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网箱养殖的氮、磷和有机物的污染及估算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述了网箱养殖产生的氮、磷和有机物对水体和沉积物影响的研究进展,并总结了几种污染负荷的常用估算方法.  相似文献   

From comparison of theoretical and observed microwave brightness temperatures of Venus at 1.35 centimeters, the center of a water-vapor line, we obtain an upper limit of 0.8 percent for the water-vapor mixing ratio in the lower atmosphere. This limit is consistent with the amount of water vapor detected by Venera 4, the existence of aqueous ice clouds, and a greenhouse effect caused by water vapor and carbon dioxide. The computed spectra suggest that a sensitive procedure for detection of water vapor is examination of the wavelength region between I and 1.4 centimeters.  相似文献   

Many times more solar heat energy accumulates in the vast volume of warm tropic seas than that produced by all of our power plants. The looming energy crisis causes a renewal of interest in utilizing this stored solar heat to give, in addition to electric power, vast quantities of fresh water. Warm surface water, when evaporated, generates steam, to power a turbine, then fresh water when the steam is condensed by the cold water. A great increase in revenues over that from power and fresh water is shown by a substantial mariculture pilot plant. Deep sea water contains large quantities of nutrients. These feed algae which feed shellfish, ultimately shrimps and lobsters, in shallow ponds. Wastes grow seaweed of value; and combined revenues from desalination, power generation, and mariculture will give substantial profit.  相似文献   

采用同工酶聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法分析了7个栗疫菌(Cryphonectriaparasitica)群体的遗传结构.遗传相似性分析表明中国4个群体间相似性较好;美国群体与意大利群体相似,而且它们与日本群体的相似性优于与中国群体的相似性,表明美国的栗疫菌可能是从日本传入的.总群体的遗传差异为0.160,其中81.3%由群体内的变异引起,16.9%由群体间的差异引起.群体间的基因流动值为2.46.  相似文献   

Three- and four-dimensional heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy offers dramatic improvements in spectral resolution by spreading through-bond and through-space correlations in three and four orthogonal frequency axes. Simultaneously, large heteronuclear couplings are exploited to circumvent problems due to the larger linewidths that are associated with increasing molecular weight. These novel experiments have been designed to extend the application of NMR as a method for determining three-dimensional structures of proteins in solution beyond the limits of conventional two-dimensional NMR (approximately 100 residues) to molecules in the 150- to 300-residue range. This potential has recently been confirmed with the determination of the high-resolution NMR structure of a protein greater than 150 residues, namely, interleukin-1 beta.  相似文献   

对南昌大学图书馆读者借阅人数、借阅册次(按读者类型)、分类借阅、读者阅览量等图书文献借阅的主要指标降原因进行了统计分析,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

利用微生物学常用的细菌分离纯化方法,从患病花鲈体表分离出了5株菌株,分别编号为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ。进行生化试验和细菌16S rRNA 基因序列测定,并将测序结果输入到NCBI(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/)中,利用BLAST 工具对序列进行同源性对比分析。结果发现,5株细菌中,初步鉴定Ⅰ为野菊微小杆菌,Ⅱ为乙酰微小杆菌,Ⅲ~Ⅳ为巨型球菌,Ⅴ为细菌MM5。用5 株细菌分别感染健康草鱼,发现5株细菌均具有致病性,其中巨型球菌对草鱼的危害较大。  相似文献   

我国大陆海水网箱养鱼的主要问题和发展对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
海水网箱养鱼采用高密度集约式的养殖方式,养殖名、特、优鱼类,具有可施行强化培育、养殖周期短、产量高、饲养管理和捕捞方便、收效快、经济效益高等特点,是充分利用海洋资源发展养鱼的生产形式。我国拥有300多万km2的海洋国土,18000km多的海岸线,港湾众多,海水网箱养鱼有着广阔的发展前景。近年来海水网箱养鱼发展迅速,但相关的研究相对滞后,在环境、苗种、饵料、病害、市场效益等方面出现了许多问题,影响网箱养鱼的进一步发展。本文针对这些存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出了相应  相似文献   

海水网箱养鱼采用高密度集约式的养殖方式,养殖名、特、优鱼类,具有可施行强化培育、养殖周期短、产量高、饲养管理和捕捞方便、收效快、经济效益高等特点,是充分利用海洋资源发展养鱼的生产形式。我国拥有300多万km2的海洋国土,18000km多的海岸线,港湾众多,海水网箱养鱼有着广阔的发展前景。近年来海水网箱养鱼发展迅速,但相关的研究相对滞后,在环境、苗种、饵料、病害、市场效益等方面出现了许多问题,影响网箱养鱼的进一步发展。本文针对这些存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出了相应  相似文献   

Pennisi E 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,288(5475):2304-2307
The race is over. On 26 June, to much fanfare, two rival teams announced that they had each completed a version of the "book of life"--a rough draft of the complete human genetic code. So what, exactly, is in these two different volumes, and how will they fine-tune it so that everyone from workaday biologists to pharmaceutical giants can mine its gold?  相似文献   

