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We describe the development and evaluation of a new microparticle for delivering low-molecular weight, water-soluble materials to suspension feeders. Spray beads successfully incorporated materials dissolved in an aqueous phase or as dry particulate, within a triacylglyceride bead composed of tripalmitin, 600 mg g−1 tripalmitin/400 mg g−1 triolein, or 600 mg g−1 tripalmitin/400 mg g−1 fish oil.
Riboflavin was successfully incorporated (up to 44 mg g−1 lipid) and retained (up to 98% over 24 h in seawater) as dry particles in all three mixtures of lipid. Aqueous oxytetracycline hydrochloride or polymeric dye were incorporated (45.6 mg g−1 lipid and 18.1 mg g−1 lipid, respectively) and retained best (99% and 94%, respectively) in spray beads composed of tripalmitin. The addition of triolein or fish oil to the lipid bead reduced incorporation and retention efficiencies for aqueous core materials by up to 75%.
Manila clam seed readily ingested and digested lipid microparticles, spray beads and lipid-walled microcapsules. Microparticles composed of tripalmitin were excreted with their payloads intact. Intact microparticles composed of 600 mg g−1 tripalmitin/400 mg g−1 fish oil were largely absent in faecal strands suggesting successful release and delivery of microparticle contents to clams.
Spray beads composed of tripalmitin softened with 400 mg g−1 fish oil represent an effective microparticle type for delivering low-molecular weight, water-soluble materials to aquatic suspension feeders.  相似文献   

Lipid spray beads (LSB) containing high concentrations of phospholipids were produced in order to improve their dispersion in both fresh and saltwater. The beads were developed to deliver both fat-soluble and water-soluble micronutrients to Artemia and other suspension feeders. LSB were prepared by spraying molted lipid into a chamber that was cooled with liquid nitrogen in order to solidify the lipid beads. Addition of soy lecithin to LSB did not affect retention of glycine when the beads were suspended in distilled water. There was an initial loss of 80% incorporated glycine after LSB were suspended in water for 20min. Artemia readily ingested riboflavin-containing LSB and their full guts were evident within 30min of feeding. The riboflavin content of Artemia could be increased from 55 ±  0.6 mg kg− 1 (dw) to 329 ± 62 mg kg− 1 (dw) after 1h enrichment. LSB prepared with phospholipids are promising vehicles for enrichment of suspension-feeding organisms used as feed for larval marine fish and crustaceans as well as other suspension feeders.  相似文献   

Lipid spray beads (LSB) were evaluated for delivery of the low-molecular weight, water-soluble antibiotic, oxytetracycline·HCl (OTC) to fish larvae. Various OTC core-to-lipid ratios and OTC core concentrations were evaluated to maximize OTC delivery efficiency by LSB. Acceptability and digestion of LSB containing OTC and riboflavin by larval zebrafish, Danio rerio (Hamilton), and larval gobies, Asterropteryx semipunctata Rüppell, were also evaluated. Increasing LSB core-to-lipid ratios from 1:3 to 1:1 v/v resulted in an increase in encapsulation efficiency (EE) from 2.33 to 3.68% w/w. Increasing OTC concentrations of core solutions from 0.1 to 0.5 g OTC mL−1 increased EE from 3.95 to 18.77% w/w, respectively. Although retention efficiency (RE) was unaffected by this increase, delivery efficiency was increased to 7.9 ± 0.7% w/w, after correcting for leakage losses because of the suspension of beads in water for 60 min. Consumption of LSB containing OTC by first-feeding zebrafish and goby larvae was confirmed by analysis of feeding incidence and gut fullness. Visual observations of larvae fed on LSB containing riboflavin indicated that larvae of both species digested LSB. Zebrafish larvae fed on OTC LSB contained 39.3 ± 2.5 ng OTC after purging LSB from their guts. Use of LSB provides an effective means of delivering therapeutics to fish larvae and could greatly reduce required doses compared with current methods of immersing larvae in solutions of therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

微卫星 DNA 是分布于基因组的1~6个碱基组成的串联重复序列,或简单序列重复。微卫星 DNA 具有多态性高、数量丰富、共显性遗传和分析简单等特点,应用越来越广泛,已成为最受青睐的分子标记之一。微卫星分子标记的获得首次必须从实验生物中分离。分离微卫星 DNA 位点的方法有多种。文章对几种微卫星 DNA 位点分离技术进行介绍和分析比较,为选择合适的分离方法提供参考。  相似文献   

