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Computer assessments of the atmospheric chemistry and air quality of the past, present, and future rely in part on inventories of emissions constructed on appropriate spatial and temporal scales and with appropriate chemical species. Accurate inventories are also of substantial utility to field measurement scientists and the regulatory and policy communities. The production of global emissions inventories is the task of the Global Emissions Inventory Activity (GEIA) of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC). This paper presents a summary of recent emissions inventories from GEIA and other programs for reference year 1985, with special attention directed to emissions of the acid-related compounds CO2 (6.2 Pg C yr–1 anthropogenic), SOx (65 Tg S yr–1 anthropogenic and 15 Tg S yr–1 natural), NOx (21 Tg N yr–1 anthropogenic and 15–20 Tg N yr–1 natural), HCl (55 Tg Cl yr–1 total), and NH3 (45 Tg N yr–1 total). The global acid-equivalent flux of about 4.2 Teq H+yr–1 is about equally attributable to SOx and NOx emissions. For some of the acid-related species, historic inventories are available for a century or more; all show dramatic emissions increases over that period. IPCC scenario IS92a is used here as the basis for constructing global acid-related emissions estimates for selected years to 2100; among the results are that acid equivalent emissions are expected to more than double in the coming century.  相似文献   

The Lysina catchment in the Czech Republic was studied to investigate the biogeochemical response of Al to high loadings of acidic deposition. The catchment supports Norway spruce plantations and is underlain by granite and podzolic soil. Atmospheric deposition to the site was characterized by high H+ and SO4 2– fluxes in throughfall. The volume-weighted average concentration of total Al (Alt) was 28 mol L–1 in the O horizon soil solution. About 50% of Alt in the O horizon was in the form of potentially-toxic inorganic monomeric Al (Ali). In the E horizon, Alt increased to 71 mol L–1, and Ali comprised 80% of Alt. The concentration of Alt (120 mol L–1) and the fraction of Ali (85%) increased in the lower mineral soil due to increases in Ali and decreases in organic monomeric Al (Alo). Shallow ground water was less acidic and had lower Alt concentration (29 mol L–1). The volume-weighted average concentration of Alt was extremely high in stream water (60 mol L–1) with Ali accounting for about 60% of Alt. The major species of Ali in stream water were fluorocomplexes (Al-F) and aquo Al3+. Soil solutions in the root zone were undersaturated with respect to all Al-bearing mineral phases. However, stream water exhibited Ali concentrations close to solubility with jurbanite. Acidic waters and elevated Al concentrations reflected the limited supply of basic cations on the soil exchange complex and slow weathering, which was unable to neutralize atmospheric inputs of strong acids.  相似文献   

The surface ozone (O3) data show an increase by 2.6 % per year during the period 1982–1994 at the rural site of Lithuania. WHO (World Health Organization), UN-ECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe), CES (Commission of the European Communities) guideline values for the protection of vegetation from adverse effects are exceeded during the growing season at the Preila coastal station. Ozone exposures for different concentration threshold are estimated during daylight hours in April-September. These values above 60 g/m3 varied between 10 000 and 43 000 (g/m3) ·h, above 80 g/m3 — between 1700 and 15 000 (g/m3) ·h, above 100 g/m3 — between 130 and 3700 (g/m3) ·h during separate years. Maximum hourly ozone values were observed from 116 to 228 g/m3 during this period.  相似文献   

The SO2 emissions from the Kola Peninsula in Arctic Russia (totalling around 600 Gg(SO2) yr–1 at the beginning of the 1990s) produce an atmospheric SO2 concentration gradient to the northernmost Europe. This gradient covers the range from >50 g m–3 in the vicinity of the sources to 1 g m–3 in Finnish Lapland. In the present study, the measured sulphur concentrations in Scots pine needles were compared with the estimated distribution of atmospheric SO2. The total sulphur concentrations in the needles ranged from 741 to 2017 mg kg–1. Strongly elevated concentrations (> 1200 mg kg–1) were found within 40 km from the smelters corresponding to an area where the annual mean atmospheric SO2 concentration exceeded 10 g m–3. The foliar sulphur concentrations (total, organic and inorganic) show a high correlation with the estimated mean SO2 concentration distribution in the air. Consequently the foliar sulphur concentrations reflected the atmospheric sulphur load well. The data presented here show that uptake via stomata is an important deposition pathway also in the arctic conditions with a short growing season.  相似文献   

