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The hemoglobin variant rHb 0.1, which possesses a decreased ability to form subunits, stimulated lipid oxidation in washed fish muscle less effectively as compared to wild-type hemoglobin (rHb 0.0). This could be due to the lower hemin affinity and more rapid autoxidation rate of subunits as compared to tetramers. To differentiate between hemin affinity and autoxidation effects, ferrous V68T Mb was compared to ferrous wild-type myoglobin (WT Mb). WT Mb has a more rapid hemin loss rate (25-fold) than does V68T, while V68T autoxidized more rapidly than did WT Mb (60-fold). Ferrous WT Mb promoted TBARS and lipid peroxide formation more rapidly than did ferrous V68T (p < 0.01). This indicated hemin loss rate was more critical in determining onset of lipid oxidation as compared to autoxidation rate. Hemin alone was capable of stimulating lipid oxidation. Albumin enhanced the ability of hemin to promote lipid oxidation. MetMb promoted lipid oxidation more effectively than did ferrous Mb, which could be due to the lower hemin affinity of metMb as compared to that of ferrous Mb. EDTA, an iron chelator, had no effect on the rate or extent of lipid oxidation mediated by Mb in the cooked system. Variants with a 975-fold range of hemin affinities promoted lipid oxidation with equivalent efficacy in cooked washed cod contrary to results in uncooked washed cod. The cooking temperatures apparently denature the globin and release hemin reactant to such an extent that the impact of hemin affinity on lipid oxidation observed in the raw state is negated in the cooked state. These studies collectively suggest released hemin is of primary importance in promoting lipid oxidation in raw and cooked washed fish muscle.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation was studied by adding hemolysate to washed cod muscle. Three pH values were examined (pH 7.6, 7.2, and 6.0). The lag time prior to rancidity and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance development decreased greatly as the pH was reduced (p < 0.01). Formation of methemoglobin due to autoxidation of the heme pigment was found to occur more rapidly at reduced pH. Also, the level of deoxyhemoglobin was found to sharply increase with pH reduction in the range of pH 7.6-6.0. This suggested a potential role for deoxyhemoglobin as a catalyst. ATP lowered hemoglobin oxygenation at pH 7.2. Peroxidation of linoleic acid by oxy/deoxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin was investigated at two levels of preformed lipid hydroperoxides. At a reduced level of preformed lipid hydroperoxides, oxy/deoxyhemoglobin stimulated peroxidation of linoleic acid, whereas methemoglobin did not. At the higher level of preformed lipid hydroperoxides, both oxy/deoxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin were active. This investigation suggests that reduced hemoglobins played an important role in lipid oxidation processes.  相似文献   

Variants of sperm whale myoglobin (Mb) were used to assess the mechanism of heme protein-mediated lipid oxidation in washed cod muscle. A myoglobin variant with high hemin affinity (V68T) was an exceptionally poor promoter of lipid oxidation, while a Mb variant with low hemin affinity (H97A) was a potent promoter of lipid oxidation. V68T releases hemin slowly due to the ability of threonine to hydrogen bond with coordinated water and the distal histidine within the heme crevice. H97A rapidly releases hemin because the relatively small alanine residue creates a channel for water to easily enter the heme crevice which weakens the covalent linkage of hemin to the proximal histidine. A variant sensitive to heme degradation (L29F/H64Q) was a weaker promoter of lipid oxidation compared to wild-type Mb. This suggests that degrading the heme ring and releasing iron decreased the ability of Mb to promote lipid oxidation. Free radicals resulting from hemin-mediated decomposition of lipid hydroperoxides have the capacity to propagate lipid oxidation and degrade hemin catalyst. This may explain why heme proteins behave as reactants rather than "catalysts" of lipid oxidation in washed cod. Collectively these studies strongly suggest that released hemin is the critical entity that drives heme protein-mediated lipid oxidation in washed fish muscle.  相似文献   

