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Wheat is one of the main crops cultivated in nearly all regions of the world, from the equator to temperate lands. Since the early 1960s, grain yield has increased almost linearly. However, in several European countries, a stagnation is observed since the mid-1990s. Several studies have been carried out to analyse the possible causes of this stagnation, particularly in Western Europe and France. Three groups of factors are usually mentioned: a decrease in genetic progress, changes in agricultural practices for economic or regulatory reasons and, finally, more unfavourable biotic and abiotic environmental conditions. The vast majority of studies carried out in Europe and France show that the genetic progress has not slowed down since the 1980s. Among agricultural practices, a decrease in nitrogen fertilization and area of favourable preceding crops are often put forward. Finally, drought during the stem elongation and heat stress during grain-filling stages were mainly identified as environmental factors increasingly impacting yield. Besides average climate changes, extreme climatic years may have a large impact such as season 2015-2016 in France. Abnormally warm temperatures in late autumn, wet conditions and low solar radiations in spring explained this particularly low grain yield. Extreme events cause huge challenges to breeding that would require either adequate experimental conditions, trait assisted methods or genomic selection models that would enable to select for climatic scenarios that are very rare.  相似文献   

《Crop Protection》1987,6(5):347-351
Rabbits were collected each month over a 9-year period from a farm in Eastern Scotland. Parts of the study area of c. 500 ha were improved over the 9-year period and the impact of these changes on the numbers and distribution of rabbits collected was monitored. The removal of favoured habitats significantly reduced rabbit numbers in the more intensively farmed areas and reduced the chances of these areas being recolonized. It is suggested that, because of its long-term benefits, habitat manipulation should be considered when devising rabbit control programmes. The patchy distribution of the resurgence of rabbit numbers since myxomatosis in Great Britain may be explained in part by the rate with which land improvements have been introduced in different parts of the country.  相似文献   

通过灰色关联分析方法分析了全州县1990-2009年的耕地面积动态变化及耕地非农化影响因素。结果表明:全州县耕地面积经历了先增大后波状减小的变化过程,全社会固定资产投资、人口因素、第三产业发展是影响耕地变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

回顾和总结了湖南省实施农业综合开发项目14年来取得的成绩.针对新世纪农业发展在加入WTO后面临的诸如农产品质量与食品安全、农业产业结构调整、市场的多样化需求等一系列严峻挑战,为加强农业基础建设和生态环境建设,促进我省农业结构的调整转换升级,提高农业产化业水平,实现农民增收,农业增效,农村经济可持续发展.提出了新时期农业综合开发应采取的对策。  相似文献   

Changes in riboflavin content of industrially bottled palm juice stored at different light intensities similar to display patterns practised by traders was studied. The loss of riboflavin in the first 24 hours was significantly higher than in the second 24 hours in both transparent (P<0.001) and green bottles (P<0.02) exposed to bright sunlight. Riboflavin loss from samples stored in transparent bottles occurred at a faster rate (24–71% of initial) than from samples in green bottles (0–29%) over a 36-hour period. Further loss of riboflavin did not occur over the next 36 hours due to cool weather conditions. In contrast, only 6% of initial riboflavin was lost after 72 hours of continuous exposure to fluorescent light: this increased by 53% by the ninth week. The data showed that riboflavin loss from bottled palm juice varied with the container, the environmental conditions and period of storage. It is recommended that palm juice should be displayed in dark bottles and protected from bright light.  相似文献   

