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An experiment in seed morphology and seed germination techniques of Albizia procera was carried out in the nursery of the Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline,Khulna University,Bangladesh in order to discover the source variation in seeds and pre-sowing treatment effects on seed germination.Mature seeds of A.procera were collected from healthy trees in home garden plantations from five different districts in Bangladesh and treated with four pre-sowing treatments,i.e.,control,immersion in cold water (4°C for 24 h)and immersion in hot water(80°C for 10 min and 100°C for 1 min).The average length,width and thickness of seeds were calculated as 0.502±0.485,0.420±0.060 and 0.191±0.118 cm,respectively.Germination was conducted in poly-bags with a mixture of topsoil and cow dung in a ratio of 3:1.The results revealed that pre-sowing treatments affected the rate of germination of seeds,which significantly increased the germination percentages of seeds in hot water treatments compared with those in control (60.60%)and the cold water treatment(4°C for 24 h,63.53%).The highest germination success was 82.07%in the treatment of immersion in hot water(80°C)for 10 min,followed by 79.00%in immersion in hot water(100°C)for 1 min.Germination started 4 to 6 days after seed sowing and completed in a period of 22 to 25 days in all treatments.ANOVAs showed statistically significant differences(p0.05)in seed germination starting dates,closing dates,germination percentages and rates of germination among treatments,but no significant differences in seed germination starting dates,closing dates,germination period,germination percentages and rates of germination among the seed sources.The study also revealed that the interaction between seed source variation and treatment effect significantly differed in seed germination starting dates,closing dates,germination percentages and rates of germination. The hot water(100°C for 1 min)treatment is recommended for seed germination of A.procera in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

在孟加拉Khulna大学森林和木材技术学科苗圃,调查了预处理的苦楝种子的萌发情况。成熟的苦楝种子采自国家植物园内的健康植株,对种子进行了5 种处理(对照,冷水浸泡,热水浸泡,砂纸破皮和浓硫酸浸泡)。结果表明,除了冷水浸泡外,其它播种预处理的种子萌发率显著高于对照种子。砂纸破皮处理的种子萌发率最高(80%),浓硫酸浸泡和热水浸泡的种子萌发率分别是74%和69%。苦楝种子在第8~11天开始萌发,萌发周期是20~21天。方差分析表明,预处理显著影响种子萌发率,但对萌发周期没有显著影响。推荐用热水浸泡处理种植在孟加拉农村的苦楝种子促进萌发。图2表2参30。  相似文献   

Demel Teketay 《New Forests》1996,11(2):155-171
The germination requirements of five Senna species: S. bicapsularis, S. didymobotrya, S. multiglandulosa, S. occidentalis and S. septemtrionalis have been investigated. Seeds possess dormancy which is caused by their hard seed coats hampering maximum, uniform and rapid germination. To overcome this dormancy, seeds of the five species were pre-treated with (a) mechanical scarification, (b) concentrated sulphuric acid for 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes and (c) boiling water for 15, 30, 45 and 60 seconds. To determine the effects of temperature on the germination of seeds, pre-treated seeds from each species were incubated at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C. Germination was also tested in the dark. Both acid treatment and mechanical scarification resulted in fast and uniform germination. The highest germination (95–100%) for all species was obtained from seeds treated with sulphuric acid for 60 minutes. Mechanical scarification resulted in 100% germination in all the species except S. septemtrionalis (59%). Boiling water improved germination significantly in S. didymobotrya (98%), S. occidentalis (82%) and S. septemtrionalis (97%), but had very little effect on S. multiglandulosa and reduced germination in S. bicapsularis. Senna seeds germinated over a wide range of temperatures with the optimum temperatures for germination falling around 20–25°C. Germination was either completely inhibited or very low at 10°C. Seeds of all species germinated both in light and dark conditions.  相似文献   

