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地域环境因素包含气候、地形地貌等自然条件。气候与地域对建筑的形式影响有着天然的联系,不同的地域条件产生了不同的地域建筑形式。为顺应不同地域的自然特征,则产生了不同特征的建筑形式,为与自然地域环境相适应的地域建筑形成了独特的建筑模式和文化。  相似文献   

基于Bernoulli分布的全球疯牛病发生风险研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在数据挖掘基础上,基于地理信息技术(Geographical Information Sciences,GIS),结合概率风险评估的方法和理论探讨在全球尺度上疯牛病的发展风险。结果显示:(1)疯牛病主要发生在畜牧养殖业高度集约化和饲喂工业化发达的国家,全球化和工业化程度的增加将增加全球疯牛病致病因子的扩散和传播的风险。(2)当前国际上牛养殖密度最大的主要区域集中在南亚次大陆的印度、泰国、缅甸和巴基斯坦,以及欧洲南部国家、非洲的埃塞俄比亚以及南美洲等地区。饲养量大、饲喂密集区在给定疯牛病接触风险条件下,暴露风险显著增大。(3)从全球疯牛病发生的历史看,疯牛病在1986年首次确诊,1986-1991年为扩散期,到1992年疯牛病发生和流行达到高峰,达到3.0×10-5的风险概率。在欧盟范围内疯牛病的发病高峰在1992-1993年,1992年BSE发生的流行率为4.28×10-4,1993年欧盟疯牛病流行率为4.13×10-4,1994年疯牛病的流行率降低到2.92×10-4的概率水平,即在1992-1993年期间,欧盟每百万头牛的疯牛病阳性检出数量就达400~500头,可以认为1991-1994年这段时间为欧盟疯牛病发生的极高风险期。在这一阶段内从欧盟输出的反刍动物及产品会给进口国家和地区带来极其显著的BSE外来释放风险。目前国际上疯牛病的风险高值区还主要集中在欧洲地区,包括欧洲的比利时、捷克、丹麦、法国、德国、爱尔兰、意大利、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、西班牙、瑞士、英国,以及亚洲的日本,这些国家在理论上还可能存在疯牛病潜在病例;次风险区在斯洛文尼亚、加拿大、瑞典、卢森堡、美国等国家,这些国家至少发生1头BSE感染病牛的风险期望值也在0.800 9左右。此外芬兰、希腊的疯牛病发生风险期望值也较大。从疯牛病风险区域和国家输入反刍动物及其产品会给输入国家和地区带来外来释放风险。  相似文献   

For a long time, BSE was considered a problem of the UK exclusively. Even after the detection of BSE cases in countries outside the UK, the risk of having BSE was categorically denied by many other countries. Only after the introduction of active surveillance did several "BSE free" countries detect BSE in their country. However, before the detection of the first cases in several of these countries, a risk assessment (GBR) conducted by the Scientific Steering Committee of the EU showed that a risk could be present. There remain many countries with an unknown BSE risk. In order to minimise import risks from these countries, further risk assessment is needed to evaluate the real BSE distribution worldwide.  相似文献   

本文对欧盟非食用动物产品卫生规则及非食用动物产品的分类、处理和利用、有关基本义务规定、进出口政策等方面进行了研究梳理,旨在为我国建立非食用动物产品的相关法律制度,特别是非食用动物产品无害化处理的管理提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

我国生猪等动物及其产品的跨区域调运十分频繁,运输过程中受空间狭窄、卫生条件简陋、运输路径复杂等因素影响,动物疫病传播风险较大。因此,针对生猪运输中的风险因素,建立科学有效的生物安全管理制度,对防范疫情传播具有重要意义。本文梳理和总结了欧美有关国家生猪运输环节中采取的关键生物安全措施和科学的管理制度,包括运输人员管理、运输车辆许可、运输计划审查、启运许可、运输途中生物安全、落地报备、运输车辆清洗消毒及特殊动物禁运制度,并结合我国实际,提出了强化调运前检疫和移动监管,加强生猪运输车辆管理、加大违法调运打击力度等生猪运输环节监管的建议,以期为我国生猪运输安全水平的提高提供参考。  相似文献   

