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小麦水分状况的光反射测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反射测量可用于对作物的水分状况进行快速而经济的评估.该研究以土壤最大持水量为标准,设65%、52%、39%、32.5%、26%和19.5%共6个水处理水平.小麦叶片光反射的测量用数码相机进行,测量结果用L*a*b*颜色系统进行评估和分析.在该三维系统中,参数a*和b*分别描述绿/红和蓝/黄颜色的比例,参数L*用来描述颜色的浅淡.结果表明,随水胁迫加剧,小麦叶片光反射参数a*(绿/红)和/或b*(蓝/黄)在9个特定波段表现出有规律的增加,植株含水率与光反射参数b*之间呈线性负相关关系,其中与510~780 nm波段的光反射参数b*之间的决定系数r2最大,达到0.95.因此光反射测量可以作为小麦水分状况测量的一个重要工具.  相似文献   

反射测量可用于对作物的水分状况进行快速而经济的评估。该研究以土壤最大持水量为标准,设65%、52%、39%、32.5%、26%和19.5%共6个水处理水平。小麦叶片光反射的测量用数码相机进行,测量结果用L*a*b*颜色系统进行评估和分析。在该三维系统中,参数a*和b*分别描述绿/红和蓝/黄颜色的比例,参数L*用来描述颜色的浅淡。结果表明,随水胁迫加剧,小麦叶片光反射参数a*(绿/红)和/或b*(蓝/黄)在9个特定波段表现出有规律的增加,植株含水率与光反射参数b*之间呈线性负相关关系,其中与510~780 nm波段的光反射参数b*之间的决定系数r2最大,达到0.95。因此光反射测量可以作为小麦水分状况测量的一个重要工具。  相似文献   


The color of 100 soil sanples collected in Florida and Brazil was measured conventionally with Munsell color charts and with a tristimulus colorimeter (Minolta Chroma Meter 200) progranmed to record reflected color in Munsell notation. The instrument‐derived color readings were highly reproducible and more precise than the visual determinations. It appears that the Chroma Meter 200, an instrument usually used for fruit and juice color measurenent, can be used to get objective soil color measurenents, free of individual color perception differences, and with better interpolated values.  相似文献   

Poor zinc (Zn) nutrition of wheat is one of the main causes of poor human health in developing countries. A field experiment with no zinc and foliar zinc application (0.5% ZnSO4.7H2O) on bread wheat (8), durum wheat (3), and triticale (4) cultivars was conducted in a randomized block design with three replications in 2 years. The experimental soil texture was loamy sand with slightly alkalinity. The grain yields of bread wheat, triticale, and durum wheat cultivars increased from 43.6 to 56.4, 46.5 to 51.6, and 49.4 to 53.5 t ha?1, respectively, with foliar application of 0.5% ZnSO4.7H2O. The highest grain yield was recorded by PBW 550 (wheat), TL 2942 (triticale), and PDW 291 (durum), which was 5.22, 4.24, and 4.56% and significantly higher over no zinc. Foliar zinc application increased zinc in bread wheat, triticale, and durum wheat cultivars grains varying from 31.0 to 63.0, 29.3 to 61.8, and 30.2 to 62.4?mg kg?1, respectively. So, agronomic biofortification is the best way which enriching the wheat grains with zinc for human consumption.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out to determine Fusarium species and fumonisin contamination in 55 durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) samples collected during two harvest seasons (2007 and 2008) using HPLC and further LC-MS/MS confirmation. All samples showed Fusarium contamination with infection levels ranging from 8 to 66%, F. proliferatum being the species most frequently isolated during 2007 and the second most frequently isolated one during the 2008 harvest season, respectively. Natural contamination with fumonisins was found in both harvest seasons. In 2007, 97% of the samples showed total fumonisin (FB(1) + FB(2)) levels ranging from 10.5 to 1245.7 ng/g, while very low levels of fumonisins were detected in samples collected during 2008. These results could be explained by differences in the amount of rainfall during both periods evaluated. A selected number (n = 48) of F. proliferatum isolates showed fumonisin production capability on autoclaved rice. This is the first report of the presence of natural fumonisins in durum wheat grains.  相似文献   

