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A total of 177 species of quarantine arthropods in Europe have been analysed for detection methods that are used in surveillance. This paper provides a link to a list where the methods most frequently used, either alone or in combination, are given for each species. Inspection remains the most common method of detection (108 species). Volatile compounds produced by either insects or host plants, or those released from food attractants are used for 85 species, while light trapping accounts for 28 species. Semiochemicals are known for 73 species, but are commercially available for only 43 species.  相似文献   

联合国粮农组织和世界卫生组织农药残留联席会议(JMPR)将农药残留定义分为2类,即植物源产品残留定义和动物源产品残留定义;同时根据使用目的不同,又将农药残留定义分为风险评估残留定义和监测残留定义。JMPR在植物源产品农药风险评估残留定义中包含的代谢产物类型主要分4种情况:一是残留定义包含母体和代谢产物,代谢产物是农药;二是残留定义包含母体和代谢产物,代谢产物不是农药;三是残留物定义只包括代谢产物,且代谢产物不是农药;四是二硫代氨基甲酸酯类农药。本文综述了JMPR关于植物源产品残留定义中含有代谢产物的农药进行农药残留膳食风险评估时残留数据的计算,旨在为我国制定农药最大残留限量标准进行农药残留膳食风险评估时提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

J.M. Fisher 《EPPO Bulletin》1982,12(4):445-449
Causes of variation in numbers of females on a cultivar are examined. These are such that an accurate assessment of resistance in the field is not possible. The method used for a laboratory assay is as follows. Seed is selected for uniformity of size and pre-germinated before sowing, when the seminal roots are about 1 cm long, in tubes of sandy loam. Tubes are opaque (2.5 cm internal diameter by 13 cm long) and are set on a base of potting compost. Seedlings are inoculated immediately with the required number of larvae in 1 mi water - for oats 50 larvae, wheat 75 larvae and barley 100 larvae. They are inoculated at the same density at 3-daily intervals on four further occasions. The aim is to produce 50 females on the most susceptible cultivar; densities have been determined from intolerant cultivars. Plants are grown under 10-h day-length at 15oC and are harvested 2 months after the last inoculation, at which time they are assessed and the valuable plants can be repotted and grown on for seed production.  相似文献   

F. BIGLER 《EPPO Bulletin》1997,27(1):95-102
The use of macroorganisms (insects, mites and entomopathogenic nematodes) for biological pest control is increasing worldwide. Out of 281 products based on bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, nematodes and insects available for crop protection in 1992, 151 products (53.8%) consisted of macroorganisms. In Switzerland, 65.5% of the 58 products registered for biological pest control in 1995 are macroorganisms. According to published literature and personal information, it is estimated that at least 150 species of entomophagous insects and mites are mass-produced and released worldwide for biological control. While microorganisms are registered similarly to plant protection products, macroorganisms need registration only in a few countries. An increasing tendency towards regulation of macroorganisms for biological control is obvious. Based on the plant protection act of 1986, Switzerland was the first country where registration of macroorganisms became compulsory. The evaluation criteria for registration include a set of information on the bioecology of the organism, experimental data on efficacy, a simple risk assessment for environmental and human hazards and information on evaluation/registration in neighbouring countries. Positive effects of the registration are: (1) inefficacious products are kept away from the market, (2) quality control rules are respected, and (3) environmental risks and possible human hazards are assessed. Disadvantages are higher costs and sometimes delayed implementation of products. Indirect and direct costs for registration can be a serious problem for small producers and for products with minor markets. Therefore, authorities should consider the development of pragmatic and simplified registration procedures for macroorganisms that support efficacious and high-quality products on the market, minimize environmental risks and yet do not hamper the implementation of new biological products.  相似文献   

H. KIECZKA 《EPPO Bulletin》1996,26(1):111-116
For the purpose of preventive health protection, specific instructions for applicator protection are required in the directions for use of plant protection products. A risk assessment for applicators is obligatorily made before the specific instructions are selected. The principle of the German model, the steps of risk asscssinent. and the consequent derivation of specitic instructions for health protection are presented.  相似文献   