湖北省油菜磷肥施用效果 与土壤速效磷分级标准研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
近两年在湖北省油菜主产区布置27个油菜大田施磷试验。试验统计结果表明,油菜施用磷肥具有明显 的增产和增收效果, 25 个试验施磷增产效果在5%以上,施磷增产油菜籽产量15 ~1 783kg/hm2 ,平均增产量 558kg/hm2 ,平均增产率为53. 0% ,每千克P2O5 平均增收油菜籽6. 2kg;施磷的纯利润平均为831. 6元/hm2 ,产投比 平均为3. 10。油菜施磷增产幅度与土壤速效磷含量呈极显著负相关。按照不施磷对照处理产量占施磷处理产量 的50%、75%和90%作为判断土壤缺磷标准,则土壤速效磷极度缺乏、严重缺乏和缺乏的指标分别为9. 9mg/kg、 14. 3mg/kg和20. 2mg/kg;以施磷产投比2. 0和1. 0作为土壤缺磷标准时,土壤速效磷严重缺乏和缺乏的指标分别 为16. 2mg/kg和20. 2mg/kg。  相似文献   

影响耕地数量变化的因素错综复杂,用单一的回归分析法不易得到一个满意的模型。在前人研究的基础上,以湖南省南县为例,首先用主成分分析法选择主要的影响因素,克服多重共线性问题;然后再对选择的因素建立回归模型,从而对影响耕地数量变化因素的影响力进行定量分析,得到南县耕地数量变化驱动力主要有四大类因素:经济发展、人口增长、国家政策和农业集约化。并且指出不能只靠政策手段来解决耕地保护问题,需要通过经济、制度和科技相结合的措施才能实现保护耕地的目标。  相似文献   

Rainfed crop production in northern China is constrained by low and variable rainfall. This study explored the effects of tillage/crop residue and nutrient management practices on maize (Zea mays L.) yield, water use efficiency (WUE), and N agronomic use efficiency (NAE) at Shouyang Dryland Farming Experimental Station in northern China during 2003–2008. The experiment was set-up using a split-plot design with 3 tillage/crop residue methods as main treatments: conventional, reduced (till with crop residue incorporated in fall but no-till in spring), and no-till (with crop residue mulching in fall). Sub-treatments were 3 NP fertilizer rates: 105–46, 179–78 and 210–92 kg N and P ha−1. Maize grain yields were greatly influenced by the growing season rainfall and soil water contents at sowing. Mean grain yields over the 6-year period in response to tillage/crop residue treatments were 5604, 5347 and 5185 kg ha−1, under reduced, no-till and conventional tillage, respectively. Grain yields under no-till, were generally higher (+19%) in dry years but lower (−7%) in wet years. Mean WUE was 13.7, 13.6 and 12.6 kg ha−1 mm−1 under reduced, no-till, and conventional tillage, respectively. The no-till treatment had 8–12% more water in the soil profiles than the conventional and reduced tillage treatments at sowing and harvest time. Grain yields, WUE and NAE were highest with the lowest NP fertilizer application rates (at 105 kg N and 46 kg P ha−1) under reduced tillage, while yields and WUE tended to be higher with additional NP fertilizer rates under conventional tillage, however, there was no significant yield increase above the optimum fertilizer rate. In conclusion, maize grain yields, WUE and NAE were highest under reduced tillage at modest NP fertilizer application rates of 105 kg N and 46 kg P ha−1. No-till increased soil water storage by 8–12% and improved WUE compared to conventional tillage, thus showing potentials for drought mitigation and economic use of fertilizers in drought-prone rainfed conditions in northern China.  相似文献   

