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近年来宏基因组学研究的普及大大丰富了人们对RNA病毒多样性的认识,但对这些新发现病毒的生物学特性却所知甚少。本文围绕RNA病毒中一类重要的负单链RNA病毒--弹状病毒与其昆虫寄主互作的研究进行综述,总结已发现的弹状病毒及其昆虫寄主类型,共有20个属144种弹状病毒可以感染14个属的昆虫;根据已有的系统进化研究对弹状病毒的寄主起源进行推测;并以感染黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster的sigma病毒(Drosophila melanogaster sigma virus,DMelSV)为主要对象,就弹状病毒引起的CO2麻痹致死症状以及昆虫寄主对其的免疫反应研究进行总结,而在对黑腹果蝇的研究中发现很多非经典免疫通路中的新抗病毒基因,暗示存在新的抗病毒免疫通路;通过飞虱、叶蝉与其传播的植物弹状病毒以及长须罗蛉Lutzomyia longipalpis与其传播的脊椎动物病毒的互作研究,发现Toll、IMD信号通路、细胞自噬及小RNA干扰(small interfering RNA,siRNA)通路等可能与昆虫对弹状病毒的免疫反应相关。昆虫是弹状病毒主要的寄主和媒介,也是病毒遗传多样性的储主,因此更好地研究和了解昆虫寄主与弹状病毒的相互关系,有助于病毒致病和传播机制以及昆虫抗病毒免疫机理的深入研究。  相似文献   

本文概述了寄生蜂体内RNA病毒的研究进展。迄今,在寄生蜂中已鉴定获得17种RNA病毒,分属7个科、3种基因组型,其中冠状病毒科、传染性软腐病病毒科、双顺反子病毒科和杯状病毒科等属正义单链RNA病毒;弹状病毒科和尼亚玛尼病毒科等属负义单链RNA病毒;呼肠孤病毒科属分段双链RNA病毒等。就不同寄生蜂RNA病毒的形态与基因组特征、传播途径以及与寄生蜂及其寄主间的相互关系作了比较,并就RNA病毒在寄生蜂成功寄生中的作用以及对寄生蜂的致病性等作了探讨,旨在为促进寄主-寄生蜂-病毒三者互作机制研究以及用于害虫协同防控提供参考。  相似文献   

目前,我国正遭受多种外来有害生物的入侵,给我国的农业生产以及生态环境造成了严重影响。其中检疫性植物病毒危害大、隐蔽性强,是重要的外来生物。掌握病毒致病的相关机制是有效防控入侵病毒病害的基础。微小RNA(microRNA,miRNA)以及病毒小干扰RNA(small interfering RNA,siRNA)是植物体内重要的非编码小RNA,在病毒致病过程中扮演着重要角色。病毒在侵染过程中,可以利用植物抗病毒免疫反应产生的siRNA进行致病,同时可以直接或间接干扰miRNA的代谢途径,导致相关症状的产生。本文根据植物小RNA的近期研究进展,对miRNA和病毒siRNA的产生途径、生物学特性以及作用分子机制进行了综述,并对其在病毒侵染过程中的作用进行了探讨,初步从小RNA的角度阐述了植物病毒的致病机制,以期为检疫性病毒病害的防控提供理论基础。  相似文献   

番茄灼烧病毒属——番茄上新发现的一类植物类小RNA病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
番茄灼烧病毒(170mato torrado virus,ToTV)、番茄顶点坏死病毒(Tomato apex necrosis virus,TOANV)和蕃茄枯萎病毒(Tomato marchitez virus,ToMarV)是近几年来在番茄上发现的一类植物类小RNA病毒,分别引起番茄"灼烧病"(torrado disense)和"枯萎病"(marchitez disease).该类病毒粒体形态是一种直径约为28 nm的等轴多面体病毒.其基因组是由两个长度分别约为7 kb(RNA1)和5 kb(RNA2)的ssRNA分子组成.ICTV植物类小RNA病毒研究小组最近把它们归为一个新的植物病毒属,即番茄灼烧病毒属(Torradovirus).本文就这类病毒的生物学、分子生物学特征分别作简单介绍.  相似文献   

microRNA(miRNA)是一类长约22nt的内源性的非编码小RNA,在植物的生长发育和胁迫响应中起重要调控作用。本文通过生物信息学的方法,在miRBase中下载了12种植物的miRNA序列;在DPVweb和VIDE病毒数据库中查找侵染这些植物的病毒,并在NCBI数据库中搜索其基因组序列,共获得173种病毒的基因组序列。用psRNATarget在线软件预测植物miRNA在植物病毒中的靶基因,发现植物miRNA可能参与调控包括聚合蛋白、衣壳蛋白、逆转录酶、复制相关基因、通读蛋白、依赖RNA的RNA聚合酶等多种植物病毒基因的表达。  相似文献   