The degree to which floating aquatic plants concentrate Se in tissues was determined for four species grown in solutions containing various levels of Se. Results of this greenhouse study showed that all four plant species, Azolla caroliniana, Eichhornia crassipes, Salvinia rotundi folia, and Lemna minor absorbed Se quickly upon exposure to Se in water as concentrated as 2.5 g Se mL–1, and attained maximum tissue concentrations within 1 to 2 weeks. Azolla absorbed Se to the highest tissue concentration (about 1000 g Se g–1 dry matter) from the 2.5 g Se mL–1 solution, followed by Salvinia (700 g Se g–1), Lemna (500 g Se g–1),and Eichhornia (300 g Se g–1). Plant growth appeared unaffected by solution Se concentrations lower than about 1.25 g mL–1. These results indicate potential for rapid Se movement from water into aquatic food chains, and for use of aquatic plants for Se removal in wastewater treatment systems.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse to establish the threshold level of Cd in a light soil planted with cereals. During three consecutive years barley, wheat, rye, and corn were grown in the soil treated with 2.5; 5; 25 g g–1 of Cd applied in sulphate form. The Cd concentration of 5 g g–1 (plus native Cd content of the soil) was considered as the maximum permissible Cd level in a soil for the soil-plant systems studied. Besides the estimation of total Cd concentrations, several forms of Cd in soils (exchangeable, carbonate, Fe-Mn oxides, organic, and residual) were determined by mean of sequential extraction to define the phytoavailable form of Cd in the soil. The Cd concentration in studied plants increased with the doses of this metal in soil but to different extents for various plant species and various plant parts. The highest Cd enrichment ratios (ER) were found for wheat and corn leaves (2 to 3), whereas, the lowest ERs were detected for corn and rye grains (0.05 to 0.2) grown at the treated soils. All samples of the control plants had ER below 1. A close relationship was found between Cd content of plants and the exchangeable form of Cd in soil, which indicates that this form of the element is readily available for plants. The proposed maximum permissible level of Cd (5 g g–1 of added metal plus native Cd content of soils) in light soils proved to be too high for cereal plants. The threshold concentration for light soil should not exceed 3 g g–1.  相似文献   

Summary A 2-year study (1983–1984 to 1984–1985) was conducted to estimate temporal and seasonal changes and the effects of fertiliser on some soil chemical, biochemical and microbiological characteristics. The soil used was a Typic Vitrandept under grazed pasture. Soil samples were taken regularly to a depth of 75 mm from paired unfertilised and fertilised (500 kg ha 30% potassic superphosphate) plots. Except for organic C, fertiliser had little or no effect on the characteristics measured. Organic C averaged about 9.2% in unfertilised soil and was about 0.3% higher in the fertilised soil. The size of the microbial biomass fluctuated widely in the 1st year (3000 g C g–1 in February to 1300 g C g–1 in September) but there was less variation in the 2nd year (range 1900 g C g–1 to 2500 g C g–1 soil). CO2 production values (10- to 20-day estimates averaged 600 g of CO2-C g–1 soil) were generally higher in spring compared to the rest of the year. Water extractable C increased over winter and declined through spring in both years (range 50 g C g–1 soil to 150 g C g–1 soil). Mineral-N flush values were higher in summer (300 g N g–1 soil) and lower in winter months (200 g N g–1 soil). The pattern of variation of microbial N values was one of gradual accumulation followed by rapid decline. This rapid decline in values occurred in spring and autumn (range 130–220 g N g–1 soil). N mineralisation and bicarbonate-extractable N showed no clear trend; these values ranged from 100–200 and 122–190 g N g–1 soil, respectively. There was a significant correlation (0.1%) between N mineralisation and bicarbonate-extractable N in the late summer-autumn-early winter period (February–August) in both years but not in spring. These results and their relationships to climatic factors and rates of pasture production are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the major threats to the structure and the functioning of natural and semi-natural ecosystems is the recent increase in air-borne nitrogen pollution (NHy and NOx). Ecological effects of increased N supply are reviewed with respect to changes in vegetation and fauna in terrestrial and aquatic natural and semi-natural ecosystems. Observed and validated changes using data of field surveys, experimental studies or, of dynamic ecosystem models (the empirical approach), are used as an indication for the impacts of N deposition. Based upon these data N critical loads are set with an indication of the reliability. Critical loads are given within a range per ecosystem, because of spatial differences in ecosystems. The following groups of ecosystems have been treated: softwater lakes, wetlands & bogs, species-rich grasslands, heathlands and forests. In this paper the effects of N deposition on softwater lakes have been discussed in detail and a summary of the N critical loads for all groups of ecosystems is presented. The nitrogen critical load for the most sensitive ecosystems (softwater lakes, ombrotrophic bogs) is between 5–10 kg N ha–1 yr–1, whereas a more average value for the range of studied ecosystems is 15–20 kg N ha–1 yr–1. Finally, major gaps in knowledge with respect to N critical loads are identified.  相似文献   

