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黄海重要饵料鱼种矢耳石的形态特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
由于鱼类矢耳石的形态结构稳定,具有种的特征,且坚硬不易被消化,其形态特征可用于鱼类胃含物分析中的种类鉴定。本研究选取黄海"简化食物网"中的30种重要饵料鱼种为研究对象,描述了各种类矢耳石的形态特征,并进行了比较分析。结果发现,这30种重要饵料鱼种的矢耳石中形态结构相似的有7组:赤鼻棱鳀和中颌棱鳀,细条天竺鱼和斑鳍天竺鱼,多鳞鱚和少鳞鱚,皮氏叫姑鱼和白姑鱼,黄姑鱼和小黄鱼,黑鳃梅童鱼和棘头梅童鱼,以及矛尾鰕虎鱼和六丝矛尾鰕虎鱼,本研究为胃含物分析等基于耳石形态的种类鉴别提供了基础资料,同时进一步更广泛深入地研究和认知鱼类的耳石形态,近缘种耳石形态特征的量化研究,以及同一种类耳石形态的地理变异等的研究将有助于更准确地进行种类的鉴别,对提高胃含物分析的准确度也有很大帮助。  相似文献   

针对部分养殖石首鱼种质资源存在命名混乱、物种鉴定不准确的问题, 本研究在形态学观察与测量的基础上, 利用 DNA 条形码技术对 3 种养殖石首鱼类进行了物种鉴定。测序获取待测样品 DNA 条形码序列 15 条, 在 GenBank 中对序列进行相似性比对分析, 同时在中国重要渔业生物 DNA 条形码信息平台验证了比对结果的准确性; 结合已报道的 18 条石首鱼类 DNA 条形码序列对全部样品进行分析, 运用 Kimura 2-paramater (K2P)模型构建其系统进化关系, 进一步确定待测样品的种类及分类地位。研究结果将 3 种养殖石首鱼分别定种为黄唇鱼[Bahaba taipingensis (Herre, 1932)]、元鼎黄姑鱼(Nibea chui Trewavas, 1971)和双棘原黄姑鱼[Protonibea diacanthus (Lacepède, 1802)], 厘清了 3 个物种的有效种名及分类特征, 证实了石首鱼外部形态、鳔、耳石的典型特征可作为其物种鉴定的重要证据, 对 DNA 条形码物种鉴定具有辅助作用, 表明 DNA 条形码技术可解决石首鱼类幼鱼由于形态特征尚不明显等问题造成的定种困难。研究结果为国家一级保护野生动物黄唇鱼的繁殖驯养报备和登记提供了科学证据, 也为石首鱼类种质资源鉴定、评价及其开发和保护提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

南极鱼类年龄与生长研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
朱国平  魏联 《水产学报》2017,41(10):1638-1647
南极鱼类生长相对缓慢,独特的生物学特性使其年龄鉴定较其他海区鱼类更为困难。但考虑到鱼类年龄鉴定是开展渔业资源评估的基础,因此过去一些年来,硬质部位,如鳞片、鳍条(棘)、脊椎骨以及耳石等仍成为南极鱼类的主要鉴龄材料。本文对南极鱼类年龄鉴定的方法和材料进行了总结回顾,将年龄鉴定的方法和材料进行比较,分析各自优缺点。结果显示:(1)对于具鳞的南极鱼类,因鳞片在鱼类生长过程中存在重吸收现象,因而利用鳞片及鳍条(棘)单独鉴龄所得出的结果通常小于耳石的鉴龄结果,缺乏精确性;(2)南极鱼类生活跨度较大,高龄鱼体长频次分布严重重叠,以致无法准确判断其年龄结构;(3)耳石重量法易受到特殊个体影响而误判年龄;(4)因鳍条易损坏,脊椎骨采集较为困难,且许多南极鱼类无鳞,目前大多数南极鱼类使用耳石鉴定年龄,其也成为目前最为精准的南极鱼类鉴龄方法,但同时利用鳞片和耳石重量等对鉴定结果进行验证;(5)南极鱼类尚存在无统一的鉴龄标准、人为主观性较强以及缺乏早期生活史研究等不足之处;(6)为了研究南极鱼类早期生活史,耳石微化学及微结构等方法将被广泛利用。  相似文献   

