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The sea trout population of the River North Esk was sampled by means of a stationary trap situated on Kinnaber Mill Lade which drains its water from the main river. Commencing in 1971 the number of trout taken in the trap was noted daily, and from 1976 all stages of trout caught in the trap were tagged. The peak of the sea trout smolt migration was usually in May or June, and over the period of study exhibited a tendency to occur later each season. Two-year-old smolts comprised the largest age class in the smolt samples with 3-year-old fish being the other substantial age class. Samples of smolts taken for sex determination were found to be predominantly female. In 1979 and 1980 the sea trout smolt production of the North Esk was estimated from a mark-recapture experiment to be 51,969 and 78,208 respectively. A proportion of finnock (post-smolts) returned to fresh water in the year of their smolt migration and were taken moving upstream into the trap from July onwards, with a peak of movement occurring in the autumn. The main run of adult sea trout into the trap was found to take place at any time between July and October. The adult sea trout sampled were predominantly maiden spawners of ages 2.1+ and 3.1+ years. Both finnock and adult sea trout samples exhibited a similar freshwater age composition to that of the smolts.  相似文献   

The survival of two Atlantic salmon stocks that inhabit rivers confluent with the North Sea was examined in respect to historical distributions of sea surface water temperatures. The rivers Figgjo and North Esk are relatively small salmon rivers in southern Norway and eastern Scotland, respectively. Wild salmon smolts have been tagged in these rivers since 1965. Tag returns were used to evaluate the survival of salmon in the North Sea. Survival rates of one-sea-winter (1SW) and 2SW fish were correlated within stocks, as well as between stocks. Survival rates were compared with the areal extent of thermal habitat in the north-eastern Atlantic Ocean. A positive correlation was found between the area of 8–10°C water in May and the survival of salmon. A reciprocal negative correlation was also found between survival and 5–7°C water in the same month. An analysis of sea surface temperature distributions for periods of good vs. poor salmon survival showed that when cool surface waters dominate the Norwegian coast and North Sea during May, salmon survival has been poor. Conversely, when the 8°C isotherm has extended northward along the Norwegian coast during May, survival has been good. The effect of water temperature distributions on the growth of postsmolts and other survival factors are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The net and coble catch of sea trout in the River North Esk was sampled between 1977 and 1979. A comparison of the length frequency distribution of these samples with those of sea trout taken in a trap which was assumed to be unselective revealed that the net and coble fishery was very selective. Only isolated fish below 35·0 cm were encountered in the commercial catch samples, yet between 25% and 41% of the upstream migratory sea trout taken in the trap during the netting season were below this length. The sea trout in the commercial catch samples were predominantly maiden, one-sea-winter fish. The dominant age class each year was the 2·1 + group, 3·1 + fish comprising the other major age class. The freshwater age of the maiden sea trout sampled declined as the season progressed. The proportion of previously spawned fish in the samples ranged between years from 12% to 15%. The mean length and mean weight of sea trout sampled from each year's catch showed little variation, ranging from 42·9 cm to 43·3 cm and 971 g to 972 g, respectively. The ratio of males to females in the 1979 sample was 1·00:2·18. The use of morphometric characteristics, including head length, pectoral fin length and adipose fin length was investigated with the aim of distinguishing the sex of fish taken early in the season from external features alone. Although in each month the mean head length as a percentage of fork length of males was greater than that of females, this difference was not sufficient to enable the rapid determination of sex during commercial catch sampling routines. The exploitation rate of sea trout reaching the most upstream major fishing station, Morphie Dyke, was estimated from the recapture of upstream adult sea trout removed from a trap and released in the main river 2 km downstream of Morphie Dyke. The percentage exploitation rate at this fishing station was found to range between 6·4% and 12·2%, and the percentage exploitation rate for the entire net and coble fishery was at a level of approximately 30% during the period of the study. The sea trout statistics of the North Esk net and coble fishery for the period 1925–1979 were examined, and the effect of a change in fishing effort on these figures is described. Recent catch figures, although below those reported during the mid-1960s, are above the level of catches reported prior to 1952.  相似文献   

