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In this study, the feasibility of identification and abundance estimation of isada krill, Euphausia pacifica , was examined using a two-frequency (38 and 120 kHz) method. The acoustic survey and midwater trawling were conducted off the Sanriku coast, northern part of Honshu, Japan. In one pattern, the SV difference between the two frequencies was large, and in the other, the SV difference was small. These results were interpreted by scattering models, and showed that discrimination between isada krill and walleye pollock was possible.  相似文献   

Acoustic trawl surveys were conducted in 2000 and 2001 in two troughs located off the eastern coast of Kodiak Island in the Gulf of Alaska as part of a multiyear, multidisciplinary experiment to examine the influence of environmental conditions on the spatial distribution of adult and juvenile walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and capelin (Mallotus villosus). Continuous underway sea surface temperature samples and water column profiles collected in 2000 and 2001 showed the presence of a sharp shelf‐break front in Chiniak Trough and a mid‐trough front in Barnabas Trough. At distances <22 km from shore, the water column was well mixed, whereas a well‐defined mixed layer was present beyond approximately 22 km from shore. Satellite drifter tracks in Barnabas Trough entered along the upstream edge of the trough and appeared to follow the frontal boundary across the middle portion of the trough. A storm in 2001 weakened stratification and cooled surface water temperature by 1.6–2.1°C. Wind mixing associated with the storm event mixed subsurface chlorophyll a to the surface and enhanced nutrients in the surface waters. The storm event revealed spatial partitioning of summer production in Barnabas Trough, with production concentrated in regions inside the mid‐trough front. In contrast, post‐storm summer production was distributed throughout Chiniak Trough. The spatial distribution of walleye pollock and capelin differed and appeared to be related to differences in habitat characteristics. Acoustic survey data identified four acoustic sign types: age‐1 pollock, adult pollock, capelin, capelin–age‐0 pollock mix. The spatial distribution of these four sign types appears to be influenced by the oceanographic and topographic features of the two troughs. Adult pollock were broadly distributed throughout Chiniak Trough, whereas adult pollock were aggregated on the coastal side of the frontal system in Barnabas Trough. In 2000, capelin occurred with age‐0 pollock. In Chiniak Trough, capelin were most abundant along steep topographic gradients at the edges of the trough and in a deep region near Cape Chiniak, whereas the capelin–age‐0 mix (2000) or capelin (2001) concentrations were observed in slope water intrusions over the outer shelf in Barnabas Trough. Results suggest that habitat selection of walleye pollock and capelin are controlled by different processes. Capelin distributions appear to be limited by oceanographic conditions while other factors appear to be more important for pollock.  相似文献   

Conditions affecting distributions of larval walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) were examined at Shelikof Strait, Alaska, during springtime, 1986 and 1987. Abundance and distribution of larval pollock southwest of the Strait's southern entrance was determined with oblique plankton tows taken each year in May. Infrared images of sea surface temperature patterns were derived from AVHRR scenes obtained by NOAA satellites during each April and May. Pattern displacements between 24-hour-interval images were used to estimate surface motion. Each spring, measurements were taken by remote weather stations and ships, and a nearsurface current meter record was obtained during 1987. Treated as quasi-synoptic, spatial relations between sets of surface temperature, surface flow, and larval pollock distributions show coincidences between submesoscale physical and biological features. The highest larval abundances occurred as patches within a cold plume (1986) and an eddy (1987). These confirm that physical features can retain larval pollock on the continental shelf. Observations are examined for evidence of physical and biological events that jointly can cause such coincidences and foster alternatives for survival during transport to nursery grounds. Explanations for presence of cohorts observed within the 1987 eddy are given in terms of spatial and temporal relationships evident between spawning and hatching areas, hatch date distributions, meanders, eddy generation and movement, background flow, and advection times. The observations, analyses, and results are consistent with the concept of a coupled, fluctuating biophysical process that can emulate variations in larval abundance and provide a multiplicity of system pathways for early-life stages representations.  相似文献   

