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Nowadays, increasing farmers' income is not only related to the development of rural economy, the improvement of farmers' lives and countryside stability but also related to the overall situation of economy and social development. Heilongjiang is a big agricultural province, however, the increase of farmers' per capital net income is rather slow in the last few years. On the basis of Lewis dual economic structure theory and our province's actual situation, the paper proposed the concrete countermeasures to increase farmers' income, so as to promote the development of economy.  相似文献   

2000 is the beginning of the new millennium from which on Hunan's agriculture will meet with a new challenge and chance. Hunan will carry out 12 central agricultural engineering projects in the early stage of the new century to promote the adjustment and optimilization of the province's industries for agricultural production and development, speed up the new technological revolution to prosper agriculture with science and technology, accelerate agriculture's opening to the outside world in depth and richen farmers through their income increase from both high crop yield and favourable marketing price. These 12 projects are as follows:  相似文献   

科技兴农是建设社会主义新农村,发展现代农业,提高农民收入的必然选择,而落实科技兴农的关键就是要把农业科技成果转化为现实生产力。针对我国农业科技成果转化缓慢的现状,剖析影响其转化的原因,并提出了相应的对策建议,为进一步解决三农问题提供理论依据。  相似文献   

What is the connotation and the extension of the productivity concept and how to calculate it are the core problems in evaluating an agricultural-production process. The attributes of agricultural production processes have changed greatly in the last 100 years, and the methods to describe and measure the productivity failed to keep in pace with the production processes, resulting in a totally vague, incomplete evaluation of the production processes. Sometimes the serious problem of pollution is ignored in the race to shortdated money making, thus leading to a blooming and flooding pollution; sometimes the great ecological benefits are ignored and the corresponding production processes suffer drastically from “economic deficit”. With the old agricultural productivity indices, no prediction can be made of the ultimate effects of agroecosytem on mankind-pollution or welfare. A new concept, agricultural productivity on ecosystem scale (APES) and the related indices are defined here to solve these problems. Emergy and exergy are introduced to help the measurement of the indices. Emergy is the memory of energy, which can be used to measure the total cost, including natural capital and social capital. APES of the agroecosystem is the aggregated contributions of all components to mankind and its habitat in uniformed dimensions, it may be expressed in material, energy, information, organization, pollution and damage, etc., positive or negative, and are calculated based on exergy methods. And a related index agroecological coupling degree (ACD) shows sustainability.  相似文献   

我国“十二五”规划的重点之一是提高农民收入问题。佳木斯地区农业人口比重偏大,而且这里的农民收入普遍偏低。研究提高农民收入的有效途径有利于提高佳木斯地区农民的生活质量、缩小城乡差距,从而实现国家建设全民小康社会的总体规划。结合国内外学者关于农民增收问题研究的最新成果,在深入分析佳木斯地区农民收入实际的基础上得出了以下结论:提高佳木斯地区农民收入,必须从宏观和微观两方面采取有效措施。一方面,要加强政府的科学管理和支持,另一方面,要提高农民自身素质和市场营销能力,提高农业生产满足市场需求的竞争优势,实现农民快速、持续增收。应重点从6个方面入手:提高农业现代化水平;发展绿特色农业;发展多种经营;提高农村劳动力素质,促进农村富余劳动力劳务输出;提高农民市场营销能力;加强政府管理。  相似文献   

实施农业标准化,对于提高农业的市场化水平,推进农业的规模化经营,提高土地利用效率,促进农业可持续发展具有重要的意义。在实施农业标准化过程中,农户行为起着重要作用。通过总结冀南地区农业标准化建设取得的主要成就,即以示范区建设促进农村经济发展、带动农民增收、农业增效;建立基层组织,规范管理与标准制定;科技服务与专业合作组织协调互动,农民参与并获利。剖析了冀南地区农户实施农业标准化行为存在的主要问题,即较低的农民素质,落后的种植模式,传统的经营理念,使标准化生产难以顺利实现;农村联产承包责任制的分散经营与投资利益最大化之间矛盾凸显,阻碍了标准化的实施;较小的宣传力度,较低的培训效果阻碍了各级各类标准的实行和标准化技术的推广;公司(企业)与农户关系的波动降低了标准化实施的成效。提出了广泛宣传,提高素质;培育主体,打造品牌;健全队伍,强化培训和加强合作,实现共赢的对策研究,从而促进农业标准化的实施。  相似文献   

在农业标准化生产中,农户的行为起着决定作用。对农户在标准化生产中的行为选择做了初步分析,得出简短结论:只靠监管部门的监管来确保标准化生产是不可行的,必须做好宣传工作并使农户在心理上改变并接受、自觉地去发展农业标准化生产。  相似文献   

For modern nations, a healthy agricultural sector provides the necessary foundation for the economic growth and social progress that enhance their citizens‘ quality of life.Historically, agriculture education has been a dynamic and growing facet of career and technical education in the United States. Currently, however, public policy and support for agriculture education is negatively impacted by a national attitude that devalues agriculture education and perceives it as less desirable than a four-year college degree. This paper considers the history, scope, and current status of agriculture education in the context of increasing worldwide demand for agricultural products and rapidly changing technology.  相似文献   

农业科研单位政工队伍主要由党务、行政、后勤等部门的人员构成,承担党政管理和后勤服务等方面工作。文章分析了政工队伍存在的问题和原因,指出了在农业科研单位“重科研,出成果”的学术氛围下,端正思想导向、加强业务培训、引入竞争机制、开拓发展前景是消除农业科研单位政工队伍中消极失衡等负面现象的有效手段。  相似文献   

