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Studies of waste generation from the freshwater phase of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) production have not been substantially updated since the mid 1980's, and advances in husbandry prectices designed to reduce wastage which have taken place in that period therefore remain unconsidered. In order to determine if reductions have been achieved, two Scottish fish farms were visited on a number of occasions during one year, and outputs of suspended solids (SS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) (NH3+NH4 +), dissolved reactive and total phosphorus (DRP, TP) were monitored. The range of waste loadings obtained were 9.1–10.0 kg TP t fish?2 yr?1, 410 kg BOD5 t fish?1 yr?1, 191–606 kg SS t fish?1 y?1, and 20.3–39.3 kg TAN-N t fish?1 yr?1. Compared to existing data, a greater range of daily waste loadings were observed, suggesting that more frequent monitoring is required to reduce variations observed in the data set, and to obtain accurate information on waste outputs from such operations. Modifications of feeding methods remains a route through which further reductions in waste outputs may be made.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to examine the influence different zooplankon grazing rate relationships have on water quality eutrophication model results in a tidal estuary. The water quality model being used includes phytoplankton and both dissolved and particulate constituents as state variables. It includes zooplankton grazing of the phytoplankton, where excretions from the latter increase the particulate constituents. The phytoplankton and particulate constituents also undergo settling. When applied to an existing estuary, the model results are different for a first order zooplankton grazing rate formulation than for a second order zooplankton grazing rate formulation.Constituents enter the estuary as wastewater discharges, freshwater river inflows, exchanges between the sediment and water interface, and exchange across the tidal boundary. The water quality model is coupled with a three-dimensional time varying hydrodynamic and transport model that allows accurate computation of the tidal velocity field transporting the constituents from their sources throughout the estuary. Comparisons of model results between the first order and the second order density dependent zooplankton grazing relationships allow determining which of the two processes best describe water quality behavior for the estuary being examined. The second order density dependent zooplankton grazing relationship performs best in application.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, smolts of hatchery origin were held for 5 to 16 days in ambient (pH 6.35, labile Al = 60 µg L?1), limed (pH 6.72, labile Al = 58.4 µg L?1), or acidified (pH 5.47, labile Al=96 µg L?1) water from the Narraguagus River in Maine, USA. Wild smolts were captured in the same river in rotary traps and held for up to two days in ambient river water. Osmoregulatory ability was assessed by measuring Na+/K+ ATPase activity, hematocrit, and blood Cl concentration in freshwater, and after 24-hr exposure to seawater. Hatchery smolts exposed to acidic water and wild smolts displayed sub-lethal ionoregulatory stress both in fresh and seawater, with mortalities of wild smolts in seawater. Using ultrasonic telemetry, hatchery-reared ambient and acid-exposed, and wild smolts were tracked as they migrated through freshwater and estuarine sections of the river. The proportion of wild smolts migrating during daylight hours was higher than for hatchery-reared smolts. Wild smolts remained in the freshwater portions of the river longer than either group of hatchery smolts, although survival during migration to seawater was similar for all three treatments. Acid-exposed hatchery-origin and wild Narraguagus River smolts were both under ionoregulatory stress that may have affected their migratory behavior, but not their survival for the time and area in which we tracked them.  相似文献   


Although spring-applied nitrogen (N) has been shown to be most efficient, the technique of delaying all N applications until mid-season, and the resultant effect on maximum yields, has not been thoroughly evaluated. This experiment was conducted to determine if potential yield reductions from early-season N stress can be corrected using in-season N applications. Data from three experimental sites and two growing seasons (six site-year combinations) were used to evaluate three preplant N rates (0, 45, and 90 kg ha?1) and a range of in-season topdress N rates. Topdress N amounts were determined using a GreenSeeker hand-held sensor and an algorithm developed at Oklahoma State University. Even when early-season N stress was present (0-N preplant), N-applied topdress at Feekes 5 resulted in maximum or near-maximum yields in four of six site-year combinations when compared with other treatments receiving both preplant and topdress N.  相似文献   