Seed morphology, germination and seedlings growth of Acacia auriculiformis were studied. The experiment was conducted in the nursery of Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh. Matured seeds of the species were collected from healthy trees of road side plantation from different areas of Khulna District, Bangladesh and treated with five pre-sowing treatments (control, immersion in cold water, immersion in hot water, scarification with sand paper and immersion in concentrated H2SO4). The average length, breadth and thickness were found to be (0.58±0.017) cm, (0.44±0.007) cm and (0.20±0.089) cm, respectively. Germination was conducted in polybags with a mixture of top soil, coconut husk, coarse sand, and fine sand in a ratio of 3:4:1:1. Results reveal that pre-sowing treatments influences the germination rates of seeds that significantly increase the percentage germination compared with those in control (43%) and cold water treatment (52%). The highest germination success rate was found 83% in hot water treatment followed by 78% in scarification with sand paper, and 75% with immersion in H2SO4. Germination started from 7 to 12 days and completed between 28 and 35 days period in all treatments. ANOVA showed the significant difference (p<0.05) among the treatments in seed germination, but no significant difference among treatment with regard to starting day, closing day and total germination period. In case of height and diameter growth, seedlings originated from the seeds with hot water treatment shows significantly higher in wet season (from May to July). Hot water treatment can be recommended on seed germination of the species in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Seeds of many woody plant species have one of several types of dormancy. They do not germinate unless specific environmental signals are in place or events occur. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of scarification treatments on seed dormancy and germination of Acacia nilotica (L.) Willd. ex Del., Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. and Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. The following treatments were applied: T1, untreated seed (control); T2, sulphuric acid (97%) for 45 min; T3, boiling water for 5 min. The seeds were cultured on a Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium after sterilization. The responses of seeds to treatments were compared with each other and with the control treatment. Germination was observed daily for a 30-day period. Results indicated positive responses to treatments, while impermeable seed coats may be responsible for low germination rates in intact seeds as seen experimentally in the untreated control. The highest germination was obtained for P. juliflora and D. viscosa acid-scarified seeds (80.8%-90.8%) and for scarified seeds of A. nilotica (50.2%) boiled in water. The germination indices, i.e., final germination percentage (FG), mean daily germination (MDG) and germination rate (GR), were significantly affected by treatments and species (p<0.01).  相似文献   

为找出最优育种方法,提高发芽率,获取更多优质种苗,从而为漆树种质资源及产业发展提供指导,采用三因素(98%的H_2SO_4、400 mg/L的GA3、砂藏时间)三水平的全因素试验方法,每处理设置单个变量,共计27个处理组合,对不同种源漆树种子萌发条件进行研究。结果表明:A种源漆树种子的最佳萌发条件为,98%的H_2SO_4处理30 min+400 mg/L GA3处理60 min+砂藏30 d;B种源漆树种子萌发率最高的条件为,98%的H2SO4处理30 min+400 mg/L GA3处理60 min+砂藏20 d;C种源漆树种子萌发率最高的条件为,98%的H_2SO_4处理30 min+400 mg/L GA3处理120 min+砂藏20 d。98%的H2SO4处理时间、400 mg/L GA3处理时间、砂藏时间对不同种源的漆树种子发芽率、芽长、芽粗均存在极显著影响。  相似文献   

以了哥王种子为材料,通过比较不同浓度的GA3、PEG、NaCl、复合盐KNO3·KH2PO4预浸种处理后种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数等指标,研究不同引发剂对了哥王种子萌发的影响,结果表明:4种引发剂浸种处理均显著促进了哥王种子的萌发及幼苗生长,各指标提高效果均以GA3处理最好,PEG次之,再之为复合盐KNO3·KH2PO4, NaCl引发效果较差,并且随着引发剂浓度的升高呈先升高后降低的趋势。  相似文献   

Cupressus atlantica Gaussen (Cupressaceae) is an endemic and endangered coniferous tree geographically restricted to the N’Fis valley in South-Western Morocco. Like many forest species, C. atlantica exhibits dormancy which delays and reduces germination. To improveseed germination, different pre-treatments were conducted on C.atlantica seeds after storage for different periods (one, two and five years) including: scarification with sandy paper; soaking seeds in hot distilled water at 60℃and 80℃for 15 min and soaking seeds for 48 h in agibberellic acid (GA3) at 1,000 and 2,000 mg·L-1. Results showed that scarification with sandy paper increased the germination rate of Atlas cypress by up to 67%, indicating that the species possess essentially anexogenous dormancy (physical dormancy) due to the hard seed coat(hardseededness). Exogenous application of gibberellic acid (GA3) at1,000 mg·L-1 was also effective in breaking seed dormancy and germination induction. These two treatments induced faster speed germination expressed by low number of days to first germination (8 10days) and low values of mean germination times (MGT). However,germination rate, under any treatment, is greatly dependent on the year of seed collection. Seeds collected in year 2004 gave the highest value,suggesting that even after five years of storage, the germination capacity of C. atlantica seeds could remain high. This observation is very interesting in the exsitu conservation of such endemic and endangered species where the production of seeds is irregular over the years.  相似文献   