Existing methods used to quantify microsclerotia of Verticillium dahliae in soil are reviewed. Most quantification methods are soil-type dependent, but are useful for disease prediction within certain soils. The major factor determining the accuracy of dry plating methods is the amount of soil plated per Petri dish. Wet plating methods are less sensitive to higher amounts of soil, especially when the fraction smaller than 20 um is removed by wet sieving. Despite general assumptions, wet plating methods do not have lower detection limits than dry plating methods. Dry plating methods are less variable at higher inoculum levels, but more variable at low inoculum levels. Bioassays are helpful tools in answering specific research questions, but are not convenient for large scale use. Molecular quantification techniques are promising, because they are not hampered by antagonistic effects, but data on their disease predictive abilities are still largely lacking. Suggestions are given for a better comparison of techniques, and some original results are presented to illustrate certain arguments.  相似文献   

Theoretical and practical purposes of mathematical modelling are discussed. Of these, special attention is given to large scale simulation models and regression models. It is pointed out that, for proper use of simulation models for predictive purposes, it is necessary to realize the uncertainties associated with such model predictions. These uncertainties are mainly due to insufficient knowledge of parameter values included in the simulation model. As these model predictions are made iteratively (i.e. by short time steps), biases in parameter estimates have, with increasing length of simulated time, an accumulating effect on the biases in the output variables. Regression models are described and methods for finding the best mathematical model are discussed. Assumptions regarding statistical properties of the data from which the regression model is constructed are discussed. It is pointe out that valid predictions are made only within the domain defined by the data Examples of regression models for forecasting rodent outbreaks are discussed. Some further developments are proposed. Results from a model emphasizing spatio-temporal heterogeneity in a heterogeneous region are discussed. Based on this model conclusions regarding what type of landscapes are likely to cause rodent outbreaks are deduced. Furthermore, proposed control treatments are suggested by analyzing the model. It is concluded that larger regions should be composed of suitable and non-suitable rodent habitats interminded with each other. It is suggested that treatments for increasing the local extinction rate be applied uniformly over the whole region, but varyjng in time as much as possible and not correlated with the density in local habitats nor in the entire region. Within these limits, treatments should be applied during periods of low mobility and low reproduction.  相似文献   

Basidiocarps of the violet root rot fungus, Helicobasidium mompa, are less frequently used for isolation than are mycelial strands and sclerotia even though the basidiocarps are conspicuously produced at the trunk base of diseased plants. Basidiocarps are also more suitable for storage. This paper describes an improved method for obtaining pure cultures from basidiocarps using microcentrifuge tubes to facilitate the awkward steps of rinsing fungal materials under a dissecting microscope. Received 28 June 2000/ Accepted in revised form 4 August 2000  相似文献   

The development, testing and application of computer models for the behaviour of organic chemicals, especially pesticides, in soil and ground water has been reviewed. Detailed data are needed on the structure and properties of the soil and ground-water systems, and on the flow of water through these systems. Adsorption and transformation of organic chemicals can be studied in the laboratory and the results introduced into the models. The mathematical techniques most frequently used for the solution of the differential equations are briefly discussed. Some models for the behaviour of pesticides in the root zone have been tested against results of field trials and some interesting deviations between computations and measurements emerged. Techniques for the simulation of the behaviour of organic chemicals in the ground-water zone are also available. However input data for the models are often lacking, as are also results of field studies for testing the models.  相似文献   

The global sustainability agenda is increasing the demand for reduction in inputs into agricultural production while maintaining profitable yield of quality products. Plant diseases are a major constraint for both yield and product quality, but often tools for their control are ineffective or lacking. Biological control using antagonistic microorganisms has long been a subject of research resulting in a wide range of products that are now available and marketed in specific territories around the world. These preparations are often niche products with narrow uses. The research effort is intense both to develop new biological control agents (BCAs) and to obtain knowledge of the mechanisms underlying biological disease control. The prospects for biological control are promising. As a minimum, BCAs supplement other sustainable disease management practices such as disease resistance, and present opportunities for controlling diseases for which other approaches are ineffective or unavailable. We can realistically expect increasing use of BCAs to control crop diseases in ways that will benefit the environment. This review paper arose from a webinar held by the British Society for Plant Pathology as part of the International Year of Plant Heath (IYPH2020), at which many of the 300 participants posed or discussed interesting questions. This review is based on that input and the panel members at the webinar are all included as co-authors in this review.  相似文献   

以新疆温宿县地质灾害调查为基础,对其地形地貌、岩土体组成、气象与水文环境地质条件进行了概括;统计了该区地质灾害的主要类型,分析其发生原因;对崩塌、滑坡、塌陷、泥石流等主要地质灾害的发生规律进行了归纳总结;对主要地质灾害发生区域作了分区,为重大地质灾害的防治提供依据;综合分析温宿县环境地质条件、地质灾害的发育规律,并考虑到人类技术经济活动等因素,提出了该区地质灾害防治方法,对温宿县地质灾害的防灾减灾、环境可持续发展有重要意义。  相似文献   