Reintroduction of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) after liming of acidified barren salmon rivers could benefit by choosing acid tolerant strains. Testing different life history stages from fry to smolts of five salmon strains with different acidification history demonstrated strain-specific variation in tolerance to acid aluminum-rich waters for stages from fry to parr. Contrary to expectation, salmon from non-acidified rivers were more tolerant. Differences in sensitivity were found between life history stages. Within a specific life history stage, size-dependent sensitivity was found; small fish being more sensitive to pH while large fish were more sensitive to aluminum. Presmolts showed the same relative tolerance between strains as younger stages. These differences disappeared, however, when the smolt reached full smoltification, probably due to supersensitivity at this stage. Poor water quality during the last period of smoltification and outmigration can thus mask the genetic potential for tolerance to acidic rivers.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(7):1281-1293

In order to investigate the combined effect of drought stress and aluminum (Al) toxicity on citrate exudation in soybean, hydroponic cultivation with addition of Al and PEG-6000 was conducted to simulate Al-toxic dry soil. Results showed that 2-day exposure of soybeans to 5.5% (w/v) PEG-6000 or 100 µM AlCl3 mainly hindered root growth, while combined exposure to PEG and Al (PEG/Al) reduced both root and shoot growth. Photosynthetic rate of first trifoliolate for the Al-tolerant genotype PI 416937 (PI) was not affected by imposition of 5.5% PEG/100 µM AlCl3 (38–40 h), whereas photosynthetic rate for the Al-sensitive genotype YC was significantly reduced. Based on root fresh weight, Al-induced citrate exudation in the roots of soybean genotypes recovered from pre-treatment with 5.5 or 9% PEG was not altered, but was increased in the plants pretreated with 7% PEG without recovery. After 2 days of recovery from 2-day combined exposure to 5.5% PEG/100 µM AlCl3, the Al-tolerant PI exuded more citrate than its control, but the Al-sensitive YC exuded significantly less citrate than its corresponding control. Split root experiment revealed that Al-induced citrate exudation in one half of the root system was significantly reduced by exposing the other half of the root system to 0.5 mM CaCl2 solution containing 9% PEG or 9% PEG/50 µM AlCl3. However, organic acid secretion was not observed in the half of the root system in the Ca solution when the other part of the root system was exposed to the Ca solution containing 50 µM AlCl3, 9% PEG or 9% PEG/50 µM AlCl3. This suggests that no Al- or drought-induced signals such as ABA are involved in the citrate secretion in soybean.  相似文献   

洞庭湖退耕还湖区水质监测与分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
选择洞庭湖退耕还湖区汉寿县青山湖垸不同生境条件区及周边地区对照点,3年水质监测表明,围垦区在退耕还湖后的前1~2年,水体中氮、磷营养元素,化学耗氧量,生化耗氧量,大肠菌群等项水质指标比本区河流、湖泊天然水体含量高,水体有轻度富营养化现象,但较目前堤垸区地面水水质要好,且其富营养化程度依老宅基区、老堤垸区、老稻田区、老林地草滩区和老渔塘区而依次减弱。随着退耕还湖后多次淹水、退水的进行,退耕还湖区各项水质指标正逐步接近天然水体,这标志着洞庭湖退耕还湖区湿地生态系统的恢复、重建正在缓慢进行。  相似文献   


Genotypic differences in aluminum (Al) resistance in rye (Secale cereale L.), triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and buckwheat (Fygopyrum esculentum Moench) were examined using a compartmental hydroponic system. Four-day-old seedlings were grown for 24 h in 0.5 mM CaCl2 (pH 4.5) containing 0 or 50 μM Al. Relative root elongation (RRE) at 50 μM Al. (as a percentage of that at 0 Al) was used as the index of Al resistance. On average, rye exhibited the highest Al resistance, followed by buckwheat, triticale, and wheat. However, triticale displayed the greatest genotypic differences. Al content in the root tips of triticale breeding lines negatively correlated with RRE (r = 0.5, P < 0.01), implying that the Al exclusion mechanism contributed to Al resistance. Furthermore, high Al resistance in buckwheat correlated well with the growth habitats of buckwheat, indicating that adaptation mechanisms giving good Al resistance have evolved in buckwheat. All of these results suggested that it is possible to obtain greater Al resistance in plants by screening current existing cultivars. The selection of new cultivars with increased Al resistance and sensitivity will provide important material for further studies exploring Al phytotoxic and resistant mechanisms.  相似文献   

