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Red Lists are used to assess the extinction risk of species. Regional IUCN criteria were applied to categorise 42 indigenous freshwater fish species in Flanders into Red List categories. As such, three species are assessed as Regionally Extinct, eight as Critically Endangered, two as Endangered and eight as Vulnerable. A further five species are considered Near Threatened, 15 species as Least Concern and one species is Data Deficient. Five species disappeared from the Regionally Extinct category compared with the previous Red List (1988) as a consequence of improved water quality of estuaries and reintroduction programmes. In total, 62% of the freshwater fish species in Flanders was considered extinct or threatened. This is higher than neighbouring regions and Europe as a whole (44%). This new Red List of freshwater fishes in Flanders can be used to inform conservation actions.  相似文献   

  1. Sawfish (Pristidae) are considered to be among the most threatened families of elasmobranch (sharks and rays). There is a need to gather information on the status of poorly known sawfish populations to assist in global recovery initiatives.
  2. This study used interviews with local fishers to investigate the presence of sawfish in southern Papua New Guinea (PNG) and their interactions with and uses and values for small-scale fishers.
  3. A range of sawfish size classes are still encountered throughout southern PNG, while juvenile largetooth sawfish Pristis pristis were additionally reported in the freshwater reaches of all rivers surveyed. Reports of large size classes in estuarine and marine environments provide an optimistic outlook that sawfish populations persist throughout southern PNG.
  4. Most fishers that catch sawfish retain them for various uses including consumption and for the sale of meat, fins and occasionally rostra. Negative population trends including decreases in catch frequency and/or size classes were reported by 66% of interviewees, with the largest declines being reported in the Kikori River. The increasing technical capacity of small-scale fishers, their preference for gillnetting and the emerging market for teleost swim bladder (a high-value fishery product) present a major ongoing threat to sawfish in southern PNG. Furthermore, the tendency of fishers to kill or remove rostra from entangled sawfish results in high fishing mortality regardless of any use by the fisher.
  5. This study indicates that considerable community engagement will be necessary to manifest any legislative actions or increased enforcement on international trade regulations for sawfish in PNG. This is due to traditional land and waterway ownership values throughout PNG and the local perception of sawfish as a traditional food resource rather than an animal of intrinsic biodiversity value as perceived by global conservationists. Future research should consider exploring culturally appropriate conservation initiatives that are likely to achieve engagement and participation from local fishers.

  • 1. Fish of the family Galaxiidae are restricted to the southern hemisphere where they occupy a diverse array of habitats ranging from over 2000 m in elevation to sea level. Some species are diadromous and, hence, freshwater, estuarine and marine habitats are used during their life‐cycle; other species complete their entire life‐cycles in freshwater environments.
  • 2. Tasmania has a diverse galaxiid fauna that accounts for 64% of native freshwater fish species found on the island. The Tasmanian galaxiid fauna is characterized by high species richness (5 genera and 16 species), endemism (11 species), restricted distributions, and non‐diadromous life histories (11 species).
  • 3. The galaxiid fauna of Tasmania has significant conservation status with 69% of species considered ‘threatened’. The conservation status of the fauna is recognized at State, national and international levels.
  • 4. The key threats to galaxiids in Tasmania are exotic species, hydrological manipulations, restricted distributions, general habitat degradation and exploitation of stocks.
  • 5. Although work has recently been undertaken to conserve and manage Tasmanian galaxiid populations, the fauna is still thought to be imperilled. Knowledge gaps that need to be addressed include the biology and ecology of most species (e.g. reproductive biology, life histories, habitat use and requirements) and impacts of habitat manipulations, as well as mechanisms and impacts of interactions with exotic species. Techniques to monitor accurately the status of galaxiid species and their populations need to be developed and the coexistence of some galaxiids with introduced salmonids should also be examined.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

All possible tools need to be marshalled for marine fish conservation. Yet controversy has swirled around what role, if any, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) should play for marine fishes. This paper analyses the relevance and applicability of CITES as a complementary tool for fisheries management. CITES currently regulates the international trade of very few marine fish species, by listing them in its Appendices. After the first meeting of the Parties (member countries) in 1976, no new marine fish taxa were added to the CITES Appendices until 2002, when Parties agreed to act to ensure sustainable and legal international trade in seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) and two species of sharks. Progress has continued haltingly, adding only one more shark, humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) and sawfishes by 2012. Parties voice concerns that may include inadequate data, applicability of CITES listing criteria, roles of national fisheries agencies, enforcement challenges, CITES' lack of experience with marine fishes, and/or identification and by‐catch problems. A common query is the relationship between CITES and other international agreements. Yet all these arguments can be countered, revealing CITES to be a relevant and appropriate instrument for promoting sound marine fisheries management. In reality, Parties that cannot implement CITES effectively for marine fishes will also need help to manage their fisheries sustainably. CITES action complements and supports other international fisheries management measures. As CITES engages with more marine fish listings, there will be greater scope to analyse its effectiveness in supporting different taxa in different contexts.  相似文献   

