed further nearshore in years the coastal Oyashio intrusion extended south. When the offshore front shifted south, on the other hand, the southward extension of the coastal intrusion did not necessarily cause formation of coastal fishing grounds. These results showed that locations of the fishing grounds depend not only on local and instantaneous oceanographic environments around the fishing grounds, but also on oceanographic conditions over an extensive range of the Oyashio area. This might indicate that the ecology of the saury's northward migration, through mixed water regions between the Kuroshio and Oyashio fronts in spring and summer, has a close relation to the shift of the offshore Oyashio front over a time range of months. A practical forecasting method for locations of saury fishing grounds is proposed based on the oceanography before the fishing season.  相似文献   

We examined interdecadal variations in potential fishing grounds for the Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, off the southeastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan, for the early fishing season of August–September. We applied linear trend analysis to a time series of several oceanographic variables for 1993–2014. Trends in the appearance frequency of sea surface temperatures (SST) of 12–18 °C during August–September indicated an interdecadal reduction in the potential fishing area off the Hokkaido coast. There were localized significant increases of both SST and the sea level anomaly along the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench off the Hokkaido coast. The localized trends coincided with decadal decreases of satellite‐based chlorophyll concentrations after 2002. Analysis of mesoscale eddies revealed that the localized trends were related to clockwise (counterclockwise) eddies that appeared more frequently (less frequently) near the trench in recent years. Moreover, the Oyashio transport on the slope between the coast and the trench decreased significantly and completely disappeared in some recent summers. Interactions between the Oyashio and mesoscale eddies resulted in an interdecadal shift in the cold‐water intrusion along the main stream of the Oyashio from the along‐slope direction to the offshore direction in the upstream region of the Hokkaido coast, and large areas of favorable potential fishing grounds near the Hokkaido coast have disappeared in recent years.  相似文献   

We developed habitat suitability index (HSI) models for two size classes of Pacific saury Cololabis saira in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Environmental data, including sea surface temperature, sea surface height, salinity, and net primary production, and catch and effort data from Taiwanese distant‐water stick‐held dip net fisheries during the main fishing season (August–October) during 2002–2015 were used. Habitat preferences and suitable habitat area differed between size classes. The suitable habitat was located between 40–47.5°N and 145–165°E for large‐sized Pacific saury but encompassed a greater area (35–47°N and 140–165°E) for medium‐sized Pacific saury. Both size classes were affected by substantial interannual variation in the environmental variables, which in turn can be important in determining the potential fishing grounds. We found a significant negative relationship between the suitable habitat area and the Niño3.4 indices with a time‐lag of 6 months for the large‐sized (= ?0.68) and medium‐sized (= ?0.42) Pacific saury, respectively, as well as the total landings of Pacific saury by all fishing fleets (= ?0.46). As remotely‐sensed environmental data become increasingly available, HSI models may prove useful for evaluation of possible changes in habitat suitability resulting from climate change or other environmental phenomena and in formulating scientific advice for management.  相似文献   

The occurrence and density of Pacific saury Cololabis saira larvae and juveniles were examined in relation to environmental factors during the winter spawning season in the Kuroshio Current system, based on samples from extensive surveys off the Pacific coast of Japan in 2003–2012. Dense distributions of larvae and juveniles were observed in areas around and on the offshore side of the Kuroshio axis except during a large Kuroshio meander year (2005). The relationships of larval and juvenile occurrence and density given the occurrence to sea surface temperature (SST), salinity (SSS), and chlorophyll‐a concentration (CHL) were examined by generalized additive models for 10‐mm size classes up to 40 mm. In general, the optimal SST for larval and juvenile occurrence and density given the occurrence was consistently observed at 19–20°C. The patterns were more complex for SSS, but a peak in occurrence was observed at 34.75–34.80. In contrast, there were negative relationships of occurrence and density given the occurrence to CHL. These patterns tended to be consistent among different size classes, although the patterns differed for the smallest size class depending on environmental factors. Synthetically, the window for spawning and larval and juvenile occurrence and density seems to be largely determined by physical factors, in particular temperature. The environmental conditions which larvae and juveniles encounter would be maintained while they are transported. The survival success under the physically favorable but food‐poor conditions of the Kuroshio Current system could be key to their recruitment success.  相似文献   

