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渔业资源增殖放流效果评估方法的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
依据渔业资源评估原理,结合渔业资源增殖放流的特点,提出一套计算群体生物统计量进而评估渔业资源增殖放流效果的方法。选用渔业资源评估模型,估算未建立生长方程的增殖放流种类的生长参数及其自然死亡系数,以及增殖放流种类的合理放流数量。提出确认渔获物中来自放流种苗数量的方法。推导了计算捕捞死亡系数和按时间序列计算放流群体残存量、回捕量、回捕率和回捕效益等的公式。  相似文献   

两种经验方法估算中国明对虾自然死亡的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为掌握不同自然死亡估算方法对资源变动规律和群体结构特征的影响,以放流中国明对虾渔业为例,采用2种基于生长参数的经验公式估算自然死亡系数,并与已报道的基于渔获量数据得到的结果进行比较,分析3种自然死亡系数随时间的变化规律及对资源的性比结构影响。结果显示:估算方法理论及依据的数据资料不同对自然死亡系数的估算结果影响显著,利用叶昌臣等基于渔获量数据得到的自然死亡系数进行放流后至捕捞结束全时段的模拟,存在低估放流初期个体自然死亡的现象;利用Chen等提出的经验公式估算的自然死亡系数,存在高估放流初期幼体自然死亡的可能,至放流个体生长一周年时性比达4.44:1;利用Gislason等提出的方法估算的自然死亡系数,存在低估放流初期和高估稳定生长期自然死亡的可能,至放流个体生长一周年时性比达2.22:1。在开捕时的BPR和捕捞结束时的累计YPR,基于叶昌臣等估算的自然死亡系数得到的值分别为23.81和22.02,分别是利用Gislason等经验公式得到的值的2.42倍和2.87倍,是利用Chen等提出方法得到的资源量的76.25倍和102.50倍。研究表明,选择渔业资源自然死亡估算方法应以最谨慎的方法进行审查和对比,利用经验方法进行自然死亡系数估算时,为提高估算的准确性、科学性和得到结果具有生物学意义,应引入性别因子(或系数)。  相似文献   

本文根据1992-1993年南沙群岛西南部陆架海区底拖网渔业资源调查资料,分析了 17种主要经济鱼类的渔业生物学特性,并应用体长方法估计了 von Bertalanffy生长参数(L和K)、总死亡系数、自然死亡系数、捕捞死亡系数和开发率,讨论了资源的开发状况。  相似文献   

温台渔场龙头鱼的生长、死亡及最适开捕规格   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在传统渔业资源衰退的情况下,龙头鱼等次要的经济种类逐渐成为东海海区的优势种群,具有重要的经济价值和生态地位。根据2015年11月—2016年8月在温州台州外海(120.93°~122.95°E,27.21°~28.97°N)调查采集的2 611尾龙头鱼的生物学数据,用ELEFANⅠ方法对其生长、死亡参数进行估算,并通过不完全β函数渔获量方程动态综合模型确定最适开捕规格,评估种群资源的利用状况。结果显示,温台渔场龙头鱼体长—体质量关系为W=0.000 5L3.87(R2=0.906 7),雌、雄个体间的体长—体质量关系无显著性差异;龙头鱼的Von Bertalanffy生长方程参数L∞、K、t0分别为32.13 cm、0.39和–0.69龄,体质量生长拐点年龄为2.78龄;根据体长组成资料的线性渔获量曲线估算出龙头鱼的总死亡系数2.55,用Pauly经验公式估算出自然死亡系数0.66,捕捞死亡系数1.89和开发率0.74;动态综合模型评估表明,应适当提高开捕年龄,增大开捕体长,最适开捕年龄tc为1.15龄,相应开捕体长为16.5 cm。  相似文献   

自然死亡系数是许多渔业资源评估模型的重要参数,但现有的估算方法十分有限,且每种方法都有其适用范围。文章综述了估算自然死亡系数的常见方法,分析了当前普遍使用的直接方法和间接方法所存在的弊端,认为自然死亡系数估算的时间范围不应局限于资源群体完全开发阶段,应包含资源成为补充群体前的阶段;通过引入性别系数,避免使用间接方法估算自然死亡系数时产生不具生物学意义的资源群体性别结构特征;进行自然死亡研究时,还应考虑不确定性的影响。  相似文献   

