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The objective of this study was to complement analyses according to the European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD) with a sediment toxicity analysis as part of an integrated river assessment. To this end, Hessian water courses were analyzed using the sediment quality triad concept according to Chapman with chemical analyses, in situ effect evaluations, and ecotoxicological assessments. For the ecotoxicological assessment (fish embryo toxicity test with Danio rerio), a new evaluation scheme was developed, the fish teratogenicity index (FTI), that allows for a classification of sediments into ecological quality classes compliant to the WFD.  相似文献   

土壤弹尾目昆虫对铜污染的急性毒理初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李晓勇  骆永明  柯欣 《土壤学报》2011,48(1):197-201
随着土壤环境重金属污染的加剧,有关重金属污染土壤的风险评估受到关注。对土壤质量评价的方法长期以来集中在检测重金属污染物质在土壤中的浓度及化学形态等方面,而对于重金属、土壤和生物之间的相互作用很少考虑,因而难以全面评估重金属对土壤环境的生态毒性效应。重金属污染土壤的  相似文献   

The effects of silicon (Si) on the toxicity of aluminum (Al) to mungbean (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) seedlings were studied in a growth chamber. Mungbean seedlings were grown in a nutrient solution with combinations of three concentrations of Si (0,1, and 10 mM) and three concentrations of Al (0, 2, and 5 mM) in randomized completely block design experiments for 16 days. Silicon at 1 mM in the solution decreased root length, fresh and dry weights, and chlorophyll content, and showed no significant effect on epicotyl length and seedling height, and protein contents of shoots or roots in mungbean seedling under no Al stress. But, Si at 10 mM showed marked toxic effects on mungbean seedling growth and increased protein contents of the shoots or roots. In contrast, under 2 mM Al stress, Si addition at 1 mM had significant increasing effect on root length, fresh and dry weights, and chlorophyll content. It also had decreasing effect on protein contents of the shoots or roots, and had no effect on epicotyl length and seedling height. Silicon addition at 10 mM showed no effect on morphological and physiological measurements of mungbean seedling. However, Si at 1 mM added to solution only increased seedling height, epicotyl length, fresh weight, and chlorophyll content, but decreased dry weight and protein content of the roots under 5 mM Al stress, significantly. Silicon addition at 10 mM showed similar toxic effects on mungbean seedling growth under 5 mM Al stress to that under no Al stress.  相似文献   

黄土区土质道路人工降雨及放水试验条件下产流产沙特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了研究土质路面草本植被降低水土流失的作用,采用室内人工降雨及放水试验的方法比较了裸露路和植物路的产流产沙过程及径流水动力学特征,结果表明:相对于裸露路,不同覆盖度植物路总径流量降低幅度为3.94%~ 25.10%,总泥沙量降低幅度为9.65%~45.69%;在大致相同放水量条件下,植物路的土壤侵蚀速率、径流流速和过水断面单位能量均低于裸露路;植物路的Darcy-weisbach阻力系数和曼宁糙率系数分别是裸露路的2.62~9.00倍和1.74~ 3.53倍;植物路通过降低径流流速、减小过水断面单位能量和增大路面粗糙度及径流阻力起到减轻道路侵蚀的作用。该文为广大土质山坡道路侵蚀防治和植物路铺设提供理论支持。  相似文献   

在室内常温、静水条件下 ,采用换水生物试验法 ,以杀毙灵对巴西鲷、建鲤、白鲢三种鱼苗进行急性毒性试验。结果表明 :杀毙灵对巴西鲷、建鲤、白鲢的安全浓度 ( m L/m3)分别为 0 .0 0 2 6、0 .0 0 36、0 .0 0 4 4。96h鱼苗对杀毙灵的耐受能力为 :白鲢 >建鲤 >巴西鲷。  相似文献   



The highest concentrations of environmental contaminants are generally found in marine sediments, and there is a need for knowledge concerning how and whether they affect sediment-dwelling organisms. This study aimed to assess sublethal effects in Arenicola marina exposed to two sediments from a contaminated fjord and two reference locations with different sediment characteristics.

Materials and methods

Duplicate contaminated sediments were used to investigate the robustness of current protocols for sediment testing. The two reference sediments, with different grain sizes and total organic carbon, were collected from the outer Oslofjord and the two contaminated sediments from Frierfjord. Polychaetes were exposed in quadruplicate sediment microcosms and sampled after 1, 2, 4 and 8?weeks of exposure. Oxidative stress resistance (total oxyradical scavenging capacity, TOSC) and components comprising the energy budget (cellular energy allocation, CEA) were determined for individual polychaetes.