The southwestern Pacific coast of Hokkaido is the main spawning ground for the Japanese Pacific stock of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma. A commercial gillnet fishery targeting spawning adult pollock in this area mainly operates from October to January to coincide with the migration of adult pollock from the feeding ground. Given the results of acoustic surveys, and changes in the proportion of the monthly total catch that was monthly walleye pollock caught by the commercial gillnet fishery, it is thought that the timing of walleye pollock spawning migration to the Donan area varies among years and that the pollock catch of the gillnet fishery clearly reflects changes in pollock abundance in this area. A time series of interannual variability in catch data from 1980 to 2005 suggested that adult pollock migrated and concentrated on their spawning ground later in the 1980s and after 2000 than in the 1990s. Such decadal-scale shifts are presumably caused by climatic changes (e.g., in water temperature) in the Oyashio region. These shifts affect the gillnet fishery through differences in monthly unit prices of pollock and changes in the formation of fishing grounds. These scientific findings can aid the establishment of rules for more efficient walleye pollock resource management under the total allowable catch system.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop two methods to predict the volume of whole Alaska pollock and to compare the results with the experimentally measured volumes. One hundred fifty-five whole pollock, obtained from a Kodiak processor, were individually immersed in a graduated cylinder equipped with an outflow tube to catch the displaced water as a result of immersion. The weight of the water was recorded. Then the fish were placed in a light box equipped with a digital video camera, and the side view and top view recorded (2 images for each fish). A reference square of known surface area was placed by the fish. A cubic spline method to predict volume by integration of cross-sectional area slices based on the top and side views and an empirical equation using dimensional (length L, width W, depth D) measurements at three locations of the fish image were developed. The R2 value for the correlation between the L × W × D versus measured volume was 0.987. The best R2 for the correlation of the predicted volume by the cubic spline method versus the measured volume was 0.99. Image analysis can be used reliably to predict the volume of whole Alaska pollock.  相似文献   

The Japanese Pacific stock (JPS) and the northern Japan Sea stock (JSS) of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma are mainly distributed in the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan off northern Japan, respectively. This paper summarizes and compares the factors affecting the recruitment variability of these two stocks. Spawning season is from December to March for both stocks. JPS recruitment has a positive relationship with the water temperature in January and February, whereas that of JSS has a negative relationship with the water temperature in January, February, and April. One possible reason for this is that pollock larvae have an optimum growth temperature of approximately 5 °C in the field. Drift of early life stages also appears to be an important influence on the recruitment of both stocks. Because the current generated by the northwest wind carries eggs of JPS into the main larval nursery ground, JPS recruitment is enhanced in years when the northwest wind is predominant in February. On the other hand, early life stages of JSS are transported into the nursery ground by the Tsushima Warm Current. However, this current also carries early life stages into the Sea of Okhotsk and offshore, resulting in poor JSS recruitment in years when this current is strong in March. In contrast to JPS, the recruitment of which is significantly impacted by cannibalism, young pollock have not been found in the stomachs of adult JSS. Warm temperatures in the Sea of Japan seem to induce the separation of young and adult pollock, and the shape of the stock–recruitment relationship also suggests that cannibalism is not important for JSS. Based on this knowledge, and on the hatch date distributions of larvae and juveniles, we propose mechanisms that can explain the recruitment fluctuations for JPS and JSS pollock.  相似文献   

We examined factors affecting the vertical distribution of juvenile walleye pollock during “the second critical period” (i.e. the transition period of prey size) in and around Funka Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. During the day, small juveniles (<30 mm) were distributed mainly in shallow, warm, and low-salinity water within the bay, whereas larger ones (≥30 mm) occurred in deeper, cold and saline water. During the night, the large juveniles migrated to shallower depths. Outside the bay, small- and large-sized juveniles were distributed in water masses of similar physical properties during the daytime, whereas during the nighttime, most of the juveniles moved to shallower depth, and some juveniles dived to deeper water mass. Dietary analysis revealed that large juveniles fed on large copepods (≥0.5 mm in body width) more than small juveniles did. The composition of zooplankton in our survey area showed that large-sized copepods often occurred in deeper saline water. From these results, there is a possibility that juvenile pollock inside and outside Funka Bay occupied different water masses preferable for each feeding advantage.  相似文献   

This review paper synthesizes published research and unpublished data on the abundance and distribution patterns, ecology and population dynamics of walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) during their first year of life (age-0) in the Gulf of Alaska. Distribution patterns have been described using mainly trawl catches, but recently, acoustic methodology has been employed, especially in examining vertical distributions. Although age-0 pollock are found throughout the Gulf, the highest catches occurred west of Kodiak Island. Pollock are pelagic for at least their first 6 months of life but show an ontogenetic increase in depth distribution superimposed on a pronounced diel vertical migration at a larger size. Daily growth rates are variable depending on year, season and area, and growth generally ceases during the winter. The diet of age-0 pollock shifts from mainly copepods in early juveniles to euphausiids by fall, with epibenthic organisms becoming important during the winter months. Feeding occurs mainly at night in surface waters. Age-0 pollock are most frequently associated with gelatinous zooplankton (medusae) and older pollock. Many predators on age-0 pollock have been identified; the most important are arrowtooth flounder ( Atheresthes stomias ), adult pollock, puffins ( Fratercula spp.), murres ( Una spp.), harbor seals ( Phoca vitulina richardsi ) and Steller sea lions ( Eumetopiasjubatus ). Modelling provides some insight into the population dynamics of these juveniles and environmental conditions which interannually affect their survival. These results are discussed relative to the importance of age-0 pollock in the recruitment of this species and to their role in the pelagic ecosystem.  相似文献   