Variation of chlorophyll a from March 2004 to July 2005 in the formation region of Subtropical Mode Water in the Kuroshio Extension was observed with a mixed‐layer tracking profiling float parking at around 40 m depth. Chlorophyll a concentration in the mixed‐layer is seasonally high from winter to early spring (January–April) even in the deep mixed layer; whereas during winter it tends to be lower for the corresponding deeper mixed layer. The chlorophyll a integrated over the winter mixed‐layer depth (MLD) increases with MLD for MLD <200 m and for MLD > 250 m the integrated chlorophyll a almost disappears, probably because of the large MLD exceeds in the critical depth with light limitation. These results suggest that the wintertime MLD influences the recruitment of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the Kuroshio Extension because the wintertime food environment for larvae and juvenile of the Pacific saury could be better in the shallow wintertime MLD period of the 1950s and 1990s and worse in the deep MLD period of the 1970s and early 1980s.  相似文献   

The fishing industry of the western and central regions of the coastal Gulf of Alaska (CGoA) directly employs over 17,000 people and processes fish with a wholesale value of US$618 million annually. Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) are a valued groundfish species because of the high quality of their flesh. In contrast, arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) are much more abundant but of low value because their flesh degrades upon heating. Both are high trophic level predators but play different roles in the ecosystem because of differences in abundance and diet. Using an end‐to‐end ecosystem model, we evaluate the impact of alternate levels of fishing effort and large‐scale changes in oceanographic conditions upon both species, the ecosystem, and the fishing economy. Reduction of longline efforts to reduce Pacific halibut mortality led to reduction in total value of all CGoA landings but increase in value landed by sport fisheries, trawl fleets, and fish pot vessels as they exploit a greater share of available halibut, sablefish, and Pacific cod. Increased trawl effort to raise arrowtooth flounder mortality led to increase in total value of all landings but large reductions in value landed by longline, jig, fish pot, and sport fleets with greater competition for available Pacific cod, halibut, and sablefish. Oceanographic conditions that enhance pelagic food chains at the expense of benthic food chains negatively impact groundfish in general, though Pacific halibut and arrowtooth flounder are resilient to these effects because of the high importance of pelagic fish in their diets.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: A new midwater sampling trawl was designed to collect pelagic larval and juvenile fish. It has a rigid square frame of 2.25 m2, with a 12.5 m high strength polyethylene net. The cambered V-type depressor with a camber ratio of 15%, aspect ratio of 6.0, and dihedral angle of 20° was hung to the bottom of the frame with four slings based on the principle of the parallelogram. A 1/5 scale model net of the prototype was made to examine the towing performances in a circulating water tank. The depth of the net and the attack angle of the depressor were measured at various flow velocities ranging from 30 to 100 cm/s with warp lengths of 260, 310, 360, 410 cm. The depressor held the setting angle closely, and the fluctuating range of the net depth was only 2% for the longest warp length over a wide range of flow velocities. This sampling trawl could maintain near constant depth under various flow velocities by the results of model experiment.  相似文献   

To discuss the possibility of co‐culturing Pacific oyster with the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus, a field experiment was conducted in an oyster farm. Apostichopus japonicus juveniles (mean wet weight, 0.08 g) were cultured below an oyster raft and at a control station for 216 days, and the wet weight and stable isotope ratios (δ13C, δ15N) were analysed together with settling organic matter (OM) collected using sediment traps. All sea cucumbers cultured below the raft survived (survival rate, 100%), while at the control station one individual disappeared (96%). During 216 days, the juveniles at the oyster and control stations grew to a mean weight of 5.5 and 2.6 g, attaining respective specific growth rates of 2.0% and 1.6% (paired t‐test, P < 0.001). Settlement rates of carbon and nitrogen at the oyster station were ~5 times larger than those at the control station. The stable isotope analysis showed that settling OM at both stations originated from coastal phytoplankton and that phytoplankton represented the primary food source for A. japonicus. The rapid growth of A. japonicus at the oyster station was concluded to be due to the abundant supply of oyster biodeposits, which could be ingested by this species.  相似文献   

The recovery of whale populations from historical depletion may have the potential to noticeably affect Northeast Pacific ecosystems and fisheries. Surplus production models based on whaling catch records were used to reconstruct the historical abundances of five large whale species in the waters surrounding Haida Gwaii, British Columbia. The results suggest that the local abundances of all five species were vastly higher before the onset of modern whaling. A comparison of ecosystem models representing the states of the local marine food web before and after full whale recovery indicates that abundant whales could consume large proportions of the annual production of their principal prey, ranging up to 87% for Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) and 72% for piscivorous rockfish (Sebastes spp.). Dynamic modelling of the food web effects of whale recovery, including simulations of simultaneous top‐down and bottom‐up forcing and a Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis, revealed noticeable (~6–12%) top‐down effects on Pacific herring biomass owing to increased predation by humpback and fin whales. However, these effects cannot explain the magnitude of recent declines in local herring biomass. The dynamic modelling results also suggest that top‐down effects of whale recovery could result in reduced biomasses of large rockfish as a result of predation by sperm whales, as well as potential cascading effects on many demersal fish groups. These findings have numerous practical implications for ecosystem‐based fisheries management and whale conservation strategies in Northeast Pacific waters.  相似文献   

