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A 12‐year‐old spayed English pointer dog developed multiple skin lesions including pigmented viral plaques, basal cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas and trichoblastomas. Canine papillomavirus type 3 was detected in multiple lesions suggesting common aetiology.


SUMMARY Papillomavirus DNA was demonstrated in 10 of 12 samples extracted from cutaneous bovine papillomas and electrophoresed on agarose gels without further treatment or after concentration by freeze drying. Six of the DNA samples were treated with restriction endonucleases and 4 had restriction patterns characteristic of bovine papillomavirus type 2.  相似文献   

Scrotal lesions are uncommon and often present a diagnostic challenge. In the veterinary literature there are no texts devoted to this subject. This study reviews and illustrates canine scrotal lesions following an aetiological layout with the aim of facilitating clinical identification and diagnosis. Infectious, immune-mediated, endocrinological and neoplastic conditions are the most commonly reported causes of scrotal lesions in the dog. They may affect the scrotum only or other parts of the body as well. The clinical presentation of the lesions, the presence of primary or secondary lesions and the presence of clinical signs of systemic disease may help in obtaining a diagnosis. In some cases further investigations are necessary to reach a definitive diagnosis. Histopathology aids in understanding pathological reactions of the scrotal skin but unfortunately this is not commonly carried out and few reports in the literature include histopathology. The list of conditions given in this review is not exhaustive and other, more rare, diseases may be encountered.  相似文献   

The aetiology of dermatitis in dogs is often complex, and primary or secondary bacterial infections are common. In this report we describe a case where Listeria monocytogenes was proposed to be the bacteriological cause of a pyoderma in a 4-year-old Giant Schnauzer. The infection manifested as a cutaneous listeriosis with multiple pustulae on the dog's back. The dog was treated with clindamycin and recovered within 1 week. The source of infection was suggested to be a carcass or the faeces of a wild animal, or a decomposed placenta from an infected animal.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry for E-cadherin (ECAD) has been used to distinguish canine cutaneous histiocytoma from other leukocytic neoplasms ("round cell tumors"). To determine the specificity of this test, 5 types of canine cutaneous round cell tumors were evaluated for immunohistochemical expression of ECAD. Tumors of all 5 types had variable cytoplasmic, plasma membrane, and/or paranuclear ECAD expression: All 13 cutaneous histiocytomas were ECAD+; all but 1 of 14 mast cell tumors expressed ECAD; 10 of 12 epitheliotropic lymphomas reacted with E-cadherin antibody; of 72 plasmacytomas, 54 were ECAD+; and 5 of 5 histiocytic sarcomas were positive. Conclusions based on these results include the following: First, immunoreactivity for ECAD is not limited to leukocytes of cutaneous histiocytoma; second, antibody to ECAD also labels neoplastic cells in most mast cell tumors, plasmacytomas, cutaneous histiocytic sarcomas, and epitheliotropic lymphomas; third, although most histiocytomas have membranous ECAD expression, the immunoreactivity varies among round cell tumors and is frequently concurrent in different cellular compartments; fourth, the distinctively paranuclear ECAD expression pattern in epitheliotropic lymphomas might distinguish them from other round cell tumors; and, fifth, ECAD should be used with other markers (eg, MUM1 for plasmacytomas, KIT for mast cell tumors, CD3 and CD79a for lymphomas) to distinguish among canine round cell tumors.  相似文献   

Detection of a novel papillomavirus in pigmented plaques of four pugs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pugs are predisposed to the development of deeply pigmented, slightly elevated hyperkeratotic noncancerous plaques. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of a papillomavirus (PV)-like DNA fragment from such lesions suggested that PV may be responsible for them, although the predicted virus has not yet been identified. The goal of the present study was to make use of pigmented plaques from four pugs to identify and sequence the predicted virus. Taking advantage of the circular nature of PV DNA, the entire viral genome was amplified by rolling circle amplification and restriction enzyme analysis disclosed the same pattern in all four cases. Sequencing of one of the amplificates revealed a novel canine PV, termed CPV4, related to the recently described CPV3 but clearly distinct from canine oral PV and CPV2. Thus, a novel canine PV and a method for its future diagnosis are described.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of a canine oral papillomavirus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A papillomavirus, isolated from oral papillomas in young Beagles, was used to produce a live-virus vaccine. After the IM use of this vaccine, some dogs developed squamous cell carcinomas at the inoculation site. The virus was isolated from the original vaccine and was cloned into pBR322. A detailed restriction map of the viral genome was generated.  相似文献   

Twenty-four canine cutaneous nodules, diagnosed as mast cell tumors by fine-needle aspiration biopsy and confirmed by histopathologic analysis by staining with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and toluidine blue, were analyzed by computerized nuclear morphometry on panoptic- and HE-stained cytopathology slides. Two hundred nuclei per lesion were examined. The morphometric parameters investigated were nuclear area, mean diameter, perimeter, regularity factor, and ellipticity factor. Lesions were graded as I (well differentiated), II (intermediate differentiation), or III (poorly differentiated) according to the following morphologic features: invasiveness, cellularity and cellular morphology, mitotic index, and stromal reaction. Nuclear morphometric results were then compared with histopathologic grades. Values of nuclear area, mean diameter, and perimeter increased with increase in histopathologic grade, but statistical analysis revealed significant differences only between grades II and III and between grades I and III when HE was used (P < 0.01) and between grades I and III with panoptic stain (P < 0.05). The ellipticity factor and regularity factor did not reveal significant differences between histopathologic grades. The results indicate that nuclear morphometric analysis, in combination with the rapid and inexpensive cytopathology technique, can help in mast cell tumor grading, thus contributing to the establishment of a more precise prognosis and treatment.  相似文献   