The growth pattern of sea trout in the sea was studied by measurement of 2787 tagged individuals before and after their stay in the sea while corresponding measurements of 2180 individual fish ascertained the growth pattern in fresh water. In the sea, there was a period of particularly rapid growth just before the beginning of July. The greatest rate of growth in fresh water was recorded for those sea trout that ascended the river relatively early on, or left the river late the following year. This result may explain the relatively simultaneous timing in northern areas of the migration to the sea of several species of salmonids in spring, and also the high degree of variation seen in the timing of the return migration to fresh water.  相似文献   

Adult rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), maintained in either fresh or sea water were vaccinated with a live Cryptobia salmositica vaccine. All vaccinated fish were protected 4 weeks later against the cryptobiosis, while unvaccinated rainbow trout developed the disease (e.g. high parasitaemia and severe anaemia) after challenge with virulent C. salmositica . There was also no disease in vaccinated fish when they were transferred from fresh to sea water immediately after vaccination. Complement fixing antibodies (CFAbs) were detected in vaccinated fish and the CFAbs lysed parasites under in vitro conditions. The antibody titres increased rapidly at one week post-challenge in vaccinated fish in fresh water and vaccinated fish transferred from fresh water to sea water after vaccination. However, the production of CFAbs was delayed by one week in vaccinated fish in sea water and the antibody titre was significantly lower than that in fish maintained in fresh water.  相似文献   

The relationship between aquaculture and infestations of sea lice on sea trout, Salmo trutta L., is controversial. Here, the association between sea lice infestations on wild sea trout and characteristics of local Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms were investigated using data collected on the Scottish west coast. The proportion of sea trout with louse burdens above a critical level was positively related to the fork length of the sea trout and the mean weight of salmon on the nearest fish farm, and negatively related to the distance to that farm. The distance to the nearest fish farm did not influence the probability of infestations above the critical level beyond 31 km although there was considerable uncertainty around this cut‐off distance (95% limits: 13–149 km). The results support a link between Atlantic salmon farms and sea lice burdens on sea trout in the west of Scotland and provide the type of information required for marine spatial planning.  相似文献   

Results from an acoustic telemetry study revealed for the first time a northerly migration route for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts leaving the east coast of Ireland. Atlantic salmon smolts were tagged in spring 2019 in the Castletown and Boyne rivers. Three tagged smolts registered on disparate deep‐water offshore marine receivers as they travelled northwards out of the Irish Sea through the North Channel. One fish had migrated an estimated 250 km in a period of 32 days. The remaining two individuals were detected on receivers located off the Northern Ireland coast, further corroborating the northward migration of salmon smolts through the Irish Sea.  相似文献   

A clinical and histopathological review was carried out of 21 outbreaks of acute infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) in Scottish Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms (13 marine and eight fresh water) during 1991-2004. A distinctive syndrome was evident in both post-smolts in sea water and fry in fresh water, where liver lesions, which had not previously been associated with IPN, became a consistent finding in addition to the more typical pancreatic and intestinal changes. Initial cases were described in post-smolts in Shetland, but by the end of the period of investigation this type of pathology had extended down the West coast of Scotland and into Ireland. Limited viral strain analysis suggested that similar strains were involved in both fresh water and sea water and that these differed from earlier isolates from rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum). In fresh water, recovered fish frequently developed a greatly distended intestine associated with accumulation of undigested food. In sea water, after the initial, often significant (50% or more), losses, there were many fish which failed to grow and became chronically emaciated and prone to sea louse infection. Although use of transfer diets containing immune enhancers and the selection of IPN resistant broodstock has reduced losses the disease remains a serious cause of economic loss.  相似文献   