台湾农村生活废水之水质特性及其影响研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本研究之目的乃以桃园灌区农村生活废水为对象,调查其水质特性受季节变化之影响等,并与桃园大圳第二支线上游之灌溉水质进行比较。结果显示,农村生活废水的各项水质浓度与社区户数间并没有一致性存在,而是与社区规划、社区生活形态有关。其中,若因洗车、花园浇灌水等的稀释作用较小时,社区生活废水的化学需氧量约为 159~563mg/L、总氮 15~68mg/L,总磷 0.6~5.7mg/L。在季节变化的影响方面,发现生活废水中的 pH值乃随雨季初期→中期→末期而逐渐降低;电导度、生化需氧量、有机氮、凯氏氮及总氮的平均污染浓度则随雨季初期→中期→末期的顺序而升高;至于化学需氧量、氨氮、硝酸盐氮、亚硝酸盐氮及总磷,是以雨季中期之污染值最高。最后,研究指出,农村生活废水的污染浓度非常高,其中,电导度是桃园大圳第二支线上游灌溉水质的 2.2倍,化学需氧量为 22.5倍,生化需氧量 45.6倍,氨氮 2.2倍,有机氮 122.4倍,凯氏氮 44.0倍,亚硝酸盐氮 2.4倍,总氮 14.3倍及总磷 128.3倍。因此,若不慎将生活废水排入灌溉水道,将严重影响灌溉水的品质。  相似文献   

Since the early 1980s, the acidic deposition in the northern Europe has decreased substantially. This has resulted in corresponding improvements of the water quality in some acid sensitive small lakes of southern Finland. Among the fish of these lakes, the first signs of recovery were recorded in the early 1990s, when the European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) started to reproduce in some sparse populations. Since then, the reproduction of perch has been successful in several years. The appearance of strong year-classes in lakes earlier almost empty of fish indicates recovery. This development has resulted in increased population densities, decreased mean sizes of fish and decreased growth rates. In a more acid sensitive species, roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)), no clear indications of recovery have been recorded this far. However, schools of small roach (age 1+) were observed in the summer of 1998 in two acidic lakes that were inhabited by sparse roach populations during 1985–1995.  相似文献   

Distribution of aluminum (Al) within plant components and Al-induced changes in cell wall polysaccharides in root tips of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. seedlings were compared with those of Melaleuca cajuputi Powell. In E. camaldulensis, 0.5 mM Al (pH 4.2 for 40 d) reduced plant dry weight by 50%, increased callose concentration in the root tips and induced leaf necrosis. In comparison with M. cajuputi, Al concentrations were higher in roots and leaves of E. camaldulensis on both a fresh weight basis and in the cell sap, but were lower in the cell wall. Al increased pectin, hemicellulose and cellulose concentration in the cell walls of E. camaldulensis root tips. Al-induced leaf necrosis and growth reduction in E. camaldulensis is discussed in the context of potentially toxic concentrations of Al in plant tissue and changes in polysaccharide content which could reduce water and nutrient uptake and cell wall extensibility in roots.  相似文献   

Distribution of aluminum (Al) within plant components and Al-induced changes in cell wall polysaccharides in root tips of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. seedlings were compared with those of Melaleuca cajuputi Powell. In E. camaldulensis , 0.5 mM Al (pH 4.2 for 40 d) reduced plant dry weight by 50%, increased callose concentration in the root tips and induced leaf necrosis. In comparison with M. cajuputi , Al concentrations were higher in roots and leaves of E. camaldulensis on both a fresh weight basis and in the cell sap, but were lower in the cell wall. Al increased pectin, hemicellulose and cellulose concentration in the cell walls of E. camaldulensis root tips. Al-induced leaf necrosis and growth reduction in E. camaldulensis is discussed in the context of potentially toxic concentrations of Al in plant tissue and changes in polysaccharide content which could reduce water and nutrient uptake and cell wall extensibility in roots.  相似文献   

