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2001—2010年中国农田生态系统NPP的时空演变 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
植被净初级生产力(Net Primary Productivity,NPP)是地表碳循环的重要组成部分,而农业NPP代表了农田生态系统通过光合作用可固定大气中CO2的能力,决定了农田土壤可获得的有机碳含量.测算中国农田生态系统产生的NPP并分析其时空变异规律,探索其影响因子,对于了解全球碳循环,预测未来生态变化趋势具有重要意义.基于MOD17A3数据集,利用一元线性回归趋势线法和相关系数法定量分析了农田生态系统NPP的时空演变特征和气候因子对农田NPP的影响.结果表明,2001-2010年中国农田NPP平均值变化范围为C 0.21 ~ 17.24 Mg hm-2a-1,平均值为4.12 Mg hm-2 a-1.从时间变化来看,NPP年际变化呈现先增加后下降的趋势.从空间分布来看,表现为南方高,北方低,其中,甘新区、黄土高原区、东北区、内蒙古及长城沿线区和黄淮海区北部NPP值较低,<3 Mg hm-2 a-1;四川盆地、山东丘陵、长江中下游滨海和沿江平原、云南、贵州、海南等地NPP值较高,>5 Mghm-2 a-1.从变化趋势来看,黄淮海农业区、黄土高原区、新疆的绿洲农业区和长江中下游农业区南部上升趋势明显,东北农业区、四川盆地和长江中下游农业区下降趋势明显.2001-2010年,中国农田中有22%的像元NPP平均值与降水呈显著相关,7%的像元与气温呈显著相关,反映了农田生态系统受人类活动影响较大. 相似文献
[目的]研究乌兰察布市植被叶面积指数(LAI)动态变化及对气候因子的响应,为该地区资源合理分配和生态保护提供科学依据。[方法]基于2000—2019年7—8月哥白尼气候变化服务项目PROBA-V LAI数据,结合气象数据,利用趋势分析、变异系数法、相关性分析方法等探讨了乌兰察布市LAI时空变化及与气温、降水、土壤湿度的关系。[结果](1) 2000—2019年7—8月乌兰察布市LAI整体呈波动上升趋势,速度为0.01/a, LAI空间分布差异明显,呈东南高西北低的特征。(2)LAI增加的区域占88.3%,兴和县大部、丰镇市东部、凉城县西部、四子王旗西南部及察哈尔右翼中旗中北部等地显著增加,阴山以北的后山大部分地区LAI上升速度较缓慢或出现下降,研究期内植被LAI变化相对不稳定。(3)LAI与同期气温呈显著负相关,与降水和土壤湿度呈极显著正相关,且与土壤湿度的相关性高于降水和气温。(4)LAI与气温、降水、土壤湿度的相关系数空间分布差异不显著,大部分区域植被LAI与气温呈负相关,45.4%的区域相关性显著;与降水和土壤湿度呈显著正相关,呈极显著正相关的区域土壤湿度大于降水。[结论] 20... 相似文献
1981-2010年重庆地区季节性干旱时空变化特征分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据重庆市34个气象观测站点的实测气象数据,选择标准化降水指数(SPI)为干旱指标,计算了1981-2010年各气象站点逐年逐月SPI值,统计30年间各站点的干旱情况,在此基础上从年、季两个尺度分析了重庆市各地区的干旱频率、干旱强度和干旱范围(干旱站次比),研究其干旱的时空变化特征.研究结果表明:(1)重庆市年尺度干旱发生频率呈西高东低的分布特点,干旱发生强度整体主要为中等强度,渝东北干旱强度最高,中西部和渝东南强度较低,干旱发生范围在30年间呈逐渐增大趋势,年际干旱站次比差异性大,基本与历史上的重大干旱年份相吻合;(2)季尺度冬旱频率最高,夏旱次之,春旱最低;夏旱强度最高,秋旱稍低,春旱强度最低.春、夏、冬旱的强度和频率空间分布较为相似.干旱演化在春、冬季呈下降趋势,夏、秋季呈上升趋势,说明对夏、秋干旱的防灾御灾工作需要进一步加强;(3)结合年、季尺度,从总体上看,干旱主要频发于渝东北和中西部,其强度也较大,渝东南干旱发生的频率和强度都较低. 相似文献
[目的] 陕西省神木市是黄河流域生态保护建设的重要地区。分析该地区生态环境质量变化,为资源型城市神木市的生态环境治理、修复及绿色发展提供科学依据。[方法] 选取2010,2015与2020年共3期Landsat遥感影像,利用主成分分析方法构建遥感生态指数(RSEI)作为生态环境评价指标,分析神木市生态环境质量时空演变格局,并通过地理探测器探究该地区生态环境驱动机制。[结果] ①神木市生态环境质量持续恶化,RSEI指数下降幅度达到12.47 %,在2010-2015年间下降最快;神木市生态环境质量很差与较差的面积增加幅度达到15.29 %。②神木市生态环境质量恶化以西北部的风沙区率先增强,随后转向地势较低的东南部和东北部。同时,神木市生态环境质量以较差和一般为主,两者总和占据神木市总面积的67.09 %。③植被覆盖度与绿度、湿度、干度及热度4个指标因素均表现出显著的驱动性,其中植被覆盖度解释力最高(达到62.4 %),是神木市生态环境质量的主要驱动力;多因子交互也均表示出协同增强的作用,夜间灯光、人口密度、热度与植被覆盖度交互作用最强。[结论] 神木市生态环境质量总体仍在进一步恶化,尽管前期退化得到遏制,但恶化区域在逐渐扩大,提高植被覆盖度可以有效增强神木市生态环境质量。为此应进一步落实植被绿化等生态保护措施,提升神木市高品质生态环境质量。 相似文献
运用趋势分析法及Mann-Kendall趋势检验法对福建省2000-2010年植被覆盖度进行了分析,探究福建省植被覆盖度的时空演变过程.结果表明:(1)福建省植被覆盖度以每年0.003 15的速率增加,但在2005年存在一个明显的波动下降,植被在7月,8月,9月份盖度最大.(2)根据我国植被覆盖度分类标准,福建省以高植被覆盖度为主,2000-2010年低、中植被覆盖度向高植被覆盖度转化15.84%.(3)各市区植被覆盖度变化显著,其中莆田市、宁德市、漳州市变化最为明显.通过各区域的趋势百分比可知,福建省各市区植被覆盖度以增加为主,各市区植被覆盖度增加百分比为:宁德市>漳州市>福州市>泉州市=莆田市=厦门市>龙岩市>南平市>三明市.(4)不同植被类型区植被盖度在年际变化尺度呈现稳步增加的趋势,各植被类型盖度均值介于0.596~0.799,此外植被覆盖度的增加量顺序依次为:湿地>草地>农作物>非植被>阔叶林=针叶林. 相似文献
基于农作物物候信息和多季相遥感观测等相结合的方法,分析沙雅县1994-2018年的农作物播种面积变化的时空特征,并从水资源要素、耕地与胡杨林转化等分析播种面积变化的原因。研究结果表明:1)沙雅县农作物播种面积在1994-2018年呈现增长趋势,尤其在2006年以后加速增长;2)渭干河灌区的播种面积空间上呈现由内向外、由碎片化向集中连片化的趋势发展,而塔河干流区播种面积增加的区域沿着塔河两岸不停游移;3)渭干河灌区农作物播种面积的增加与渭干河上游的来水量变化呈现较强的相关性,而塔河干流区二者相关性较低;4)塔河干流的胡杨林区每年被耕地侵占的面积呈现增长趋势,尽管2006年以后胡杨林保护措施不断加强,然而林区的农作物播种面积在2008年以后呈现增速加快的趋势,出现了被侵占的胡杨林未能恢复、新的胡杨林又遭破坏的现象。 相似文献
