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采用血管内灌注颜料的方法解剖观察了双峰驼的髂总静脉、髂外静脉及其属支。髂总静脉由髂内静脉和髂外静脉汇合而成,注入髂总静脉的侧支有旋髂深静脉。荐中静脉注入右髂总静脉。髂外静脉是后肢的静脉主干,其属支有旋股内侧静脉和阴部腹壁静脉。  相似文献   

牛肝门静脉系统和肝静脉系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以铸型方法及实体解剖观察了牛肝内门静脉分支和肝静脉的属支,发现牛门静脉的分支与人、猪、兔、羊等相似。门静脉左支发出左个侧叶背、腹侧静脉、左内侧叶内、外侧静脉、尾状叶支组和方叶支组;右支发出右内侧叶静脉、右外侧叶静脉及尾状突静脉。肝大静脉有肝左、肝中、肝右静脉三支。与兔、猪、羊的肝大静脉相比,牛肝脏愈合的程度要明显。此外,对血管分支的名称、肝内分部、尾状突肝静脉的位置、牛肝的外形分部作了讨论  相似文献   

据记载,犬静脉注射的部位一般可选择隐静脉、外侧隐静脉前支、头静脉和颈外静脉。但经过几年的临床实践,笔者认为隐静脉位于股内侧皮下,保定比较困难,而且该处皮肤和静脉管滑动性较大;外侧隐静脉前支位于跗关节外侧,注射部位在跗关节上方皮下,  相似文献   

通过解剖观察了川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)的门静脉系和肝静脉系。门静脉分为左、右2支,左支发出左外侧叶背侧静脉、左外侧叶腹侧静脉、左中央叶静脉、方叶支、左尾状叶支、右尾状叶支;右支发出右中央叶静脉、右外侧叶静脉和尾状突支。肝静脉分肝左静脉、右中央叶肝静脉、方叶肝静脉、右外侧叶肝静脉、左尾状叶肝静脉、右尾状叶肝静脉、尾状突肝静脉。方叶肝静脉的血液注入右中央叶肝静脉而成为其属支。无肝中静脉。  相似文献   

动物诊所在治疗犬病和采血监测狂犬病过程中,对犬静脉输液和采血的方法多种多样,有的采用股内静脉输液和采血,有的采用后肢外侧跗关节上方隐静脉输液和采血等.笔者通过对犬病临床治疗和多次采血监测狂犬病的经验,摸索出一套方便、快捷、理想、安全的犬静脉输液和采血方法,供同行参考.  相似文献   

马的膝关节由股膝和股胫两个关节组成,在后前位和侧位的X线照片上,其骨的解剖学(股骨、胫骨、腓骨、膝盖骨)轮廓分明。马不象小家畜例如犬和猫那样具有腓肠肌籽骨和腘肌籽骨。股膝关节由股骨滑车和膝盖骨的关节面形成。股骨滑车包含两个滑车脊与一条脊间沟。内侧的滑车脊  相似文献   

犬坐式保定就是将犬处在犬坐状态时 (即前肢站立 ,臀部落地的坐姿 ) ,将其前后肢分别用柔软的绳带 ,宽松地固定在桌上或凳上 ,给病犬以较为舒适的输液环境 ,以确保整个输液过程的完成。1 注射部位有 4支静脉可供选择 ,即前肢内侧的头静脉和后肢外侧的足庶背外侧浅静脉 ,左右均可 ,一般以前者作为首选穿刺部位。若选择足庶背外侧浅静脉时 ,则穿刺前先将此后肢稍向前外侧拉伸。2 操作步骤和方法2 .1  先用 4根柔软的绳带将左右前肢的趾关节和左右后肢的趾骨关节系好后分别固定在桌上或凳上 (欲要穿刺的一肢先系好绳带而暂不保定 ,待穿刺成…  相似文献   

犬静脉输液的最佳部位及方法《中兽医医药杂志》1993年第4期介绍河南商丘市兽医院翟鸿全等4位前辈经上千例病犬输液的实践,认为股内静脉输液比较理想,但据笔者长期对病犬输液的体会,以为在后肢外侧隐静脉输液比较理想。(一)部位犬的隐静脉在后肢外侧,跗关节上...  相似文献   

风市为足少阳胆经的腧穴,位于下肢的大腿外侧部。风市穴名“风”:指风气、风邪也;“市”:指集市、集结也。意指该穴易为风邪集结之处,常主治下肢风痹、中风、半身不遂、麻木不仁等病,为治疗风邪的要穴,故名风市。1定位在大腿外侧部的中线上,当腘横纹上7寸。简易取穴为:直立时,两肩水平,双手自然垂手贴于大腿两侧时,大腿外侧部的中线上,中指尖之处是穴。2解剖皮下的阔筋膜下,股外侧肌中,与股二头肌之间;有旋股外侧动、静脉肌支;布有股外侧皮神经,股神经肌支。3功效祛风湿、通经络、止痹痛。4主治中风半身不遂,下肢痿痹、麻木不仁,遍身瘙痒,腰…  相似文献   