Results and discussion

Arenicola maintained and increased body weights over the initial 4?weeks of exposure in all groups, except in one reference sediment (Elle). There were no differences between treatments in the scavenging capacity (TOSC). The most striking difference in how polychaetes partitioned energy resources was a difference in lipid and carbohydrate allocations for Arenicola held in the contaminated sediments over the initial weeks. Cellular respiration appeared to increase in polychaetes held in the Elle sediment and decreased for polychaetes held in the two Frierfjord sediments by weeks?4 and 8. In the overall CEA, this was offset by increased energy per weight stored in the Elle group, which resulted in an overall positive CEA for polychaetes held in that sediment, whereas polychaetes in the other treatments were close to neutral. Although CEA would thus indicate that Elle polychaetes had good health status, their body weight also decreased significantly over the experimental period compared to other treatments, indicating an overall negative effect.


This study has shown the importance of sediment characteristics when evaluating toxicity and how resource allocation can differ dramatically over a short time span in polychaetes held in similarly contaminated sediments. There were no clear effects of sediment contamination on CEA or TOSC in the polychaete A. marina. The findings are relevant for the design of both short- and long-term sediment studies.  相似文献   

污染食物喂养实验中铜对白符跳毒性的连续监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李晓勇  骆永明  柯欣  田晔 《土壤》2011,43(5):776-780
土壤弹尾目昆虫是土壤环境的重要指示生物,在污染环境的生态评估研究中日益受到重视。本文的污染食物喂养实验的连续观测结果显示,F.candida成虫无死亡,生长率和繁殖率随着酵母食物中Cu浓度的增加而显著减小(21天生长率:R2=0.930 2,F1,7=25.2,p<0.01;繁殖率:R2=0.945 9,F1,7=17.2,p<0.01),暗示F.candida生长率和繁殖率是相对死亡率更敏感的指示重金属污染环境的指标参数。在较高Cu暴露浓度下,随着暴露时间的延长,F.candida的生长率相对对照降低更加明显(p<0.01),说明暴露时间和暴露浓度一样对F.candida的生长有明显的负作用。F.candida产卵时间相对对照发生了延迟现象(F1,7=3.69,p<0.05)。F.candida体内Cu的积累与食物中Cu浓度呈明显的剂量-效应关系,并且在高的Cu暴露浓度下,F.candida体内Cu的积累可以达到较高的程度,说明F.candida可能对Cu具有较高的耐受性,这些可能是培养皿食物暴露实验中导致F.candida成虫的生长率和繁殖率明显降低以及F.candida产卵时间发生延迟现象的内在原因。  相似文献   

研究了稀土铽(Tb)对辣根生理毒性的影响。结果表明,Tb在低浓度范围内,可以诱导叶绿素的合成,高浓度时对其产生破坏作用;对于辣根过氧化物酶,酶活性先升后降;质膜透性、丙二醛含量则呈现先减后增的变化趋势。TbCl3浓度为3mg/kg时各指标达到最值;辣根中毒阈限为10mg/kg左右。通过分析,辣根过氧化物酶对Tb反应敏感,这表明过氧化物酶可能成为研究稀土毒理的生物监测手段。  相似文献   

A previously developed soil toxicity test for rapidly determining the toxicity of chemicals to the soil-dwelling nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (Donkin and Dusenbery, 1993) was used to measure the toxicity of four metals (Zn2+, Cd2+, Cu2+, and Pb2+) added to four soils common to the southeastern United States. Nematode survival after a 24-hour exposure in the presence of a bacterial food source was assessed. All soils reduced the toxicity of most metal ions compared to solutions without soil. Pb was the most strongly affected, while Cd toxicity was not much influenced by the soils. Correlations between the LC50S and various soil or metal characteristics were determined. No significant correlation was found between LC50s and many soil characteristics commonly cited as having large effects on soil bioavailability of metals. Although sample size was limited, the indication was that bioavailability of metals to nematodes is determined by a complex array of many interacting soil, as well as metal, properties. Comparison of the relative mobilities of these ions in other soils with the relative toxicity measured here suggests that mobility may be a good predictor of toxicity. The C. elegans soil toxicity test is shown to be as sensitive and more rapid than the commonly used earthworm soil toxicity test.  相似文献   

