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Bottom trawl fishing is a controversial activity. It yields about a quarter of the world's wild seafood, but also has impacts on the marine environment. Recent advances have quantified and improved understanding of large‐scale impacts of trawling on the seabed. However, such information needs to be coupled with distributions of benthic invertebrates (benthos) to assess whether these populations are being sustained under current trawling regimes. This study collated data from 13 diverse regions of the globe spanning four continents. Within each region, we combined trawl intensity distributions and predicted abundance distributions of benthos groups with impact and recovery parameters for taxonomic classes in a risk assessment model to estimate benthos status. The exposure of 220 predicted benthos‐group distributions to trawling intensity (as swept area ratio) ranged between 0% and 210% (mean = 37%) of abundance. However, benthos status, an indicator of the depleted abundance under chronic trawling pressure as a proportion of untrawled state, ranged between 0.86 and 1 (mean = 0.99), with 78% of benthos groups > 0.95. Mean benthos status was lowest in regions of Europe and Africa, and for taxonomic classes Bivalvia and Gastropoda. Our results demonstrate that while spatial overlap studies can help infer general patterns of potential risk, actual risks cannot be evaluated without using an assessment model that incorporates trawl impact and recovery metrics. These quantitative outputs are essential for sustainability assessments, and together with reference points and thresholds, can help managers ensure use of the marine environment is sustainable under the ecosystem approach to management.  相似文献   

金枪鱼人工集鱼装置(Fish Aggregation Devices,FADs)分为漂流式和锚泊式两种,人工集鱼装置可以吸引热带金枪鱼类和其他中上层鱼类,在全球范围内支持了数千艘渔船的捕捞作业,大幅提高了捕捞效率和渔获量。但大规模投放的人工集鱼装置被认为会对金枪鱼种群和中上层生态系统造成潜在的生态影响:可能会对金枪鱼的集群、摄食、健康、生长、洄游、死亡等生活史活动产生负面影响,从而导致种质衰退;另一方面,兼捕多种硬骨鱼类、鲨鱼、蝠鲼、海龟等非目标鱼种也可能扰动大洋中上层生态系统的平衡。但是,对于人工集鱼装置生态影响的评估在不同类型不同海域的研究结果中存在矛盾并无法确定。本文梳理归纳了过去30年中人工集鱼装置生态影响评估的相关研究进展,在此基础上展望了今后研究的改进方向,以期为人工集鱼装置生态影响的研究和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Views expressed on the potential impact of ocean acidification range from wholesale degradation of marine ecosystems through to no discernable impact with minimal consequences. Constraining this range of predictions is necessary for the development of informed policy and management. The direct biological impacts of acidification occur at the molecular and cellular level; however, it is the expression of these effects at the population and ecosystem level that is of societal concern. Here, we consider the potential impact of ocean acidification on fisheries with particular emphasis on approaches to scaling from physiological responses to population‐ and ecosystem‐level processes. In some instances, impacts of ocean acidification may lead to changes in the relative species composition at a given trophic level without affecting the overall productivity, whilst in other instances, ocean acidification may lead to a reduction in productivity at a given tropic level. Because of the scale at which ecological processes operate, modelling studies are required. Here, ocean acidification is situated within ongoing research into the ecological dynamics of perturbed systems, for which many models have already been developed. Whilst few existing models currently explicitly represent physiological processes sensitive to ocean acidification, some examples of how ocean acidification effects may be emulated within existing models are discussed. Answering the question of how acidification may impact fisheries requires the integration of knowledge across disciplines; this contribution aims to facilitate the inclusion of higher trophic level ecology into this ongoing debate and discussion.  相似文献   

Short time scale (less than seasonal) variability in commercial catch rates of smooth pink shrimp, Pandalus jordani, off the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada, was examined in relation to changes in environmental conditions. Catch per unit of effort (CPUE) data were used as a proxy for catchability to identify environmental conditions affecting the availability of shrimp to the two main gear types in this fishery: otter trawls and beam trawls. Correlogram analyses of the 1996 CPUE (log-transformed) data from each gear type, and autocorrelation analyses of wind stress, tidal current speed, sea surface temperature and salinity, and hours of bright sunshine (the latter three as residuals from their seasonal trends) for 1996 indicated a mean decorrelation time scale of 7.7 days. This was used to construct smoothed time series of these CPUE and environmental data for 1996. Multiple regression analyses with CPUE as the dependent variable and the environmental data as independent variables were significant, explaining 44% of the variability in otter-trawl data and 35% of the beam-trawl variability. Three hypotheses are proposed to explain these results, involving interactions between the shrimp's behaviour and environmental conditions. A significant proportion of the within-season variability in CPUE (and therefore in the availability of shrimp to fishing gear) for P. jordani off Vancouver Island can result from variations in environmental conditions which, if included in stock analyses, should reduce the variability of population abundance estimates.  相似文献   

  • 1. High‐resolution fishing effort data from the Kattegat, an important fishing ground for Swedish and Danish fishermen, was analysed in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Data were based on position data for individual tows reported by Swedish fishermen during 2001–2003.
  • 2. Gear dimension and towing speed data were used to calculate an index for area swept per hour for each main gear type in use in the area. These indexes were multiplied by fishing effort and a grid theme of fishing intensity was created after GIS analysis.
  • 3. Around 44% of the entire area was affected by Swedish fisheries during the study period, hence 56% was not affected.
  • 4. Effort was highly concentrated in certain areas and 10% of the total area was covered more than twice per year.
  • 5. Overlaying the effort data set with habitat maps classified according to the European Nature Information System (EUNIS) showed that the fishing pressure differed between habitats. For deep rocky and muddy habitats, almost the entire area was affected by fisheries during the study period, while both intensity and proportion affected were lower in sandy sediments and gravels.
  • 6. Around 55% of the deep rocky habitats were trawled more than twice per year. Of the muddy seafloor areas, 41% were covered more than twice per year and 4% more than once a month by trawls.
  • 7. The biological effects of the fishing intensities found were analysed using a database (MarLIN) containing assessments of marine habitat recoverability. All habitats except muds are probably in a nearly or fully recovered condition (as defined by MarLIN). A considerable part of the muddy habitats are in a permanently altered condition owing to fishing disturbance taking place more frequently than the indicated recovery time.
  • 8. Danish fishermen report more fishing effort in the area than do Swedes. Owing to differences in reporting fishing positions, Danish fisheries could not be included in the present study. Scaling up the results to include Danish fisheries is discussed.
  • 9. The results of the present study could be used to target habitat management goals more precisely, while minimizing the negative impact of restrictions on the fishing sector.
  • 10. A prerequisite for performing similar studies is the availability of high‐resolution fishing effort data and high‐resolution benthic habitat maps.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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