The eastern Bering Sea fishery for pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, yields a first wholesale value over $1 billion; it is the premier US fishery. While there is general agreement that this fishery is managed under principles that foster sustainability, the stock is not wholly contained within the US Exclusive Economic Zone. Management of straddling stocks can be highly contentious, particularly when, as is the case for pollock, the spatial distribution varies considerably. When the center of pollock abundance shifts to the northwest, an increased portion of the stock is exposed to harvest by vessels operating in the Russian Federation Exclusive Economic Zone. The lack of coordination in the management of this transboundary stock presents a risk that is not reflected in current management strategies. We use a multiple product/multiple market bioeconomic model to characterize optimal cooperative and non-cooperative harvest management strategies from the perspective of US and Russian pollock fisheries under environmentally induced changes in pollock abundance and the distribution of that abundance.  相似文献   

Walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (pollock hereafter) is a key ecological and economic species in the eastern Bering Sea, yet detailed synthesis of the spatial and temporal patterns of pollock ichthyoplankton in this important region is lacking. This knowledge gap is particularly severe considering that egg and larval distribution are essential to reconstructing spawning locations and early life stages drift pathways. We used 19 yr of ichthyoplankton collections to determine the spatial and temporal patterns of egg and larval distribution. Generalized additive models (GAMs) identified two primary temporal pulses of pollock eggs, the first occurring from 20 February to 31 March and the second from 20 April to 20 May; larvae showed similar, but slightly lagged, pulses. Based on generalized cross‐validation and information theory, a GAM model that allowed for different seasonal patterns in egg density within three unique areas outperformed a GAM that assumed a single fixed seasonal pattern across the entire eastern Bering Sea. This ‘area‐dependent’ GAM predicted the highest densities of eggs (i.e., potential spawning locations) in three major areas of the eastern Bering Sea: near Bogoslof Island (February–April), north of Unimak Island and the Alaska Peninsula (March–April), and around the Pribilof Islands (April–August). Unique temporal patterns of egg density were observed for each area, suggesting that pollock spawning may be more spatially and temporally complex than previously assumed. Moreover, this work provides a valuable baseline of pollock spawning to which future changes, such as those resulting from climate variability, may be compared.  相似文献   

Walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) supports one of the largest commercial fisheries in the world. Juvenile pollock are important forage fish in the eastern Bering Sea (EBS) ecosystem, often representing the largest fraction in the diets of major Bering Sea piscivores. Large variability in the EBS pollock stock biomass in recent years has been attributed primarily to fluctuations in recruitment. It has been hypothesized that predation rates on forage fishes increase when the cold pool (a body of cold water < 2°C) is extensive and covers much of the middle continental shelf, which tends to concentrate larger predatory fishes in the outer shelf and slope regions. In contrast, young pollock appear to tolerate colder temperatures than older fish and can stay in the cold pool, thereby reducing predation. We used a multispecies modeling approach to examine the effects of the cold pool size on predation of juvenile pollock. We found that predation on age‐1 pollock by age‐3+ pollock decreased, and predation on age‐1 and age‐2 pollock by arrowtooth flounder increased with increasing bottom temperature, which was used as a proxy for the cold pool size. These results suggest that the cold pool creates spatial separation between juvenile pollock and arrowtooth flounder, but not between adult and juvenile pollock. The model developed in this study could be used to examine the effects of other covariates on interspecific interactions, help explain observed changes in fish communities, and understand implications of climate change on ecosystems and their productivity.  相似文献   