系统侵染的番茄植株中黄瓜花叶病毒的时序变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 采用实时荧光定量PCR (FQ-PCR)和DAS-ELISA方法,研究了22~26℃温室条件下番茄幼苗中黄瓜花叶病毒CNA株系(CMV-CNA)各基因组RNA组分及其外壳蛋白(CP)含量的动态变化,同时结合同期感病植株症状发展和病情指数,分析并探讨CMV各基因组RNA、CP以及病症显示程度之间的时间效应及其相关性。以18S rRNA为内参照,FQ-PCR相对定量分析结果显示:接种后5~30 d,CMV三分体基因组RNA在系统侵染的番茄组织中负荷量变化趋势大体一致,但是不同时期含量差异显著,均经历对数增长期、稳定期和回落期。其中,以RNA2负荷量变化情况最为平缓。DAS-ELISA检测结果显示:CP含量随接种时间延长而持续升高,但其对数增长趋势相对滞后于基因组RNA。番茄幼苗发病症状与CMV基因组RNA及CP负荷量的变化趋势大体一致,但症状表现时间相对滞后。CMV-CNA株系在番茄幼苗中以基因组RNA、CP以及病症显示先后次序出现高峰期,显示病毒基因组RNA及其CP在植物组织内负荷量的变化与植株症状表现并不同步。其动态变化规律将为研究CMV侵染机制,病毒与寄主互作及防病控病提供量化依据。  相似文献   

周汝鸿 《植物保护》1979,5(5):30-33
防治病害的目的在于保产,因此需要研究明确各类病害的不同发病程度对农作物产量损失的影响,以便制定出合理的防治指标和防治措施,从而收到最大的经济效益。 农作物的产量是一个众多因素综合影响的结果,因此估算病害对产量的损失程度也是一个极为复杂的问题。农作物的叶部病害,大多数是由病菌吸取寄主体内的营养,减少寄主的光合叶面积并干扰其有机物质运输积累和水分生理等从而导致减产,而并不直接为害农作物的果、穗等收获部分,这样,病害发生的强度和产量的关系就更加复杂化了。有时由于植物本身的补偿能力,使得病害在一定范围内对农作物产量并没有影响,这就要求我们制定出病害引起产量损失  相似文献   

RNA沉默技术由于其简便、高效及高特异性在各种模式和非模式生物系统中得到了广泛的应用。植物转基因技术是将植物、动物或微生物中分离到的目的基因,通过各种手段整合到植物基因组上,使其稳定遗传并赋予植物新的优良性状的生物技术。RNA沉默在植物转基因工程领域的研究十分广泛,目前已经成功研究培育出许多抗病毒、抗虫转基因植物,为农业病虫害的防控提供了新的思路和方法。本文重点综述了近年来植物转基因介导RNA沉默在抗虫与抗病毒研究方面的进展,加深人们对转基因植物抗虫与抗病毒研究的认识。  相似文献   

基于PCR技术的植物病原菌分子定量检测技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物病原菌的菌源量是病害发生和流行的重要因子之一,对其精准的定量测定或检测可大大提高植物病害预测的准确性,本文对实时荧光定量PCR (qPCR)与数字PCR在植物病原菌定量检测、以及基于RNA水平的real-time PCR和基于核酸染料(EMA/PMA)与qPCR相结合的技术在植物病原菌活体定量检测中的应用进行了综述,并展望其在植物病害流行和预测中的应用前景。  相似文献   

<正>在植物病毒中,马铃薯Y病毒属(Potyvirus是最大的正链RNA病毒属,是已确定的植物病毒属中成员最多的一个。Potyvirus基因组长10 000nt左右,3'末端有多聚腺苷酸尾,编码一个大的多聚蛋白,可被剪切为10个功能蛋白。病毒粒体长700~900 nm,直径11~13 nm,经蚜虫以非持久方式传播,可侵染超过500种植物,包括茄科、苋科、  相似文献   

About 20 species of viruses belonging to five genera, Benyvirus, Furovirus, Pecluvirus, Pomovirus and Bymovirus, are known to be transmitted by plasmodiophorids. These viruses have all positive-sense, single-stranded RNA genomes that consist of two to five RNA components. Three species of plasmodiophorids are recognized as vectors: Polymyxa graminis, P. betae, and Spongospora subterranea. The viruses can survive in soil within the long-lived resting spores of the vector. There are biological and genetic variations in both virus and vector species. Many of the viruses are causal agents of important diseases in major crops such as rice, wheat, barley, rye, sugar beet, potato, and groundnut. Control is dependent on the development of resistant cultivars. During the last half century, several virus diseases have rapidly spread worldwide. For six major virus diseases, we address their geographical distribution, diversity, and genetic resistance.  相似文献   