The effects of the addition of a slow pyrolysis biochar (produced from olive-tree prunings) to a vertisol were studied in a field experiment during one wheat (Triticum durum L.) growing season. The biochar addition did not significantly affect soil parameters such as pH, dissolved organic C and N, ammonium, nitrate or microbial biomass N. By contrast, biochar addition decreased soil compaction and increased the soil water-retention capacity and nutrient content (total N and the available contents of P, K, Mg, Cu and Zn). These favourable changes led to an increase in fine root proliferation (increasing specific root length and reducing root tissue density) and promoted crop development. As a result, the plants in biochar-treated plots showed higher relative growth and net assimilation rates, aboveground biomass and yield than those in control plots. Neither grain quality nor nutrient content were significantly affected by biochar addition. Our results suggest that the use of biochar as a soil amendment in agricultural soils can improve soil physical properties and increase fertility, favouring crop development under semiarid Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

秦文秀  颜冬云  王春光  徐绍辉 《土壤》2011,43(5):703-709
拟除虫菊酯是一类高疏水性仿生杀虫剂,进入环境中易被颗粒物或油滴吸附,最终聚积在底泥沉积物中;同时它可以随水流或胶体等途径发生迁移,已被研究证实在使用及未使用拟除虫菊酯地区的河流、湖泊底泥中均检测到其残留。本文介绍了底泥中拟除虫菊酯的来源、归趋、生物效应,重点分析了拟除虫菊酯的吸附/解吸、降解作用及湿地生态系统对其归趋的影响;讨论了拟除虫菊酯的水生生物毒性、生物富集作用等生物效应,评述了其疏水性及生物可利用性对其毒性的影响,可为拟除虫菊酯水生生态系统风险评价等研究提供重要参考信息。  相似文献   

The protective role of 18 amino acids on the acute toxicity of Cu in a fresh water cladoceran, Daphnia magna is reported. One hundred percent mortality in 48 hr of exposure occured at 0.56 mg L?1 of Cu or higher. A dose of each tested amino acid (10 mg L?1 was found to significantly neutralize the toxic effect of Cu as evidenced by a decrease in mortality and a significant increase in the median survival time (LT50) value). The 48 hr LC50 value was 0.093 mg L?1 for Cu alone, while the LC50s with Cu plus amino acids ranged from 0.438 to 2.516 mg L?1 of Cu, suggesting a 4.7 to 27 fold decrease in acute toxicity of Cu. A significant difference between LC50 of Cu alone and Cu with amino acids was observed. The role of amino acids for protection against heavy metal pollution stress in aquatic animals is discussed.  相似文献   

餐厨废弃物存在含水率高、内部孔隙率低等问题,可以通过添加辅料来改善,适宜的辅料添加量有助于促进生物干化过程有机质降解和腐殖质形成,以提高生物干化效率。锯末作为一种富含碳源且低成本的辅料之一,近年来被广泛应用于各种废弃物资源化利用的研究中,但餐厨废弃物与锯末的配比如何影响微生物群落演替进而提升生物干化效率的过程机制尚不清楚。该研究在55 L生物干化反应器中,探究餐厨废弃物与锯末湿质量比为5:1(T1)、7:1(T2)和10:1(T3)三种处理对生物干化过程中的关键理化指标(包括温度、含水率、挥发性固体含量、电导率、酸碱度、种子发芽指数、总有机碳、总氮、总磷、总钾和碳氮比等)和细菌群落结构的影响。结果表明:与T1、T3相比,T2处理高温期持续时间最久,分别延长了50.00%、100.00%,在生物干化结束时含水率最低、有机质降解率最高,水分去除率达37.14%,挥发性固体降解率为15.88%;T2的种子发芽指数比T1、T3处理分别提前3、6 d达到80%以上,且在生物干化结束时,总养分含量升高28.32%,其中总磷含量升高最为显著,升高了121.62%,约为其他处理的1.92和1.90倍,...  相似文献   