鱼鳞胶及其在食品上的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大多数鱼类的皮肤上都有钙质组成的外骨骼,比较坚韧,即鳞片及其衍生物,称为鱼鳞.鱼体上的鳞片分三种:一种是板鳃鱼如鲨鱼等所特有的楯鳞;另一种是斜方型、边缘相联的硬鳞;第三种是骨鳞,这是鱼类中最常见的最普遍的一种鱼鳞,在硬骨鱼类中最多,每个鳞片可分为上下两层.  相似文献   

极边扁咽鱼Platypharodon extremus Herzenstein,俗称小嘴鱼(青海)、扁咽齿鱼,属鲤形目,鲤科,裂腹鱼亚科,扁咽齿鱼属.体延长,侧扁,腹部略圆,尾柄短.口下位,幼鱼呈弧形,成体横裂状.上颌角质化.下颌前缘具锐利角质,下颌长多数不及眼径之半.无须.腹鳍起点与背鳍起点相对.鱼体几乎完全裸露,肩鳞消失或仅有痕迹.较小个体体侧银灰色,背侧银灰色,稀疏分布有黑褐色斑点,较大个体常见有褐色云斑分布于体侧.常栖息于黄河上游高海拔(3000m~ 4400m)缓静淡水中下层.以硅藻和蓝藻为主,偶有浮游动物和摇蚊幼虫.繁殖旺季在每年5月份~6月份开冰以后.该鱼是黄河上游流域的特有经济鱼类,也是是黄河上游扎陵湖、鄂陵湖的主要经济鱼类之一,曾是两湖捕捞生产的主要对象.已被列入《中国濒危动物红皮书》和《中国物种红色名录》,濒危物种.  相似文献   

鳞片能作为鱼类鉴别和分类的一种辅助特征。鱼的鳞片在鱼生活的水中都可找到,同时在某些位置(如鱼的胃、鸟巢、沉积物等等)亦可能是鱼类鳞片保留完整的地方。  相似文献   

竖鳞病病原:初步认为,此病为水型点状极毛杆菌引起。病症:患坚鳞病的鱼体表粗糙,部分鳞片向外张开像松球,鳞的基部水肿,其内部积聚半透明或含有血的渗出液,以致鳞片竖起,用力稍压鳞片,有水状液从鳞片基部喷射出来,随之鳞片脱落。病鱼常伴有鳍基、皮肤轻微充血,眼球突出,腹部膨胀等病症。随病情的发展,病鱼出现呼吸困难,身体失去平衡,游动迟缓、无力,这样持续2-3天后死亡。流行:此病主要危害鲤鱼、鲫鱼、草鱼,白鲢和金鱼也时有发生。此病如不及时治疗将对淡水养殖业带来极大的损失。预防:l、在运输放养等操作过程中,避…  相似文献   

阿根廷外海拉式南美南极鱼矢耳石形态特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拉式南美南极鱼(Patagonotothen ramsayi)矢耳石形态存在多样性,这为该鱼种地理种群鉴定提供了重要参考。为深入研究拉式南美南极鱼矢耳石外部形态特征,利用2014年12月~2015年4月间采集的166ind拉式南美南极鱼(体长范围95~288 mm)样本,对其矢耳石形态进行观察与测量,并对其形态特征进行了分析。结果表明,拉式南美南极鱼耳石具有明显的基叶和翼叶,其主间沟、主凹槽、缺刻和辐射状条纹明显清晰,呈狭长状,内侧凸面、外侧凹面。左、右耳石的背宽和翼叶长存在显著性差异,但耳石长度、宽度、基叶长、背长、周长和面积不存在显著差异。耳石各形态参数值随着体长的增加,其绝对尺寸不断增加,而相对尺寸逐渐减少,其形态结构的比例基本不变。耳石的长度、宽度与耳石质量均表现为乘幂函数关系,随着耳石质量的不断增加,其长度、宽度也不断增加。耳石的长度、背长、基叶长、翼叶长、周长和面积与鱼体体长呈乘幂函数关系,宽度和背宽与体长呈线性函数关系;耳石的各形态参数值与湿重均呈显著的乘幂函数关系。  相似文献   