Sulphate concentrations and 34S ratios were monitored in bulk precipitation, spruce throughfall, and soil water (depth of 30 and 90 cm) at ervená jáma (CER) and Naetín (NAC), two severely polluted sites in the Czech Republic, between December 1992 and September 1994. Throughfall [SO4 2–], up to 80 mg L–1 in winter and as low as 7 mg L–1 in summer, was higher than [SO4 2–] in bulk precipitation (annual average 6 mg L–1). There was a distinct seasonaity in S isotope abundances, with lower 34SBULK in summer (+4 per mil CER, + 6 per mil NAC) and lower 34STF in winter (+3 per mil CER, +4 per mil NAC). Wintertime 34SBULK was around +8 per mil at CER and +10 per mil at NAC, summertime 34STF was close to +7 per mil at both sites. For only a 1- month period in spring, bulk precipitation S became isotopically lighter than throughfall S. Bulk precipitation data from CER were in good agreement with those from the nearby monitoring station Lesná (LES), typically differing by less than 10 mg L–1 and 2 per mil in [SO4 2–] and 34S, respectively. Suction lysimeters (soil depth of 30 and 90 cm) yielded higher sulphate concentrations and lower 34S ratios compared to both bulk and throughfall precipitation. Little seasonality was observed in [SO4 2–] at 30 cm (around 40 mg L–1); at 90 cm [SO4 2–] was higher in winter (70 mg L–1) than in summer (45 mg L–1). 34S at 90 cm was <+5 per=" mil=" in=" 1993=" and=" up=" to=" +7.5=" in=" 1994,=" lower=" in=" the=" first=" year=" and=" higher=" in=" the=" second=" year=" compared=" to=" the=" depth=" of=" 30=" cm.=" sulphur=" fluxes=" at=" cer=" and=" nac=" are=" characterized=" by=" distinct=" isotope=" compositions=" and=" can=" therefore=" be=" used=" to=" trace=" s=" pathways=" and=" transformations=" in=" the=" forest=">  相似文献   

A spatial and temporal investigation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN; NO3, NO2 and NH4) was conducted under various water discharge conditions in Lanyang-Hsi, a subtropical mountainous stream, which drains through distinct degrees of agriculture-influenced sub-watersheds. In both the cultivated and non-cultivated sub-watersheds, NO3 was the most abundant species accounting for >80% of total DIN, while NH4 and NO2 accounted for <15% and=" 5%=" of=" din,=" respectively.=" agricultural=" activities=" along=" the=" riverbank=" led=" to=" significantly=" higher=">3 concentrations (13–246 M) and DIN yields (1300–3800 kg N km–2 yr–1) in main channel when compared to those of non-cultivated tributaries (9–38 M for NO3 and 550–740 kg N km–2 yr–1 for yield). The much lower and less variable DIN yields observed in tributary stations (mean = 660 ± 120 kg N km–2 yr–1) are considered as the present day background of DIN yield, which is significantly higher than those of most natural watersheds in other regions. Elevated atmospheric DIN deposition is likely the cause for the high background DIN yield. Human activity within the watershed results in additional DIN yield, which accounted for 49% of total N export. However, the reported atmospheric DIN input in northern Taiwan (1800 kg N km–2 yr–1) is much higher than the background DIN yield implying that a major fraction (70%) of atmospheric inputs are retained or processed within the watershed. A dilution pattern occurred in the main channel where high NO3 concentrations from the upstream sources decreased significantly in downstream direction due to inputs of NO3-diluted water from non-cultivated areas. We adopted a two-source mixing model to predict the NO3 dilution pattern. This model revealed a third yet not recognized N source in the lower part of watershed. Model results also indicated the importance of water discharge rate in regulating the relative contribution to total DIN export among these sources.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of Topogard 50 WP (3 kg ha–1) on soil respiration, mineral N content, and number of denitrifying and total bacteria in four coarse-textured volcanic soils for 91 days. Topogard application decreased CO2 evolution in acid soils (Tepedibi and Karaçakl) whereas soil respiration was initially increased in neutral and alkaline soils (Kaba and Balar). The herbicide application significantly stimulated ammonification in Kaba and Balar soils, while Tepedibi and Karaçakl soils showed significantly lower NH4+-N contents than the control. The treatment inhibited the activity of nitrifying microorganisms and, thus it decreased the NO3-N content in Tepedibi, Karaçakl, and Kaba soils, whereas the NO3-N content was increased in Balar soil. The NO2-N content of soils was not affected by the treatment. The activity of denitrifying bacteria was stimulated by the addition of herbicide in all soils, whereas the total number of bacteria was not influenced. It may be concluded that the effects of Topogard on the microbiological characteristics of coarse-textured soils are likely to be dependent on soil pH.  相似文献   