为量化评估增殖放流鱼类产生的经济效益和生态价值,根据广西2013年度中央财政渔业资源保护项目增殖放流鱼类的品种、规格、数量,利用鱼类的生长特征参数、自然死亡系数和捕捞死亡系数,通过巴拉诺夫产量方程估算增殖放流鱼类的回捕量以及水生生物营养转换传递参数、成本参数和市场价格。结果显示,该项目增殖放流鱼类回捕的直接经济效益为10 293万元,投入产出比为1∶25;回捕的放流鱼类从水域中提取氮127.9 t,磷25.6 t,碳汇输出1 874.5 t;回捕放流鱼类及存留鱼类共消耗水域底栖动物44 327.2 t;年度放流总生态价值5 775万元。调查结果表明,开展鱼类增殖放流能产生较好的渔业经济效益和生态效益,有利于维护渔业生态环境健康。  相似文献   

鲐鱼是中国近海重要的中上层经济鱼种,为准确理解当前资源状态和实现可持续利用,需要对其进行科学的渔业资源评估。文章利用中国渔业统计年鉴1979至2019年的渔获量和捕捞努力量数据,利用贝叶斯状态空间产量模型对鲐鱼进行评估,并通过敏感性分析探讨输入数据、模型参数等不确定性因素的影响。结果表明,当前最大可持续产量为46.5万t,资源有83%的概率处于健康状态,种群未遭受资源型和捕捞型过度捕捞(当前相对生物量水平B2019/BMSY=1.160,当前相对捕捞死亡系数F2019/FMSY=0.773)。敏感性分析中,种群参数内禀增长率和初始资源消耗率的先验分布基本不影响评估结果,而可捕系数恒定年增长对评估结果影响较大;数据方面,一定的渔获量误报率不影响对鲐鱼资源状态的判断,而捕捞努力量数据选择时应纳入海洋捕捞从业人数数据,以得到较合理结果。在中国近海鲐鱼的养护管理过程中,为提高资源评估结果的准确性并降低不确定性,需要着重关注渔获量数据的质量和捕捞努力量数据的选择。  相似文献   

南海北部多齿蛇鲻生物学分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
综合20世纪60~90年代南海北部多齿蛇鲻(Sauridatumbil)的生物学资料,利用ELEFAN技术计算生长参数,得到的VonBertalanffy生长方程的相关参数为:L∞=58.5cm,K=0.30,t0=-0.39。根据生长参数及鱼类栖息环境平均水温用Pauly公式计算得自然死亡系数为0.61。根据各个年代的资料采用长度变换曲线法计算总死亡系数,进一步计算捕捞死亡系数,20世纪80年代捕捞死亡系数为1.55,是20世纪60年代的近2倍,20世纪90年代捕捞死亡系数与80年代相比又增加了1倍,在目前的开捕规格下,渔业点进一步偏离了最适产量区;若维持当前的开捕规格及捕捞强度不变,会导致多齿蛇鲻资源的进一步衰竭,而且也不符合经济效益的要求。综合考虑多齿蛇鲻的性成熟特征、当前可能的捕捞强度及经济效益,在有利于恢复资源又能保持相当产量的前提下,建议尽可能的降低捕捞强度的同时对南海北部多齿蛇鲻的开捕体长由13.5cm增加至22.0cm。  相似文献   

东海区带鱼和小黄鱼渔业生物学的研究(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究以东海区历年渔业资源监测调查数据为依据,对带鱼和小黄鱼的群体结构、生物学参数、摄食习性和繁殖习性等渔业生物学动态进行了分析。结果表明,目前东海区带鱼和小黄鱼种群的个体小型化现象相当突出,渐近长度L∞随着时间的推移呈现下降趋势,而生长参数K以及总死亡系数Z和捕捞死亡系数F却呈现逐渐增大趋势。摄食习性和繁殖习性亦发生了较大的变化,带鱼表现出极强的自食性,小黄鱼主要摄食种类与过去大不相同;性成熟提前,同年龄、同一体长组的带鱼和小黄鱼个体平均绝对繁殖力提高。产生这些变化的最主要原因是捕捞的影响和鱼类自身适应自然的结果。  相似文献   

