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当前阶段,猪养殖已经成为了农村地区的主要经济来源,但随着环境影响等原因,近年来生长育肥猪呼吸道疾病成为了主要危害之一.本文结合山东省潍坊市昌邑市畜牧发展中心的疾病处理经验以及相关的案例调查,对猪呼吸道疾病的发病特点及危害进行了简要介绍,并提出了多种防治措施,以期形成有效改善.  相似文献   

高效的疫苗是预防肠道疾病必不可少的,这一方面可以降低因死亡造成的直接损失.另一方面也可以减少因较低的饲料转换率、较低的生长率和较低的体重均一度等造成的间接生产损失。此外,抗生素的禁止使用也迫使我们去寻找一种新的控制措施,对于欧共体国家来说尤其如此,因为欧共体的动物福利法律使得要控制经粪-口传染的疾病更加困难。  相似文献   

生猪育肥阶段生长旺盛,体重快速增加,这一阶段要加强饲养管理,解决好其吃与住的问题.同时在该阶段若发生疾病,特别是传染性疾病,将会不同程度地降低猪群生产力,增加治疗成本,甚至造成严重的经济损失.本文探讨育肥猪饲养管理与疾病防控,为规模猪场取得更多经济效益,降低养殖成本与风险,提供参考.  相似文献   

北方早春气温变化大,早晚温度低,夜间寒冷。对于广大塑料暖棚养猪户,应加强管理。因为猪舍内湿度大,通风不良,舍内气体污浊,是多种疾病发生的诱因。应有针对性的采取相对措施和改善猪舍环境,这是广大养猪户的必然选择。下面把实践中遇到的几种比较多见的猪肠道疾病种类和原因分析探讨如下:  相似文献   

育肥阶段是猪生长的又一关键阶段,在这一时期,由于猪以最快速度生长,各种疫病也接踵而至。下面将育肥阶段仔猪各种疾病的预防措施做以介绍,以供养猪户参考。1育肥猪常见疾病分析1.1育肥猪感冒由于气温骤变或者育肥猪经过长途运输之后,会出现育肥猪感冒问题,主要表现为育肥猪体温上升,食欲不振或者不进食,同时育肥猪开始流鼻涕,出现身体打哆嗦的现象,喜欢蜷缩成一团。  相似文献   

肠道疾病的危害主要是影响生长速率及效益。正确的诊断至关重要 ,这需要兽医人员非常熟悉临床症状和剖检病变。由于在健康猪及病猪身上都发现有一些致病因子 ,因而将来所面临的挑战是能很好地评断在实际情况中 ,致病因子的作用如何  相似文献   

育肥猪饲养过程中的疾病问题是显著影响育肥猪生产性能发挥的重大阻碍,育肥猪疾病的出现会导致其采食量的显著下降,同时饲料转化率的降低使得生猪养殖的经济效益严重下降.育肥猪养殖过程中疾病的预防措施是现阶段广大生猪养殖所关心的问题,疾病预防方面可以从改善育肥猪的环境卫生条件,全进全出的饲养管理模式以及减少育肥猪饲养中的应激情况...  相似文献   

猪在保育和育肥阶段的疾病常表现为多种病原的混合感染,其与饲养管理、环境控制及疫病防疫的管理水平直接相关。笔者总结了猪只生长各个阶段的临床发病特点,建议保育、育肥阶段的疾病防控应重点关注控制断奶仔猪的腹泻、控制细菌性疾病和做好基础免疫三个方面。  相似文献   