We used pre-sowing treatments v/z., soaking seeds in concen- trated sulphudc acid (CSA), gibberellic acid (GA), combined treatment of CSA + GA and mechanical scarification to overcome seed dormancy and enhance synchronous germination of Macaranga peltata seeds. We analysed percent seed germination data by logistic regression and con- finned that except in GA treatment, time and acid concentration together were crucial for enhancing germination. The combination treatment of CSA and GA resulted in higher percent germination (up to 74%) than either treatment used separately, but produced defective seedlings (26%). Mechanical scarification of seed coat had the greatest impact in enhanc- ing germination (78%) and reducing imbibition time (6 days) against the control (0%). Germination studies and SEM analysis confirmed that seed germination in M. peltata was inhibited by seed coat dormancy.  相似文献   

We measured physiological parameters including water uptake, in-vitro embryo germination ratio, and seed coat structure observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to explore the influence of seed coat on the germination of seeds of tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum (Linn) Roxb.). Tallow tree seeds had good water permeability. We found that germination of cabbage seeds was inhibited when cabbage seeds were soaked in extracted solutions from tallow tree seed coat. Seed coat structure at the side of the radicle appeared to be a barrier to seed germination. We tested methods to break tallow tree seed dormancy. Dormancy of tallow tree seeds was overcome by soaking the seeds in 500 mg·L-1 or 1000 mg·L-1 GA3, followed by 100 days of cold stratification.  相似文献   

以3个不同产地的胡枝子种子为材料,研究产地和萌发温度条件对种子萌发的影响,结果表明:产地对胡枝子种子的发芽指数无明显影响,但对种子发芽率和平均发芽时间均有极显著影响;其中黑龙江帽儿山产地种子的发芽率最高,发芽时间也最长;内蒙古扎兰屯产地种子发芽率和发芽时间居中;吉林蛟河产地种子发芽率最低,发芽时间却最短.萌发温度条件对胡枝子种子的发芽率、发芽指数和发芽时间均有极显著影响.15℃条件下种子的发芽率最高,20℃条件下种子的发芽指数最高,25℃条件下种子的平均发芽时间最短,30℃条件下种子各项发芽指标最差.产地与萌发温度的交互作用对种子发芽率和发芽指数影响不显著,但对种子发芽时间有极显著影响.  相似文献   

白藓种子不同处理方法对出苗率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以白藓种子为材料,采用不同处理方法进行播种试验,研究其对出苗率的影响,结果表明,以细河沙(含水率60%)与种子按31比例均匀混拌后在贮藏室内进行层积处理的出苗率最高,达到了95%以上,沙藏层积处理是打破种子休眠促进萌发的适宜方法。  相似文献   

To evaluate laboratory germination media, seed germi- nation rates and methodology for both Jatropha curcas and Pongamia pinnata were counted in different germination medium, such as river sand, quartz sand and vermiculite. The seeds of both species were sown at 2-cm depth of river sand, quartz sand and vermiculite. We evaluated methodologies of seeds of J. curcas and P. pinnata by ISTA (Interna- tional Seed Testing Association). The results showed that river sand is the best medium for tree seeds planted at 2-cm depth of River sand. Vermiculite was second best. On paper media, there were many abnor- mal seedlings and this media were unsuitable for germination of the larger seeds.  相似文献   

Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) seeds from sources with a mild climate under maritime influence (North Carolina) required shorter moist chilling to achieve maximum germination vigor than seeds from sources with a harsher continental climate (Oklahoma). Solid matrix priming (SMP) for 6 d achieved as much as 60 d of moist chilling to improve rapidity, synchrony and completeness of germination for three of the four families studied. SMP after moist chilling increased the rapidity, synchrony and completeness of germination. The benefit of SMP was greatest for non-stratified seeds and the benefit decreased with length of moist chilling. In general, delaying planting for one week after SMP had minor effects on germination when seeds were kept in the SMP matrix at 4°C. Delayed planting after SMP can increase germination rapidity and synchrony of seeds that have received long moist chilling and reduce the benefit of SMP in non-moist-chilled seeds.  相似文献   