为了研究河南省植被覆盖的时空演变特征,利用slope趋势分析、典型地市分析、典型年份和月份分析、土地利用类型改变对植被覆盖的影响分析等方法,分析了1999—2018年河南省植被覆盖时空演变特征。结果表明:(1)河南省西部和南部植被覆盖改善十分明显,河南省北部和东部有轻微改善,而河南省中部植被覆盖有所退化;(2)河南省NDVI分布具有较强的空间差异性,从南北向来看,NDVI均值中部最低,南部最高,北部次之。从东西向来看,NDVI均值中部最低,东部最高,西部次之。河南省NDVI平均值在空间上呈现两头高中间低的趋势;(3)河南省月尺度的NDVI呈现出明显的季节性,最高值出现在夏季8月,最低值出现在冬季1月。(4)居民用地的增加影响着河南省的植被覆盖状况,并且呈负影响;(5)河南省自从实施“退耕还林”政策后,耕地明显减少、林地增多。由此可以得出,1999—2018年河南省总体植被覆盖率改善,NDVI值增加。 相似文献
2009—2010年贵州省特大气象干旱演变分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用贵州省84个气象站1971年1月到2010年4月的逐日气温、降水资料,引入气象干旱综合指数CI,对2009—2010年贵州特大气象干旱从气象干旱的角度分析了不同等级干旱的发生发展时间及其空间分布特征,寻找2009—2010年贵州特大气象干旱发生发展的时间及其空间分布特征,为其综合防治提供科学依据。分析表明:2009年10月发生轻旱到中旱的站点最多,进入11月份干旱发生范围增大,干旱程度进一步加重;12月上旬到2010年1月中旬干旱有所缓解,1月下旬随着降水的持续偏少,重旱到特旱面积迅速扩大。 相似文献
利用山东省22个基本(准)气象站1981—2017年汛期(6—9月)逐日降水数据,运用降水集中度指数Q,统计分析了山东汛期降水分布的时空变化特征,并分析了有效降水、强降水和极端降水等不同强度降水日数和降水量的分布特征和变化趋势。结果表明:鲁中山区至鲁东南一带汛期Q指数相对较小,降水相对均匀,山东半岛北部沿海和鲁西地区汛期Q指数相对较大,降水相对集中。山东省中西部大部分地区Q指数呈减小趋势,降水量和降水日数多为增加趋势,山东半岛沿海地区Q指数呈增加趋势,降水日数减少,降水呈更为集中的趋势。大部分地区不同强度的降水量和降水日数呈增加趋势,山东半岛沿海地区强降水和极端降水日数增加趋势更为明显,会导致该地区降水更加集中。 相似文献
鉴于西南地区干旱的危害程度及其严峻形势,定量刻画干旱时空特征、揭示干旱发展规律,已成为抗旱防灾、保障农业健康发展的迫切要求。基于1902—2018年标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI)数据,统计了西南地区不同等级干旱发生频率及干旱强度,并采用Sen趋势分析、Mann-Kendall检验法和经验正交函数(EOF)分析方法研究了西南地区干旱的时空演变特征,以期为西南地区干旱变化及生态维护提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)1902—2018年西南地区SPEI12整体呈下降趋势,下降速率为0.025/10 a,其中1954—1974年呈干旱—湿润的频繁交替,发生多次不显著突变;(2)西南地区干旱强度均呈增强趋势,其中中旱和重旱强度增强趋势显著;(3)西南地区干旱发生频率存在空间分布差异,其中轻旱发生频率最高,极端干旱最低;(4)西南地区干旱变化趋势以不显著下降为主,占研究区面积的68.22%,表明西南地区百年来呈干旱化趋势;(5)干旱时空模态分析中,3种模态分别反映了研究区干旱全区相同、南北相反、东西相反的分布特征。综上所述,揭示了西南地区干旱的时空变化基本特征。 相似文献
Dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important food legume for the world population. However, its average yield is low worldwide. The main reasons for low yield are biotic and abiotic stresses. Maximum economic yield of a crop can be achieved with appropriate balance between plant and environmental factors during crop growth cycle. Adopting appropriate management practices in favor of high yields can modify some of these factors. Hence, knowledge of yield physiology of dry bean is important for understanding yield formation components during crop growth and development and consequently improving yield. Dry bean growth cycle is divided into vegetative and reproductive growth stages. During vegetative stage, development of roots, trifoliate, node, and branches take place. Main features of reproductive growth stage are flowering, pod and grain formation. Important plant traits associated with yield are root and shoot dry matter yield, pod number, 100 grain weight, leaf area index, grain harvest index, and nitrogen harvest index. These plant traits are genetically controlled and also influenced by soil and plant management practices. Higher yield is possible only when there is an adequate balance among various physiological processes or yield components. The objective of this review is to discuss growth and development of bean plant including yield formation process or traits during crop growth cycle and importance of these yield components in determining yield. 相似文献