为探讨日粮粗蛋白(crude protein,CP)水平对生长育肥猪肠道微生物胞内酶活性的影响,试验分别选择体质量分别为(30±2.54),(60±3.18)kg的杜×长×大三元杂交猪各18头,均采用单因子完全随机分组设计分配到CP为12%,15%,18%和10%,13%,16%的3组日粮中,每组6个重复,每个重复1头猪。预试期7d,正试期30d。在正饲期31d,每组随机挑选6头进行屠宰,采集各肠段食糜和粪便样品,研究日粮CP水平对生长育肥猪肠道微生物胞内酶活性的影响。结果表明,生长育肥猪肠道微生物酶活力均具有肠段特异性;日粮CP水平能显著影响猪肠道微生物硝酸还原酶(P<0.05)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(P<0.05)、谷草转氨酶(P<0.05)、谷丙转氨酶(P<0.05)、乳酸脱氢酶(P<0.05)、尿素酶(P<0.05)及蛋白酶(P<0.05)水平;日粮CP水平对肠道微生物的蛋氨酸、谷氨酸、精氨酸、酪氨酸、色氨酸脱羧酶活力影响显著(P<0.05);日粮CP水平显著影响肠道微生物酶的活力,是肠道微生物对氨基酸差异性降解和动物对蛋白质利用率低的原因之一。  相似文献   

在整个养猪生产中,育肥是养猪的最后一个生产环节,是检测猪种选择是否正确,营养饲料是否适合,饲养技术是否过硬,疫病防控是否完善的关键,不仅关系到市场供应,而且对猪场经济效益有着重要影响,也是发展养猪生产的最终目的。  相似文献   

选用 12头平均体重 36 6± 0 9kg(P >0 0 5 )、日龄相近、健康的大约×清平二元杂交生长猪 ,随机分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组处理 ,分别饲喂自配料 +自配添加剂、自配料、商品料进行试验 ,试验期为 4 0d。结果显示 :(1)Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组处理的料肉比分别为 3 5 3、3 5 7、3 80 ,Ⅰ组比Ⅲ组料肉比下降 7 1% ,Ⅱ组比Ⅲ组下降 6 1% ;饲料成本下降 18 8%。 3组间的平均日增重无显著差异 (P >0 0 5 )。 (2 )增重营养成本 ,DE :Ⅰ组比Ⅲ组下降 5 0 % ,Ⅱ组比Ⅲ组下降 4 0 % ;CP :Ⅰ组比Ⅲ组下降 5 0 % ,Ⅱ组比Ⅲ组下降 3 6 %。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of different levels of iodine supplementation on animal growth and the iodine content of food from beef cattle. In a dose–response experiment with 34 growing fattening bulls of the “German Holstein” breed, in the range from 223 to 550 kg body weight, three iodine dosages were tested. The animals were fed a corn silage/concentrate ration. Iodine concentration in the diet amounted to 0.79 (Group 1), 3.52 (Group 2) and 8.31(Group 3) mg I per kg dry matter (DM). After slaughtering, I was determined in blood, serum, plasma, thyroid, liver, kidneys and meat (M. longissimus dorsi, M. glutaeus medius) by ICP-MS. I-supplementation did not significantly influence DM intake, daily weight gain (1453 (1), 1419 (2) and 1343 (3) g; p > 0.05) or slaughtering performance, but the weight of the thyroid gland increased significantly with the highest I dosage (32 (1), 26 (2) and 42 (3) g animal− 1, p < 0.05). I-supplementation significantly increased I-concentration in muscle, liver, kidney and thyroid gland (p < 0.05). The contribution of beef food to I-intake of humans is relatively low, therefore there is no need to reduce the EU-upper limit (10 mg kg− 1 feed) for growing fattening cattle from the view of consumer safety. In view of animal health and performance more dose–response studies seem to be necessary.  相似文献   