Approximately 7% of the iron associated with hemoglobin was released from the heme protein during 2 degrees C storage in washed cod muscle. EDTA (2.2 mM) neither accelerated nor inhibited hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation based on the formation of lipid peroxides and TBARS. This suggested that low molecular weight iron was a minor contributor to hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation in washed cod muscle. Ascorbate (2.2 mM) was a modest to highly effective inhibitor of hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation depending on which washed cod preparation was assessed. Experimental evidence suggested that the ability of residual ascorbate to breakdown accumulating lipid hydroperoxides to reactive lipid radicals can explain the shift of ascorbate from an antioxidant to a pro-oxidant. Increasing the lipid peroxide content in washed cod muscle accelerated hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation and decreased the ability of ascorbate to inhibit lipid oxidation. Preformed lipid peroxide content in cod muscle was highly variable from fish to fish.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)), formed from the nearly diffusion limited reaction between nitric oxide and superoxide, could be an important prooxidant in muscle foods. The objective of this study was to determine whether peroxynitrite caused oxidation of pyrogallol red, liposomes, muscle microsomes, and skeletal muscle homogenate. Oxidation of pyrogallol red, liposomes, and microsomes initiated by peroxynitrite continuously produced by 3-morpholinosydnonimine (SIN-1, 2 mM) was time-dependent and enhanced by CO(2) (1 mM). Reagent peroxynitrite (2 mM) caused concentration-dependent oxidation of pyrogallol red, liposomes, and muscle microsomes that was very rapid with no change after 5 min. Peroxynitrite-induced oxidation was suppressed by CO(2) and low pH. Skeletal muscle homogenate oxidized by reagent peroxynitrite (0.5 mM) exhibited gradual oxidation with time and was suppressed by CO(2), low pH, and metal chelators. These data suggest that peroxynitrite could be an important prooxidant in muscle foods.  相似文献   

The effect of different acid and alkali treatments followed by pH readjustment on solubility and conformation of trout hemoglobins was investigated. At low pH (1.5-3.5) hemoglobin was unfolded at faster rates as the pH was lowered. Inclusion of 500 mM NaCl at low pH significantly increased the rate of unfolding. At alkaline pH (10-12) the conformation of hemoglobin was much less affected than at acid pH, and the presence of salt had little additional effect. When hemoglobin solutions were adjusted to neutrality at different stages of unfolding, the recovery of native structure on refolding was proportional to the extent of unfolding prior to pH readjustment: the more unfolded the protein, the less was the recovery of native structure. The presence of salt led to a smaller recovery of native structure. The more improperly unfolded the hemoglobin was (and hydrophobic), the lower was its solubility. Results suggest that the presence of NaCl (25-500 mM) may not only interfere with the refolding process but also enhance the hydrophobic interactions of improperly refolded hemoglobin, possibly due to charge screening. These results show that proper control of unfolding and refolding time and ionic strength in processes using highly acidic or alkaline conditions can minimize loss of hemoglobin solubility.  相似文献   

Oxidation of the myofibrillar muscle protein myosin from pork by hypervalent myoglobin species (MbFe(III)/H 2O2 radical generating system) was investigated in aqueous solution in the pH range of 5.0-7.8 by electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy using N- tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone (PBN) as spin trap and indirectly by determination of the rate of reduction of hypervalent myoglobin species by UV spectroscopy. Cross-linking of myosin was examined by SDS-PAGE. The target for oxidative modification of myosin was studied by thiol blocking by N-acetylmaleimide (NEM) and by determining oxidative modification of myosin thiols. The reaction between myosin and hypervalent myoglobin was fast and showed little dependence on pH. The myosin radicals formed were observed to be short-lived. Myosin thiols are suggested to be the main target for oxidative modification, as NEM-treated myosin did not form radicals in the presence of hypervalent myoglobin. A significant decrease in thiol content was already demonstrated 25 s after initiation of oxidation of myosin. The majority of myosin heavy chain (MHC) was demonstrated to be cross-linked through intermolecular disulfide bonding 1 h after initiation of oxidation. This demonstrates that thiols are important for radical formation and cross-linking of myosin during oxidation with hypervalent myoglobin at the pH of meat products.  相似文献   