I examined the age, growth, maturity, mortality, and body condition of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the northeastern Japan Sea (northern Japan Sea population) and evaluated their resilience to exploitation. Walleye pollock were collected in pre-spawning (October 1991-1995) and post-spawning (April 1990-1996) seasons. Estimated ages ranged from 3 to 18 years for both sexes. A von Bertalanffy growth model showed that females had longer asymptotic fork length (460 mm) than males (425 mm). Fifty percent of females and males were mature at 348 mm (4.6 years) and 322 mm (3.9 years), respectively. The instantaneous natural mortality rate was estimated to be 0.22. These life-history traits in the northern Japan Sea population were compared to those in the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska, and the Japan Pacific populations. As a result, female walleye pollock in this population matured at small body sizes, grew rapidly toward small maximum sizes, and had short reproductive lifespans with low size-specific fecundity and poor body condition. Low prey availability and habitat temperatures are considered as a possible mechanism for the small maximum sizes in this population. The potential rate of population increase of both the northern Japan Sea population and other pollock populations tended to be lower than other exploited populations of non-viviparous marine fishes, suggesting potentially lower resilience to exploitation in this population and walleye pollock populations in general.  相似文献   

Here we investigate processes affecting productivity of capelin and walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska. We examine pelagic habitat selection by comparing the distribution of juvenile fish and their prey with oceanographic properties and we evaluate the potential for interspecific competition by comparing diets and measures of foraging. The primary field study was conducted in Barnabus Trough, Kodiak Island, Alaska, during September 2005. The distribution of fish was assessed acoustically and trawls were used to collect individual fish for stomach content analyses. Physical and biological data were collected with conductivity–temperature–depth probes and zooplankton tows. Age‐0 pollock were distributed in cool waters offshore of a mid‐trough front, coincident with the distribution of euphausiids, their preferred prey. In contrast, capelin and their prey (copepods) were distributed throughout the trough. We observed that sympatric capelin (occurring with pollock) often had reduced foraging success compared to allopatric capelin (occurring alone). Results of a bioenergetic model also suggest that the exclusion of capelin from foraging on euphausiids can have negative consequences for capelin growth.  相似文献   

Representative commercial lots of surimi produced from the New Zealand fish species hoki (Macruronus novaezelandiae) and Southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis) were compared to that of Alaska pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) on the basis of functional properties and composition. Parameters studied included gelling response to preincubation and cooking for various times and to the addition of water and starch as well as frozen stability at -8°C. There were few species-related differences in response to the various treatments, although differences in absolute values of rheological parameters were noted. Surimi from the three species should be interchangeable with few or no modifications needed in the operating procedures of food manufacturers.  相似文献   

Ecosystem‐based fisheries management requires the development of physical and biological time series that index ocean productivity for stock assessment and recruitment forecasts for commercially important species. As recruitment in marine fish is related to ocean condition, we developed proxies for ocean conditions based on sea surface temperature (SST) and biometric measurements of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) captured in the walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) fishery in the eastern Bering Sea in three periods (July 16–30, September 1–15 and September 16–30). The main purpose of this paper was to evaluate Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) growth as a possible indicator of ocean conditions that, in turn, may affect age‐1 walleye pollock recruitment. Marine growth rates of Pacific salmon are the result of a complex interplay of physical, biological and population‐based factors that fish experience as they range through oceanic habitats. These growth rates can, therefore, be viewed as indicators of recent ocean productivity. Thus, our hypothesis was that estimated intra‐annual growth in body weight of immature and maturing age‐4 male and female chum salmon may be used as a biological indicator of variations in rearing conditions also experienced by age‐0 walleye pollock; consequently, they may be used to predict the recruitment to age‐1 in walleye pollock. Summer SSTs and chum salmon growth at the end of July and September explained the largest amount of variability in walleye pollock recruitment indicating that physical and biological indices of ocean productivity can index fish recruitment.  相似文献   