裂腹鱼属为特产于亚洲高原地区的一类鲤科鱼类。所谓"裂腹鱼"因其腹部肛门和臀鳍两侧各有一排较大的排列整齐的鳞片(臀鳞),两排鳞片之间有一条明显的裂缝,初看起来象是肚子裂开一样,故名裂腹鱼。裂腹鱼类是青藏高原及其周边地区的特有鱼类,它们是随着青藏高原的形成而出现的,裂腹鱼的演化过程与青藏高原的形成和发展息息相关。云贵高原的广大地区,地质条件复杂,河流众多,为青藏  相似文献   

对伊犁河雅玛渡河段2010年1~4月采集的39尾伊犁裂腹鱼[Schizothorax (Racoma) pseudaksaiensis (Herzenstein)]样本进行了体表鳞片、臀鳞、脊椎骨、耳石和背鳍条共5种年龄鉴定材料的年轮特征研究。结果表明,体表鳞片没有明显的年轮特征,不能作为年龄鉴定材料,其他4种材料可作...  相似文献   

亚洲龙鱼形态结构及幼鱼生长特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对亚洲龙鱼(金龙鱼)形态结构和幼鱼生长特性进行研究。结果表明:(1)金龙鱼身体侧扁并延长,具腹棱,吻尖,口斜上位,颐须一对,体被大型圆鳞,鳞式23~2533;背鳍18~19,腹鳍1+4,臀鳍25~26,胸鳍1+6,尾鳍15;舌端宽圆,游离,内具软骨,鳃弓5个,鳃耙数15~17;胃大壁厚,呈U形盘曲,幽门盲囊2个;肝脏左叶大于右叶,鳔1个,长度几与腹腔相当,性腺一个,成熟雌鱼大约有30~60粒成熟卵,卵径可达12~15mm;(2)人工养殖条件下的金龙鱼体长(L)与体重(W)呈幂函数关系:W=0.0235L2.8763(R2=0.9867),说明其体长生长与体重生长略有差异,为异速生长类型;(3)金龙鱼幼鱼5月龄前体长增长较慢,之后快速生长,体长(AL)和月龄(m)呈线性相关,关系式为AL=-0.0077m3+0.1615m2+1.3633m+6.6883(R2=0.9987);幼鱼体重增长较快,体重(W)生长与月龄(m)的关系为W=-0.1336m3+5.5545m2-6.915m+9.9116(R2=0.9972);日增重率随着月龄的增加而波动,12月龄时最大3.06g/d;(4)金龙鱼幼鱼期的肥满度随月龄不...  相似文献   

Abstract –  We used laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry line scans to determine the elemental composition of otoliths, pectoral fin rays and scales of Arctic grayling. Elemental signatures of otoliths and pectoral fin rays effectively provide life-history information on individual fish, important for management of grayling, and potentially all freshwater teleosts. Bulk elemental signatures measured in the otoliths and fin rays were highly correlated to the stream chemistries where the fish were captured. A surprising result of this study was that fin rays showed the strongest relationship with water chemistry for strontium. Scale strontium concentrations were not correlated to water chemistries suggesting that other physiological mechanisms, or remobilisation, may be influencing the deposition of trace elements within scales. Linear discriminant function analyses for otolith and fin ray elemental signatures (and intriguingly also for scales) separated fish from different rivers for all three structures; thus, this technique can be used effectively as a means to discriminate origin of capture.  相似文献   

Abstract  The suitability of three anatomical structures to determine age and growth of bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus (Suckley), was assessed. Scales and pelvic fin rays collected from recaptured bull trout 96–265 mm TL were used to validate annulus formation and assess the accuracy and precision of back calculation. Ageing precision and agreement of assigned ages were compared among scales, fin rays and otoliths from bull trout 52–711 mm TL. Annulus formation was validated for 88% (14 of 16 fish) of recaptured bull trout using pelvic fin rays and 68% using scales (15 of 22 fish). Annulus formation in fin rays occurred between late April to early June, and the hyaline (non-growth) band began forming in late August. Back-calculated length was not significantly different from measured length at initial capture either for fin rays or scales ( P  ≥   0.19), and absolute percent error was 7.2 ± 1.2 (mean ± SE; n  =   14) for fin rays and 8.7 ± 1.9 ( n  =   15) for scales. Consistency of back-calculated lengths at age between tag and recapture samples for individual fish was similar for fin rays (mean absolute difference = 8.2% ± 0.9; n  =   33) and scales (9.4% ± 1.4; n  =   40). However, fin rays (87% precision) and otoliths (90%) provided notably higher ageing precision than scales (68%) and closer agreement of assigned ages, particularly for fish older than age 4. Pelvic fin rays appear to offer more accurate and precise age and growth determinations than scales and a non-lethal alternative to otoliths, but further work is needed to validate the accuracy and precision of ageing large, migratory bull trout.  相似文献   