Abstract Telemetry was used to examine spawning migration of sea trout, Salmo trutta L. (n = 126), in two rivers in northern Sweden. The spawning areas defined by radio‐tagged fish differed between the river systems. In the River Vindelälven, sea trout spawned in the main stem and 80% of tagged individuals returned to areas where hatchery‐reared juveniles had been previously stocked. In the River Piteälven, 74% of tagged sea trout ascended tributaries for spawning. Tagged fish were categorised into three groups of migratory pattern. cart (classification and regression tree) analysis indicated that distance from tagging location to spawning site (Sdist) explained the migratory patterns. Large Sdist separated fish with stepwise upstream migration from those with up‐ and downstream migrations and one‐directional direct migration. Fish tagged early in the season migrated the longest distance to spawning areas. Stocking locations and sex explained the large search behaviour up‐ and downstream in the rivers. The findings are important for the sustainable management of sea trout in the Gulf of Bothnia.  相似文献   

Brown trout and rainbow trout (average weight 100 g) were reared in fresh water at 12 °C under the same conditions before transferring brown trout to sea water, in order to compare phosphorus utilisation in both species. Apparent phosphorus availability, orthophosphate excretion and phosphorus accretion in the fish were directly determined. Thus, actual phosphorus mass balance was built. Rainbow trout raised in fresh water had a higher phosphorus retention coefficient (maximum 50 %) than brown trout reared in fresh water (maximum 45 %). Transferring brown trout to sea water induced a reduction in phosphorus retention (maximum 39 %). Orthophosphate excretion, ranging 7–20 mg phosphorus per kg wet weight per day, represented 10–20 % of ingested phosphorus. Phosphorus availability was lower in brown trout raised in sea water (65 %) than brown trout raised in fresh water (76 %). Phosphorus balance measurements showed that 90 to 98 % of phosphorus flow could be accounted for.  相似文献   

The Irish sea trout, Salmo trutta L., broodstock programme was instigated in response to the collapse of sea trout stocks in the west coast of Ireland in 1989 and 1990. Wild sea trout kelts and post-smolts were successfully reconditioned and used as broodstock to produce eyed ova for distribution to affected fisheries. From 1991 to 1999, a total of 8.2 million green ova from four separate stocks were produced. The number of females stripped increased from 34 in 1991 to a peak of 1435 in 1997. Green ova survival to the eyed ova stage ranged from 65 to 96%. The eyed ova produced were distributed to 23 affected fisheries along the west coast. The average cost per eyed ova decreased from €2.02 at the start of the programme to €0.04 at the end. The growth rates recorded for broodstock held in captivity were comparable with those recorded for wild sea trout. Relationships between fish size, egg size and number of eggs produced were examined for each stock and for each stock in each year. Significant positive relationships were found between fish size and egg number and fish size and egg size, with the exception of the first year in which fish were stripped, when a negative correlation between fish size and egg size was found.  相似文献   

Migration success of hatchery-reared and wild sea trout smolts through the lower stretches and the estuary of a Baltic Sea river were studied. During 3 years, wild and hatchery trout smolts were implanted with acoustic transmitters and released 14 km upstream from the river mouth. In order to monitor their out-migration pattern, acoustic receivers were deployed along the migratory route. Data on number of fish detected and date and time of detections were analysed and the migratory performance of wild and hatchery-reared fish was compared. A significantly higher proportion of wild fish (80%) successfully migrated to the coast compared to fish of hatchery origin (27.5%) and migration was faster in wild smolts. Hatchery fish were larger and had a higher condition factor and lipid concentrations, which are proposed as possible reasons for the poorer migratory performance of the hatchery-reared fish.  相似文献   

Acclimation of rainbow trout to sea water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In some fish farms it is advantageous to transfer rainbow trout from fresh water to sea water at as small a size as possible. It has been shown that a relatively small reduction in salinity at the marine site can give appreciable improvements in survival rates during acclimation by smaller fish, thus rainbow trout of 15 g have routinely been put directly into sea cages at a salinity of 22% with mortality levels of from 1 to 8%.  相似文献   