 梨褪绿叶斑伴随病毒(Pear chlorotic leaf spot-associated virus,PCLSaV)是新近发现的为害梨树的欧洲花楸环斑病毒属(Emaravirus)病毒,该病毒基因组由5条负义单链RNA组成。本研究比较分析了反转录引物pd(N)6、3C和5H及基于该病毒基因组RNA3和RNA5链序列设计的4对引物用于RT-PCR检测梨样品中PCLSaV的效果,结果显示,采用与该病毒基因组RNA链3′末端互补的引物3C用于cDNA合成及基于该病毒RNA5链序列的引物5-F/R用于PCR扩增时,检测PCLSaV的灵敏度相较采用引物pd(N)6和5H合成cDNA为模板时高10~100倍;不同部位和不同发病状况的梨树组织中PCLSaV检测结果差异明显。进一步建立了具有高灵敏度的巢式RT-PCR技术,采用外侧引物5-F/R和内巢引物5-IF/IR结合可用于梨不同组织样品中PCLSaV的检测。本研究为系统分析PCLSaV在我国栽培梨树上的危害状况及无病毒梨种质培育奠定了技术基础。  相似文献   

Spiroplasmas are members of the Class Mollicutes, wall-less prokaryotes having a high adenosine–thymidine content in their small genomes. Spiroplasma citri is a plant pathogen that inhabits phloem. Like other phytopathogenic spiroplasmas and the related phytoplasmas, it is transmitted from plant to plant by phloem-feeding leafhoppers that serve as alternate hosts for the spiroplasma as well as vectors. Genetic information in spiroplasmas is carried on a circular chromosome, on plasmids and/or in virus genomes. A picture emerging from recent research on the S. citri genome is one of frequent and often extensive variation, resulting from a number of different mechanisms. Expansion and contraction events must continually be occurring in about equal proportions so that the net genome size varies within defined boundaries. Particularly impressive are large changes in genome size that can occur in only a few generations. As with most organisms, genetic variation in S. citri results from variation in extrachromosomal DNA content, changes due to DNA replication and repair processes and changes due to recombination. The implied flux of genetic information into and out of the S. citri genome should be beneficial to the bacterium, allowing it, with its small genome size, to adapt to new environments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Multiple viral infections frequently are found in single plants of cultivated and wild hosts in nature, with unpredictable pathological consequences. Synergistic reactions were observed in mixed infections in tomato plants doubly infected with the positive-sense and phloem-limited single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) crinivirus Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) and the negative-sense ssRNA tospovirus Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). Synergism in a tomato cultivar susceptible to both viruses resulted in a rapid death of plants. A pronounced enhancement of ToCV accumulation mediated by TSWV co-infection was observed with no evident egress of ToCV from phloem tissues. No consistent alteration of TSWV accumulation was detected. More remarkable was the synergism observed in tomato cultivars which carry the Sw-5 resistance gene, which are resistant to TSWV. Pre-infection with ToCV resulted in susceptibility to TSWV, whereas co-inoculations did not. This suggested that a threshold level or a time lapse is needed for ToCV to interfere or downregulate the defense response in the TSWV-resistant plants.  相似文献   

Tomato black ring virus (TBRV), a member of the Nepovirus genus, is a serious plant pathogen distributed worldwide. It causes significant damage to several economically important crops, such as artichoke or strawberry. The TBRV bipartite genome consists of two polyadenylated single-stranded positive-sense RNA molecules, which may be accompanied by subviral particles such as defective interfering RNAs (DI RNAs) and satellite RNAs (satRNAs). In this study, we obtained the complete genome sequence of six TBRV isolates originating from different hosts and determined the presence of eight TBRV satRNAs. Subsequently, genetic variability, recombination, phylogenetic and selection pressure analyses were performed. The results revealed that the TBRV population is genetically diverse. The occurrence of potential recombination events, evidence of positive selection pressure acting on particular codons and the diversification of satRNAs within the TBRV population indicated that the virus mutates and can rapidly adapt to new environmental conditions or hosts. The presented data shed some light on TBRV evolutionary dynamics and epidemiology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A tospovirus-like virus recovered from netted melon was transmitted by Thrips palmi in a persistent manner but had different cytopathological features from tospoviruses previously reported. Viral nucleocapsid (N) was purified with two protective reagents, 2-mercaptoethanol and L-ascorbic acid, and RNA extracted from the viral nucleocapsid was used for genomic analysis. The virus had a genome consisting of three single-stranded RNA molecules. The open reading frame on the viral complementary strand, located at the 3' end of the viral S RNA, encoded the N protein. The 3' terminus of this RNA also contained an eight-nucleotide sequence similar to the conserved sequence at the 3' end of genomic RNA molecules of tospoviruses. These features of the viral genome are identical to those of tospoviruses; therefore, this virus is considered to belong to the genus Tospovirus. Its N protein comprised 279 amino acids and had a molecular mass of 31.0 kDa. Comparisons of its amino acid sequence with those of known tospoviruses revealed less than 60% identity. This melon virus is concluded to be a distinct species in the genus Tospovirus, and the name Melon yellow spot virus is proposed.  相似文献   

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