A simplified Seaburg sampler was used to obtain stomach contents from anaesthetized pike. Well-digested remains of fish prey were identified from pharyngeal bones (Cyprinidae) or the skeletal structure of the caudal region, by comparison with type material collected from fresh fish. The original lengths of the prey were estimated from linear relationships between fish length and size of the caudal fin, or size of the pharyngeal bone. Estimation of prey size from scales or otoliths using length-for-age data gave only approximate values.  相似文献   

黄海、东海近海七个棘头梅童鱼地理群体的形态差异分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对2013年采自连云港、大丰、崇明、舟山、宁德、厦门和温州的7个棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus)群体共238个个体进行形态学比较研究,运用单因素方差分析、主成分分析、聚类分析和判别分析等多元统计分析方法对13项可量性状以及20项框架参数进行形态差异分析。单因素方差分析结果显示,7个地理群体之间确实存在显著性差异;主成分分析得到的4个主成分对不同群体间总差异的贡献率分别为53.131%、9.328%、4.249%和3.406%,累积贡献率为70.113%,躯干部最能用以区分不同的地理种群;主成分分析和聚类分析结果基本一致,认为7个棘头梅童鱼地理群体在形态上不存在明显的南北分化现象;通过判别分析得到14个比例变量并构建判别函数,将7个群体的数据代入函数,得到群体的综合判别率为85.3%,判别准确率P1为62.5%~96.7%(群体判别正确的尾数/群体的实际尾数),P2为78.1%~90.6%(判别正确的尾数/判入该群体的尾数),舟山群体由于其特殊的地理因素,判别准确率较低(P1=62.5%,P2=78.1%)。本研究为棘头梅童鱼地理种群判别、种质资源保护以及良种选育等提供了基础的形态学数据。  相似文献   

Abnormal flounder coloration frequently occurs in flounder hatcheries and diminishes the commercial value of the fish. To understand hypermelanosis, the progression of staining-type hypermelanosis in normally metamorphosed juveniles and ocular-side pigmentation in pseudoalbino juveniles were examined in the Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus. Sixty-five days post hatching, juveniles (total length, 6 cm) were individually identified by color-marker implantation, and the darkened area of the body surface was examined for 10 weeks by image analysis of digital photographs of the fish taken from above or below the transparent tank. Staining was observed to mainly begin at the upper and lower bases of the tail fin, expanded anteriorly along the peripheral part of the trunk, and ceased after 2 months. The individuals in which staining occurred earlier expressed severe staining and small body size by the end of the experiment. Further, pigmentation of the ocular side in pseudoalbino juveniles ceased after 2 months, but the order of pigmentation was different from that on the blind side. In this case, darkening began from the posterior, but expanded from the center to the periphery of the trunk. Even at the end of the experiment, ctenoid scales were exclusively found within the darkened area, together with cycloid scales.  相似文献   

解剖观察自埃及引进的尼罗尖吻鲈(Lates niloticus L.),对其形态特征做了详细记录,并在养殖过程中对生物学特性做了观察。尼罗尖吻鲈体延长,侧扁;DⅦ~Ⅷ,10~14。前鳃盖下缘有强棘;鳃盖后缘呈锯齿状,有一硬棘。被鳞为栉鳞,中等大小,侧线清晰与体背缘平行,具侧线鳞60~80枚。尾鳍圆滑不分叉。成鱼鱼体银白色,并有暗色条纹,幼鱼背部大多有青黑色斑块,下半部银色。消化道粗短,与体长之比约为0.66。尼罗尖吻鲈是热带种类,肉食性,适宜生长温度为26~32℃,生长速度快,一般2~3年性成熟。  相似文献   