Antimicrobial (AM) resistance is an increasing problem in human and veterinary medicine. To manage this problem, the usage of AM should be reduced in pig farming, as well as in other areas. It is important to investigate the factors that influence both pig farmers' and veterinarians' intentions to reduce AM usage, which is a prerequisite for developing intervention measures. We conducted a mail survey among pig farmers (= 1,294) and an online survey among veterinarians (= 334) in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland. The farmers' survey assessed the perceived risks and benefits of and need for AM usage; the intention to reduce AM usage; farmers' efficacy (i.e. perception of their ability to reduce AM usage); support from their veterinarian; and the future reduction potential of AM usage. Additionally, self‐reported reduction behaviours, the perceived farmers' barriers to reduce AM usage and relationships with farmers were assessed in the veterinarians' survey. The results showed that farmers and veterinarians had similar perceptions of the risks and benefits of AM usage. Veterinarians appeared to be more optimistic than pig farmers about reducing AM usage in pig farming. Farmers believed that their efficacy over AM reduction was relatively high. Farmers' intention to reduce AM usage and veterinarians' self‐reported reduction behaviours were mainly associated with factors concerning the feasibility of reducing AM usage. To promote prudent AM usage, pig farmers should learn and experience how to reduce usage by applying alternative measures, whereas veterinarians should strengthen their advisory role and competencies to support and educate farmers.  相似文献   

本文阐述了ACL的基本概念,分析了ACL编号名称与类型的对应关系,讨论了ACL的应用方式,用报文过滤实例说明如何实现使用ACL进行网络层路由器访问权限控制,提高网络整体性能和安全。  相似文献   

The shape parameter and scale parameter of generalized Pareto distribution are estimated by hybrid of genetic algorithm and pattern search.The volality of the return is obtained by GARCH model.VaR and CVaR are computed respectively under GPD model and GARCH-GPD model.The experimental results show that VaR and CVaR based on GARCH-GPD are more effectively measure the financial risks.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of the virological surveillance for swine influenza viruses (SIVs) in Belgium, UK, Italy, France and Spain from 2006 to 2008. Our major aims were to clarify the occurrence of the three SIV subtypes – H1N1, H3N2 and H1N2 – at regional levels, to identify novel reassortant viruses and to antigenically compare SIVs with human H1N1 and H3N2 influenza viruses. Lung tissue and/or nasal swabs from outbreaks of acute respiratory disease in pigs were investigated by virus isolation. The hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) subtypes were determined using standard methods. Of the total 169 viruses, 81 were classified as ‘avian‐like’ H1N1, 36 as human‐like H3N2 and 47 as human‐like H1N2. Only five novel reassortant viruses were identified: two H1N1 viruses had a human‐like HA and three H1N2 viruses an avian‐like HA. All three SIV subtypes were detected in Belgium, Italy and Spain, while only H1N1 and H1N2 viruses were found in UK and Northwestern France. Cross‐hemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests with hyperimmune sera against selected older and recent human influenza viruses showed a strong antigenic relationship between human H1N1 and H3N2 viruses from the 1980s and H1N2 and H3N2 human‐like SIVs, confirming their common origin. However, antisera against human viruses isolated during the last decade did not react with currently circulating H1 or H3 SIVs, suggesting that especially young people may be, to some degree, susceptible to SIV infections.  相似文献   

数字校园地理信息系统是GIS技术在校园空间的综合应用,是高校进行教学管理、决策和提供生活服务的先进工具。本文从当前数字校园的需求出发,首先介绍了高校校园GIS发展的必要性,然后以山东协和学院遥墙校区为例介绍了数字校园地理信息系统的方案设计,研究了数字校园地理信息系统的构建思路、设计目标以及系统的实现,最后对高校数字校园系统GIS应用进行了展望。  相似文献   

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