Glyphosate is world-wide seen as the most widely used herbicide ingredient. In Germany, from 1999 to 2010, the use of glyphosate based herbicides (GBH) increased by 100%. Many agronomical benefits are attributed to glyphosate, but there is also public criticism. To analyse current application patterns and to assess the agronomical importance of GBH in Germany, a survey was carried out among 896 arable farmers. The survey took place in early 2011, taking 2009 as a reference year. In Germany, cultivation of transgenic crops is generally not permitted and, therefore, herbicide resistance trait does not play any role in application patterns.Based on farmer's statements, a calculated application area of 4.3 million hectare arable land was estimated, representing 39% of total arable area. Three application modes receive major proportions of glyphosate use, these are: pre-sowing (20.7% of application area), pre-harvest (11.2%) and stubble application (68.1%). Among the field crops, oilseed rape (including oilseed rape stubbles) is treated with 27.5% of the nation-wide glyphosate amount followed by winter barley (20.1%) and winter wheat (15.8%). Without using glyphosate, farmers expect an increase in the share of ploughed arable land from 38.1% to 71.4%. Also, without glyphosate the use of cultivator on stubble land is expected to increase about 1.6 passes on average. If applied pre-sowing, glyphosate could save herbicide applications in the following crop. Saving one application of a post-emergence herbicide was estimated by farmers for corn and sugar beet (46% of pre-sowing applications), silage maize (40%), oilseed rape (27%), and winter wheat (22%). Most applications are applied on off-crop fields, so farmers did not quote any observation of yield savings due to glyphosate. The nation-wide economic benefit of glyphosate due to savings of other agricultural measures such as soil cultivation and post emergence herbicides is calculated between 79 and 202 million Euro per year, depending on glyphosate price.We conclude, that glyphosate offers large benefits to farmers, though some routine applications results in only moderate economic benefit compared to the non chemical practices being replaced. Developing decision rules for farmers might allow for an optimum allocation of glyphosate use.  相似文献   

自然界中,空气流动便形成了风.看似简单的风,却有着百张面孔:南风、北风……,软风、和风、劲风……,全球性风、地方性风,还有台风、龙卷风,以及农业生产方面的干热风、寒露风等等.每一种形态的风都与农业生产有着千丝万缕的联系.生产实践和专家研究表明,不同大小、不同季节、不同发源地、不同压温湿结构的风,对农业生产影响不同;而不同的作物种类、同一种类不同的发育期,对风的要求和反应也不一样.风对农业生产的影响,有利也有弊.  相似文献   

Low-input and organic farming systems have notable differences in nitrogen (N) sources, cycling and management strategies compared to conventional systems with high inputs of synthetic N fertilizer. In low-input and organic systems, there is greater reliance on complex rotations including annual and perennial crops, organic N sources, and internal N cycling that more closely mimic natural systems. These differences in farming system practices fundamentally affect N availability and N use efficiency (NUE) and could impact crop traits and breeding strategies required to optimize NUE. We assess genetic and environmental factors that could assist breeders in improving crop performance in low-input and organic farming systems by examining NUE in natural and agricultural ecosystems. Crop plants have often been bred for high N productivity, while plants adapted to low N ecosystems often have lower productivity and higher levels of internal N conservation. Breeders can potentially combine N productivity and N conservation through the use of elite and wild germplasm. Beneficial genetic traits include the ability to maintain photosynthesis and N uptake under N stress and the ability to extract soil N at low concentrations, perhaps through beneficial associations with soil microorganisms. In addition, breeding for specific adaptation to climactic and management practices so that crop uptake patterns match N availability patterns, while minimizing pathways of N loss, will be critical to improving NUE.  相似文献   

纳米抗体是由骆驼科动物产生的一类天然缺失轻链的重链抗体可变区.相比较于传统单克隆抗体和多克隆抗体,其具有体积小、热稳定性强、耐有机溶剂、折叠性可逆、易于表达、高亲和力、可特异性识别独特表位等天然优势.因此,纳米抗体在生物和农业等研究领域备受关注.本文综述了纳米抗体的结构、生化特性以及在农产品真菌毒素检测中的研究进展,并...  相似文献   