A male Golden Retriever was born with a large area of abnormal skin and hair on the distal pelvic limb. A tumour arose from the proximal margin of this area at 5 years of age. Histopathological examination of the abnormal area of skin revealed an area in which follicles were surrounded by nodular accumulations of densely packed round to spindle-shaped cells with fine granular intracytoplasmic melanin. Similar cells were present within the subcutaneous fat, and clusters of densely pigmented melanocytes were scattered within the basal epidermis, follicular epithelium, and dermis. A diagnosis of giant congenital pigmented nevus (hamartoma) was made. The tumour from the proximal end of this area was composed of densely packed, moderately pleomorphic, poorly differentiated and pigmented, spindle-shaped to epithelioid melanocytes, and was diagnosed as malignant melanoma. Metastasis of the malignant melanoma to the stifle and inguinal regions occurred within 6 months. To date, the authors are unaware of prior reports of a canine giant congenital pigmented nevus (hamartoma) with transformation to a malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

A six-month-old intact male rottweiler presented with papillomatous growths protruding from the oral mucous membranes. A tentative diagnosis of canine oral papillomavirus (COPV) infection was made based on the gross appearance of the numerous lesions and the young age of the patient. Two warts from the oral mucosa were removed surgically for further diagnostic investigations. The viral aetiology of the disease was confirmed by histopathological and electron microscopic findings, and by the identification of specific COPV DNA in removed oral papillomatous tissue. The patient was followed clinically and complete regression of the oral lesions occurred after four weeks. Neither the route of transmission nor the source of infection was found. Immunodeficiency as a contributing aetiological factor to the development of COPV-induced lesions is discussed.  相似文献   

The seven fully described canine papillomaviruses (CPVs) have been allocated by sequence comparison and other genetic features into three phylogenetic clades. This largely reflects clinical findings, so each sequence of a newly discovered CPV in combination with clinical and pathological details is a valuable piece of evidence. We hypothesize that the genomic sequence of a new CPV can help to predict clinical features and progression, and that this can be tested in subsequent cases. In this case, a 2-year-old female dachshund-mix presented with papillomatosis clinically and histologically characterized as pigmented viral plaques. PCRs using primers evaluated for CPVs successfully amplified papillomavirus (PV) DNA. Sequencing of the products revealed an unknown PV putatively belonging to the PV genus Chi. Rolling circle amplification was used to amplify the entire viral genome. Sequencing revealed a novel PV, designated as CPV8, which was most closely related (63% homology) to the recently discovered CPV4. CPV4 is associated with benign pigmented plaques in pugs. Phylogenetic analysis based on the nucleotide sequences of four viral genes showed that the novel virus was closest to CPV3, CPV4 and CPV5. The presence of viral DNA was confirmed in the lesions by in situ hybridization using specific probes. CPV8 may consequently be regarded as the fourth member of the Chi-papillomavirus genus. All viruses belonging to this genus induce pigmented plaques in dogs. These findings support the hypothesis that genomic sequences can be useful in predicting the clinical features of CPV infection.  相似文献   

In this study the clinico-pathological aspects of cutaneous and mucocutaneous plasmacytomas were investigated in 63 dogs (one dog with two tumours). The tumours were most commonly observed in the skin of the trunk and legs. Yorkshire Terrier (n = 8) was the most commonly affected breed and males were affected more commonly than females (36 versus 23, respectively). Plasmacytomas were histologically classified into mature, hyaline, cleaved, asynchronous, monomorphous blastic and polymorphous blastic cell types. Monomorphous blastic cell type was the most frequent type (n = 21), followed by cleaved (n = 19) and asynchronous (n = 11) cell types. Secondary amyloid depositions were observed in eight cases. Immunohistochemical staining showed monoclonal lambda light chain positivity in all cases. In the immunohistochemical staining for cyclin D1, which is a prognostic marker in human plasma cell tumours, moderate numbers of positive tumour cells were observed in only one case of (muco)cutaneous plasmacytoma. All other cases were negative or contained few positive tumour cells. On the other hand, high numbers of tumorous plasma cells reacted positively with cyclin D1 in three out of six cases of canine multiple myelomas. Prognosis of the (muco)cutaneous plasmacytomas was good, except in one dog which developed a lymphoma afterwards. No significant correlations were observed between the cell type and the location of the tumour, presence of amyloid or prognosis.  相似文献   

A cytological grading for mast cell tumours (MCTs) would be highly desirable, allowing to select the most appropriate therapeutic intervention prior to surgery. This study evaluates the applicability on fine‐needle aspirations (FNAs) of the novel Kiupel grading system, based on number of mitoses, multinucleated cells, bizarre nuclei and presence of karyomegaly. Fifty consecutive cases with pre‐operative cytological diagnosis were included. In cytological specimens, approximately 1000 cells were evaluated, and the histological grade was assessed on the corresponding resected specimens. On cytology, the above parameters were significantly different between histologically low‐grade and high‐grade tumours (P < 0.001). The cytograding correctly predicted the histological grade in 47 cases (accuracy, 94%; sensitivity, 84.6%; specificity, 97.3%). Two high‐grade MCTs (4%) were not detected on cytology. The cytograding can provide helpful insights to assist clinical decisions in most cases. However, the risk of underestimation in a minority of patients represents a limit to the overall utility of the technique.  相似文献   

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