Adult Japanese anchovies (Engraulis japonicus) migrate from the East China Sea to the coastal region of Taiwan to spawn around late winter and early spring and, later, their larvae constitute important fisheries in Taiwan. However, their migration route and its mechanism remain unclear. To investigate their spawning migration, we used a coupled fish behavior–hydrodynamic modeling approach. The physical field is simulated by the Pacific Ocean adaptation of the TaIwan Multi‐scale Community Ocean Model (TIMCOM) and the fish migration by Lagrangian tracer tracking with the aid of approximation of fish swimming behavior. We investigated three fish behavioral scenarios: (i) passive tracking of the current, (ii) swimming along with the current, and (iii) swimming along with the current and then changing to swimming toward the optimal spawning temperature. The comparison with and without Changjiang discharge is used to investigate the impacts of discharge reduction due to the Three Gorges Dam. Our results suggest that spawning migration of Japanese anchovy from the East China Sea to Taiwan may be aided by the China Coastal Current and that adult anchovies cannot reach the spawning site by passive advection alone. Thus, the swimming behavior of anchovies is crucial during the spawning migration, as it provides extra velocity and the orientation to the favorable spawning grounds. In addition, the adult anchovy is unlikely to reach the coastal area of Taiwan without Changjiang discharge. Our findings indicate that a coupled fish behavior–hydrodynamic model can help understand the influences of physical environment on the migration of Japanese anchovies.  相似文献   

The use of Taqman real-time PCR-based technology has recently become more frequent in the detection of pathogens in the aquaculture industry. This interest has necessitated the development of robust and reliable pathogen-detection assays. The development of a range of endogenous control assays to be run alongside these diagnostic assays works to further increase confidence in the latter. This study describes the design of a range of endogenous control assays based on the elongation factor 1-α (EF1-α) gene specific to a range of fish species including Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar; rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss; brown trout, Salmo trutta; cod, Gadus morhua; haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus; saithe, Pollachius virens; whiting, Merlangius merlangus; Norway pout, Trisopterus esmarkii; carp (family Cyprinidae), roach, Rutilus rutilus; European eel, Anguilla anguilla; and herring, Clupea harengus, as well as a number of fish cell lines. Evidence is provided of the validation of these assays for specific species, a range of tissue types and cell lines as well as an example of the potential uses of these assays.  相似文献   

This study demonstrated that juvenile (glass) eels used a specific substrate (eel tiles) to circumvent a model Crump weir under an experimental setting. Upstream passage efficiency was 0 and 67% for the unmodified (no studded eel tiles on the downstream face; control) and modified (with studded eel tiles on the downstream face; treatment) set‐ups, respectively, and was greater for a small (59%) compared to large (41%) stud configuration. Eels were active and motivated to ascend the weir during both control and treatment set‐ups. Approach and attempt rates were elevated during the first few minutes of the treatment compared to control trials. Eels were edge‐oriented under both set‐ups and ascended the weir through the tiles during single burst swimming events (reaching estimated speeds of 68.5 cm·s−1). Eel tiles may provide a cost‐effective solution for mitigating impacts of anthropogenic barriers to juvenile eel migration. Further research is required to determine passage efficiencies under higher flows, for a greater size range of eel, and for other migratory anguilliform fish (e.g. lamprey, Lampretra spp. and Petromyzon marinus L.). The performance of eel tiles should be validated through robust field studies.  相似文献   

A Bayesian population modelling tool integrating separable virtual population analysis, per‐recruit models and age‐structured demographic analysis was developed for the bigeye thresher Alopias superciliosus (Lowe) population in an area subset of the western North Pacific. The mortality rates for years 1989–2016 were estimated, various biological reference points and associated risks of decline were also estimated, and alternative harvest strategies for the stock were evaluated. Estimates of the posterior mean of fishing mortality for bigeye thresher shark suggest fishing pressure has been high in recent years (2011–2016). The estimated population growth rate (λ) (without fishing) obtained from age‐structured demographic model was relatively low (λ = 1.01 per year; 95% confidence intervals of 1.00 and 1.03 per year). Risk analyses revealed that only low levels of fishing pressure (10% of the current fishing pressure) over a wide range of ages could maintain a relatively low risk of population decline for bigeye threshers. Sensitivity testing indicated that the model is robust to prior specification. The developed framework could be used as an assessment tool to evaluate the risk of decline for other widely distributed pelagic shark species where insufficient catch and effort data are available.  相似文献   

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