This paper describes the treatment of plant material entering Australia through quarantine. The methods used for screening plants during post-entry quarantine are discussed and the plant-houses and equipment and techniques used for sterilising soil and controlling pests are described. A list of plants tested for the effects of fumigation with methyl bromide is given and recommendations for fungicide and pesticide are listed.  相似文献   

奈曼旗沙漠化地区农业生态系统能流效益特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文探讨了奈曼旗沙漠化地区农业生态系统的能流效益,指出了该区农业生态系统能量总投入产出比为3.67;总产出能与商品能之比为12.72;总产出能与有机能之比为8.47;总产出能与机械能之比为13.22。并对该区11个农业子系统进行了综合评价。  相似文献   

我国水果防腐保鲜剂的使用及其检测方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
水果是我国最主要的植物源鲜活农产品之一,防腐保鲜和防腐保鲜剂对我国水果的生产、贮藏、运输与销售作用重大,是我国实现水果季节性生产和长期性供应的关键。本文从水果贮运中使用的主要防腐保鲜剂、我国允许使用的水果防腐保鲜剂、我国水果防腐保鲜剂最大残留限量以及水果防腐保鲜剂残留测定方法等4个方面,对我国水果防腐保鲜剂的使用与检测方法进行了综述,并指出水果防腐保鲜剂的合理使用和有效监管是保护消费者人体健康的关键。  相似文献   

Bananas (including plantains) are widely grown throughout the tropics both for local consumption and for export. Pesticide usage is confined largely to the export crop because of its value and the susceptibility to diseases of varieties suitable for the export market. Most of the bananas grown for export are produced in Latin America and the Caribbean. Weed control with herbicides is particularly valuable in young banana plantations before a mature canopy is produced and when weeds compete with the shallow rooting system. Insecticides are used to control high populations of the banana weevil and may be used against fruit thrips. Nematicides are used extensively to control the banana root nematode and granular applications are now replacing soil injections. Fungicidal control of Sigatoka leaf diseases and fruit diseases has been practised for many years and is essential for the production of high quality, exportgrade fruit. Changes in the chemicals used and in application techniques have brought important benefits in recent years and genetic resistance is likely to play a large part in disease control in the future.  相似文献   

Specialty crop herbicides are not a priority for the agrochemical industry, and many of these crops do not have access to effective herbicides. High‐value fruit and vegetable crops represent small markets and high potential liability in the case of herbicide‐induced crop damage. Meanwhile, conventional and organic specialty crop producers are experiencing labor shortages and higher manual weeding costs. Robotic weeders are promising new weed control tools for specialty crops, because they are cheaper to develop and, with fewer environmental and human health risks, are less regulated than herbicides. Now is the time for greater investment in robotic weeders as new herbicides are expensive to develop and few in number, organic crops need better weed control technology and governments are demanding reduced use of pesticides. Public funding of fundamental research on robotic weeder technology can help improve weed and crop recognition, weed control actuators, and expansion of weed science curricula to train students in this technology. Robotic weeders can expand the array of tools available to specialty crop growers. However, the development of robotic weeders will require a broader recognition that these tools are a viable path to create new weed control tools for specialty crops. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Methods are described for maintaining isolates of Sclerotium cepivorum and for producing large numbers of sclerotia of this organism for field studies. Techniques for testing the viability of sclerotia and for measuring their germination in response to host plants are also described together with other aspects of field studies.  相似文献   

Tables are presented classifying over 80 active substances for their harmfulness to natural enemies in protected cultivation, particularly parasitic hymenoptera, predatory mites and predatory insects. The categories used are: harmful, harmful under certain circumstances, not harmful. Results are given for different application methods in some cases. The duration of after-effects is given for Encarsia formosa, Phytoseiulus persimilis and Neoseiulus cucumeris.  相似文献   

Difficulties in the practical use of disease forecasting models based on meteorological data result not only from differences between macro and microclimate. Most important is the fact that the network of meteorological stations in most cases is only a wide-meshed one, not sufficient for taking into account all local characteristics. Examples are given to show the consequences for disease forecasts if meteorological data of insufficient representativeness are used as input for the models. Possibilities for overcoming such difficulties are discussed.  相似文献   

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