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随着消费者购买力的增长,以及消费者选择食品能力的增加,消费者对食品的要求已不仅仅局限于营养的供给。尽管价格对主导消费者选择起决定性作用,但是很多消费者还是乐意多付钱来选购更健康的食品。此外,消费者需要无害的食品。鸡蛋业有更多发展前景,不仅在于营养补充品和功能性食品上,还在于非食用的鸡蛋产品。根据适当的性能判定指标,仔细研究成本和对于生产者与消费者的益处多方面因素,来作出符合经济效益的正确决策。  相似文献   

日粮中的营养物质对牛奶主要成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛奶中各成分含量受多种因素的影响,这些因素包括遗传、营养、环境、年龄、胎次、泌乳期、健康状况等.营养是影响牛奶成分的决定性因素,了解和调控营养物质有利于获得优质牛奶.该文综述了影响牛奶成分含量的营养因素及其研究进展.  相似文献   

随着生活水平的提高和健康意识的增强,人们对日常饮食的要求越来越高,要求食物不仅要色、香、味俱全,还要有营养、健康和安全的保障.产品的颜色是人们选购时的第一感观指标.研究发现.较深的颜色会刺激人的食欲,促进消化吸收,增强人们对食物的享受感.对于蛋禽产品而言,蛋黄的颜色是人们考虑的主要因素之一.  相似文献   

牛奶是现代人生活中不可缺少的饮品,是各类乳制品(婴幼儿奶粉、奶油、乳酪、冰淇淋等)的原料。近几年,乳制品安全事故频发,给消费者的健康带来隐患,牛奶的质量安全问题开始进入大众视野。本文即针对我国牛奶质量安全存在的问题进行分析。  相似文献   

味道和口感日益成为消费者选购牛奶的重要参考条件。以牛奶味道和口感差异为讨论话题,以国内消费市场最普遍的巴氏奶和纯牛奶为分析对象,从牛奶味道和口感的基础参照选择、不同乳制品分类、牛奶呈味物质、加工工艺等几个方面进行简要分析,以帮助消费者正确理解牛奶的味道和口感,消除消费者认识误区,为其更好地了解和合理选购乳制品提供参考。  相似文献   

饲料营养与牛奶品质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
牛奶品质的优劣,受诸多因素的影响,如饲料组成与营养、奶牛泌乳阶段与泌乳水平、环境、疾病、品种等。本文综述了国内外有关影响牛奶中乳脂率、共轭亚油酸、乳蛋白率、体细胞数和牛奶中抗生素的饲料营养因素,从理论上阐述饲料营养与牛奶品质密切联系的内在机理,同时给出了在实际生产中如何改善牛奶品质的具体饲养和管理措施,旨在为我国奶牛饲养提供理论和实践资料,满足人们对安全、优质畜产品的需求。  相似文献   

消费者在选购牛奶时,除了品牌、价格,问的最多还有一个问题,就是奶源。事实上,安全、优质的奶源不仅是消费者信心的来源,也是中国乳业实现  相似文献   

牛奶是深受广大消费者喜爱的一种营养食品之一,营养价值高,易于消化,其中牛奶的乳脂率是评定牛奶质量的重要指标,其乳脂率的高低受到多种因素的影响,其中包括遗传因素、环境因素、营养因素、饲养管理因素以及疾病因素等,提高牛奶的乳脂率是提高牛奶质量,从而提高奶牛养殖经济效益,促进奶牛养殖业蓬勃发展的重要手段。因此,需要分析影响牛奶乳脂率的原因,并采取综合性的措施和方法以提高奶牛乳脂率。  相似文献   

新疆液态奶加工企业生产经营状况分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2009年,新疆以生产加工液态奶为主业的乳品企业产销两旺,喜获丰收。本文分析了4家液态奶企业的经营实绩,认为取得显著经营效益的主要原因是:消费者对牛奶和乳制品营养健康作用的认识加深,产品结构较合理,抓住机遇及时推出适销对路的产品,大力推广学生饮用奶,原料奶价格较低。文章还对今后的工作提出意见和建议。  相似文献   

牛奶是一种营养成分齐全、保健功能显著的食品,富含多种对人体健康有益的脂肪酸。本文通过对牛奶中脂肪酸的种类、含量、功能、影响因素及检测方法进行概述,旨在为牛奶脂肪酸含量检测、脂肪酸的营养调控和开发利用,以及奶牛遗传改良等研究提供参考。  相似文献   

杨梅 《中国畜牧兽医》2012,39(5):228-232
生乳的质量安全一直以来是人们关注的焦点,加强生乳质量安全监管,确保生乳质量安全,保障消费者身体健康显得尤为重要。作者对优质安全生乳的内涵、影响因素、管理与控制措施等方面进行了综述,以期为生产和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