Abstract  The movement of sea trout. Salmo trutta L., smolts through the estuary of the River Avon, southern England was studied using miniature 300 kHz acoustic transmitters and an array of strategically placed acoustic sonar buoys. Sea trout smolts were trapped 3.25 km above the head of tide as they moved downstream and the transmitters were surgically implanted into the peritoneal cavity of the fish. Subsequent movement of the smolts through the estuary was predominantly nocturnal and occurred mainly during an ebb tide or the period of slack water between two high waters. During the hours of darkness the ground speed of the smolts through the estuary was similar to that of passively drifting objects. However, where movement did occur during daylight hours ground speeds of smolts were significantly slower. Vertical salinity profile measurements of the estuary indicated that individual smolts may have experienced salinities ranging from fresh to 100% sea water during their migration. The behaviour of the smolts is discussed in relation to the possible environmental and physiological cues controlling the estuarine migration.  相似文献   

Abstract  In total, 8211 1-year-old and 14839 2-year-old hatchery-reared brown trout, Salmo trutta L., from 11 stocks were released at the mouth of the River Imsa, southwestern Norway. The recapture rates and total estimated yield were higher for 2- than 1-year-old trout, although recapture rates varied between years of release and stocks. The recapture rate increased with mean individual weight at time of release. Total estimated yield from the individual groups of 1+ trout ranged from 2 to 20 kg per 1000 trout released and for 2+ trout between 11 and 250 kg per 1000 fish released. In all cases, yields were lower than the economic break-even yield. Most fish were recaptured the year of release (89.2% of 2+ and 76.2% of 1+ trout). Almost 31% of the recaptures were caught at sea and 69% in fresh water; 95.8% of the latter were taken in the River Imsa trap.  相似文献   

The migratory behaviour of adult wild and escaped farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., before, during after spawning in the River Namsen, Norway, was analysed using radio telemetry. The fish were caught, radio tagged and released into the fjord between 7 and 25 km from the river mouth. A significantly higher proportion of wild (74%) than farmed (43%) salmon was subsequently recorded in the river. Wild salmon (33%) were more frequently captured in the sea and in rivers than farmed salmon (14%). The migration speed from release to passing a data logger 11 km upstream from the river mouth was not significantly different between wild (20.6 km day?1) and farmed (19.8 km day?1) salmon. Wild salmon tagged when water flow in the river was increasing had a significantly higher migration speed than wild salmon tagged when water flow was decreasing. This was not true for farmed salmon. Farmed salmon were distributed significantly higher up the river than wild salmon during spawning, although both types of fish were found together in spawning areas. Thus, there was no geographical isolation to prevent spawning between wild and escaped farmed salmon. Farmed salmon had significantly more and longer up- and downstream movements than wild salmon during the spawning period. Unlike farmed salmon, the number of riverine movements by wild salmon increased significantly when variation in water flow increased. A smaller proportion of wild (9%) than farmed (77%) salmon survived through the winter after spawning.  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of various marine teleosts (sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax; sea bream, Sparus auratus) or fresh water teleosts (trout, Salmo gairdneri; pike, Esox lucius; guppy, Poecilia reticulata) were diluted in media of different salinities. Motility, morphological changes and fertilizing ability were the criteria used in judging the effects of such treatments. The medium best adapted to dilution of sea-fish sperm had a salinity of about 20‰. Sperm motility was increased and prolonged, and fertilization rate was significantly improved (P<0.05) for the sea bass at a 11000 dilution. For freshwater fish (trout and pike), an extender with about 7‰ salinity increased motility time and fertility ability (P<0.01) as compared to freshwater. After dilution in fresh water the structure of trout spermatozoa was considerably altered (rupture of plasma membrane and mitochondrial swelling). When spermatozoa were diluted in the extender, there were no significant structural changes in trout, but alteration occurred in the mid-piece of the guppy spermatozoon. It is concluded that fresh water or sea water are not the best media for the practice of artificial insemination in freshwater or marine fish. Investigations should be carried out to define the best extender for use in techniques of artificial insemination in fish produced in aquaculture.  相似文献   