The metabolic behavior of pure mono-, di-, tetra-, and hexachlorobiphenyl isomers in pigeons, rats, and brook trout was investigated. Excreta from these animals were extracted and examined by chromatographic and mass spectrometric techniques. The results showed conversion of the 4-chloro-, 4,4'-dichloro-, and 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl isomers into monohydroxylated derivatives by the rat and pigeon whereas no hydroxymetabolites were detected in the excreta of the brook trout. No hydroxylated products of 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl were detected in the excreta of pigeons, rats, or brook trout.  相似文献   

采用激光诱导击穿光谱(LIBS)技术并结合在锌基板上液固转换的样品处理方法,对标准水溶液样品中Fe、Mn进行检测,并根据标准曲线法建立Fe、Mn的定量模型;再利用所建立的LIBS定量模型,对洞庭湖区地下水实际水样中Fe、Mn含量进行检测,并与电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP–MS)的检测结果进行比较。结果表明:得到Fe、Mn的LIBS定标曲线的决定系数均大于0.98,相对标准偏差均为4.3%,留一交叉验证均方根误差分别为0.024、0.007 mg/L,Fe、Mn的检出限分别为0.028、0.008 mg/L;采用LIBS对洞庭湖地下水实际水样中Fe、Mn含量检测的结果与ICP–MS的检测结果基本一致,平均相对误差小于10%。  相似文献   

添加不同构型肉碱对对虾生长和体成分含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了在饲料中添加不同构型肉碱对斑节对虾和凡纳对虾生长、饲料利用以及虾体组成成分的影响。在斑节对虾基础饲料(对照组)中分别添加L 肉碱(100、200、300mg/kg),DL 肉碱(100、200、300mg/kg);在凡纳对虾基础饲料(对照组)中添加L 肉碱,添加量分别为50mg/kg、100mg/kg、200mg/kg和300mg/kg。实验用斑节对虾和凡纳对虾体重平均为0.85g,每个处理设3个重复,每个养殖单元放养对虾40尾,实验为期1个月。试验结果表明,在饲料中添加L 肉碱或DL 肉碱,对斑节对虾和凡纳对虾的生长以及饲料利用均无显著影响(P>0.05);在斑节对虾的试验中添加300mg/kg的L 肉碱或DL 肉碱使虾体脂肪含量由4.69%(对照组)降低为3.47%和3.55%(P<0.05)。在凡纳对虾的试验中,添加L 肉碱200mg/kg、300mg/kg组,虾体脂肪含量由7.09%(对照组)降低到6.04%和5.72%(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

At high pressures, as determined by x-ray analysis, titanium and zirconium metal have a distorted, body-centered-cubic structure. This phase persists on pressure release. The normal hexagonal close-packed structures are recovered when the metals are heated. An electronic shift must occur in the transition. Hafnium metal showed no such transition.  相似文献   

研究了在饲料中添加不同构型肉碱对斑节对虾和凡纳对虾生长、饲料利用以及虾体组成成分的影响。在斑节对虾基础饲料(对照组)中分别添加L 肉碱(100、200、300mg/kg),DL 肉碱(100、200、300mg/kg);在凡纳对虾基础饲料(对照组)中添加L 肉碱,添加量分别为50mg/kg、100mg/kg、200mg/kg和300mg/kg。实验用斑节对虾和凡纳对虾体重平均为0.85g,每个处理设3个重复,每个养殖单元放养对虾40尾,实验为期1个月。试验结果表明,在饲料中添加L 肉碱或DL 肉碱,对斑节对虾和凡纳对虾的生长以及饲料利用均无显著影响(P>0.05);在斑节对虾的试验中添加300mg/kg的L 肉碱或DL 肉碱使虾体脂肪含量由4.69%(对照组)降低为3.47%和3.55%(P<0.05)。在凡纳对虾的试验中,添加L 肉碱200mg/kg、300mg/kg组,虾体脂肪含量由7.09%(对照组)降低到6.04%和5.72%(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

为了减少网箱养鱼对养殖水体的污染,探寻环保型网箱,实现网箱养鱼的可持续发展,以筛选得到的漂浮植物大薸(Pistia stratiotes)和沉水植物金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)为研究对象,通过设置金鱼藻-大薸混养生态网箱与传统网箱进行对比,考察其对网箱养殖长吻氮磷排放的影响。试验结果表明,生态网箱氮和磷的回收率分别为49.86%±0.94%、38.07%±0.62%,传统网箱氮和磷的回收率分别为44.60%±0.85%、33.17%±0.58%,生态网箱与传统网箱氮磷的回收率均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。生态网箱氮和磷的利用率分别为28.13%±1.48%和16.95%±1.09%,传统网箱氮和磷的利用率分别为26.40%±1.89%和15.64%±1.47%,生态网箱氮磷利用率稍高于传统网箱,但两者之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。通过分析网箱养鱼系统中氮和磷输入和输出的途径及其总量,当网箱面积与大薸和金鱼藻种植面积为1∶17.00左右时,养殖长吻网箱的氮和磷为零排放。  相似文献   

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