The Shenandoah National Park: Fish in Sensitive Habitats (SNP:FISH) project is a response to declining pH and acid neutralizing capacity in Shenandoah National Park (SNP) streams. SNP receives more atmospheric sulfate than any other USA national park, and pH had decreased to the point where early negative effects on fish were expected. SNP provides the opportunity to study the early stages of acidification effects on fish. Three different classes of geological formations yield streams with low-ANC (0 Eq/L), intermediate-ANC (60–100 Eq/L) or high-ANC (150–200 Eq/L) waters in SNP. This allows a comparison of responses across a water quality gradient in a small geographic area receiving similar deposition. Both chronic and episodic acidification occur in SNP streams. Biological effects are apparent in fish species richness, population density, condition factor, age, size, and bioassay survival. A primary project objective was to provide the necessary data for development and testing models for forecasting changes in fish communities resulting from changes in stream chemistry. Monitored variables include several which are predictive of acidification effects on SNP fish communities.  相似文献   

Mixing of acid river water containing aluminium (pH 5.1, Al 345 g.l–1) with neutral water of a lake (pH 7.0, Al 73 g.l–1) resulted in water (pH 6.4, Al 245 g.l–1) with a pH (6.4) and Al concentration (245 g.l–1) expected to have low toxicity to fish on the basis of current Al toxicity models. However, under semi-field conditions the freshly mixed water (a few sec. after mixing) proved to be highly toxic to brown trout. The fish were exposed to the water at different places along a 30 m channel. At the beginning of the channel acid and neutral water were continuously mixed; the mixed water left the channel after 340 sec. The cells of the gills showed a highly increased rate of cell death by apoptosis and necrosis. Intercellular spaces were enlarged, and many leucocytes penetrated in these spaces. Mucus release was stimulated to depletion. Plasma chloride levels were hardly affected. There was a clear gradient in the deleterious effects on the fish along the channel. The fish at the beginning of the channel (about 12 sec. after mixing of the water), were severely affected, whereas the fish kept at the end of the channel (340 sec. after mixing) were only mildly affected. In the natural situation fish will relatively quickly pass through a mixing zone. In our study we therefore focused on the effects on fish after a 60 min exposure to a mixing zone (5 sec after mixing), with subsequent recovery in a region downstream of the confluence and in neutral water with low Al. The recovery in the downstream area (at the end of the channel, i.e. 5 min after mixing) was clearly hampered when compared to the recovery in neutral water with low aluminium. Thus, a short exposure to the toxic mixing zone followed by a stay in water downstream of this zone, as may occur in nature, is detrimental to migrating trout. We conclude that freshly mixed acid and neutral water contain toxic components during the first seconds to minutes after mixing, that can not be explained by current models on aluminium toxicity.  相似文献   

During 1985–1989 particulate carbon concentrations were determined at suburban and rural sites in Lithuania. The main part of the continuous measurements was conducted at Preila background station (Curonian spit). Daily samples of airborne particulate matter were collected on glass fiber filters or by impactors and analysed for total carbon (TC), benzene extractable organic carbon (BEOC) and elemental carbon (EC) using combustion and optical techniques. Monthly median concentrations of total particulate carbon varied in the range 2–22 g/m3 during the period of measurements. For all the forms of particulate carbon the strong seasonal dependence was observed. The very regular seasonal cycle is characteristic for the ratio EC/TC: 0.10–0.15 and 0.30–0.35 for warm and cold periods respectively. Size distribution measurements shows that the main part of TC is in the sub-micron particle fraction — about 80–90 % in summer and even 92–98 % in winter. The concentrations of TC in size fraction <1.2>m have sharp winter peaks and summer minima. Very low concentrations and summer maxima for TC in the fraction >3.5 m have been observed. The concentrations of EC in precipitation varied from 0.02 to 0.7 mg/l and average wet deposition flux of EC was 5–7 and maximum 15–20 mg/m2 per month.  相似文献   