磁珠富集法与小片段克隆法筛选鲤微卫星的比较研究   总被引:34,自引:10,他引:34  
用2种方法克隆黑龙江鲤(Cyprinus(Cyprinus)carpio haonatopterus)的微卫星序列。这2种方法分别是:①经典的小片段DNA克隆库,用末端标记的[γ^-32]ATP的CA重复序列为探针筛选;②将酶切获得的小片段DNA用结合有磁珠的并连接有15个CA重复序列的生物素进行富集,获得的含有CA重复的DNA片段并经过两次PCR扩增再克隆的方法获得富集微卫星片段的克隆库。从前一个方法的克隆库中筛选2000个菌落,获得阳性克隆45个,有22个含有微卫星,完美型的占63.6%,非完美型的占22.7%,混合型的占13.7%,重复次数超过10的有9个,占40.9%;从方法②的克隆库中筛选2600个菌落,获得阳性克隆1300个,测序其中的390个克隆,微卫星314个,完美型的占79.0%;非完美型的占14.3%;混合型的占6.7%,重复次数超过10的有293个,占93.3%。结果表明,用生物素结合磁珠富集法克隆微卫星效率高,成本低,所获微卫星质量高,是一种值得推荐的微卫星制备方法。  相似文献   

陈光辉  罗智 《水产学报》2021,45(4):632-645
锌是水产养殖动物必需的微量元素,维持着水产动物正常生长、发育和营养代谢等功能.为了深入解析锌调控水产动物营养物质代谢的机制,本文综述了水产动物饲料锌需求量及其影响因素、锌稳态调控系统中的关键蛋白(锌转运蛋白ZnTs和ZIPs家族、MTs和MTF-1)的结构特征和功能,锌对水产动物脂类代谢和沉积的影响以及相关机理的研究进...  相似文献   

冷应激对水生动物代谢的影响及调控研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷应激严重影响水生动物的生理生化过程,致其代谢紊乱,乃至死亡。本文主要从能量代谢、蛋白质代谢、脂肪代谢和核酸代谢4个方面,综述冷应激对水生动物尤其是鱼类代谢的影响、机理、预防及调控研究进展,旨在深入研究冷应激对水生动物的影响,进一步探索其机理、预防和调控方法,抵御冷应激效应,减少低温特别是急剧降温对水生动物尤是鱼类的损害。未来应该从基因、分子、细胞、器官和整体水平,多层次全面深入地研究冷应激对水生动物代谢及其他方面的影响,特别应从分子和基因水平研究其机理,同时采取综合措施如改善养殖环境条件,培育耐寒品种,用基因工程技术改变鱼的耐寒遗传特性,在饲料中添加蛋白质、多不饱和脂肪酸、微量元素等提高鱼类的抗冷应激能力,降低养殖风险,发展可持续渔业。  相似文献   

Design and reporting quality of diagnostic accuracy studies (DAS) are important metrics for assessing utility of tests used in animal and human health. Following standards for designing DAS will assist in appropriate test selection for specific testing purposes and minimize the risk of reporting biased sensitivity and specificity estimates. To examine the benefits of recommending standards, design information from published DAS literature was assessed for 10 finfish, seven mollusc, nine crustacean and two amphibian diseases listed in the 2017 OIE Manual of Diagnostic Tests for Aquatic Animals. Of the 56 DAS identified, 41 were based on field testing, eight on experimental challenge studies and seven on both. Also, we adapted human and terrestrial‐animal standards and guidelines for DAS structure for use in aquatic animal diagnostic research. Through this process, we identified and addressed important metrics for consideration at the design phase: study purpose, targeted disease state, selection of appropriate samples and specimens, laboratory analytical methods, statistical methods and data interpretation. These recommended design standards for DAS are presented as a checklist including risk‐of‐failure points and actions to mitigate bias at each critical step. Adherence to standards when designing DAS will also facilitate future systematic review and meta‐analyses of DAS research literature.  相似文献   

A pilot programme to evaluate the effect of stocking dusky flathead, Platycephalus fuscus (Cuv. & Val.), and sand whiting, Sillago ciliata (Cuv. & Val.), began in the Maroochy River estuary in 1995. Two possible methods of mass marking; oxytetracycline (OTC) marking of otoliths, and scale pattern analysis (SPA) were investigated. A range of OTC trials was conducted, with limited success. High concentrations (1000 mg L?1) of OTC and low salinities (≤9°/00) produced acceptable marks on the otoliths of both species, but at the expense of fingerling survival and environmental health risks. SPA provided better results, with wild to hatchery misclassification rates of 25 and 11%, respectively, for P. fuscus and S. ciliata. The reverse misclassification rate of hatchery to wild was equal or better for both species. Field trials demonstrated that SPA was able to differentiate between the two sources of fingerlings (wild and hatchery). These results indicated that OTC was impractical, while SPA was acceptable for this pilot programme. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