There has been increasing awareness of the vulnerability of marine organisms to population extirpation and species extinction. While very few documented cases of species extinction exist in the marine environment, it is anticipated that managers will face the dilemma of prioritizing populations of marine fish and shellfish for protection in the near future. Current prioritization procedures have been developed from salmonid models with the intent of applying them to all marine organisms, and in some cases to freshwater and terrestrial taxa. In this review we provide evidence for the relevance of such a process for marine species and further suggest five broad categories of marine organisms that have distinctive traits influencing their genetic structure. The current prioritization models have been adapted to account for each of these species groups. Emphasis is placed on ‘Classical Marine Species’ which represent the opposite end of the continuum from the salmon model, displaying high within‐population genetic variance. From this category, three cod (Gadus morhua) stocks were selected to evaluate a revised scheme developed specifically for ‘Classical Marine Species’ that includes performance measures such as (i) reduction in number of spawning populations; (ii) reduction of Ne : Nc (ratio of effective to census population size); (iii) changes in life‐history traits; (iv) critical density for spawning success; and (v) patchy vs. continuous distribution pattern. When the salmonid scheme was applied, the cod examples were allocated low values, indicating that they were not under threat. However, when the revised scheme was applied, all three cod stocks were allocated high values, indicating that the revised scheme was more reflective of the particular life‐history traits of this category of organisms.  相似文献   

  • 1. In 1995, the IUCN implemented new definitions to be used when drawing up red lists. However, in addition to being imprecise for fish species, these remain difficult to apply.
  • 2. This paper describes a more exhaustive method under the IUCN (1995) definitions based on six quantitative and qualitative criteria where scientific data are given the greatest possible weight, as compared with ‘expert opinion’. This dual system makes it possible both to allocate an IUCN category to each species, and to rank each species within a particular category according to given scores, so that priorities can be determined.
  • 3. The new Red List for French Freshwater Fish drawn up with this method contains 27 species, or 54% of the French native fauna. Three species are extinct (EX), four are critically endangered (CR), two are endangered (EN), 14 are vulnerable (VU), and four are at lower risk (LR).
  • 4. Based on sounder scientific grounds, this list modifies and replaces the one drawn up in 1992. In effect, it makes it easier to argue for the presence of one species in one category rather than in another.
Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. Recent approaches to the planning of marine protected area (MPA) networks for biodiversity conservation often stress the need for a representative coverage of habitat types while aiming to minimize impacts on resource users. As typified by planning for the Australian South‐east Marine Region, this strategy can be manipulated by political processes, with consequent biased siting of MPAs. Networks thus created frequently possess relatively low value for biodiversity conservation, despite significant costs in establishment and maintenance.
  • 2. Such biases can be minimized through application of the data‐driven and species‐based concept of key biodiversity areas (KBAs).
  • 3. By mapping locations of threatened species and populations that are highly aggregated in time or space, the KBA process allows marine sites of global biodiversity significance to be systematically identified as priority conservation targets. Here, the value of KBAs for marine conservation planning is outlined, and guidelines and provisional criteria for their application provided.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The common dentex, Dentex dentex (L.), is an iconic marine coastal fish in the Mediterranean Sea. This study was performed in the Bonifacio Strait Natural Reserve (BSNR), (NW Mediterranean Sea). The aims were to: (1) evaluate temporal variation of the artisanal fishing of common dentex (2000–2012); (2) compare and quantify catch rates, fishing techniques and catch composition for artisanal and recreational fisheries, and determine the influence of management measures by both activities; and (3) estimate the production of both artisanal and recreational fisheries. Fishery data were collected from different artisanal fishing surveys (onboard fishing vessels and landings) and recreational fishing surveys (roving). The gears with the highest rates of exploitation were longline (3554 g per 100 hooks) and Trolling (351 g boat?1 h?1 ±SE), respectively, for artisanal and recreational fishing. This study showed that catches by both activities were quantitatively higher in partially protected areas than outside them. Production estimations suggest that the recreational fishery contributes significantly to fishing mortality and that it can magnify the negative effects of artisanal fisheries. Specific measures are needed for the sustainable fishery management of common dentex.  相似文献   

  1. Using population estimates that were made regularly between 2001 and 2013, the state of recovery of arapaima populations and their IUCN conservation status were assessed after they were almost extirpated from the upper Essequibo basin, Guyana. Recovery rates were compared across multiple areas with different degrees of access by fishers to evaluate effectiveness of conservation efforts.
  2. Population estimates were also used to investigate the influence of environmental factors on arapaima abundance in lakes with different morphometries, vegetation, and water types and to determine the relationship between the numbers of spawning individuals and subsequent recruits (at about age 2 years).
  3. The most recent census conducted in November–December of 2013 indicated a 5.6-fold increase in overall abundance compared with 2001, with 4,591 individuals, of which 1,932 were juveniles (1.0–1.5 m total length) and 2,659 adults.
  4. Assessment of conservation status following IUCN criteria indicated that arapaima populations in the upper Essequibo basin in 2001 would have been considered borderline Critically Endangered, but in 2013 after conservation interventions, status would be categorized as Near Threatened.
  5. Arapaima in the Essequibo basin appear to favour larger but shallow lakes with low conductivity, clear water, and abundant aquatic macrophytes. Stock–recruitment relationships suggest that the entire upper Essequibo basin population may still be growing and that there is approximately a 1:1 juvenile to adult ratio. This ratio of juveniles to adults across all areas suggests a paucity of young fishes to sustain overall population growth, which might reflect widespread illegal removals of young fishes in the basin.
  6. Comparisons of arapaima densities in the upper Essequibo basin with those at four localities across the Amazon Basin, suggest that with enhanced conservation efforts in the Essequibo, populations could potentially increase two-fold or more.