Lipid pro-oxidative properties and deoxygenation/autoxidation patterns of hemoglobins from nonmigratory white-fleshed fish (winter flounder and Atlantic pollock) and migratory dark-fleshed fish (Atlantic mackerel and menhaden) were compared during ice storage at pH 7.2 and 6. A washed cod mince model system and a buffer model system were used for studying lipid changes and hemoglobin changes, respectively. TBARS and painty odor were followed as markers for lipid oxidation. At pH 6, all four hemoglobins were highly and equally active as pro-oxidants. At pH 7.2, pro-oxidation by all hemoglobins except that from pollock was slowed down, and activity ranked as pollock > mackerel > menhaden > flounder. The higher catalytic activities of the hemoglobins at pH 6 than at pH 7.2 corresponded with higher formation of deoxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin. Pollock had the most extensive formation of deoxy- and methemoglobin at both pH values, which could explain its high catalytic activity. The pro-oxidative differences among the other hemoglobins at pH 7.2 did not correlate with deoxygenation and autoxidation reactions. This indicates involvement of other structural differences between the hemoglobins such as differences in the heme-crevice volume. It is suggested that a biological reason for the species differences was their adaptations to different depths/water temperatures.  相似文献   

Protein oxidation is evaluated in rainbow trout muscle by labeling protein carbonyls with 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine (DNPH) followed by immunoblotting of proteins separated by SDS-PAGE or two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-GE). The carbonylation level is accessed on proteins in a whole muscle homogenate or proteins soluble in a high-salt or low-salt buffer. Spoilage-related changes in carbonylation are followed in the high-salt-protein and low-salt-protein fractions by 2D immunoblotting, which reveals increases regarding total number and intensity of carbonylation in both protein fractions for fish kept at room temperature for 48 h. The major amount of carbonylated proteins is found among the high-salt-soluble proteins, and this protein fraction is also responsible for the biggest increase in carbonylation during fish tainting. The results give an estimate of the level of protein carbonylation in rainbow trout and reveal that oxidation increases for a distinct number of proteins during tainting.  相似文献   

Lipid and protein oxidation in an NADH-Fe enzymic and an ascorbate-Fe nonenzymic system were determined simultaneously. The nonenzymic iron-reducing system gave rapid oxidation of lipid that leveled off at values much lower than those achieved in the enzymic system, which showed a continuous increase over the 1 or 2 h incubation times used. Protein sulfhydryl oxidation was more rapid in the nonenzymic system for total and accessible sulfhydryl groups, but the enzymic system oxidized the inaccessible sulfhydryl groups more rapidly. Both lipid and protein oxidations appeared to begin simultaneously. In the enzymic system, more lipid oxidation was achieved on a molar basis than oxidation of protein sulfhydryl groups, while in the nonenzymic system this was reversed. These data probably reflect the site specificity of the production of oxidizing elements in the two systems. The greater lipid oxidation in the enzymic system suggests that this may be the more important ferric iron-reducing system during storage of fish muscle.  相似文献   

Lipid oxidation and oxymyoglobin oxidation were measured in bovine muscle homogenates. M. longissimus dorsi homogenates (25% w/w, pH 5.7) were prepared, held at 4 degrees C, and subjected to one of the following treatments: (i) stirred and bubbled with oxygen, (ii) stirred with no oxygen, or (iii) neither stirred nor bubbled with oxygen (control). Lipid oxidation was initiated with 45 microM ferric chloride/sodium ascorbate. Lipid oxidation was highest and oxymyoglobin oxidation lowest in the homogenate bubbled with oxygen while lipid oxidation was lowest and oxymyoglobin oxidation highest in the control homogenate. Dissolved oxygen became depleted over time in the control homogenate, remained high in the homogenate bubbled with oxygen, but decreased and then increased in the homogenate stirred with no oxygen. Free radical formation was lower in the control homogenate than in the stirred homogenates as determined by spin trapping and electron spin resonance detection. The data indicated that lipid oxidation-induced oxygen depletion, as opposed to primary or secondary lipid oxidation products, is a likely cause of oxymyoglobin oxidation in muscle systems.  相似文献   