The importance of carotenoid content in apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) is recognized not only because of the color that they impart but also because of their protective activity against human diseases. Current methods to assess carotenoid content are time-consuming, expensive, and destructive. In this work, the application of rapid and nondestructive methods such as colorimeter measurements and infrared spectroscopy has been evaluated for carotenoid determination in apricot. Forty apricot genotypes covering a wide range of peel and flesh colors have been analyzed. Color measurements on the skin and flesh ( L*, a*, b*, hue, chroma, and a*/ b* ratio) as well as Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR) on intact fruits and Fourier transform mid-infrared spectroscopy (FT-MIR) on ground flesh were correlated with the carotenoid content measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. A high variability in color values and carotenoid content was observed. Partial least squares regression analyses between beta-carotene content and provitamin A activity and color measurements showed a high fit in peel, flesh, and edible apricot portion (R(2) ranged from 0.81 to 0.91) and low prediction error. Regression equations were developed for predicting carotenoid content by using color values, which appeared as a simple, rapid, reliable, and nondestructive method. However, FT-NIR and FT-MIR models showed very low R(2) values and very high prediction errors for carotenoid content.  相似文献   

Purification of a lipoxygenase enzyme from the cultivar Tresor of durum wheat semolina (Triticum turgidum var. durum Desf) was reinvestigated furnishing a new procedure. The 895-fold purified homogeneous enzyme showed a monomeric structure with a molecular mass of 95 +/- 5 kDa. Among the substrates tested, linoleic acid showed the highest k(cat)/K(m) value; a beta-carotene bleaching activity was also detected. The enzyme optimal activity was at pH 6. 8 on linoleic acid as substrate and at pH 5.2 for the bleaching activity on beta-carotene, both assayed at 25 degrees C. The dependence of lipoxygenase activity on temperature showed a maximum at 40 degrees C for linoleic acid and at 60 degrees C for bleaching activity on beta-carotene. The amino acid composition showed the presence of only one tryptophan residue per monomer. Far-UV circular dichroism studies carried out at 25 degrees C in acidic, neutral, and basic regions revealed that the protein possesses a secondary structure content with a high percentage of alpha- and beta-structures. Near-UV circular dichroism, at 25 degrees C and at the same pH values, pointed out a strong perturbation of the tertiary structure in the acidic and basic regions compared to the neutral pH condition. Moreover, far-UV CD spectra studying the effects of the temperature on alpha-helix content revealed that the melting point of the alpha-helix is at 60 degrees C at pH 5.0, whereas it was at 50 degrees C at pH 6.8 and 9.0. The NH(2)-terminal sequence allowed a homology comparison with other lipoxygenase sequences from mammalian and vegetable sources.  相似文献   


Effects of silicon (Si) priming at 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5?mM on germination, ion balance, and root structure of two durum wheat cultivars at 0, 100, and 200?mM sodium chloride (NaCl) was conducted in a laboratory. An aliquot of 200?mM NaCl with 1.5?mM Si improved Behrang cultivar germination from 54 to 88%, but in Yavaros only from 49 to 85%. In Behrang, the control root length at 200?mM NaCl increased from 5.07 to 7.11?mm when treated with 1.5?mM Si, but Yavaros only increased from 3.18 to 4.09?mm. Behrang accumulated less sodium (Na+) and more potassium (K+). For mean diameter of central and peripheral metaxylem cells, Behrang benefitted more from Si amelioration than Yavaros. Salinity affected the diameter of central and peripheral metaxylem cells to a greater degree compared to vessel number. Si soil application (1.0 and 1.5?mM Si) may help to establish durum wheat seeds grown under saline conditions.  相似文献   

Previous research showed that the use of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria helped to increase nutrient use efficiency. The individual and combined effects of combined action of humic fertilizer and rhizobacteria Bacillus subtilis No. 2 on the lettuce yield, chlorophyll, total nitrogen and nitrate-(N) contents in lettuce leaves was studied. Traditional biochemical analysis and crop reflectance method were compared. Vegetation Indices and key spectrum characteristics - a median of frequency spectrum and bandwidth of frequency spectrum were used to estimate chlorophyll content in plant leaves.