苗期土壤含水率变化对冬小麦根、冠生物量累积动态的影响 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
为合理进行冬小麦生长过程的适时水分调控,该文对不同生育期土壤含水率对冬小麦根冠影响的试验进行分析。采用的试验包括5种水分处理,即苗期充分供水,其它生育期进行中度胁迫(FB)、重度胁迫(FC)处理和从苗期开始的中度水分胁迫(SB)、重度水分胁迫(SC)处理以及全生育期充分供水的对照处理。试验结果表明:苗期土壤含水率对冬小麦根、冠的生物量,生物量的累积速率产生不同影响,使全生育期内根、冠占植株总量的比例和根冠比发生改变。当苗期水分改变时,生育初期,根、冠均没有明显响应,但到播后16 d,播后20 d,根、冠生物量分别随胁迫程度的增加而减小(FB>SB,FC>SC);在播后28 d,SB和SC的根系质量累积速率超过对应FB和FC处理,且苗期受胁迫处理的冬小麦在生殖生长阶段所维持的根系大于苗期不受胁迫处理的根系;冠的累积速率则在播后28 d和35 d也出现SB>FB,SC>FC的结果,到播后42 d,SB、SC的冠质量分别超过对应的FB、FC的冠质量。在此过程中,根、冠生物量占总质量的比例发生改变,根表现为SB>FB,SC>FC;冠在营养生长阶段FB>SB,FC>SC,在生殖生长期SB达到最大;相应根冠比改变。 相似文献
X. Zhao J. W. Wang H. J. Xu C. J. Zhou S. Q. Wang G. X. Xing 《Soil Use and Management》2014,30(3):311-319
We conducted a pot experiment using a wheat‐millet rotation to examine the effects of two successive rice‐straw biochar applications on crop growth and soil properties in acidic oxisols and alkaline cambosols from China. Biochar was incorporated into soil at rates of 0, 2.25 or 22.5 Mg/ha at the beginning of each crop season with identical applications of NPK fertilizer. In the oxisols, the largest biochar treatment enhanced soil pH and cation exchange capacity, decreased soil bulk density, improved soil P, K, Ca and Mg availability and enhanced their uptake, and increased wheat and millet yields by 157 and 150% for wheat grain and straw, respectively, and 72.6% for millet straw. In the cambosols, biochar treatment decreased soil bulk density, improved P and K availability, increased N, P and K uptake by crops and increased wheat and millet straw yields by 19.6 and 60.6%, respectively. Total soil organic carbon increased in response to successive biochar applications over the rotation. No difference in water‐soluble organic carbon was recorded between biochar‐treated and control soils. Converting straw to biochar and treating soils with successive applications may be a viable option for improving soil quality, sequestering carbon and utilizing straw resources in China. 相似文献
基于西南地区130个气象站1960-2011年气象资料,计算了各站不同时间尺度的标准化降水指数(SPI),并采用Mann-Kendall趋势分析法和反距离加权插值等方法,分析了该区近52a以来干旱发生的时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)各区域干旱存在明显的年际变化波动且线性变化趋势较为显著,近12a来干旱次数明显增多。大部分区域干旱指数在春夏秋季均呈减少趋势,秋季最为明显,冬季反之。(2)空间分布方面,横断山地、广西丘陵、四川盆地东部和贵州高原南部春旱频率较高。夏旱主要发生在横断山地北部,若尔盖高原,四川盆地的西部和南部,云南高原中部和广西丘陵。云南高原南部,横断山地西南部,贵州高原和广西丘陵的秋旱频率较高。冬季干旱频率高值区主要集中在若尔盖高原、四川盆地西南部一带。 相似文献
东北地区四种农作物根际磷细菌的分布 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
从小麦、水稻、玉米,大豆根际土壤中磷细菌数量及其群落结构、多样性和相似性等几个方面,对东北地区代表性农作物根际磷细菌生态分布规律进行了系统研究.结果表明,4种作物根际土壤中分布大量解磷菌和溶磷菌,其中解磷菌达到2.15~6.68×105cfu·g-1、溶磷菌达到0.7~3.9×104cfu·g-1,解磷菌数量多于溶磷菌;作物根际土壤有效磷含量与磷细菌数量问无直接相关性;东北地区农作物根际磷细菌种群结构复杂,小麦、玉米、水稻、大豆根际土壤解磷菌分别涉及9个、11个、13个、12个菌属,溶磷菌分别涉及9个、8个、9个、7个菌属:4种主要农作物根际土壤中分布的磷细菌具有较高的多样性指数,且一般来说根际土壤中解磷菌多样性更高;作物根际磷细菌组成相似性系数在0.50~1.00之间,总体处于较高水平,且溶磷菌的相似性系数高于解磷菌. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(19):2852-2859