为了解中国水生动物源无乳链球菌的分子流行特征,揭示其传播和流行规律,本实验对分离得到并鉴定的10株7种水生动物源无乳链球菌通过分子血清型、多位点序列分型(MLST)分型、毒力基因型和前噬菌体分型等方法进行分子分型;其次,通过斑马鱼评价7种水生动物源无乳链球菌的致病性。分子血清型分析结果表明,10株无乳链球菌可分为3种血清型,即Ⅰa、Ⅰb和Ⅲ型;MLST分型结果表明,Ⅰa型无乳链球菌均为ST7型,Ⅰb无乳链球菌均是ST261型,只有Ⅲ型无乳链球菌是ST739型。进一步分型结果表明,10株无乳链球菌可分为3种毒力基因型和4种前噬菌体基因型。根据4种分型结果可知,10株水生动物源无乳链球菌可分为4种类型,其中虎纹蛙源无乳链球菌具有独立的分子血清型、MLST型、毒力基因型和前噬菌体基因型,即Ⅲ-ST739-V1-P3;罗非鱼源无乳链球菌的基因型有3种,即Ⅰa-ST7-V2-P1、Ⅰa-ST7-V2-P2和Ⅰa-ST7-V3-P4;红尾皇冠鱼、鳙和罗非鱼源无乳链球菌的基因型相同:Ⅰa-ST7-V2-P2;卵形鲳鲹、宝石鲈和罗非鱼源无乳链球菌具有相同的基因型:Ⅰa-ST7-V2-P1;鲮和罗非鱼源无乳链球菌的基因型相同,即Ⅰb-ST261-V3-P4。致病性研究表明,7种水生动物源无乳链球菌对斑马鱼均有强致病性。研究表明,两栖类虎纹蛙源无乳链球菌和鱼源无乳链球菌的基因型明显不同,它们之间遗传变异较大,因此,无乳链球菌在两栖类和鱼类之间相互传播的可能性较小。鱼源无乳链球菌有3种基因型,且这3种基因型均在罗非鱼中流行,这表明无乳链球菌在鱼类中相互传播的可能性较大,尤其是在罗非鱼与其他鱼类之间。  相似文献   

应用特异性强的间接酶联免疫法,同时检测4种硝基呋喃类代谢物、氯霉素(CAP)和氟苯尼考(FF),建立快速分析水产品中6种药物残留量的方法.样品用盐酸进行消化,再由乙酸乙酯提取,使用酶联免疫试剂盒进行检测.实验结果显示,6种分析物均在其线性范围内,线性系数均大于0.995.在加标浓度为0.1、0.5和1.5μg/kg的加...  相似文献   

Abstract  Portugal, the Azores, and Madeira had a combined total of twenty six non-native fish species introductions, with the mainland having the highest number (twenty three), followed by the Azores with ten and Madeira with two records. Fifteen of these species established in Portugal, six in the Azores and one in Madeira. The oldest known introduction (1792) was goldfish, Carassius auratus (L.), while the newest (2005) was tinfoil barb, Barbonymus schwanenfeldii (Bleeker). Ten species had been introduced in Portugal by the beginning of 20th century, but the rate of introduction continues to increase, with four species introduced since 2000. In mainland Portugal, the Douro, the Tejo and the Guadiana drainages had the highest number of introduction records, while the Lima and the Mira drainages had the fewest. Management measures are offered to reduce current rate of fish introductions in Portuguese watersheds.  相似文献   

鱼类饲料油脂氧化酸败分析及对饲料质量影响探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本对四种油脂(大豆油脚、鱼油、新鲜豆油和熟豆油)和五种鱼用颗 粒饲料(市售)进行了过氧化值和硫代巴妥酸(TBA)值的分析测定;并测得大豆油脚贮藏前后(10天)氧化酸败值的变化。  相似文献   


Walleye were stocked at 20 fry/m3 and raised for 45-47 days in earthen ponds that were fertilized with organic or inorganic fertilizers. Organically fertilized ponds received periodic doses of alfalfa meal and torrula yeast. Nitrogen and phosphorus levels of 600 ug/L and 30 ug/L, respectively, were maintained by twice-weekly additions of liquid fertilizers in ponds of the inorganic treatment. Growth, survival, and production offish were not affected by the fertilizer treatment. The use of inorganic fertilizers is recommended for the pond production of walleye because it is easier and less costly than traditional methods involving the use of organic fertilizers.  相似文献   