The synergistic effect of bacteria and humic fertilizer was evidenced by increase in N and chlorophyll contents and in decreased nitrates content in lettuce leaves. Humic fertilizer resulted in decreased nitrates concentration in plants, whereas bacillus (B). subtilis No. 2 increased total N and chlorophyll contents. Results indicated that the application rate of humic fertilizer may be reduced when B. subtilis No. 2 is also applied.  相似文献   

Cellulose nanofibers from durum wheat straw ( Triticum durum ) were produced and characterized to study their potential as reinforcement fibers in biocomposites. Cellulose was isolated from wheat straw by chemical treatment. Nanofibers were produced via an electrospinning method using trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as the solvent. The nanofibers were 270 ± 97 nm in diameter. Analysis of the FT-IR spectra demonstrated that the chemical treatment of the wheat straw removed hemicellulose and lignin. XRD revealed that the crystallinity of the cellulose was reduced after electrospinning, but nanofibers remained highly crystalline. The glass transition temperature (T(g) value) of the fibers was 130 °C, higher than that of cellulose (122 °C), and the degradation temperature of the fibers was 236 °C. Residual TFA was not present in the nanofibers as assessed by the FT-IR technique.  相似文献   

Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) semolina water-extractable arabinoxylan (TWEAX) (yield 0.28%, arabinose-to-xylose ratio (A/X) 0. 62) was fractionated by a stepwise increase in ethanol concentration (up to 65%). The A/X ratios of the resulting fractions varied between 0.42 and 0.80. With increasing ethanol concentrations, increasing A/X ratios went hand in hand with a relative increase of low molecular weight compounds, indicating that high molecular weight compounds with a low A/X ratio are preferentially precipitated from alcohol/water mixtures. (1)H NMR showed that, whereas in TWEAX the levels of unsubstituted xyloses (X(0)), monosubstituted (X(1)), and disubstituted (X(2)) xyloses were 63.1%, 11.8%, and 25.1%, respectively, fractions that precipitated with increasing ethanol concentrations had decreasing levels of X(0). Simultaneously, the level of X(1) decreased equally until it leveled of at ca. 10%. Concomitantly, the level of X(2) increased. The levels of X(0), X(1), and X(2) varied between 69.7% and 53.4%, 18.2% and 10.7%, and 12.2% and 35.9%, respectively.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the analysis of DNA microsatellites for the detection of soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in semolina and durum wheat bread (prepared from Triticum turgidum L. var. durum). The results enabled selection of an efficient D-genome-specific repetitive DNA sequence to detect common wheat in semolina and breads by qualitative PCR with a threshold of 3 and 5%, respectively, lowered to 2.5% by real-time PCR. This is of major importance for checking during production of some typical products recently awarded the European Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) mark such as Altamura bread, which should not contain soft wheat flour. The feasibility of quantification of common wheat adulteration in semolina using real-time PCR was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Broadening the genetic base upon which the breeding of durumwheat relies is a growing concern in Italy. Exotic materials canrepresent valuable sources of adaptive features and they have beenrepeatedly exploited in the past for direct utilisation and/orintrogression by crossing into existing germplasm. An increase of theavailable genetic variation for the breeding also appearsenvisageable in terms of end-product quality. This studyassessed the variation in germplasm from eastern Europe countries,which could represent novel gene sources for durum wheat improvementin Italy, and verified the presence of variants of potential interestfor agronomical and quality characteristics to be possibly exploitedfor breeding. Fifty-nine landraces from the former USSR and 91from Bulgaria were grown in Sicily and evaluated for agronomicaltraits, spike morphological characteristics (possibly bearingsome taxonomic relevance), and protein composition at three lociencoding for glutenin subunits responsible of flour quality features.The results suggested a similar overall diversity in the two groupsconsidering either the variance of the agronomical characters, or thediversity index (H) across morphological traits, orthe frequency distribution of electrophoretic patterns of gluteninsubunits encoded at three loci. Genotypes of potential usefulness asdonors of positive agronomical or quality attributes were found inboth germplasm groups, although the agronomical characteristics ofthe exotic genotypes rarely matched those required by the breeding inthe target area. Conversely, the genetic variation found at the threeloci involved in the composition of glutenin subunits appeared ofgreater relevance for the breeding in Italy.  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted over a 3-year period at the Hokkaido Kitami Agricultural Experiment Station to examine whether the grain protein content (GPC) of a winter wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Chihokukomugi) suitable for Japanese noodle-making could be predicted before harvest. The prediction of the GPC was accurate based on the color of the second leaf (just below the flag leaf) at the end of the emergence of the inflorescence, when nitrogen application was graded. In order to evaluate the reliability of this test, a survey of 95 wheat fields in the eastern part of Hokkaido was also carried out during a 3-year period. The prediction of the GPC for this cultivar based on the color of the second leaf was less accurate across many sites. The results of this survey, however, suggested that the leaf color could be used as an index for ranking the GPC as low or high in relation to processing requirements. When the leaf color value of the second leaf measured with a chlorophyll meter at the end of the emergence of the inflorescence was less than 40, it was predicted that the GPC would be lower than the processing requirement. This index could be applied to the cultivars grown in the eastern part of Hokkaido, except for those grown on peat soils.  相似文献   