Precipitation chemistry at sinhagad-a hill station in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chemistry of precipitation in remote sites such as mountain tops is of interest in the study of atmospheric pollution and acid rain. The chemical composition measured at mountain site which is away from industrial and urban areas is useful as a reference level and it allows to determine the extent of anthropogenic contamination. Hence, rain water samples were collected at Sinhagad (18°21N, 73°45E, 1450 m asl during the monsoon season (June-September) of 1992 and were analysed for major ions. The precipitation samples collected at Sinhagad were alkaline in nature and pH values ranged between 5.9 to 6.76. The ionic composition was dominated by soil dust The concentration of Ca2+ was highest among all the ions. The concentrations of excess SO3 2– and NO4 were small (23.8 and 15.2 eq l–1 respectively) compared to the values of polluted regions in India. The correlation coefficient between the ions and pH values was calculated and it was found to be maximum in case of Ca2+. Precipitation samples collected at Sinhagad were alkaline owing to higher concentration of Ca2+ and lower levels of acidic pollutants (SO4 2– and NO3 ).  相似文献   

The critical load concept is now accepted throughout Europe as a means of estimating the sensitivity of key components of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems to atmospheric inputs of sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N). Current UK freshwater maps, based on steady-state water chemistry, are derived using a critical acid neutralising capacity (ANCLIM) value of zero eql–1, which is based on the probability of occurrence of salmonid fish in lakes. In practice most acidification damage to salmonid fish occurs in nursery streams at the emergence and first feeding stages. In general a clear relationship exists between salmon (Salmo salar L.) and trout (S. trutta L.) densities in Scottish streams and ANC values. However, differences between sites depend on which ANC value is used (eg maximum, minimum or mean). By contrast, when the exceedance of critical loads is compared with salmonid densities the relationship is less clear because many exceeded sites have good salmonid densities. Many of these latter sites are found in north-west Scotland where sea-salt inputs are high and ANC is usually greater than zero eql–1, although diatom-based studies indicated slight acidification of these waters, with a point of change in diatom flora close to ANC=20 eql–1. These false exceedances are probably due to preferential adsorption of acidic SO4 deposition which results in an overestimate of exceedance values. All sites with a mean ANC 0 are fishless but some sites with negative minimum ANC values had normal salmonid densities. Consequently a mean ANCLIM value of zero in the critical load equations for UK freshwaters appears to be too low to protect salmonid stocks. Values between 20–50 eql–1 represent a more realistic range if prevention of long term damage to salmonid stocks is to be achieved.  相似文献   

Field studies using open-top chambers were conducted at USDA-BARC involving the growth of soybeans ('89 & '90), wheat ('91 & '92), and corn ('91), under increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and O3. Treatment responses were compared in all cases to plants grown in charcoal-filtered (CF) air (seasonal 7-h mean = 25±3 n mol O3 mol–1) having 350 or 500 mol CO2 mol–1. Elevated seasonal O3 levels for the soybean, wheat, and corn studies averaged 72.2±4, 62.7±2, and 70.2 n mol O3 mol–1, respectively. Results presented were obtained for plants grown in silt loam soil under well-watered conditions. Grain yield increases in response to elevated CO2 in the absence of O3 stress averaged 9.0, 12.0, and 1.0% for soybean, wheat, and corn; respectively. Reductions in grain yields in response to the elevated O3 treatments at 350 mol CO, mol–1 averaged 20.0, 29.0 and 13.0% for soybean, wheat, and corn, respectively. Reductions in grain yields in response to elevated O3 at 500 mol CO2 mol–1 averaged 20.0, 8.0, and 7.0% for soybean, wheat, and corn, respectively. Dry biomass and harvest index in wheat were significantly reduced by O3 stress at 350 mol mol 1 CO2 but not at 500 u mol mol–1 CO2. Seed weight 1000–1 for scybeans and wheat was significantly increased by CO2 enrichment and decreased by O3 stress. Seed weight 1000–1 in corn was increased by O3 stress suggesting that O3 affected pollination resulting in fewer kernels per ear.Scientific Article No. A7784, Contribution No. 9105, Maryland Agric. Exp. Sta., Univ. of MD, College Park, MD 20472  相似文献   