蓝圆鲹(Decapterus maruadsi)属暖水性中上层鱼类,是中国近海重要的渔业资源。本文根据2015-2018年浙江南部海域(120.5°E~123.5°E,27°N~29°N)底拖网季度调查数据,运用线性混合效应模型等方法,研究了蓝圆鲹的叉长-体重关系和生长异质性,并估算其自然死亡系数。结果显示,蓝圆鲹样本叉长(L)范围为45.0~247.0 mm,平均叉长为126.1 mm;体重(W)范围为0.7~206.6 g,平均体重为29.1 g;叉长-体重关系式为:W=5.01×10-6L3.17。线性混合效应模型结果显示,同时考虑季节、性别和年份差异的模型对蓝圆鲹叉长-体重关系的拟合效果最佳。在相同叉长条件下,体重在秋季最大,其次是春季,而夏季最小;从不同年份来看,体重在2018年最大,其次是2016年,在2017年最小;从不同性别来看,雄性和雌性的差异不明显。这说明时间因素对于浙江南部海域蓝圆鲹的生长特征具有显著影响,2018年秋季蓝圆鲹的长势最佳。依据"Pauly"、"Pauly update"、"Jensen"、"Hoenig"和"Lorenzen"等不同的经验方程估算的蓝圆鲹自然死亡系数在0.36~1.41之间。本研究通过混合效应模型分析了年份、季节、性别对蓝圆鲹叉长-体重的影响,这对蓝圆鲹生活史特征及资源评估具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

实际种群分析法(virtual population analysis,VPA)是开展渔业资源评估最有效的技术之一,一般以世代为基础开展评估.基于实际渔业存在渔汛期、休渔期等特点,本研究运用分期评估的概念对传统实际种群分析进行了扩展,即分期种群分析法,并根据不同时期的捕捞死亡特征,评估与分析了4种不同分期情景对评估结果的影响.模拟研究表明,由于分期不当造成评估结果的误差为6%~33%.文中一并给出了开展分期实际种群分析法对资料收集和参数评估的要求.该方法克服了传统实际种群分析法中没有全面分期产生的误差,使其扩展至适合于评估全年捕捞死亡率不稳定或非连续性渔业种群,评估结果也更接近于评估种群的真实值.  相似文献   

以西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼(Illex argentinus)为研究对象,基于连续时间的随机剩余产量模型(a stochastic surplus production model in continuous time,SPiCT),分析了6种方案下参数估计的变化及其对资源评估的影响。对比6种方案中阿根廷滑柔鱼的产量和单位捕捞努力渔获量(catch per unit effort,CPUE)的估计值与观测值间的最小残差平方和,方案3(设置了K、r、q的先验分布)为最适方案。相应的资源评估结果显示,2010年西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼捕捞死亡系数小于最大持续产量时捕捞死亡系数F_(MSY),渔获量小于最大持续产量MSY,预期平衡生物量EEB大于最大持续产量时的生物量B_(MSY),这表明该资源在2010年尚未被过度开发利用。SPiCT模型综合考虑了环境因子、种群间相互作用和网具选择性等因素引起的观测和过程误差,较S、F-EDSP、S-F-EDSP模型及其他离散模型对数据要求低,计算方法简单,更适合数据有限、短生命周期渔业种类的资源评估。另外,可捕系数q值的设置严重影响了SPiCT模型K、B的估计,优化估计可捕系数q将有利于提高其资源评估的准确性。  相似文献   

Understanding the impacts of recreational fishing on commercially fished stocks is becoming increasingly relevant for fisheries managers. However, data from recreational fisheries are not commonly included in stock assessments of commercially fished stocks. Simulation models of two assessment methods employed in Australia's Commonwealth fisheries were used to explore how recreational fishery data can be included, and the likely consequences for management. In a data‐poor management strategy for blue eye trevalla, Hyperoglyphe antarctica (Carmichael), temporal trends in recreational catch most affected management outcomes. In a data‐rich age‐structured stock assessment for striped marlin, Kajikia audax (Philippi), estimates of stock status were biased when recreational catches were large or when the recreational fishery targeted different size classes than the commercial fishery and these data were not integrated into the assessment. Including data from recreational fishing can change perceptions of stock status and impact recommendations for harvest strategies and management action. An understanding of recreational fishery dynamics should be prioritised for some species.  相似文献   