水分胁迫对3个不同种源柔枝松种子萌发的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用不同浓度PEG-6000的Hoagland溶液模拟水分胁迫条件,通过萌发率、幼苗鲜重、活力指数、抗旱指数4个指标对来自美国的3个柔枝松种源种子的发芽特性进行研究,并运用隶属函数法对其进行综合评价。研究结果表明:(1)随着干旱胁迫程度的加剧,3个柔枝松种源的萌发率、幼苗鲜重、活力指数、抗旱指数都出现了不同程度的下降。且亚利桑那州种源下降的幅度最大。(2)亚利桑那州种源在发芽期的抗旱性好于另外两个种源。3个种源的综合评价值从大到小依次分别为:亚利桑那州0.561;犹他州0.380;内华达州0.132。(3)低浓度的PEG-6000的Hoagland溶液对亚利桑那州和犹他州种源的柔枝松发芽生长具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

Overhead-cooling treatment used to delay flowering produced non-significant effects on germination capacity, germination rate, germination value, and abnormal germination of seeds from a 13-year-old Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] seedling seed orchard. The percentage of variation accounted for by cooling treatment ranged from 0.0 to 1.0%. In contrast, variation among trees within treatments ranged from 28 to 46%. These effects were significant, indicating that each tree has an individual germination pattern. The temporal delay of reproductive phenology caused by temperature manipulation as a result of the cooling treatment was judged to be within the species' biological limits.  相似文献   

以吉林市、大连市和尚志市3个种源的茶条槭种子作为试验材料,研究铝元素对茶条槭不同种源种子有关发芽指标的影响.结果表明:在3个铝质量浓度处理下,3个种源种子的胚轴长差异不明显;大连种源在2.0g·L-1铝质量浓度处理后种子发芽率和活力指数达到了最高,而尚志市种源在3.5g·L-1铝质量浓度处理后发芽率达到了最高;在5.0...  相似文献   

不同处理对4种草坪种子发芽的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用正交试验设计,研究了硝酸钾、赤霉素浸种对剪股颖、紫羊茅、黑麦草、狗牙根种子发芽的影响(主要考查了发芽势、发芽率、简化活力指数等指标)。实验数据及分析结果表明:黑麦草以0.1%KNO3、紫羊茅以0.3%KNO3、狗牙根以300g/L GA3 0.1%KNO3处理效果较好,剪股颖以不处理为好。  相似文献   

为了研究黄檀种子超干贮藏的适宜含水量,采用人工老化法研究超干贮藏对黄檀种子发芽率及生活力的影响。通过对含水量为2.4%~12.1%老化黄檀种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数以及电导率等指标的检测,结果表明黄檀种子含水量(MC)降至4.5%,能显著提高抗老化劣变的能力。在同等老化处理(50℃,15 d)后,未超干种子(MC=12.1%)完全失去了发芽能力,而超干种子(MC=2.4%~4.5%)的发芽率仍保持在64%以上。电导率测定结果表明,超干种子经回水处理后细胞膜系统的完整性良好。  相似文献   

为了确定不同浸种处理对柳叶沙棘种子萌发变异性影响,印度西部五个种源(Hanurnan Chatti,Helang,Lata,Rambara和Janggal Chatti)的成熟的柳叶沙棘种子分别浸在不同浓度的赤霉素(GA3,50、100、200mM)和硫代尿素(50、100、200mM))溶液中,进行冷层积(4℃)处理15,30和60天。结果表明:被预处理的种子萌发率比对照的提高24.66%~35.34%。经硫代尿素(100mM)和冷层积(4℃)处理30天的预处理后,种子萌发率最高,分别为63%~71%和76%~83%。赤霉素(GA3)可以明显缩短种子萌发率时间。鉴于考虑到实际操作和费用问题,经硫代尿素(100mM)和冷层积处理(4℃)是最好的组合处理之一,可促进柳叶沙棘种子繁殖,并可应用于印度西部的喜马拉雅地区的林木育种。  相似文献   

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