A. Susenbeth   《Livestock Science》2006,101(1-3):32-45
Optimum tryptophan supply in diets for growing pigs shows considerable variation between studies; therefore, an attempt was made to analyse all available data reported in the literature. Due to the fact that, in most studies, lysine was the second-limiting amino acid, which means that lysine limits growth at a certain level of tryptophan intake, optimum supply has to be expressed as a ratio to lysine. The database was too small to give optimum supply as a concentration in the diet or as a daily amount. In total, 33 experiments were found, where tryptophan intake was offered in graded levels resulting in a tryptophan-dependent and -independent response phase. An additional 13 experiments showed either no dependent or no independent phase, which did not allow an optimum determination. The optimum tryptophan : lysine ratio (T : Lopt) was defined as the beginning of the plateau response-phase in feed intake or body weight gain. Mean T : Lopt was 0.174 (SD = 0.023; n = 33) and seemed to be unaffected by body weight, growth rate, lysine and protein concentration in the diet, or genetic improvement of the animals. However, precise detection of the optimum ratio is generally restricted due to the relatively large intervals between the ratios tested in the respective studies. Mean difference between T : Lopt and the nearest T : L ratio tested below (T : Lopt − 1) was 0.028 (SD = 0.011; n = 32). Therefore, it is likely that the true optimum ratio is below 0.174, and that the mean of both ratios ((T : Lopt + T : Lopt − 1) / 2) can be taken as a good estimation (mean = 0.160; SD = 0.024; n = 33). With respect to feed formulation for growing pigs, it was concluded that a figure of 0.17 for the optimum T : L ratio includes a safety margin large enough to cover most of the biological variations.  相似文献   

中草药添加剂对育肥猪生长性能及血液生化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将120头胎次、日龄相近,体质量在70kg左右的"杜×长×大"三元杂交猪随机分为4组,空白对照组只饲喂基础饲粮,西药组添加0.02%半胱胺,其他2组分别添加1%和0.5%的中草药添加剂。结果表明:在生长性能方面,2个中药组(B、C组)、半胱胺组(D组)的日增重分别比空白对照组(A组)提高了9.89%(P〈0.05),4.42%(P〉0.05)和1.26%(P〉0.05),料肉比分别比对照组降低了7.07%(P〈0.05),4.49%(P〈0.05)和3.97%(P〈0.05);添加中草药添加剂,对猪只肝肾功能无不良影响。  相似文献   

选择体重为20kg±2kg的健康杜×长×大生长猪60头,随机分为5处理(每处理3重复,每重复有4头猪),分别饲喂0%、5%、10%、15%、20%膨化全脂油菜籽粉(EFFRM)日粮,各处理日粮中EFFRM以等能等可消化氨基酸基础取代大豆蛋白。试猪自由采食和饮水,试验期40d。试验用全脂菜籽为“双高”品种,采用干法膨化加工。试验结果显示:试猪采食量和日增重随日粮中EFFRM用量的增加呈先上升(5%用量)后明显下降(10%~20%用量)的规律;5%EFFRM处理的采食量和增重在数值上高于0%处理,差异未达显著水平(P〉0.05),但显著高于10%处理(P〈0.05),极显著高于15%、20%处理(P〈0.01):各处理的单位增重耗料(FCR)无显著差异(P〉0.05),在数值上仍以5%、0%处理最低。以上结果表明,20-40kg猪日粮中“双高”来源的EFFRM用量以5%为宜,用量10%及以上会显著影响猪的采食量,降低生长速度。  相似文献   