Matricaria recutita L. is one of the most common medicinal plants, included in all over the world pharmacopoeias due to, among others, the relevant health benefits of its sesquiterpenic compounds. This paper aims to study the impact of the agricultural practices of M. recutita L. on the occurrence of sesquiterpenic compounds. To fulfill this objective, a methodology that combines the headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) coupled with one-dimensional gas chromatography-quadrupole mass spectrometry detection (GC-qMS) was implemented. Thirteen populations from different geographic origins, agricultural practices, and harvest times, grown in Santa Catarina and Paraná states, in Brazil, were analyzed. The samples from organic practice showed a tendency to have lower amount of sesquiterpenic compounds than those from the conventional agricultural system. Eleven samples were classified as chemotype B (rich in bisabolol oxide B) and the remaining 2 were classified as chemotype A (rich in bisabolol oxide A). Predominance of chemotype B was observed concerning the agricultural practices (organic or conventional) or geographic origin (Santa Catarina or Paraná). In order to obtain a deeper insight into the sesquiterpenic compounds, comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time of flight mass spectrometry detection (GC × GC-ToFMS) was also applied, allowing to identify for the first time in chamomile 8 compounds.  相似文献   

Rice is an increasingly important commodity in sub-Saharan Africa. In Tanzania, the rice yield gap is as high as 87%, due to a combination of production constraints and sub-optimal crop management. Reducing this yield gap may be partly achieved through the introduction and dissemination of good agricultural practices (GAP). We conducted 18 farmer-managed on-farm trials in Tanzania, to test a set of GAP components against conventional farmers’ practices (FP) for two consecutive growing seasons in 2013 and 2014. The objectives were: (1) to understand farmers’ capabilities in implementing GAP; (2) to acquire better insights into the merits, relevance and suitability of individual GAP components; and (3) to provide a case study showing that exposure to good practices combined with the farmers’ own experimentations can serve to improve and, trigger a positive change in the participating farmers’ crop management. Compared to the farmers’ own practices, average yield increases of 1 t paddy ha?1 in 2013 and 2.7 t ha?1 in 2014 were achieved when following GAP. These yield advantages were mainly obtained by a higher panicle number, improved harvest index and improved weed control. Farmers experienced difficulties with land levelling, planting or sowing in lines and using rotary weeders, but they were convinced that these technologies are important to boost their rice yields. The case of Tanzania shows that paddy yields can be substantially improved by GAP and that adoption of GAP by smallholder rice farmers can be triggered by stimulating experimentations with such practices on their own farms.  相似文献   

Two type of water transfer have occurred in Taiwan, namely, regular and emergency transfers. According to the prevailing Water Law, water is permitted to transfer among water rights holders whenever they need and agree upon relevant compensation. As for the emergency transfer, in the event of extensive drought, every water user sector will suffer serious water shortages resulting in unavoidable economic losses. The Government should step in to perform emergency water transfer by suspending agricultural water rights a course of action considered to cause smaller losses even when an entire rice crop is abandoned, to minimize overall losses to the national macro economy. This study has examined two typical water transfer cases that were implemented in Taiwan. The first one involved the regular transfer of agricultural water from the Changhwa and Yunlin Irrigation Associations (IAs) to the industrial user Formosa Petrochemical Corporation (FPC). The second one involved the transfer of agricultural water from the Taoyuan, Shimen and Shinchu IAs to domestic and industrial uses during the period from 2002 to 2006 as an emergency transfer. From the perspective of water transfer options, Taiwanese case studies have demonstrated that an officially recognized marketing oriented water transfer mechanism has yet to be established. However, water transfer is still undertaken whenever necessary. In this respect, regardless of the type of water transfer undertaken, water rights can only be suspended but not terminated. In spite of the types of water transfer, it is inevitable to affect the ecological and environmental functions. Therefore, further investigations with related topics should be broadly taken into account. Ecosystem services of paddy fields have attracted increasing recognition in the monsoon Asian countries. Currently, there is a research program collaborating with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) on the impact and influence induced by water transfer with a major concern on the ecosystem services of paddy fields in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The wireworm Agriotes lineatus (L.) (Coleoptera: Elateridae) is a serious agricultural pest of various vegetables and fruits throughout the world. To find an effective and safe biological control agent against this pest, we investigated the bacterial flora of A. lineatus. Nineteen different bacterial strains were isolated and identified as Paenibacillus sp. (Ag1), Cellulomonas sp. (Ag2), Bacillus subtilis (Ag3), Staphylococcus sp. (Ag4), Enterococcus mundtii (Ag5), Staphylococcus sp. (Ag6), Sphingobacterium sp. (Ag7), Staphylococcus pasteuri (Ag8), Arthrobacter gandensis (Ag9), Bacillus sp. (Ag10), Chryseobacterium sp. (Ag11), Streptomyces sp. (Ag12), Oerskovia turbata (Ag13), Bacillus thuringiensis (Ag14), Pseudomonas fluorescens (Ag15), Oerskovia jenensis (Ag16), Arthrobacter gandavensis (Ag17), B. thuringiensis (Ag18), and Pseudomonas plecoglossicida (Ag19) based on conventional and molecular tests. A. gandavensis and P. plecoglossicida were isolated for the first time from any insect. The insecticidal effects of these 19 bacterial isolates and the additional 11 isolates belonging to Bacillus genus isolated from different hosts were tested on third instar larvae of A. lineatus. Ag17 (A. gandavensis), Ag18 (B. thuringiensis), and Ag19 (P. plecoglossicida) from the bacterial flora of A. lineatus, and two Bacillus isolates (Bacillus circulans Ar1 from Anoplus roboris and B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki BnBt from Balanicus nucum) showed 100% mortality 10 days after treatment. Our results indicate that the bacterial isolates tested in this study may be considered as a possible microbial control agent against A. lineatus.  相似文献   

