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Sporotrichosis in a horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Sporotrichosis in three dogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

An adult female nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) died in the quarantine station of a private Swiss zoo. Multifocal ulcerative skin lesions and multiple hemorrhages in the lungs were found at necropsy. The spleen was enlarged and dark red. Histologically, there was diffuse granulomatous infiltration, including multinucleated giant cells, of the skin lesions, lungs, spleen, liver, heart, and kidneys. Abundant periodic acid-Schiff-positive yeastlike cells were demonstrated intracellularly in giant cells and extracellularly scattered throughout the tissues. Morphology of the cells varied, with some nonbudding cells resembling Cryptococcus neoformans and others resembling Sporothrix schenckii. A diagnosis of sporotrichosis was confirmed by immunofluorescence studies. This is the first report of sporotrichosis in an armadillo in a zoological garden and the third report of sporotrichosis in D. novemcinctus.  相似文献   

Oligodendroglioma of the left thalamic region of the brain of a dog is described. Over a period of approximately 6 months the tumour caused progressive posterior ataxia, listlessness, tilting of the head and circling to the right, nystagmus, blindness of the right eye and atrophy of the temporal muscle. The histological features on which the diagnosis was based were the presence of characteristically-shaped basophilic neoplastic cells with a clear space or ‘halo’ around them, scanty cytoplasm, small, stubby processes seen in silver-stained sections, and vascular proliferation. Résumé. On décrit un oligodendrogliǒme dans la partie gauche du thalamus du cerveau d'un chien. Après une période d'environ six mois, la tumeur avail causé une ataxie postérieure progressive, de l'apathie, un penchement de la těte avec oscillation à droite, un nystagme, une cécité de l'oeil droit et une atrophie du muscle temporal. Les particularités histologiques sur lesquelles on s'est fondé pour le diagnostic comprenaient la présence de cellules néoplastes basophiles d'une forme caractéristique, entourées d'un cercle clair ou ‘halo’, un cytoplasme insuffisant, des fromations petites et trapues observées dans les sections teintées d'argent et une proligération vasculaire. Zusammenfassung. Ein Fall von Oligodendrogliom der linken Thalamusregion des Gehirns eines Hundes wird beschrieben. Über eine Periode von annähernd 6 Monaten verursachte der Tumor progressive posteriore Ataxie, Teilnahmslosigkeit, Schiefhaltung des Kopfes und Kreisbewegung nach rechts, Nystagmus, Blindheit des rechten Auges und Atrophie des Musculus temporalis. Die histologischen Merkmale, auf denen die Diagnose beruhte, waren die Anwesenheit charakteristisch geformter basophiler neoplastischer Zellen, die von einem freien Raum oder “Lichthof” umgeben waren, spärliche Cytoplasmen, kleine, knollige Wucherungen, die in silbergefärbten Schnitten beobachtet wurden, und vasculäre Proliferation.  相似文献   

Alariasis in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary. A 5-year-old speyed female silky terrier was presented with ascites. Clinical pathology revealed hypoproteinaemia, lymphpaenia, hypocalcaemia and hypocholesterolaemia. Surgical biopsy of the small intestine enabled the diagnosis of intestinal lymphangiectasia to be made.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Haemobartonella canis was identified in the peripheral blood of a splenectomised dog with a regenerative anaemia. Treatment with tetracycline and prednisolone led to remission of the parasitaemia and increase in the packed cell volume. Mild parasitaemia was again observed when the dog was clinically normal.  相似文献   

A case of hypocalcemia was presented with a concurrent hyperphosphatemia. Normal renal function tests excluded primary renal insufficiency. The diet was thought to contain a normal ratio of calcium and phosphorus and, therefore, nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism was not considered. The radiographs showed normal bone density and the dog was not lame. Concentrations of immunoreactive parathyroid hormone were measured in an attempt to classify the etiology. The dog was successfully managed with calcium supplementation and vitamin D(3) or oral calcium alone.  相似文献   

Phycomycosis in a dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY A case of phycomycosis, with skin lesions, in a dog is reported. Hyphomyces destruens (Pythium gracile) was identified from aspirate collected from a regional lymph node, and characteristic hyphae were seen in stained sections of a biopsy specimen of affected skin. Incidence, pathogenesis and therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

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