The pro-oxidative activity of trout hemoglobin was significantly increased at low pH (2.5-3.5) in a washed fish muscle (WFM) system. It was found that the more unfolded the hemoglobin was the more exposed its heme group was, which increased its pro-oxidative activity. The amount of oxidation products produced (TBARS) were, however, lower at low pH vs neutral pH. At pH 10.5-11, the pro-oxidative activity of hemoglobin was greatly suppressed. The conformation of hemoglobin was significantly more stable at high pH as compared to pH 7 as judged by its visible absorption spectrum. Hemoglobin readjusted from low pH to pH 7 had a higher pro-oxidative activity (i.e., more rapid oxidation) in WFM than native hemoglobin at pH 7, even though TBARS values were lower than in the untreated sample at pH 7. The results suggest that the WFM becomes slightly more susceptible to oxidation after low pH treatment but also produces less TBARS. The increased pro-oxidative activity after pH readjustment correlated well with an incomplete recovery in the native structure on pH readjustment. A longer unfolding time and a lower pH led to a less refolded hemoglobin with increased pro-oxidative activity. Hemoglobin was less pro-oxidative at low pH in the presence of 500 mM NaCl. The presence of salt did, however, increase the pro-oxidative properties of hemoglobin after readjustment to pH 7. The treatment of washed fish muscle at alkaline pH followed by adjustment to pH 7 led to a slight delay in hemoglobin-mediated lipid oxidation in WFM as compared to native hemoglobin at pH 7. The results suggest that WFM becomes less susceptible toward oxidation after pH readjustment from alkaline pH. These results clearly show that for muscle protein extraction/isolation processes requiring highly alkaline or acidic conditions, alkaline conditions are preferred if the lipid oxidation originating from hemoglobin is to be minimized.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin (Hb) promoted lipid oxidation more effectively in washed tilapia as compared to washed cod in spite of a 2.8-fold higher polyenoic index in the washed cod. This suggested that increasing the fatty acid unsaturation of the substrate did not accelerate the onset of lipid oxidation. Substantial phospholipid hydrolysis in the washed cod was observed, which has the potential to inhibit lipid oxidation. MetHb formation and lipid oxidation occurred more rapidly at pH 6.3 as compared to pH 7.4. Trout Hb autoxidized faster and was a better promoter of lipid oxidation as compared to tilapia Hb. The greater ability of trout Hb to promote lipid oxidation was attributed in part to its lower conformational and structural stability based on secondary and tertiary structure, acid-induced unfolding, and thermal aggregation measurements. It is suggested that the structural instability and lipid oxidation capacity of trout Hb were at least partly due to low hemin affinity. Trout and tilapia Hb were equivalent in their ability to cause lipid oxidation in washed cod muscle heated to 80 degrees C. Apparently, these high temperatures denature both trout and tilapia Hb to such an extent that any differences in conformational stability observed at lower temperatures were negated.  相似文献   