A consumer questionnaire conducted with the purpose of ascertaining the acceptability of goat milk and related products in Japan was carried out on 345 guarantees of Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University in December 2006. 275 effective responses (79%) representing middle class urban households were returned. The results revealed that (1) 30% of respondents have experienced drinking goat milk and only 10% are aware of the current retail situation of goat milk and related products; (2) over 70% of goat milk drinkers raised goats by hand at some point in their past and their first experience drinking goat milk was in infancy; (3) those with experience in drinking goat milk expressed a vague evaluation and minimal understanding of drinking goat milk; (4) respondents who were inexperienced goat milk drinkers expressed a strong desire to taste and a weak desire to purchase goat milk; (5) respondents expressed low recognition regarding retailed goat milk products, but those who had already purchased goat milk products expressed a high evaluation and strong desire to purchase these products again; and (6) recognition of goat milk characteristics is low, but those with high recognition also rate goat milk highly. Goats are perceived as being 'mild and familiar.' It is necessary for those who manage goat husbandry to present goat milk and related product tasting opportunities to consumers. The key point is to make the functional differences between cow and goat milk clear and present the advantages of goat milk at the fore of this promotion. Goat milk should not be promoted merely as a drink that is similar to cow milk, but must be positioned as a functional drink or health food in order to expand the Japanese goat milk market.  相似文献   

黄彩绿 《中国乳业》2021,(12):129-132
在乳制品消费需求的增长下,液体乳产品同质化现象严重,液体乳的包装设计对消费者的购买具有重要影响。本文针对液体乳的发展现状、液体乳包装的设计要素和液体乳包装设计的创新方法进行趋势分析,从包装材料、结构设计和装潢设计3 个方面,结合国内外优秀的液体乳包装实践案例,以及广东燕塘乳业股份有限公司包装开发与设计的案例,对液体乳包装的设计方法提出建议。  相似文献   

乳及乳制品中朊蛋白及其安全性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朊蛋白(prion proteins,PrP)是近年来确认的引起人畜共患病的新型蛋白质类传染源,其在乳及乳制品中的存在直接关系到乳产品安全和人类健康.本文对朊蛋白生物学特点、乳及乳制品中朊蛋白的来源和含量以及安全性进行了综述,以便为乳制品加工和安全评价提供参考.  相似文献   

German consumers trust the safety and the quality of milk and milk products. Compared with other animal products, e. g. meat and meat products, their confidence is justified in so far as milk and milk products cause only few foodborne diseases in Germany, although 80 percent of all German cows develop at least one case of mastitis per lactation. Due to financial reasons, more and more German dairy farmers are forced to initiate a time-saving rationalization of their workflow. Therefore, automatic milking systems (AMS) are used increasingly, even though the costs of purchase result in a slow pick-up in sales. Moreover, AMS do not comply with legal requirements. Thus, an additional regular, the so called "catalogue of measures", had to be enacted to ensure the hygienic harmlessness of milk produced by AMS. This is the first time, that udder health at individual cow level was related to milk quality beyond merely clinical signs. Together with technical innovations for an improved health monitoring at cow and herd level as well as the implementation of quality assurance programs based on prevention, this improvement offers good prospects to produce not only a hygienically harmless, but also a physiologically composed milk and therefore a qualitatively high-grade milk from healthy cows. Being the vehicle of the most recent improvements in technology, AMS do have the potential to make a crucial contribution to this development.  相似文献   

The udder health of dairy cows is necessary in order to serve the consumer with milk and milk products of perfect quality and sound hygiene. Also in districts where the dairy industry is less developed a better udder health can be obtained when certain hygiene rules are carried out in connection with simple diagnostic and therapeutic measurements.  相似文献   

为了加强对国际食品安全标准的跟踪研究,增强标准工作的技术储备,同时考虑到乳与乳制品在食品安全领域的较高关注度,本研究建立以国际乳与乳制品标准中重要检测目标物为检索路径的数据库类应用程序,为食品安全标准工作信息化、网络化提供了技术支持,为充分达成资源共享提供了技术平台,为保障人民身体健康、生命安全提供了有力保障.  相似文献   

抗生素残留不仅危害人类健康,同时也影响牛奶的品质,造成经济损失。本文讨论了牛奶中抗生素残留的来源与途径和危害,通过比较分析三种检测方法,找出一种能够相对的可同时检测多种样品的方法,更有效的使牛奶供应去抗生素化。  相似文献   

猕猴桃奶豆腐加工工艺及配方研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开发一种新型的适合大众口味的高营养奶制品。以山羊奶为主要原料,以适量的猕猴桃汁和白砂糖等作为辅料,通过工艺改进和配方优化,加工一种新型山羊奶制品。得出猕猴桃奶豆腐的加工工艺为:原料乳(制作奶皮子后的脱脂乳)→杀菌→添加发酵剂→自然凝乳→切割→排乳清→升温搅拌→保温搅拌→静置→排乳清→切碎→压榨→成形→冷藏。配方为:鲜羊奶75%,猕猴桃汁17%,白砂糖8%,再加入少量的甜味剂和调味剂。研制的猕猴桃奶豆腐既有羊奶的乳香、猕猴桃的酸甜,同时更富于其更全面的营养物质。  相似文献   

肉、蛋、奶等动物产品和肉、奶制品是单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)的重要来源。因此,提高肉及肉制品、蛋、奶及奶制品中不饱和脂肪酸含量有助于提高全民健康水平和生活质量。主要对目前富含不饱和脂肪酸的动物产品质量及影响动物产品中不饱和脂肪酸成分和含量的饲粮、动物性别和年龄以及基因类型等因素作一简要综述,以期为在生产实践中开发相关技术和产品提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   

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