Whether due to the genotype or the environment of the mother plant, the nutrient content of seeds vary over a wide range; the amount of the nutrient contributes greatly to seedling vigor, especially on deficient soils and may result in major differences in grain yield. This effect has important implications for breeding programs. This paper examines the impact of seed manganese (Mn) on screening of durum wheats for tolerance to Mn‐deficient soils. Seed stocks with a range of Mn contents (0.4–2.4 μg seed‐1) were produced, and the effect on expression of Mn efficiency measured as either relative yield or shoot Mn content for two durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) genotypes differing in Mn efficiency. Both genotypes responded to seed Mn content in terms of enhanced root and shoot growth; there was no genotype by seed Mn interaction, so Mn provided in seed was utilized additively by both Mn‐efficient and Mn‐inefficient genotypes. Manganese efficiency, measured as relative yield, was a function of seed Mn content and varied from 40 to 70% in Hazar and 58 to 90% in Stojocri 2, in the same assay using seed of variable Mn content. From the response curves of yield vs. soil Mn added, the Mn required for 90% relative yield was determined for each level of seed Mn content. Seed Mn was regressed against the soil added Mn needed to obtain 90% of maximal growth at each level of seed Mn content (a total of 8 levels) for each of two genotypes. There was an inverse linear relationship between the amount of soil Mn and seed Mn needed for each genotype. Using the Mn‐efficient genotype with high seed Mn content, the soil Mn needed to obtain 90% growth was nil, while inefficient genotypes with low Mn content required 75 mg Mn kg‐1 soil to produce the same relative yield. This relationship can be used to adjust the levels of soil applied Mn to be used in a pot bioassay when seeds have a certain Mn content, so as to maintain the screening at an optimal overall level of Mn stress.  相似文献   

A major problem for durum wheat production in the Mediterranean region is yield fluctuation. This fluctuation is a result of year-to-year variation in precipitation and heat stress during grain growth, which is typical of the Mediterranean climate. Both yield stability and good quality are needed in adapted durum wheat ideotypes. Ten durum wheat cultivars differing in drought resistance were grown during 1998, under both rainfed and irrigated conditions, at three sites in southern Spain. The main traits studied were protein and lysine content, grain yield, test weight, SDS sedimentation, semolina color, and grain vitreousness. Results show a high influence of site on all traits. Only test weight (TW), SDS sedimentation, grain vitreousness, and protein per kernel appeared to be determined also by cultivar effect. Vitreousness was positively correlated with TW (r = 0.48**) and semolina color (r = 0.46**). An inverse relationship was found between grain yield and protein content. Regression of cultivar mean values of protein content and grain yield showed a negative correlation (r = -0.72***), probably due to dilution of protein by non-nitrogen compounds and reduced starch accumulation in the grain under drought conditions. Lysine content was negatively associated with protein content (r = -0.86***), indicating the difficulty of a simultaneous breeding for both characteristics.  相似文献   

Effects of various aluminum (AlCl3) concentration and exposure times (6, 12, and 24 h and 3 d) on growth and potassium (K) transport were studied in two wheat species (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Jubilejnaja 50 and Triticum durum Desf. cv. GK Betadur) grown in low salt conditions hydroponically. In longer (3 d) Al exposure times at pH 4.1, the inhibition of root growth appeared at 10 μM Al3+ treatment in GK Betadur, and at 50 μM Al3+ treatment in Jubilejnaja 50. Shoot growth was not influenced by Al3+ treatment, except at 100 μM in 7 d experiments. In 6, 12, and 24 h Al3+ exposure times, at low pH, the K+(86Rb) influx in roots increased as the Al3+ concentration increased in the outer medium in both species. It also appeared in K+(86Rb) transport toward the shoots, except by higher Al3+ treatments of GK Betadur seedlings. At the same time, in longer‐term (3 d) Al3+ treatments, a striking inhibition were observed in K+(86Rb) influx and K+ concentration of roots and shoots. The K+concentration of roots and shoots measured at the end of 24 h Al3+ exposure times was significantly not affected by Al3+ treatment. Durum wheat proved to be more sensitive to the Al toxicity than common winter wheat.  相似文献   