In humans, polyphenol supplementation studies have resulted in inconsistent findings in lipid peroxidation. Our aim was to investigate the effects of a 4-week consumption of polyphenol-rich phloem on serum lipids and lipid peroxidation in the hydrophilic fraction of serum and on isolated lipoproteins. We conducted a randomized double-blind supplementation study consisting of 75 nonsmoking hypercholesterolemic men. Participants consumed 70 g daily of either rye bread (placebo) or phloem-fortified rye bread containing 31 mg (low polyphenol, LP) or 62 mg (high polyphenol, HP) of catechins. The ex vivo susceptibility of total serum lipids and VLDL and LDL to oxidation after copper induction was measured as a lag time to the maximal oxidation rate at the baseline and after the supplementation. In the HP group, an increase in the oxidation resistance of total serum lipids was observed (11.4%), while no effect was seen in the LP group (-0.8%) or in the placebo group (-1.0%) (p = 0.007). No differences were observed in the oxidation resistance of VLDL and LDL between the study groups. The phloem also increased in vitro oxidation resistance of serum lipids and radical scavenging activity (DPPH.) in a dose-dependent manner. Our results suggest that polyphenols may inhibit lipid peroxidation in the hydrophilic fraction of serum.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating protein and lipid oxidation during frozen storage of rainbow trout. Rainbow trout fillets were stored for 13 months at -20, -30, or -80 degrees C, and samples were analyzed at regular intervals for lipid and protein oxidation markers. Lipid oxidation was followed by measuring lipid hydroperoxides (PV), as well as secondary oxidation products (volatiles) using dynamic headspace GC-MS. Free fatty acids (FFA) were measured as an estimation of lipolysis. Protein oxidation was followed using the spectrophotometric determination of protein carbonyls and immunoblotting. Significant oxidation was observed in samples stored at -20 degrees C, and at this temperature lipid and protein oxidation seemed to develop simultaneously. FFA, PV, and carbonyls increased significantly for the fish stored at -20 degrees C, whereas the fish stored at -30 and -80 degrees C did not show any increase in oxidation during the entire storage period when these methods were used. In contrast, the more sensitive GC-MS method used for measurement of the volatiles showed that the fish stored at -30 degrees C oxidized more quickly than those stored at -80 degrees C. Detection of protein oxidation using immunoblotting revealed that high molecular weight proteins were oxidized already at t = 0 and that no new protein oxidized during storage irrespective of the storage time and temperature. The results emphasize the need for the development of more sensitive and reliable methods to study protein oxidation in order to gain more explicit knowledge about the significance of protein oxidation for food quality and, especially, to correlate protein oxidation with physical and functional properties of foods.  相似文献   

An emerging model to test antioxidants for application in seafoods is washed cod mince fortified with hemoglobin (Hb) as a catalyst. This system has been used to test the antioxidative activity of certain muscle extracts and some pure compounds such as BHA, BHT, TBHQ, and propyl gallate during ice storage. However, the washed cod mince model has occasionally been resistant to Hb-mediated oxidation. This has been in cases when the moisture of the model has been minimized by washes at the protein isoelectric point (pH approximately 5.5) to allow for large additions of potentially antioxidative solutions. In this paper, noncontrollable and controllable factors for this intriguing occasional oxidation resistance were studied. Compositional analyses (lipid content, alpha-tocopherol, and lipid hydroperoxides) and structural analysis of a "normal" oxidizing model and a stable model were done to identify any differences among them. Some controllable factors related to the model preparation that were studied included different washing pH values (5.5-6.6), Hb concentrations (7.2 and 13.5 microM), final model moisture contents (75, 81, and 90%), and light exposure during ice storage (0 h, 3-4 h, or 24 h of light/day). Results revealed a 2-fold higher alpha-tocopherol content in the stable model than in the oxidizing model. Electron microscopy images showed a more and less disrupted myofibrillar structure in the stable and the oxidizing cod model, respectively. This indicated that "cold setting" (i.e., pre-gelation) of the stable model may have occurred and prevented Hb from diffusing freely in the model. Controllable factors that reduced lipid oxidation in the models were less Hb and lower moisture.  相似文献   