为明确不同土壤水分条件下冠气温度差与不同抗旱性水稻品种产量及品质的相互关系,本试验在大田环境下,以辽粳294、开粳1号为材料,在拔节孕穗期设置5个水分梯度处理。结果表明,水分胁迫显著影响水稻的冠气温度差,胁迫越重,冠气温度差绝对值越小;不同水分胁迫下,水稻冠气温度差日变化与气温、空气湿度密切相关;相同环境条件下,抗旱性弱的品种辽粳294的冠气温度差绝对值低于抗旱性强的品种开粳1号;水分胁迫下水稻冠气温度差绝对值与每穗实粒数、千粒重、结实率、产量、糙米率、精米率、整精米率、碎米率、食味值均呈显著正相关,与秕粒数呈显著负相关;辽粳294和开粳1号的土壤水势分别在-0.008~-0.015 MP和-0.02~-0.03 MP范围内达到水分临界水平,且此时平均冠气温度差分别维持在0.2℃和0.7℃,对产量影响不显著,说明这2个冠气温度差值可分别作为辽粳294和开粳1号在拔节孕穗期的节水灌溉指标。本研究为建立稻作节水灌溉指标,实现水稻灌溉精确定量奠定了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

The water chemistry of 21 outlet brooks in undisturbed, forested catchments (0.074–38 km2) in Finland was monitored during three years (1997–1999) in order to estimate the background levels and leaching of total organic carbon (TOC), iron, nitrogen and phosphorus, and examine the relationships between catchment characteristics and brook water quality in pristine forested areas. The studied catchments are located throughout Finland except the northernmost parts of the country. The concentrations of TOC were relatively high, on average 20 mg L-1. Annual leaching of TOC ranged from 3000 to 10 000 kg km-2. The average total nitrogen concentration and annual leaching were 430 μg L-1 and 140 kg km-2, respectively. The average total phosphorus concentration and annual leaching were 15 μg L-1 and 5.4 kg km-2, respectively. On a national level temperature and discharge conditions were the most important variables for predicting total phosphorus, total nitrogen and TOC concentrations. Both total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrationsdisplayed positive correlation with temperature, and thus the concentrations were higher in the south than in the north. Nitrogen was mainly organic and showed strong correlation with TOC. On the catchment level, both TOC and total nitrogen concentrations and export had a strongpositive correlation with the abundance of Norway spruce (Piceaabies Karsten) and a strong negative correlation with the abundance of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Nitrate concentrations and leaching were related to average site type. The more fertile the average site type was in the catchment, the higher the nitrate concentrations and export were.  相似文献   

The effects of 15N-labeled ammonium nitrate on yield, uptake of nitrogen (N) by sorghum (Sorghum sudanense, Piper), and on N remaining in the soil were studied in a field experiment with different N rates (0, 50, and 100 kg N ha?1) and with two irrigation water qualities, well water (WW) and treated wastewater (TWW). Treated wastewater irrigation increased dry matter and N yield compared to WW. At equal N rates, recovery of 15N-labeled fertilizer by plants increased with TWW irrigation compared to WW (36% versus 23%). Neither fertilizer rate nor water quality had an effect on the 15N-labeled fertilizer remaining in the 0- to 60-cm layer of soil. On average 41% in the TWW treatment (49–33%) and 38% in WW treatment was mostly present in the surface 20-cm layer. Losses of 15N-labeled fertilizer were unaffected by irrigation water quality (35%) and increased with N application rate in TWW (4% versus 31%).  相似文献   

2015-2016年以小麦品种烟农19为材料,采用盆栽实验研究灌浆期持续6d和9d涝害处理对旗叶光合特性的影响及水分胁迫解除后旗叶光合特性的变化。结果表明:灌浆期涝害会显著降低小麦旗叶的净光合速率(P<0.05),但不同处理下降的幅度存在差异;涝害6d处理(WL6)和涝害9d处理(WL9)净光合速率分别降至正常水分处理(对照,CK)的82.0%和71.5%;水分胁迫解除后3d,WL6处理的净光合速率得到恢复,与CK表现一致,而WL9处理的旗叶净光合速率与CK差异显著,仅恢复至CK的86.3%。涝害阶段及水分胁迫解除后3d,小麦旗叶SPAD值的变化趋势与净光合速率基本保持一致。与涝害9d处理相比,涝害6d处理进行降渍以后,小麦叶片的光合特性能得到较好恢复。涝害期间,WL6处理的旗叶胞间CO2浓度较对照显著升高,表明涝害6d后旗叶净光合速率下降的主要原因是由于非气孔因素所致;WL9处理气孔导度显著下降的同时,胞间CO2浓度却无显著变化,说明涝害9d后小麦叶片的低光合作用主要也是受到了非气孔因素的影响,与叶片气孔的张开程度无关。  相似文献   

