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This series of case reports details observations on toxicity episodes in poultry due to a variety of chemotherapeutic agents. These problems arose owing to overdosage, variation in species susceptibility, potentiation of the toxic effects of one substance by the presence of another substance, and particular disease or other on-farm factors. Ignorance and accident were responsible for some of these situations. The episodes involved monensin, salinomycin, nicarbazin, sulphaquinoxaline, dinitolmide, dimetridazole, nitrofurans, streptomycin, and 3-nitro-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid.  相似文献   

Six dogs had perivascular extravasation of antineoplastic agents during IV administration. Treatment with 300 units of hyaluronidase injected locally in the affected site was initiated following the extravasation event. Injections were repeated weekly until signs of toxic effects within the tissues resolved satisfactorily. All dogs recovered within 6 weeks, and residual fibrosis at the extravasation sites most was considered minimal. Many chemotherapeutic agents cause severe cytotoxic reactions when extravasated during cycles of chemotherapy, resulting in tissue necrosis with ulceration and sloughing of skin during the following weeks. Surgical treatments and skin grafting are often necessary to achieve healing. The sequelae of extravasation may result in discontinuation of chemotherapy or euthanasia of the animal. Hyaluronidase appears to be a safe treatment for the adverse effects of extravasation of various chemotherapeutic agents and may be used effectively to reduce the severity of cutaneous toxicosis.  相似文献   

Summary The chemotherapeutic efficacy of imidocarb dihydrochloride (3,3′-bis(2-imidazolin-2 yl) carbanilide dihydrochloride) administered as single intramuscular doses of 1·0, 2·0 and 2·5 mg/kg, against concurrent bovine anaplasmosis and babesiosis, is reported. Dosages of 2·0 and 2·5 mg/kg of imidocarb dihydrochloride rapidly inhibited acute ascending concurrent parasitaemias ofAnaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina andBabesia argentina; however, 1·0 mg/kg had a minimal effect onA. marginale but was very effective againstB. bigemina andB. argentina. Imidocarb dihydrochloride at 1·0, 2·0 and 2·5 mg/kg inhibited the development of immunity of the acuteBabesia spp. infections, making the calves more susceptible to babesiosis upon challenge. The inhibition ofA. marginale parasitaemias was directly related to increasing doses of imidocarb dihydrochloride; however, recrudescing and persisting post-treatment parasitaemias also occurred more frequently at higher doses.
Sumario La eficiencia quemoterapéutica del imidocarb dihydrochloride (3,3′-bis (2-imidazolin-2 yl) carbanilide dihydro chloride) administrada como dosis intramuscular unica de 1·0, 2·0 y 2·5 mg/kg, en infecciones concurrentes de anaplasmosis y babesiosis es reportada en este trabajo. Dosis de 2·0 y 2·5 mg/kg de imidocarb dihydrochloride, rapidamente inhibieron las parasitemias concurrentes ascendientes y agudas deAnaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina yBabesia argentina; sin embargo, 1·0 mg/kg tuvo un efecto minimo sobreA. marginale, pero fue muy efectivo contraB. bigemina yB. argentina. El imidocarb dihydrochloride en dosis de 1·0, 2·0 y 2·5 mg/kg inhibió el desarrollo de inmunidad contra la forma aguda deBabesia, haciendo a los terneros mas susceptibles a la babesiosis al desafio. La inhibición de parasitemias deA. marginale estuvo directamente relacionada al aumento de la dosis de imidocarb dihydrochloride; sin embargo, parasitemias debido al recrudecimiento ó a la persistencia despues del tratemiento, tambien ocurrieron mas frecuentemente en dosis altas.

Résumé L'efficacité de ce produit administré à l'occasion d'une unique injection à la dose de 1,0, 2,0 et 2,5 mg/kg contre l'anaplasmose et la babésiose simultanées est rapportée. La dose de 2 à 2,5 mg/kg inhibe rapidement le développement aigu de parasitémies dues à la fois àAnaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina etBabesia argentina; cependant la dose de 1 mg/kg n'a qu'un effet modeste surA. marginale, alors qu'il conserve toute sa valeur contreB. bigemina etB. argentina. A la dose de 1,0, 2,0 et 2,5 mg/kg, ce corps entrave le développement de l'immunité dans les accés aigus dus àBabesia spp. rendant les veaux plus sensibles à de nouvelles attaques de babésioses. L'inhibition de parasitémie à base deA. marginale est directement en rapport avec l'accroissement de la dose d'Imidocarb dihydrochloride; toutefois, la recrudescence et la persistance après traitement de parasitémies sont plus fréquentes après usage de doses élevées.

Summary Calves experimentally infected withAnaplasma marginale were subjected to chemotherapeutic treatment in groups, each group receiving one drug only. Observations were made on clinical signs, haematological changes, parasitaemias and levels of antibodies as measured by the complement fixation test. The most effective treatment was with imidocarb; other drugs which were apparently effective were steclin, terramycin and aureomycin in that order, while chloroquin diphosphate and camoquin gave little indication of therapeutic value.
Eficacia Comparativa De Drogas En La Anaplasmosis Bovina
Resumen Diferentes grupos de terneros infectados conAnaplasma marginale se sometieron a tratamientos quimioprofilácticos con una droga específica cada uno. Se observaron los síntomas clínicos, cambios hematológicos, parasitémias y niveles de anticuerpos, estos últimos mediante la prueba de fijación de complemento. El tratamiento más efectivo fue con imidocarb y en orden decreciente con esteclin, terramicina y aureomicina. El difosfato de cloroquin y el camoquin no tuvieron valor terapéutico.

Efficacite Comparee De Medicaments Contre L'anaplasmose Bovine
Résumé Des veaux expérimentalement infectés parAnaplasma marginale ont été soumis à des traitements chimiothérapiques de groupe, chacun de ces groupes ne recevant qu'un seul des produits essayés. Les observations ont parté sur les signes chimiques, les variations dans les formules hématologiques, la parasitémie et le niveau des anticorps mesurés par la réaction de fixation du complément. Le traitement le plus efficace a été obtenu avec l'imidocarbamide; les autres corps qui ont été apparemment efficaces ont été: steclin, terramycine et aureomycine dans cet ordre, alors que le diphosphate deichloroquine et al camoquine n'ont paru avoir qu'une action thérapeutique très limitée.

Calves experimentally infected with Anaplasma marginale were subjected to chemotherapeutic treatment in groups, each group receiving one drug only. Observations were made on clinical signs, haematological changes, parasitaemias and levels of antibodies as measured by the complement fixation test. The most effective treatment was with imidocarb; other drugs which were apparently effective were steclin, terramycin and aureomycin in that order, while chloroquin diphosphate and camoquin gave little indication of therapeutic value.  相似文献   

Ninety-six urine samples were collected by a sterile technique from 75 dogs affected with urinary tract disease (cystitis, urolithiasis, prostatitis, etc) involving bacteruria. The infecting organisms were isolated and tested against sensitivity discs (penicillin G, streptomycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, sulphamethoxazole/trimethaprin and Sulphatriad). The commonest isolate was Escherichia coli, which was generally sensitive to several agents, though in eight cases it was resistant to all drugs. Next in order were Streptococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Proteus spp. A double infection was present in 11 cases. Further data give a breakdown for sex and the clinical diagnosis, neither of which was related to any particular organism.  相似文献   

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