Due to a pH-sensitive effect in many fish hemoglobins (Hb), analytical errors may occur when mammalian Hb is used as a standard in quantitative spectrophotometric multicomponent analysis of fish blood. The aim of this work was to examine differences in the optical spectra of mammalian (human) and fish (farmed Atlantic cod) Hb subjected to pH 7.4 and 6.5. The absorption spectra of the common derivatives, deoxy- (HHb), oxy- (OHb), carboxy- (COHb), and methemoglobin (metHb), were determined in the spectral range of 450-700 nm. The metHb spectra of fish differed considerably from the corresponding human Hb spectra, whereas only minor differences in OHb, HHb, and COHb were found. Cod Hb was significantly (P < 0.05) influenced by a drop in pH compared to mammalian Hb. This resulted in deoxygenation of the Hb and increased autoxidation. For human Hb, a pH-independent isosbestic point in the spectra of OHb, HHb, and metHb at 523 nm was found. This isosbestic point was not found in the absorption spectra of cod Hb. In conclusion, spectra of cod metHb and human metHb behave differently. This must thus be taken into account in spectrophotometric multicomponent analysis. Ideally, Hb in muscle or blood should be determined by comparison to a standard made from the same species.  相似文献   

This study was designed to assess the interactions of heme with peptides produced by enzyme hydrolysis of hemoglobin, and their relationship with heme iron absorption. Bovine hemoglobin was hydrolyzed by pepsin or by subtilisin, which differ in their hydrolysis processes. The hydrolysis rate ranged from 0 (native hemoglobin) to 15%. Heme solubility and heme-peptides interactions were compared to iron absorption by the Ussing chamber model, at intestinal pH (7.5). Increasing hemoglobin hydrolysis enhanced iron absorption; the highest value was reached between 8 and 11% hydrolysis, whatever the enzyme used. Comparing the products of hydrolysis of the two enzymes showed that heme iron absorption depends not only on its solubility, but relies mainly on the balance between the strength of heme-peptides and the polymerization rate of heme.  相似文献   

The oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is believed to be the initiating factor for the development and progression of atherosclerosis. The active ingredients of spices such as chili and turmeric (capsaicin and curcumin, respectively) have been shown to reduce the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation. One of the techniques used to study the oxidation of LDL is to isolate LDL and subject it to metal-induced (copper or iron) oxidation. However, whole serum may represent a closer situation to in vivo conditions than using isolated LDL. We investigated the effects of different concentrations (0.1-3 microM) of capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, and curcumin on copper-induced oxidation of serum lipoproteins. The lag time (before initiation of oxidation) and rate of oxidation (slope of propagation phase) were calculated. The lag time increased, and the rate of oxidation decreased with increasing concentrations of the tested antioxidants (p < 0.05). A 50% increase in lag time (from control) was observed at concentrations between 0.5 and 0.7 microM for capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, and curcumin. This study shows that oxidation of serum lipids is reduced by capsaicinoids and curcumin in a concentration-dependent manner.  相似文献   

填埋场覆盖层是一种控制甲烷逃逸的最简单可行办法,然而一般的土质覆盖层工程特性差,与微生物甲烷氧化菌的甲烷氧化效能低。生物炭施加到土体中能够改变土体的微环境和微生物活性,进而可影响生物氧化甲烷的效能。为了研究生物炭-甲烷氧化菌改性土的甲烷氧化效率,使用甲烷检测仪,测定不同pH、甲烷浓度、土样干密度和生物炭掺量下,有菌和无菌土样的甲烷降低率的变化规律。结果表明:当无机盐培养液的pH值为7时,甲烷氧化菌具有较高的氧化效能;pH值为9时,甲烷氧化菌的甲烷降低小于pH值为7时。在一定初始甲烷浓度下,甲烷氧化菌的氧化效能随着初始甲烷浓度的增大而增大,但当初始甲烷浓度超过一定值时会抑制甲烷氧化菌的氧化效能,生物炭掺量和干密度均会影响甲烷氧化菌甲烷削减效能。随着生物炭掺量的增加,生物炭-甲烷氧化菌改性土的甲烷氧化效率是逐渐增大的;在干密度和生物炭掺量为1.20 g/cm3和15%时,无菌和有菌两种工况的甲烷降低率降幅较明显,分别为10.38%和39.72%。由此表明添加生物炭改变了填埋场覆盖层土体的微环境,提高了甲烷氧化菌的甲烷氧化效能,该研究对填埋场温室气体减排、大气污染防治及土体固碳减排具有重要学术意义和实际价值。  相似文献   

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