模拟南方水旱轮作种植前期土壤环境,研究不同温度、水分耦合条件下,秸秆添加对水稻土磷素有效性的影响。以江汉平原典型水稻土为研究对象,采用室内模拟试验,主处理为添加秸秆(AS)和不添加秸秆(NS),副处理为不同的土壤温度和水分,即3个水分(W)梯度:40%、70%和100%的土壤饱和持水量,分别记为W40、W70和W100;3个温度(T)梯度:15、25和35℃,分别记为T15、T25和T35,进行连续30 d的室内培养。采用BBP法测定4种生物有效性磷,即土壤水溶态无机磷(H2O-P)、活性磷(NaHCO3-P)和中等活性磷(HCl-P和NaOH-P),同时测定土壤有效磷(Olsen-P)含量、微生物磷(MBP)含量、土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)和易氧化有机碳(ROC)、土壤游离铁(Fe-d)和无定形铁(Fe-o)等理化指标。结果表明,同一温度和水分条件下,与NS处理相比,AS处理中Olsen-P、MBP、H2O-P和HCl-P含量平均分别增加10.9、21.4、1.2和116.4 mg/kg,增幅分别为97.5%、72.1%、21.9%和32.3%。3个温度梯度处理下(15、25、35℃...  相似文献   

Yak and Tibetan sheep graze extensively on natural grasslands in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, and large amounts of excrement are directly deposited onto alpine grasslands. However, information on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from this excrement is limited. This study evaluated the short-term effects of yak and Tibetan sheep dung on nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from alpine steppe soil at a water holding capacity (WHC) of 40 or 60 % and from alpine meadow soil at a WHC of 60 or 80 % under laboratory conditions. Cumulative N2O emissions over a 15-day incubation period at low soil moisture conditions ranged from 111 to 232 μg N2O–N kg soil?1 in the yak dung treatments, significantly (P?<?0.01) higher than that of sheep dung treatments (28.7 to 33.7 μg N2O–N kg soil?1) and untreated soils (1.04–6.94 μg N2O–N kg soil?1). At high soil moisture conditions, N2O emissions were higher from sheep dung than yak dung and non-treated soils. No significant difference was found between the yak dung and non-treated alpine meadow soil at 80 % WHC. Low N2O emission in the yak dung treatment from relatively wet soil was probably due to complete denitrification to N2. Yak dung markedly (P?<?0.001) increased CH4 and CO2 emissions, likely being the main source of these two gases. The addition of sheep dung markedly (P?<?0.001) elevated CO2 emissions. Dung application significantly (P?<?0.01) increased global warming potential, particularly for alpine steppe soil. In conclusion, our findings suggest that yak and Tibetan sheep dung deposited on alpine grassland soils may increase GHG emissions.  相似文献   

This paper reports a simple, rapid, and sugar-selective method to induce gelation from glucose-containing samples. This method employs glucose oxidase (GOx) to selectively "recognize" and oxidize glucose to generate gluconic acid, which acts to solubilize calcium carbonate and release calcium ions. The release of calcium ions triggers gelation of the calcium-responsive polysaccharide alginate to form a calcium-alginate hydrogel. Rheological measurements confirm that gel formation is triggered by glucose but not fructose or sucrose (consistent with GOx's selectivity). Vial inversion tests demonstrate that gel formation can be readily observed without the need for instrumentation. Proof-of-concept studies demonstrate that this gel-forming method can detect glucose in food/beverage products sweetened with glucose or high-fructose corn syrups. These results indicate that the enzyme-induced gelation of alginate may provide a simple means to test for sweeteners using components that are safe for use on-site or in the home.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - This study utilizes column tests to investigate the retardation of certain herbicides with different hydrophobicities (atrazine, alachlor and trifluralin) during...  相似文献   


The literature published on the use of the Soltanpour and Schwab Ammonium Bicarbonate‐DTPA (AB‐DTPA) soil test shows that it can be used to determine availability and toxicity indices for many elements. It has been shown to be an effective test for measuring the availability indices of P, K, Zn, Fe, Mn, Mo, Pb, Ni, Cd and Se. Theoretically, it can also be used to determine the availability indices for S, Cu and As. The AB‐DTPA test can predict toxicity of B as well as the standard hot water rest, although within the non‐toxic range of B, it is not as effective as the hot water test. The hot water test alone predicts B availability well, but the AB‐DTPA B test result requires inclusion of soil water pH, organic matter and clay contents in a regression equation for predicting B availability. This test is not suitable for determination of exchangeable plus soluble Ca and Mg (high levels), as these precipitate as carbonates during extraction. The AB‐DTPA test procedure with analysis by an inductively‐coupled plasma spectrometer for simultaneous determination of elements, makes soil and overburden testing very efficient.  相似文献   

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