Pansteatitis has been identified in wild populations of sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), and Nile crocodiles, Crocodylus niloticus Laurenti, inhabiting the same waters in the Olifants River Gorge in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Mesenteric and pectoral fat tissue was investigated microscopically and by fatty acid analysis in healthy and pansteatitis‐affected catfish from both captive and wild populations. Variation in fatty acid composition between pectoral and mesenteric fat was noted. Composition of mesenteric fat differed between fish from various localities as a result of differences in diet. Pansteatitis in the captive population, resulting from ingestion of high amounts of dietary oxidized fat, reflected higher levels of unsaturated fatty acids within the mesenteric fat. Mesenteric fat of pansteatitis‐affected wild catfish was characterized by an increase in moisture content, a decrease in fat content and a decrease in stearic and linoleic acids. The n‐3 to n‐6 fatty acid ratio of mesenteric fat was higher in pansteatitis‐affected wild catfish than in healthy catfish from the same locality, reflecting higher polyunsaturated fat intake by pansteatitis‐affected fish. The possible role of alien, invasive, phytoplankton‐feeding silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes), in the aetiology of pansteatitis in both catfish and crocodiles in the Olifants Gorge is discussed.  相似文献   

In vivo carbohydrate and lipid digestibility of four animal [sardine meals 67% and 58% crude protein (CP), squid meal and red crab meal] and three vegetal (soy paste, textured wheat and sorghum meal) ingredients and diets were evaluated in experimental diets for pre-adult redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus . A reference and seven experimental diets were formulated, including 14.5% of each ingredient in the reference diet. A single factor, completely randomized experimental design with five replicates per treatment was done. Experimental organisms were pre-adult redclaw of 10±0.8 g. The best carbohydrate digestibilities were recorded for some vegetal ingredients such as sorghum and textured wheat (93.6% and 83.9%) and the corresponding diets (90.9% and 90.8%). For animal ingredients, carbohydrate digestibilities were very poor (from 12.3% to 41.1%), and the inclusion of these ingredients diminished the digestibility of the corresponding experimental diets as compared with the reference diet (86.3–89.2% vs. 89.9%). The highest lipid digestibility corresponded to red crab meal (97.5%). Textured wheat and soy paste meal also had excellent lipid digestibility (96.4% and 95.1%). The same tendency was found for the corresponding diets. The lowest percentages were obtained with 58% crude protein sardine meal (32.9%) and its diet (86.2%).  相似文献   

The approximate levels of dietary protein and energy that would sustain good growth and survival of the mangrove red snapper Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskal) were determined in two feeding experiments. In the preliminary experiment, six fish meal‐based diets were formulated to contain three protein levels (35%, 42.5% and 50%) and two lipid levels (6% and 12%) for each protein, with dietary energy ranging from 14.6 MJ kg?1 to 20.5 MJ kg?1. The protein to energy (P/E) ratios of diets ranged from 20.6 mg protein kJ?1 to 27.5 mg protein kJ?1. Diets were fed for 100 days to triplicate groups of snappers with an average initial weight of 24.8 ± 0.4 g. No significant interaction between different levels of protein and lipid was observed. Survival rates (93.8% to 100%), feed conversion ratios (FCR) (2.61–3.06) and condition factors (K) were not affected by different dietary treatments. Regardless of lipid level, fish fed 50% protein diets had a significantly higher specific growth rate (SGR) than fish fed the 35% protein diets, but not compared with the 42.5% diets (P < 0.05). Increasing lipid to 12% in all protein levels resulted in no improvement in growth over the 6% level. Fish body moisture did not vary while lipid levels based on dry matter were high (27.9% to 33.7%). Snapper appear to require more than 40% dietary protein and a high dietary energy level for good growth. In the second experiment, fish (21.1 ± 0.1 g) in four replicate groups were fed for 94 days with three diets (39%, 44% and 49% protein with P/E ratios of 21.1, 23.3 and 25.5 mg protein kJ?1 respectively) containing similar dietary energy levels of about 19 MJ kg?1. Average final weight, SGR and FCR were significantly higher in diets containing 44% and 49% protein diets (P > 0.05). There were no differences in survival rates, protein efficiency ratio (PER) and nutrient composition of snapper flesh. All fish had fatty livers. Results indicated that the diet containing 44% protein with a P/E ratio of 23.3 mg protein kJ?1 was optimum for snapper growth under the experimental conditions used in the study.  相似文献   

In this study, we determined the color vision and spectral sensitivity of pointhead flounder, slime flounder, and red halibut by recording electrophysiological S-potentials from isolated retinas; this basic data was collected to aid the selection of appropriate colors and effective wavelengths for selective fishing gear for sustainable fisheries. Four kinds of L-response and one C-response were recorded in the pointhead flounder and red halibut. Two kinds of L-response were recorded in the slime flounder. The occurrence of a C-response indicates the possession of color vision. The C-responses show that the pointhead flounder has superior distinction from blue to yellow, and red halibut has superior distinction from blue and green to red. The most frequently recorded L-responses indicate high spectral sensitivity at 544 nm in pointhead flounder and 518 nm in slime flounder and red halibut. All recorded L- and C-responses indicate sensitivity to ultraviolet wavelengths.  相似文献   

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