Mineral deficiencies can seriously reduce crop yield and economic returns to farmers. Reflectance measurements may provide inexpensive and fast estimates of the mineral status of plants. This study was conducted to examine specific changes of leaf reflectance due to nutrient deficiencies. During the 1998 and 1999 growing seasons leaf scans of N‐, P‐, Mg‐, and Fe‐deficient corn plants were performed with a digital LEICA S1 PRO camera under controlled light conditions. Leaf scans were evaluated with the L*a*b*‐color system. This is a three‐dimensional system with parameter a* describing the green/red percentage and parameter b* the blue/yellow percentage of a color. L* represents the lightness of a color. The a* and b* parameters provided good prediction of N, P, Mg, and Fe status of the plants in the wavelength ranges of 380—390 nm, 430—780 nm, 516—780 nm, 516—IR, and 540—600 nm because reflectance changed specifically due to the nutrient deficiency. Analyses of water‐soluble and propanol‐soluble pigments showed no significant changes in absorbance during latent deficiency. The results indicate that reflectance measurements may provide a powerful tool for the specific detection of latent nutrient deficiencies in corn plants.  相似文献   

Weather and climate simulations are critically dependent on an accurate representation of land surface exchange processes. The present study tests the performance of the Noah land surface model (LSM) for energy partitioning and soil water dynamics on a winter wheat stand in southwest Germany. The model was parameterized field-specifically, i.e., data on leaf area index, green vegetation fraction, albedo, and soil texture were derived from measurements, and tested against a set of eddy covariance (EC) and soil water data collected in the 2009 season. With respect to energy partitioning, the field-specific parameterization performed fairly well during the main vegetation period. During ripening, starting in mid-July until harvest on 6 August, however, the sensible heat flux was distinctly underestimated. In August, the bias increased to −105.5 W m−2. As a consequence, evapotranspiration was overestimated during this period. After introducing a time-variable minimum stomatal resistance (Rc,min), the model performed much better. The model also delivered acceptable results during crop maturing. The Noah LSM was unable to simulate the observed soil water dynamics. While the measured soil water content profiles showed a distinct gradient with depth, the Noah LSM tended to deplete the soil profile uniformly.Our study shows that for cereal-dominated croplands phenology and crop development play a crucial role in energy partitioning, especially during the ripening stage. Disregarding the dynamics of the physiological properties of the crops in the Noah LSM leads to significant bias in energy partitioning. Finally, we critically discuss the current approach to correct measured EC flux data for the energy residual based on the Bowen ratio with regard to LSM calibration and performance.  相似文献   


The effectiveness of plant–soil synergies is largely modulated by interaction between cultivar and rhizosphere microbiome. We evaluated the agronomic performance of six durum wheat cultivars, in two semi-arid locations in Tunisia that differed in their irrigation water salinity: S1 (6 dS m?1) and S2 (12 dS m?1). The two-consecutive-year field experiments assessed the effects of the microbial biomass carbon (MBC), leaf phosphorus (LP) and rhizosphere phosphorus (P) on the grain yield (GY) and yield components at tillering and flowering stages. Overall, in saline conditions, cultivars differed in above- and below-ground traits, particularly, with tolerant cultivars presenting relatively greater MBC, P and LP. Furthermore, in S2, GY positively correlated with MBC (r = 0.69), LP (r = 0.80) and P (r = 0.79). Additionally, in S2, MBC positively correlated with P (r = 0.87) and LP (r = 0.85) at flowering. This result was further confirmed by multiple linear regression (step-wise) analysis, which revealed that MBC and LP were the determinant components of GY variability under S2. The present study demonstrates that LP and soil P are mandatory for improving the management of durum wheat. Salinity tolerance was largely affected by the cultivars’ rhizosphere MBC.  相似文献   

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