针对池塘养殖牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)无眼侧体色黑化消褪的现象,本研究从形态、血清和mRNA水平上对其生理学机制进行了研究.光镜观察显示,无眼侧消褪区域的黑色素细胞数量显著少于有眼侧和无眼侧黑化区域(P<0.05),电镜观察发现,无眼侧消褪区域皮肤中黑色素颗粒模糊,黑色素细胞中色素体存在凋亡现象.无眼侧黑化区域消褪过程中,鳞片类型经历了由栉鳞—弱栉鳞—圆鳞转变的过程,栉鳞上硬棘数量也随之减少.无眼侧黑化消褪的牙鲆血清中的黑色素聚集激素(MCH)肽含量显著高于无眼侧正常和无眼侧黑化的牙鲆(P<0.05),但无眼侧体色黑化的牙鲆血清中的黑色素细胞刺激激素(MSH)肽含量显著高于其他2种类型的牙鲆(P<0.05).基因表达分析显示,无眼侧黑化消褪鱼垂体MCH mRNA表达水平显著高于无眼侧黑化鱼(P<0.05),而垂体POMC1 mRNA表达水平显著低于无眼侧黑化鱼(P<0.05),但都与无眼侧正常鱼无显著差异.研究结果可为阐释池塘养殖牙鲆无眼侧体色黑化调控机制提供理论支持.  相似文献   

采用软骨―硬骨双染色技术,描述了鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)仔稚鱼(1~35日龄)头骨、脊柱、附肢骨骼的骨化发育特征。结果显示:(1)头骨前鳃盖骨于14日龄最先骨化, 15日龄上下颌骨骨化,且上下颌骨相对长度呈现连续变化过程。17日龄后,颌齿、关节骨、舌颌骨骨化;19日龄,隅骨、间鳃盖骨、鳃盖骨、鳃条骨、额骨骨化。20日龄后,方骨、下鳃盖骨、辅上颌骨等骨化; 35日龄,头骨骨化基本完成。(2)脊柱于15日龄由前向后骨化, 20日龄背肋与腹肋由基部向末端骨化, 29日龄骨化完成。脉弓与脉棘、髓弓与髓棘均由前向后、由基部向末端骨化,脉棘与髓棘骨化时间晚于相应的椎体。(3)附肢骨骼骨化顺序依次为胸鳍、背鳍、臀鳍、腹鳍、尾鳍。胸鳍匙骨于16日龄骨化,乌喙骨与肩胛骨于25日龄骨化;背鳍、臀鳍分别于18日龄、20日龄骨化,骨化方式相似;腹鳍于23日龄骨化,骨化方式与胸鳍相反;尾杆骨、尾下骨于25日龄骨化,附肢骨骼于35日龄基本骨化完成。结果表明,鳜骨骼骨化发育与其早期运动、摄食与御敌等行为密切相关。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken with a view to compare the precision and reliability of the age readings obtained from different bony structures of some important freshwater teleosts viz., Labeo rohita (Hamilton), Catla catla (Hamilton) and Channa marulius (Hamilton). Standard procedures were followed to prepare and study the age structures. In L. rohita and C. marulius percent agreement between reader's age estimates was highest for scales, i.e. 96.3% and 90.5%, respectively and in C. catla percent agreement was highest (93.3%) for opercular bone. When scale ages were compared with other alternative structures viz., otoliths, opercular bone, vertebral centra and dorsal fin rays, percent agreement was found highest between scale and opercular bone age estimates (77.8%) in L. rohita and between scale and otoliths (94.8%) in C. marulius. In case of C. catla highest percent agreement was found between opercular bone and scale age estimates. In L. rohita each of the ageing structure showed significant (P < 0.05) underestimation of age in comparison to scales. In C. catla mean age estimates from opercular bone were comparable (P > 0.05) to the values obtained from all other structures except dorsal fin rays. In C. marulius mean age estimates from scales were comparable (P > 0.05) to those from all other structures except from dorsal fin rays. Results indicated scales to be the most suitable structure for ageing L. rohita and C. marulius and opercular bone for C. catla. However, in C. catla also scales may be used as a non-destructive method of age estimation with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

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