  • 1. Australia has a distinct suite of endemic freshwater mussel species, several of which are restricted to south‐eastern Australia, an intensively modified region supporting much of the nation's population and where pressures on freshwater ecosystems are increasing.
  • 2. Surveys were made of 78 sites in the Hunter River system to determine the distribution and abundance of the six mussel species occurring in the region, to identify threatening processes and to locate populations of high conservation value.
  • 3. Mussel populations were mainly distributed in the hydrologically stable southern Barrington rivers, where those in the Williams River have the highest conservation value. Strongholds for Hyridella drapeta were found in Wollombi Brook.
  • 4. Mussels were not detected at 40% of the sites, some of which supported mussels in the past. These were mainly reaches that have undergone river metamorphosis.
  • 5. Where found, most mussel populations had low densities and were highly fragmented. Major threats to these remnant populations are degradation of riparian and instream condition from agricultural activities, extreme climatic events (flood and drought) and the introduced macrophyte, Salvinia molesta.
  • 6. While threat mitigation can be achieved by habitat protection and strategies to reconnect mussel populations, managers are largely unaware of this invertebrate group. Formal recognition of regionally threatened mussel populations would do much to focus efforts on conservation.
  • 7. The proposed construction of a large dam on the Williams River is a potential threat to the most important mussel populations in the Hunter River system. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The nature of species and the processes in which they participate are subjects of continuing debate among evolutionary biologists. I begin by examining how ichthyologists treat species empirically. Such treatments provide a pattern of species and their relationships over time and space. I suggest that this empirical record points to a predominant mode of speciation: vicariant, Model I, allopatric speciation. I also suggest that species are real and that they are individuals. There is a single species concept, the evolutionary species concept (ESC), that best captures the way we think about fish species. This concept is also well integrated with the manner in which species are treated in Phylogenetic Systematics and with the philosophical concept that species are particulars rather than universals.  相似文献   

  1. South Florida has a significant number of recreational anglers, and some shore-based fishing sites overlap with habitat for juvenile manta rays. Although manta rays are prohibited from harvest in Florida, they are frequently seen foul-hooked or entangled in fishing line.
  2. Recreational anglers (n = 198) were surveyed at piers and inlet jetties in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA to assess their knowledge of and actions and attitudes towards manta rays.
  3. Analysis of the responses revealed that while most anglers could identify a manta ray (66.7%) and expressed no interest in casting at (93.4%) or catching a manta ray (95.5%), they lacked knowledge about threats to mantas, as well as their conservation and protected status. Surveyed anglers overwhelmingly supported manta ray conservation (82.3%) and environmental protection (98.0%).
  4. Results indicate pier and inlet anglers are not using tackle strong enough to land a large ray to remove fishing gear, therefore it is recommended that outreach focuses on preventing recreational fishery interactions with manta rays, encouraging use of environmentally friendly tackle, and fostering engagement with anglers as citizen scientists.
  5. These results can inform the design of outreach materials aimed at closing knowledge gaps and encouraging best practices. Positive attitudes towards the environment and existing neutral behaviours towards manta rays indicate an opportunity to shift the behaviour of shore-based anglers in this area in support of manta ray conservation.

Groupers are a valuable fishery resource of reef ecosystems and are among those species most vulnerable to fishing pressure because of life history characteristics including longevity, late sexual maturation and aggregation spawning. Despite their economic importance, few grouper fisheries are regularly monitored or managed at the species level, and many are reported to be undergoing declines. To identify major threats to groupers, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List criteria were applied to all 163 species. Red List assessments show that 20 species (12%) risk extinction if current trends continue, and an additional 22 species (13%) are considered to be Near Threatened. The Caribbean Sea, coastal Brazil and Southeast Asia contain a disproportionate number of Threatened species, while numerous poorly documented and Near Threatened species occur in many regions. In all, 30% of all species are considered to be Data Deficient. Given that the major threat is overfishing, accompanied by a general absence and/or poor application of fishery management, the prognosis for restoration and successful conservation of Threatened species is poor. We believe that few refuges remain for recovery and that key biological processes (e.g. spawning aggregations) continue to be compromised by uncontrolled fishing. Mariculture, through hatchery‐rearing, increases production of a few species and contributes to satisfying high market demand, but many such operations depend heavily on wild‐caught juveniles with resultant growth and recruitment overfishing. Better management of fishing and other conservation efforts are urgently needed, and we provide examples of possible actions and constraints.  相似文献   

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