Increasingly, fisheries are being managed under catch quotas that are often further allocated to specific permit holders or sectors. At the same time, serious consideration is being given to the effects of discards on the health of target and non‐target species. Some quota systems have incorporated discard reduction as an objective by counting discards (including unmarketable fish) against the overall quota. The potential effect of the introduction of a quota system that includes accountability for discards on the fishing strategies employed by fishermen is enormous. This is particularly true for multispecies fisheries where healthy and depleted stocks co‐exist; resulting in a trip's catch being applied to very large and very small stock quotas simultaneously. Under such a scenario, fishermen have a strong incentive to minimize (i) catch of low‐quota or ‘choke’ stocks, (ii) regulatory discards due to minimum size limits and (iii) catch partially consumed by predators. ‘Move‐on’ rules (i.e. event‐triggered, targeted, temporary closure of part of a fishery when a catch or bycatch threshold is reached) have been employed in a variety of fisheries. However, their efficacy has been limited by a lack of empirical analyses underpinning the rules. Here, we examine the utility of spatiotemporal autocorrelation analyses to inform ‘move‐on’ rules to assist a sector of the New England Multispecies Fishery to reduce discards and maximize profits. We find the use of empirical move‐on rules could reduce catch of juvenile and choke stocks between 27 and 33%, and depredation events between 41 and 54%.  相似文献   

Wasted fishery resources: discarded by-catch in the USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fishery by‐catch, especially discarded by‐catch, is a serious problem in the world's oceans. Not only are the stocks of discarded species affected, but entire trophic webs and habitats may be disrupted at the ecosystem level. This paper reviews discarding in the marine fisheries of the USA; however, the type, diversity and regulatory mechanisms of the fisheries are similar to developed fisheries and management programmes throughout the world. We have compiled current estimates of discarded by‐catch for each major marine fishery in the USA using estimates from existing literature, both published and unpublished. We did not re‐estimate discards or discard rates from raw data, nor did we include data on protected species (turtles, mammals and birds) and so this study covers discarded by‐catch of finfish and fishable invertebrates. For some fisheries, additional calculations were required to transform number data into weight data, and typically length and weight composition data were used. Specific data for each fishery are referenced in Harrington et al. (Wasted Resources: Bycatch and discards in US Fisheries, Oceana, Washington, DC, 2005). Overall, our compiled estimates are that 1.06 million tonnes of fish were discarded and 3.7 million tonnes of fish were landed in USA marine fisheries in 2002. This amounts to a nationwide discard to landings ratio of 0.28, amongst the highest in the world. Regionally, the southeast had the largest discard to landings ratio (0.59), followed closely by the highly migratory species fisheries (0.52) and the northeast fisheries (0.49). The Alaskan and west coast fisheries had the lowest ratios (0.12 and 0.15 respectively). Shrimp fisheries in the southeast were the major contributors to the high discard rate in that region, with discard ratios of 4.56 (Gulf of Mexico) and 2.95 (South Atlantic). By‐catch and discarding is a major component of the impact of fisheries on marine ecosystems. There have been substantial efforts to reduce by‐catch in some fisheries, but broadly based programmes covering all fisheries are needed within the USA and around the world. In response to international agreements to improve fishery management, by‐catch and discard reduction must become a regular part of fishery management planning.  相似文献   

Patterns of population variability in marine fish stocks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Exploited marine fish and invertebrate stocks fluctuate in a myriad of complex patterns, exhibiting variability on interannual, decadal, and longer time scales. To characterize various patterns of variation, time series of catch, catch per unit effort, or biomass from 30 stocks were examined with a variety of statistical methods including autocorrelation analysis and Lowess smoothing. A hierarchical cluster analysis classified the stocks into six identifiable groups: steady-state; low-variation, low-frequency; cyclic; irregular; high-variation, high-frequency; and spasmodic. The observed patterns are consistent with life history traits; for example, stocks with high variability are generally small, pelagic species whereas low-variability stocks are generally slow-growing, demersal fish. Each of the six general patterns of variability can be produced from a simple multiple-equilibrium population model by varying the intrinsic rate of population growth, and the time scale and amplitude of environmental variability. Suitable management policies depend on the type of variation observed, and the vast majority of stocks examined do not correspond to the steady-state assumptions of classical fisheries models. For example, management of spasmodic stocks may alternate between periods of active exploitation and periods of rebuilding, a process enhanced by the existence of alternative fisheries.  相似文献   