甜菜碱对育肥猪生长性能和PRKAG3基因相对表达量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究甜菜碱对育肥猪生长性能和PRKAG3基因表达量的影响,试验采用单因子试验设计,选用80 kg左右的健康杜长大三元杂交猪60头,随机分成4组,每组3个重复,每个重复5头猪,在日粮中添加甜菜碱0,500,1 000,1 500 mg/kg,试验期为41 d,试验结束后随机选择(每组随机选择3头)12头猪进行屠宰测定。结果表明:与对照组相比,日粮中添加甜菜碱对育肥猪的日增重、日采食量、料重比均有明显影响,可以不同程度地提高日增重和采食量,降低料重比,其中以添加1 500 mg/kg甜菜碱(4组)的效果最为明显;日粮中添加甜菜碱可以不同程度地提高育肥猪PRKAG3基因的表达量,其中以1 500 mg/kg甜菜碱(4组)的效果最为明显。说明甜菜碱可以提供甲基供体,节约蛋氨酸和胆碱,从而提高育肥猪的生长性能。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of two different sources of starch on plasma glucose, acetate and insulin responses and peripheral lipogenesis in adipose and skeletal muscle tissues. Eighteen male growing pigs were fed a diet containing 250 g native corn starch/kg (CS; 26% amylose, 74% amylopectin) or 250 g raw potato starch/kg (RPS; 20% amylose, 80% amylopectin) as examples of digestible and resistant starch (type II), respectively. After 38 days on the experimental diets, twelve pigs (6 per treatment, Experiment 1) were killed and samples of adipose and muscular tissues were analysed for intramuscular lipid content and lipogenic enzyme activity. Lipogenic enzyme activities were significantly higher for CS than RPS in adipose tissues but not in muscular tissues. No differences were detected on the lipid content of the muscles tested. The six remaining pigs (3 per treatment, Experiment 2) were fitted with catheters in the saphenous vein and femoral artery after 28 days on the experimental diets. After feeding restoration to a level of 1.1 kg/day, they received a primed constant infusion of 1-13C acetate for a period of 90 min, starting 5 h after feeding the meal ingestion, and a primed constant infusion of 6,6-D2 glucose for 7 h, starting 1 h before the following meal ingestion. No differences were observed between diets on peripheral acetate entry rate. Glucose concentration, the rate of peripheral glucose appearance and insulin concentration were quantitatively higher after the meal for CS than for RPS diet. This shows the importance of type of dietary starch on lipogenesis as a result of changes in glycemia and insulinemia in adipose but not in muscular tissues of growing pigs.  相似文献   

选用20kg左右的DLY生长猪64头,随机分为4个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复4头,分别饲喂基础日粮、添加2%、4%、6%水解羽毛粉(等蛋白替代豆粕)的日粮。结果表明,随着试验日粮中水解羽毛粉添加量的提高,试验猪的日采食量和日增重降低,而料肉比上升,并且6%处理组差异达到显著(P〈0.05);各处理组的干物质表观消化率、蛋白质表观消化率和有机物表观消化率均差异不显著(P〉0.05),而氮的表观生物学价值和净蛋白利用率随着水解羽毛粉添加量的提高明显降低,并且6%处理组的净蛋白利用率显著低于对照组(P〈0.05)和2%处理组(P〈0.05);2%处理组的单位增重饲料成本较对照组降低0.20元/kg。  相似文献   

J.P. Wang  J.S. Yoo  H.J. Kim  J.H. Lee  I.H. Kim   《Livestock Science》2009,125(2-3):298-303
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary chitooligosaccharide (COS) supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles and fecal microbiota in growing pigs. A total of 144 [(Landrace × Yorkshire) × Duroc] pigs with an initial body weight of 23.6 ± 1.1 kg were allotted to one of the following dietary treatments: 1) basal diet; 2) basal diet with 44 mg/kg of tylosin (100 mg/kg tylosin); 3) basal diet with 5 g/kg of COS and 4) basal diet with 5 g/kg COS and 44 mg/kg tylosin. There were nine replications per treatment with four pigs per pen. Throughout the experiment, pigs that were treated with a combination of COS and tylosin had a lower ADFI (P = 0.02) and higher gain/feed ratio (P < 0.05) than the other treatments. In addition, administration of either COS or tylosin alone significantly increased the digestibility of dry matter, nitrogen and gross energy (P < 0.05). The red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) counts, as well as the serum albumin concentrations were not affected by COS or tylosin supplementation. However, the lymphocyte proportion and serum total protein concentration were increased in pigs fed tylosin supplemented diets compared with those pigs fed diets not supplemented with tylosin (P < 0.05). Administration of tylosin significantly increased serum IgG concentration (P = 0.02); however, treatment with COS or tylosin supplementation had no effect on the total cholesterol or triglyceride concentrations. The serum HDL cholesterol concentration was significantly increased in pigs treated with COS (P = 0.02) compared to the pigs fed diets without COS. The COS administration also decreased the number of fecal Escherichia coli (P < 0.01), whereas the number of fecal Lactobacilli was not influenced by either COS or tylosin administration. Results of the current study indicate that dietary supplementation of COS can improve nutrient digestibility and haematological profiles, as well as decrease of fecal E. coli populations in growing pigs.  相似文献   

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