Dry bean is an important source of protein for the population of South America, and yield of this legume is very low in this continent. Knowledge of nutrient uptake and use efficiency of a crop is fundamental to improve yield. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate growth, nutrient uptake, and use efficiency of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., cv. BRS Valente) during the growth cycle. Plant samples were collected at 15, 30, 45, 60, 73, and 94 days after sowing. Root dry weight, maximum root length, shoot dry weight, and number of trifoliates were significantly increased in a quadratic fashion with the advancement of plant age. Root dry weight and number of trifoliates had significant positive association with shoot dry weight. Uptake of nutrients in the grain was in the order of nitrogen (N) > potassium (K) > calcium (Ca) > magnesium (Mg) > phosphorus (P) > iron (Fe) > manganese (Mn) > zinc (Zn) > copper (Cu). Hence, it can be concluded the N requirements for bean is greatest and Cu is minimal compared to other essential nutrients for grain yield. Uptake efficiency for root, shoot, and grain production was in the order of P > Mg > Ca > K > N > Cu > Zn > Mn > Fe. The greatest P-use efficiency among macro- and micronutrients can be considered a positive aspect of mineral nutrition of bean, because recovery efficiency of P in acidic Inceptsols is less than 20%. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(22):2676-2684
Potassium (K) is an essential nutrient for higher plants. Information on K uptake and use efficiency of upland rice under Brazilian conditions is limited. A greenhouse experiment was conducted with the objective to evaluate influence of K on yield, K uptake, and use efficiency of six upland rice genotypes grown on Brazilian Oxisol. The K rate used was zero (natural soil level) and 200 mg K kg–1 of soil. Shoot dry weight and grain yield were significantly influenced by K level and genotype treatments. However, K × genotype interactions were not significant, indicating similar responses of genotypes at two K levels for shoot dry weight and grain yield. Genotypes produced grain yield in the order of BRS Primavera > BRA 01596 > BRSMG Curinga > BRS 032033 > BRS Bonança > BRA 02582. Potassium concentration in shoot was about sixfold greater compared to grain, across two K levels and six genotypes. However, K utilization efficiency ratio (KUER) (mg shoot or grain yield / mg K uptake in shoot or root) was about 6.5 times greater in grain compared to shoot, across two K level and six genotypes. Potassium uptake in shoot and grain and KUER were significantly and positively associated with grain yield. Soil calcium (Ca), K, base saturation, acidity saturation, Ca saturation, K saturation, Ca/K ratio, and magnesium (Mg)/K ratio were significantly influenced by K application rate. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(16):1959-1973