Keep it simple: three indicators to deal with overfishing   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Three simple fisheries indicators are presented: (i) percentage of mature fish in catch, with 100% as target; (ii) percent of specimens with optimum length in catch, with 100% as target; and (iii) percentage of ‘mega‐spawners‘ in catch, with 0% as target, and 30–40% as representative of reasonable stock structure if no upper size limit exists. Application of these indicators to stocks of Gadus morhua, Sardinella aurita and Epinephelus aeneus demonstrate their usefulness. It is argued that such simple indicators have the potential to allow more stakeholders such as fishers, fish dealers, supermarket managers, consumers and politicians to participate in fisheries management and eventually hold and reverse the global pattern of convenience overfishing, which is defined here as deliberate overfishing sanctioned by official bodies who find it more convenient to risk eventual collapse of fish stocks than to risk social and political conflicts.  相似文献   

《Fisheries Research》2007,87(2-3):153-158
Gulland's [Gulland, J.A., 1965. Estimation of mortality rates. Annex to Arctic Fisheries Working Group Report (meeting in Hamburg, January 1965). ICES, C.M. 1965, Doc. No. 3 (mimeographed)] virtual population analysis (VPA) is commonly used for studying the dynamics of harvested fish populations. However, it necessitates the solving of a nonlinear equation for the instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish in a population. Pope [Pope, J.G., 1972. An investigation of the accuracy of Virtual Population Analysis using cohort analysis. ICNAF Res. Bull. 9, 65–74. Also available in D.H. Cushing (ed.) (1983), Key Papers on Fish Populations, p. 291–301, IRL Press, Oxford, 405 p.] eliminated this necessity in his cohort analysis by approximating its underlying age- and time-dependent population model. His approximation has since become one of the most commonly used age- and time-dependent fish population models in fisheries science. However, some of its properties are not well understood. For example, many assert that it describes the dynamics of a fish population, from which the catch of fish is taken instantaneously in the middle of the year. Such an assertion has never been proven, nor has its implied instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish of a particular age at a particular time been examined, nor has its implied catch equation been derived from a general catch equation. In this paper, we prove this assertion, examine its implied instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish of a particular age at a particular time, derive its implied catch equation from a general catch equation, and comment on how to structure an age- and time-dependent population model to ensure its internal consistency. This work shows that Gulland's (1965) virtual population analysis and Pope's (1972) cohort analysis lie at the opposite end of a continuous spectrum as a general model for a seasonally occurring fishery; Pope's (1972) approximation implies an infinitely large instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish of a particular age at a particular time in a fishing season of zero length; and its implied catch equation has an undefined instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish in a population, but a well-defined cumulative instantaneous rate of fishing mortality of the fish in the population. This work also highlights a need for a more careful treatment of the times of start and end of a fishing season in fish population models.  相似文献   

基于生活史特征的数据有限条件下渔业资源评估方法比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
渔业资源评估是开展渔业资源管理,维系渔业可持续发展的基础工作。传统的渔业资源评估方法需要统计产量、资源丰度指数甚至年龄结构等大量数据,由于调查经费和数据的缺乏,全球仅1%的鱼种进行过系统性的资源评估。近年来,在数据有限(data-limited)条件下如何开展资源评估已日益成为学术界的关注热点。本文将基于生活史特征的评估方法分为仅需要生活史参数,需要产量数据和生活史参数,需要产量数据、生活史参数及体长或年龄数据等3大类,分别从方法、数据要求、输出结果及局限性进行了系统回顾分析,提供了关于生活史特征参数的常见估算方法,并就其中两种模型对北大西洋大青鲨(Prionace glauca)的可持续渔获量进行了初步评估与比较。最后,对数据缺乏模型的使用及模型在中国近海渔业资源评估中的运用提出了建议。  相似文献   

Inland fisheries can be diverse, local and highly seasonal. This complexity creates challenges for monitoring, and consequently, many inland fish stocks have few data and cannot be assessed using methods typically applied to industrial marine fisheries. In such situations, there may be a role for methods recently developed for assessment of data‐poor fish stocks. Herein, three established data‐poor assessment tools from marine systems are demonstrated to highlight their value to inland fisheries management. A case study application uses archived length, catch and catch‐per‐unit‐effort data to characterise the ecological status of an important recreational brown trout stock in an Irish lake. This case study is of specific use to management of freshwater sport fisheries, but the broader purpose of the paper was to provide a crossover between marine and inland fisheries science, and to highlight accessible data‐poor assessment approaches that may be applicable in diverse inland systems.  相似文献   

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