双峰驼胫前动脉和足背动脉解剖   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用血管内灌注颜料的方法解剖观察了双峰驼胫前动脉和足背动脉的分支及分布情况,发现胫前动脉Guo动脉的主干延续,其主要侧支有胫前返动脉,小腿骨间动脉,外侧踝前支脉和内侧踝前动脉,足背动脉的支有跗外侧动脉,跗内侧动脉,跗穿动脉和趾伸肌腱动脉,其中趾伸肌腱动脉在其它家畜未见报道。  相似文献   

以铸型方法观察了家禽肝门静脉的分支。其中,鸡有左、右肝门静脉各1支,左叶有左外叶颅侧支、左外叶尾侧支和左内叶支,右叶有右叶颅侧支及右叶尾侧支;鹅、鸭则有左肝门静脉2支,右肝门静脉1支。左叶有左外叶颅侧支和左外叶尾侧支,右叶有右叶颅侧支和尾侧支。左、右肝门静脉于横部汇集,并向颅侧及尾侧发出许多分支。此外,还强调和讨论了家禽肝门静脉系统在分布上的一些特点  相似文献   

The drainage of the thoracic limb of the Van cat was performed by the superficial and deep vein systems. The superficial system was constituted by the cephalic vein and its branches. The deep vein system was constituted by the axillary vein and its branches. The two vein systems anastomosed with each other at various points along their courses. The cephalic vein emerged from the external jugular vein together with the superficial cervical vein. The axillary vein continued the subclavian vein. It ran caudoventrally and gave off the subscapular vein, at the level of the shoulder joint, then gave off two independent branches, which were the external thoracic veins. Then the rest of the vessel continued as the brachial vein. The thoracodorsal vein was formed by the communicate ramus vein which arose between the subscapular vein and the brachial vein. The cranial circumflex humeral vein arose double from the subscapular vein. One of them anastomosed with the deep brachial vein and the other one drained the biceps and the deep pectoral muscles. The cranial interosseous vein from the caudal aspects of the brachial vein and passed the interosseous space of the antebrachium then ran to the lateral aspect of the forearm. The caudal interosseous vein arose from the ulnar vein (in two specimens) and the median vein together with the ulnar vein (in two specimens) or independently from the median vein (in one specimen). Although many similarities were found in the veins of the thoracic limb of the Van cat as compared with the domestic cat, some significant differences were noted in the origin, course, anastomosing and ramification of veins of the thoracic limb.  相似文献   

The vascular anatomy of the reverse saphenous conduit flap in cats was denned by contrast radiography of both hindlimbs of 18 feline cadaver specimens. In all 36 flaps, flow of contrast medium from the femoral artery to the distal end of the flap was documented. Direct anastomosis of the superficial branch of the cranial tibial artery with the cranial branch of the saphenous artery and communication of the caudal branch of the saphenous artery with the perforating metatarsal artery, via the medial and lateral plantar arteries, was documented. The cranial branch of the medial saphenous vein was shown to anastomose with the cranial branch of the lateral saphenous vein. The presence of these anastomoses support the feasibility of the reverse saphenous conduit flap as an option for reconstruction of wounds of the metatarsus in cats.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to describe the tail veins of the Philippine carabao and to suggest a safer method for venipuncture in this animal. The investigations have been carried out in eleven Latex injected tails of 7–10 year-old carabaos of both sexes. The carabao tail is drained by the lateral and median caudal veins. The lateral caudal vein is almost as large as the median caudal vein and is not a satellite to an artery. A new venipuncture technique using the lateral caudal vein is described.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the usefulness of cannulation of the caudal caval vein through the femoral vein for the measurement of hormone concentrations in the reproductive tract in the pig. The experiment was performed on sexually pubertal gilts (Polish Large White x Polish Landrace) of a similar age (7-8 months) and body mass (100-110 kg) after two controlled subsequent estrous cycles. Six gilts in the luteal phase (10th day) of the estrous cycle were used in this experiment. The animals were subjected to a surgical procedure which included:--premedication (Combelen, i.m. 1 ml/10 kg of body mass) and than after 20-30 min general anaesthesia (Vetbutal, i.v., dose 30-40 ml) according to body mass and the symptoms observed,--insertion of cannulas (o.d. 2.2 and i.d. 1.8 mm)--one into the jugular vein and the other into the caudal caval vein through the femoral vein. In several gilts the cannulas were inserted into the caudal caval vein to a depth of 14, 18, 20, 23, 25 and 30 cm from the femoral ring. The concentrations of progesterone (P4) and testosterone (T) were analysed in samples of blood plasma from the jugular and caudal caval veins by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The largest differences in hormone concentrations between the jugular and caudal caval veins were ascertained when a cannula was inserted into the caudal caval vein to a depth of 20 cm from the femoral ring. In other cases the differences were less prominent, or no differences were observed (e.g. 14 cm for progesterone and testosterone or 18 cm for testosterone).  相似文献   