A root system has the plasticity to adapt to environmental change and species interaction. Root biomass and distribution were studied in three comparable stands in the fifth growth year (2005) in a semiarid region of northwest China: (1) pure switchgrass, (2) pure milk vetch, and (3) mixed switchgrass and milk vetch in 2:1 row replacement. The measurements were carried out three times (April, September, and November) in 2005 during the vegetation period using a soil core method (9 cm). For each species, the vertical distribution of root biomass (RB) was measured in six consecutive layers (0–20, 20–40, 40–60, 60–90, 90–120, and 120–150 cm deep) between rows, between plants, and at the center of the plant, respectively. Results indicated a flexible distribution strategy of switchgrass that tended to increase soil exploitation and space sequestration efficiency in soil layers. Milk vetch followed a more conservative strategy: its roots reached the same soil depth in the pure and mixed stands but showed greater root densities in shallower soil layers in the latter. Under intercropping, RB input and root/shoot ratio in switchgrass were reduced, while milk vetch put more photosynthate into root growth. The shift toward a more superficially distributed system of milk vetch in the mixture with switchgrass together with the high RB and wide vertical and horizontal distribution of switchgrass in the study indicates the greater belowground competitive ability of switchgrass in the mixture. 相似文献
Genotypic variation of potato for phosphorus efficiency and quantification of phosphorus uptake with respect to root characteristics 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), an important food crop, generally requires a high amount of phosphate fertilizer for optimum growth and yield. One option to reduce the need of fertilizer is the use of P‐efficient genotypes. Two efficient and two inefficient genotypes were investigated for P‐efficiency mechanisms. The contribution of root traits to P uptake was quantified using a mechanistic simulation model. For all genotypes, high P supply increased the relative growth rate of shoot, shoot P concentration, and P‐uptake rate of roots but decreased root‐to‐shoot ratio, root‐hair length, and P‐utilization efficiency. Genotypes CGN 17903 and CIP 384321.3 were clearly superior to genotypes CGN 22367 and CGN 18233 in terms of shoot–dry matter yield and relative shoot‐growth rate at low P supply, and therefore can be considered as P‐efficient. Phosphorus efficiency of genotype CGN 17903 was related to higher P‐utilization efficiency and that of CIP 384321.3 to both higher P‐uptake efficiency in terms of root‐to‐shoot ratio and intermediate P‐utilization efficiency. Phosphorus‐efficient genotypes exhibited longer root hairs compared to inefficient genotypes at both P levels. However, this did not significantly affect the uptake rate and the extension of the depletion zone around roots. The P inefficiency of CGN 18233 was related to low P‐utilization efficiency and that of CGN 22367 to a combination of low P uptake and intermediate P‐utilization efficiency. Simulation of P uptake revealed that no other P‐mobilization mechanism was involved since predicted uptake approximated observed uptake indicating that the processes involved in P transport and morphological root characterstics affecting P uptake are well described. 相似文献