Summary Plants grown from seed with high (1.5–7.3 g Mo seed-1) and low (0.07–1.4 g Mo seed-1) Mo contents were grown in the presence and absence of Mo in growth media (perlite) or in a flowing-solution culture, in a controlled environment. Neither the high (1.5 g Mo seed-1) nor the low (0.1 g Mo seed-1) Mo content in seed from a small-seeded genotype (BAT 1297) was able to prevent Mo deficiency (reduced shoot, root and nodule dry weight, N2 fixation and seed production) in growth media without an external supply of Mo, whereas both the high (7.3 g Mo seed-1) and the low (0.07 g Mo seed-1) contents in seed were able to prevent Mo deficiency in a large-seeded genotype (Canadian Wonder). Responses to Mo treatment by the Two genotypes were inconsistent between the growth media and solution culture experiments. Seed with a large Mo content (3.5 g Mo seed-1) from the Canadian Wonder genotype was unable to prevent Mo deficiency (reduced shoot and nodule dry weight and N2-fixation) in a solution culture without an external source of Mo, whereas both the large (1.7 g Mo seed-1) and the small (0.13 g Mo seed-1) contents in seed prevented a deficiency in BAT 1297. Growing plants from seed with a small Mo content, without additional Mo, reduced the seed Mo content by 83–85% and seed production by up to 38% in both genotypes. Changes in seed size and increases in shoot, root and nodule dry weight occurred, but varied with the genotype and growth conditions. These effects were also observed in some cases where plants were grown with additional Mo, demonstrating that the amount of Mo in the seed sown can influence plant nutrition irrespective of the external Mo supply. Nodule dry weight, total N content of shoots and seed production were improved by using seed with a small Mo content (1.64–3.57 g Mo seed-1) on acid tropical soils in Northern Zambia. Plants of both the large- and small-seeded genotypes grown from seed with a small Mo content (<1.41 g Mo seed-1) had a smaller nodule weight, accumulated less N and produced less seed. The viability of seed with a small Mo content was lower (germination up to 50% less) than that of seed with a large Mo content.  相似文献   

Critical loads maps for UK freshwaters have been produced on a 10×10 km grid square basis, and used to map critical load exceedances under various deposition scenarios. A single lake or stream site was selected to represent the most sensitive water body in each grid square using predefined criteria. In the UK a major programme of data screening and validation has been undertaken in order to address issues of accuracy and validity. A major part of this validation exercise, the within-square variability study, is designed to test the extent to which the site chosen for mapping represents the most sensitive water body within each grid square or mapping unit. Sampling of all lake sites in thirty-two randomly chosen 10 × 10 km grid squares has shown that in two thirds of cases, the selection exercise has identified a site in the lowest critical load class within a square. However, up to a third of all sites selected to represent grid squares could be replaced by more sensitive sites with a critical load smaller by at least one Skokloster class. The mean overestimate of diatom model critical loads for sulphur in the within-square variability study is 0.188 keq ha–1 yr–1. This means that current critical load maps show overestimates for some grid squares. In order to determine where the most sensitive site has not been identified, further work on catchment scale classification of freshwater sensitivity is being carried out.  相似文献   

Growth rate change in earthworms is considered to be a suitable endpoint when determining sublethal effects. In this study we evaluated growth and maturation in the vermicomposting earthworm speciesEudrilus eugeniae as marker of sublethal toxicity of copper and zinc. We also compared routes of uptake. Apart from exposing worms experimentally for 73 days to contaminated food, a series of contact filter paper tests was also performed to determine LD50 for copper and zinc. Both copper and zinc at sublethal concentrations affected growth and maturation in worms exposed to contaminated food. These worms had a copper content of 34.5 g g–1 after 73 days and a zinc content of 184.9 g g–1, showing a differential uptake. Copper was more toxic than zinc. Also in the contact test worms did take up more zinc than copper and the LD50 (48 h) for copper was 0.011 mg cm–2 and for zinc 0.066 mg cm–2, which translated to body burdens of 6 g g–1 for copper and 131 g g–1 for zinc. Indications were that a regulatory mechanism existed for both metals. Both metals were taken up through the body wall at a relatively fast rate. This study indicated that the skin was the major route of metal uptake. This study also showed a poor relation between the two types of tests for purposes of evaluating lethality of zinc and copper.  相似文献   

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