分析了现行体制下农业科技成果产业化存在的制约问题,对农业科技成果产业化的主要模式和实践效果进行了研究,提出以组建股份制科技企业为纽带,技术、资金入股并参与经营;以共建研发中心为平台,技术依托、技术入股、资金三管齐下;以龙头企业为支撑,创建科技创新中心,提供农业新技术服务;以产业发展为前提,技术与资金参股,共建科技创新服务中心;以建设农业园区为载体,整合相关科技资源等五种模式为农业科技成果产业化有效途径。进行科技成果产业化模式和运行机制以及农业技术、成果产业开发市场创新、成果产业化管理等创新的研究,加速推进农业科技成果产业化。  相似文献   

为有效解决农产品销售问题,提高农产品的竞争力,在充分调查研究的基础上,对浙江省"公司+农户"农产品流通模式和现实条件进行分析,并试图完善"公司+农户"流通模式,以期符合浙江省农产品流通的实际需要。  相似文献   

为了全面了解山区农业信息化建设现状和存在的问题,对商洛市农业信息化服务体系、建设平台、制度建设、村级信息站运行情况、农民信息需求几个方面进行了调查。基本弄清了农业信息化建设的现状,通过分析得出,贫困山区农业信息化建设中存在的主要问题是机构不健全、干部认识不高、农民利用信息能力弱、信息采集处理不规范、业务水平低、效益不突出、经费紧缺,提出了健全农业信息服务体系、增强农民的信息意识、加强农业信息技术人才培训、强化校地合作、开展特色服务、加强内部管理、健全多元化投入保障机制等促进山区农业信息化健康发展的对策。  相似文献   

Nowadays,increasing farmers’ income is not only related to the development of rural economy,the improvement of farmers’ lives and countryside stability but also related to the overall situation of economy and social development.Heilongjiang is a big agricultural province,however,the increase of farmers’ per capital net income is rather slow in the last few years.On the basis of Lewis dual economic structure theory and our province’s actual situation,the paper proposed the concrete countermeasures to increas...  相似文献   

The effects of film mulching of millet on soil water content were studied in semi-arid areas in the Loess Plateau of South Ningxia, China. Different mulching methods including water micro-collecting farming (WF), water micro-collecting farming in winter fallow (WW), hole seeding on film (HF), hole seeding on film in winter fallow (HW) were compared to determine the effects of mulching methods on soil water collecting and conservation during millet growth periods of 2003-2004, as well as the variation tendency of water content after rainfall, output of millet and water use efficiency (WUE). The experimental results in the two successive years indicated that water micro-collecting farming had a better function of collecting water after rainfall, and side infiltrated water was stored under the ridges and the top layer 0-40 cm soil water changes were great. WF had obvious role in water collection and preservation of soil moisture. It effectively improved the water supply capacity by about 19.05% in the end of growth seasons. The storage of HW and WW increased by 24.9 and 7.1 mm compared with CK, and output of yield were obviously increased. Film mulching increased the yield of millet and enhanced water use efficiency (WUE). During different growth periods, WF exhibited better water storage function with lower water consumption, and demonstrated optimal social and ecological benefits.  相似文献   

Under climate change, rising frequency and serious extreme weather events have challenged agricultural production. Designing appropriate adaptation measures to the extreme weather events require rigorous and empirical analysis. The overall goals of this study are to understand physical adaptation measures taken by farmers and the impacts of household and community assets on farmers' adaptation when they face drought. The analyses are based on a unique data set collected from a household survey in three provinces in China. The survey results show that though not common on annual basis, some farmers did use physical adaptation measures to fight drought. Regression analysis reveals that both household and community assets significantly affect farmers' adaptation behaviors. Improving households' social capital and wealth, communities' network and access to government's anti-drought service can facilitate farmers' adaptation to drought. Results indicate that community's irrigation infrastructure and physical adaptation taken by farmers can substitute each other. Further analysis shows that the households taking adaptation measures have higher crop yields than those without taking these measures. The paper concludes with several policy implications.  相似文献   

农林高校大学生创新创业教育已引起了全社会的普遍关注。因而,培养大学生创新和创业能力成为高校一项急切而重要的任务。阐述了农业高校本科生培养的实际问题,从5个方面提出了农林高校大学生创新创业能力的提高途径,对提高大学生的创新和创业能力具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Circular agriculture is an inevitable course to realize positive cycle of ecology and harmonious development of rural areas. Beijing's mountainous areas depend on the background and orientation of ecological economy for sustainable development. It is of great significance to explore the development of the circular agriculture in the mountainous areas to facilitate sustainable use of agriculture resources. Beijing's mountainous areas have accumulated considerable experiences in boosting the circular agriculture. By summarizing the modes of circular agriculture in mountainous areas and analyzing their actual practices, the paper proposes we need to give high priority to strengthening publicity efforts, giving full play to resources advantages of mountainous areas, and establishing a management mechanism and operation mechanism to promote the development of circular agriculture in Beijing.  相似文献   

有关教师的专业性,目前已经取得了教育学界的认同。但每个阶段教师的专业特性有所不同,文章以基础教育阶段教师为例,结合教师专业发展阶段,从教师知识的关注维度、教学方法的运用、文本成果的表达三个层面来分析不同发展阶段教师的专业基准。一方面,对教师专业性的界别给予更恰切的表征,另一方面,使教师都能够在各自专业发展的路径上顺利提升。  相似文献   

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