The modification effects of hematite with aluminum hydroxide were investigated on the removal of fluoride ions from water using batch experiments. The effects of pH, contact time, fluoride concentration, and the dose of sorbent on the sorption of fluoride ions by a modified hematite were studied. Characterization of hematite before and after the modification with aluminum hydroxide was studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller. Equilibrium was reached in 48 h of contact time and the maximum sorption of fluoride was found in the pHeq range between 2.34 and 6.26. The Elovich model described the kinetic sorption processes and the Langmuir–Freundlich model, the sorption isotherm process. These results indicated that the sorption mechanism was chemisorption on a heterogeneous material.  相似文献   

Due to acidification, 18 Norwegian stocks of Atlantic salmon are extinct and an additional 8 are threatened. In the two southernmost counties, salmon is eradicated. Due to the high acid sensitivity, production of salmon was greatly reduced as early as 1920, several decades before acid rain was recognized as an environmental problem. International agreements on reduced atmospheric emissions will reduce acidification effects in Norway substantially during the coming 20 to 50 years. However, the extreme acid sensitivity of salmon makes the destiny of this species in Southern Norway uncertain. Liming is an effective measure to protect and restore fish populations in acidified waters. Liming of acidified salmon rivers has become important in Norway in recent years which in combination with reduced emissions will be an important contribution to protection of the Atlantic salmon species. In this paper we give an overview of the effects of acidification on Norwegian salmon and discuss different aspects of mitigation measures; the expected effect of international agreements on reduced atmospheric emissions, the expected effect of liming on salmon production and the possibilities of re-establishing self sustaining salmon stocks in limed rivers.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of nitrogen, light, and water interaction on the biomass of cabbage the experiment was performed at three light intensities, three water stresses, and four nitrogen levels for four replicates using hydroponic technique in green house. The results showed that the biomass of the edible parts of cabbage at H1L3 was significantly higher than in weak light intensity and water stress treatments under the same nitrogen supply. An optimal yield was reached at 60% of the traditional nitrogen application in the presence of adequate high light intensity and normal water content. Decreased nitrate reductase and low capacity of nitrogen assimilation were observed when the nitrate–nitrogen (NO3-N) levels were increased from N2 to N4 with normal water content. Under severe water stress (H3), the plants have a high content of soluble sugars and a low content of amino acids in low NO3? levels (N1 to N3). Modulating the relationship between water stresses, light intensity, and nitrogen supply levels could increase the biomass and may promote the quality of a certain plant.  相似文献   

磷对铝胁迫下荞麦元素吸收与运输的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同耐铝基因型江西养麦(耐性)和内蒙荞麦(敏感)为材料,采用土培法研究磷对铝胁迫下荞麦生长和Al,P等元素吸收、运输的影响.结果表明,铝胁迫下0.2 g/kg的磷能有效缓解铝毒对荞麦根长的抑制.培养30d后,0.4 g/kg磷处理能显著降低铝在荞麦根系和地上部的积累.铝胁迫下加磷可影响养麦体内Ca,Mg,Mn,Zn,Fe的吸收,0.4 g/kg铝配施0.4 g/kg磷处理对荞麦根系Ca,Mg吸收最有利,内蒙荞麦根系Mg的含量比不加磷组提高了76.8%,但显著阻碍了铝胁迫下荞麦体内Ca,Fe的向上运输.铝胁迫下配施磷促进荞麦根系对Zn,Fe吸收,有利于Zn向地上部转运.施磷能有效缓解铝毒对荞麦生长的抑制,降低根系和地上部铝含量,有利于Ca,Mg,Mn,Zn,Fe的吸收和Mg,Zn的运输.  相似文献   

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