Habitats modify the population ecology of species. Here, we show how low water level influences abundance and size of adult anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta) entering a small, South Norwegian stream for spawning. After smolting, the fish appear chiefly to feed within 10 km of the home stream. In the autumn, South Norwegian streams typically flood because of heavy rainfall, when the anadromous brown trout entered from the sea. Mean annual duration of the upstream migration period was 34 days and ended when the flooding ended and the water temperature dropped to below 4°C. During most of the migration period, on average two trout ascended the river per day. The sexes entered the spawning area concurrently, and the male:female ratio of the anadromous trout was 1.27. No fish entered when the water depth just downstream of the spawning area was below 5 cm, and mean number of fish increased with increasing water depth to ca. 30 cm, but not at higher flows when the ascent gradually decreased. Mean and maximum size of the entering spawners increased with water depth between 5 and 16 cm. Among those that had been to sea, most were recaptured in the home stream, 4% in other streams, but only two of the strays were caught close to spawning time. The present results illustrate that population traits of anadromous brown trout from a small stream differ from those in larger rivers, probably because of selection associated with water flow.  相似文献   

Abstract  Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., reared from two Baltic strains were released around the islands Bornholm and Møn in the Baltic Sea between 1995 and 1999. A total 600 000 reared salmon were released from net pens using the delayed release technique, keeping the salmon in net pens for approximately 3 months after smolting, and 208 000 were released directly from the hatchery. Of these, 15 958 were tagged with Carlin tags. Additionally, 65 300 coded wire tagged salmon were released as delayed release salmon close to Bornholm in 2000. Recaptures from the five years of Carlin tagged releases varied between 2.8% and 21.2% (average 13.1%). Most recaptures were from within the Baltic Sea (average 98%), but some were recaptured outside the Baltic Sea, either in the sea (1%) or in fresh water (1%). Recaptures outside the Baltic Sea and in fresh water were higher for releases at Møn in the western part of the Baltic, than releases at Bornholm. Straying rates from the releases into six rivers on the Swedish west coast were estimated using information from capture in traps and sport and broodstock fisheries. The proportion of straying salmon in rivers on the Swedish west coast was about 3.8% of the salmon run, but with large variations between rivers. Releases were discontinued because of possible deleterious effect on the local wild salmon populations.  相似文献   

Abstract. In total, 10014 hatchery-reared 1+ and 2+ rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were released near the mouth of the River Imsa, south-western Norway, and in the Oslofjord, south-eastern Norway. The reported recapture rate was significantly higher in the Oslofjord(15·4%) than at Ims(3·6%). Between 70 and 80% of the recaptures were made in the year of release. The fish were recaptured in rivers and the sea along the Norwegian coast, most of them near the release sites. In total, 60% were recaptured in salt water and 40% in fresh water. Fish released in the Oslofjord were largely captured with rod and line. Of those released at Ims most of the freshwater recaptures were made in a fish trap in the River Imsa. In salt water most fish were captured by nets. Specific growth rate varied inversely with body weight at release, decreased with time after release and decreased faster for fish released in the Oslofjord than at Ims. In general, the proportion of fish recaptured increased with mean fish weight at release. Recaptured biomass per 1000 fish released was higher when released in the Oslofjord (87·12kg) than at Ims (24·42kg). Stocking of rainbow trout in fjords is feasible and may contribute to local recreational fisheries. Yield was highest when relatively small (∼50g) fish were released. Economically, the best results may be obtained when the fish are released in nutrient rich fjords.  相似文献   

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