Gross Anatomy of the Canine Portal Vein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gross anatomy of the portal vein of 21 dogs was studied by venous portography, corrosion casting, and gross dissection. The portal vein in all specimens originated by confluence of the cranial and caudal mesenteric veins. Its large tributaries were the splenic and gastroduodenal veins, which entered the portal vein between its origin and the hepatic porta. At the hepatic porta, the portal vein divided into a short right branch and a larger left branch. The right branch ramified in the caudate process of the caudate lobe and in the right lateral lobe of the liver. The left branch was essentially the continuation of the portal vein from which successive branches passed to each of the remaining lobes of the liver and the papillary process of the caudate lobe.  相似文献   

The dorsal root origins of cutaneous nerves supplying the feline pelvic limb were determined electrophysiologically in 11 cats. Cutaneous nerves were surgically exposed and the presence or absence of an evoked potential in response to stimulation of individual dorsal roots was noted. The dorsal cutaneous branches of L3-L5 and S3, and the lateral cutaneous branch of L3 each arose solely from their parent spinal nerves. The L7, S1, and S2 dorsal cutaneous branches had multiple dorsal root origins. The lateral cutaneous femoral nerve originated from L3-L6 dorsal roots in 4 patterns of origin, and the saphenous nerve originated from L4-L6 dorsal roots in 2 patterns of origin. The lateral and caudal cutaneous sural nerves originated from L6-S1 roots in 2 and 3 patterns, respectively. The lateral and medial plantar nerves arose from L6-S2 roots in 4 and 2 patterns, respectively. The superficial and deep peroneal nerves originated from L6-S1 roots in 2 and 3 patterns, respectively. The caudal cutaneous femoral nerve or its branches arose from L7-S3 in 8 origin patterns. The dorsal nerve of the penis and the superficial perineal nerve arose from L7-S3 and S1-S3 roots, respectively, each in 4 patterns. A subtle correlation between plexus type and dorsal root origins of the cutaneous nerves was noted.  相似文献   

In this study, the spinal nerves that constitute the lumbosacral plexus (plexus lumbosacrales) (LSP) and its distribution in Chinchilla lanigera were investigated. Ten chinchillas (6 males and 4 females) were used in this research. The spinal nerves that constitute the LSP were dissected and the distribution of pelvic limb nerves originating from the plexus was examined. The iliohypogastric nerve arose from L1 and L2, giving rise to the cranial and caudal nerves, and the ilioinguinal nerve arose from L3. The other branch of L3 gave rise to the genitofemoral nerve and 1 branch from L4 gave rise to the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve. The trunk formed by the union of L4-5 divided into medial (femoral nerve) and lateral branches (obturator nerve). It was found that the LSP was formed by all the ventral branches of L4 at L6 and S1 at S3. At the caudal part of the plexus, a thick branch, the ischiadic plexus, was formed by contributions from L5-6 and S1. This root gave rise to the nerve branches which were disseminated to the posterior limb (cranial and caudal gluteal nerves, caudal cutaneous femoral nerve and ischiadic nerve). The ischiadic nerve divided into the caudal cutaneous surae, lateral cutaneous surae, common fibular and tibial nerve. The pudendal nerve arose from S1-2 and the other branch of S2 and S3 formed the rectal caudal nerve. The results showed that the origins and distribution of spinal nerves that constitute the LSP of chinchillas were similar to those of a few rodents and other mammals.  相似文献   

This study aims to describe the origin and distribution of the hindlimb arterial vessels. Five adult lowland pacas (Cuniculus paca) were used. Stained and diluted latex was injected, caudally to the aorta. After fixation in 10% paraformaldehyde for 72 h, we dissected to visualize and identify the vessels. It was found out that the vascularization of the hindlimb in lowland paca derives from the terminal branch of the abdominal aorta. The common iliac artery divides into external iliac and internal iliac. The external iliac artery emits the deep iliac circumflex artery, the pudendal epigastric trunk, the deep femoral artery; the femoral artery originates the saphenous artery, it bifurcates into cranial and caudal saphenous arteries. Immediately after the knee joint, the femoral artery is called popliteal artery, which divides into tibial cranial and tibial caudal arteries at the level of the crural inter‐osseous space. The origin and distribution of arteries in the hindlimb of lowland paca resembles that in other wild rodents, as well as in the domestic mammals.  相似文献   

The ureter is formed by two collectors, deeply to the renal parenchima, in the craneal pole of tht lobe (intra-renal ureter) and it runs dorsally to the shunt between the external ‘iliac and caudal rena veins, passes superficially as extra-renal ureter, in the middle lobe, between the shunt and the cauda renal vein. It lies in close association (lateral) with the caudal renal vein and is ventral to the vein, at tht level of the external sciatic artery. In the caudal lobe it is located dorsally and lies in relation with tht internal iliac artery and its visceral branch.  相似文献   

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