Biological and physical phenomena that affect conditions for larval survival and eventual recruitment differ in the oceanic and shelf regions. In the oceanic region, eddies are a common feature. While their genesis is not well known, eddies have unique biophysical characteristics and occur with such regularity that they likely affect larval survival. High concentrations of larval pollock often are associated with eddies. Some eddies are transported onto the shelf, thereby providing larvae to the Outer Shelf Domain. Advection, rather than local production, dominated the observed springtime increase in chlorophyll (often a correlate of larval food) in the oceanic region. Over two-thirds of the south-eastern shelf, eddies are absent and other phenomena are important. Sea ice is a feature of the shelf region: its interannual variability (time of arrival, persistence, and areal extent) affects developmental rate of larvae, timing of the phytoplankton bloom (and potentially the match/mismatch of larvae and prey), and abundance and distribution of juvenile pollock. In the oceanic region, interannual variation in food for first-feeding pollock larvae is determined by advection; in the shelf region, it is the coupled dynamics of the atmosphere–ice–ocean system.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional biophysical nutrient–phytoplankton–zooplankton model was used to investigate the spatial and temporal dynamics of food resources for young walleye pollock in the western Gulf of Alaska, to further understanding of recruitment processes for pollock. We modeled nitrogen, phytoplankton, a large herbivorous grazer parameterized as Neocalanus spp. (the biomass dominant copepod in the Gulf), and the 13 stages (egg, naupliar and copepodite) of Pseudocalanus spp. (a major constituent of the diet of pollock) so that the appropriate size class of food for each size of larval pollock was represented. Model results identified an area between the Semidi and Shumagin Islands that may not be suitable as a nursery area early in the year due to low prey abundance. Modeled mesoscale eddies, previously hypothesized to be important for larval pollock retention in Shelikof Strait, contained higher prey concentrations than the surrounding waters when they were cyclonic. This work also help to understand the consistency of pollock spawning in time and space in Shelikof Strait, by examining the timing and location of prey availability which, along with transport, narrows the window for optimal spawning.  相似文献   

Populations of several species of marine birds and mammals in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska have been declining since the mid-1970s, with numbers of one, the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) , so depressed it was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in spring 1990. All of the declining populations depend to an important extent on walleye pollock (Theragra chakogramma) for food, although they eat numerous other species as well. In contrast, certain animals that compete with pollock for common prey have been increasing in abundance. All of these changes could be related through food web connections mediated by pollock. Pollock is also important to people–it presently supports the largest single-species commercial fishery in the world, in large part because of its great biomass, which has averaged about 15 × 106t in the Bering Sea over the past 15 years. Pollock consume an inordinate proportion of the pelagic production in the Bering Sea, which further supports the conclusion that it is a key species in the ecosystem. However, there are conflicting hypotheses about the importance of the roles played by pollock as predator and prey, and about the effect that changes in pollock abundance might have on biomass yield at higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Eastern Bering Sea pollock have two distinctly different stable spawning grounds—along the shelf and in the eastern and central Aleutian Islands between 400 and 500 m water columns. Pollock spawning behavior supports the hypothesis that the shelf and deepwater “basin” spawning pollock are completely independent reproductive stocks. Deepwater pollock inhabit the shelf and, once mature at age 5–6 years, migrate from the shelf onto the continental slope into the Zhemchug, Pribilof, and Bering canyons by the end of winter. Bering Sea pollock recruitment and year class abundance have high annual variability, but there are no clear relationships between pollock year class strength and water temperature, ice distribution or survival on early ontogenesis stages (eggs and larvae). Young-of-the-year fish survival varies dramatically during winter supporting the hypothesis that the Bering Sea pollock recruitment and strength of year class have high annual variability depending on young-of-the-year fish survival during winter. The annual change of physical oceanography condition, productivity and species composition of zooplankton community are associated with great differences in pollock seasonal migrations and distribution, reproduction, survival of recruits at early stages of development and finally with abundance of year classes and total biomass. Implementation of ecosystem-based fishery management most important for application of pollock research both of Russian national program and on base of International Agreements.  相似文献   

The deep scattering layers (DSL) in the central equatorial Pacific form an important prey resource in a relatively oligotrophic habitat. In March of 2006, we used a calibrated 38‐kHz SIMRAD EK60 scientific sonar to assess the spatial distribution of the deep scattering layer relative to broad‐scale oceanographic features and fine‐scale physical and biological measurements. We conducted a single continuous transect from approximately 10°S to 20°N at 170°W while measuring acoustic backscatter, current velocity and direction, temperature, salinity, oxygen, and fluorescence with depth, coincident with marine mammal occurrence. These data were combined with remotely sensed sea surface height, chlorophyll, and sea surface temperature data to examine patterns in DSL distribution. To analyze DSL density with depth, acoustic backscatter was binned into surface (<200 m), mid (200–550 m) and deep (550–1000 m) layers. Backscatter was highly correlated with chlorophyll‐a and low sea surface height anomalies and was greatest near the equator. We found high diel variability in DSL depth and scattering intensity between the mid and surface layers as well as a shallowing of the deep layer moving northward across the equator. Marine mammal sightings consisted primarily of odontocetes with their distribution coincident with higher acoustic densities of their forage base. Shifts in DSL distribution and scattering intensity are an important component towards understanding the behavior and distribution of highly migratory predator species.  相似文献   

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