A total of 104 cultivars of six agricultural grass species were compared under controlled conditions for their relative susceptibility to the common soil-borne fungus Fusarium culmorum (W.G.Sm.) Sacc. A number of the perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) cultivars showed a high degree of resistance, their emergence being little reduced under the stringent test conditions. The emergence of others was, however, severely affected. Italian ryegrass ( L. multiflorum ) cultivars generally had a high level of resistance, the outstanding exception being cv. Leda Daehnfeldt which proved very sensitive. None of the cultivars of cocksfoot ( Dactylis glomerata ), timothy ( Phleum pratense ), meadow fescue ( Festuca pratensis ) or tall fescue ( F. arundinaceae ) which were tested had more than a moderate level of resistance and most were highly susceptible.
The vigour of ryegrass seedlings was, in most cases, closely correlated with percentage emergence but was less closely correlated in the more susceptible species. These often had a very low emergence but those seedlings which did establish were frequently of a size similar to that of healthy plants.
Treatment of grass seed with a fungicide mixture of benomyl (15% a.i.) plus captan (60% a.i.) provided excellent protection against F. culmorum on even the most susceptible cultivars.
Drazoxolon (40% a.i.) was, however, much less effective.  相似文献   

Baking is the most representative manufacturing process applied to bread, involving thermal and moisture conditions that facilitate the Maillard reaction (MR) and, at the same time, the destruction-formation of natural-labile and thermally-induced antioxidant compounds respectively. In the present paper, the use of a new approach to measure the Global Antioxidant Response (GAR) of cereal derivatives is proposed: a combination of in vitro digestion – which enables measurement of the bioaccessible fraction – and the QUENCHER, which makes it possible to determine the antioxidant activity of the insoluble fraction, since it is a simple and direct procedure for determining the total antioxidant capacity of solid products. After digestion, the results obtained by the antioxidant assays are up to 20-fold higher than those reported using the standard extraction methods. The non-extractable residue displayed significant antioxidant activity that accounted for up to 17% of the total antioxidant activity. Moreover, the GAR obtained in some of the assays developed was 10–40% higher than the antioxidant activity registered by the QUENCHER procedure in wheat bread, and the difference was even higher in wheat bran bread. Therefore, the use of the GAR approach could avoid underestimation of the antioxidant activity of cereal derivatives.  相似文献   

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