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Gilts from dams that had been inoculated with inactivated porcine parvovirus (PPV) vaccine before breeding became seronegative to PPV by 26 weeks of age. Vaccination of these gilts with inactivated PPV vaccine at 32 weeks of age resulted in an antibody response that peaked at about 2 weeks after vaccination, with -log10 mean hemagglutination inhibiting (HI) antibody titers of less than 2. In the first-year group (82 gilts), HI titers gradually decreased, 20% of the gilts being seronegative by 6 to 7 weeks after vaccination and 75% being seronegative by 16 weeks after vaccination. In the second-year group, 93 gilts were infected naturally by a field strain of PPV at about 11 weeks after single vaccination with inactivated PPV. Additionally, in the second year, 20 vaccinated and 6 nonvaccinated gilts were immune-challenged with virulent PPV at 10 to 12 weeks after vaccination. Neither field nor challenge PPV infection of vaccinated pregnant gilts caused reproductive failure, even though some of the gilts became seronegative for PPV before challenge. Our findings suggest that single vaccination of gilts with inactivated PPV vaccine should give adequate protection from PPV-induced reproductive failure, even though serum HI titers decrease to an undetectable level shortly before PPV infection.  相似文献   

Pig fetuses inoculated at 45 days gestation with virulent porcine parvovirus (PPV) were harvested 10 days later. Virus was extracted, inactivated with binary ethylenimine and the antigen suspension emulsified with mineral oil adjuvant. One dose of this vaccine, or two doses with a 14 day interval, stimulated high and long lasting serum antibody titres in gilts. Vaccination caused no clinical reactions and lesions at injection sites were minor. Vaccination of seronegative gilts at 40 days gestation caused no adverse effects on fetuses. Six gilts which had been vaccinated five to nine weeks before mating were challenged intravenously with live, virulent PPV at 40 days gestation. At 98 days gestation 78 out of 84 (93 per cent) fetuses were alive and normal and no evidence of PPV infection was found in the six dead (mummified) fetuses. In four unvaccinated gilts similarly challenged with PPV at 40 days gestation only five out of 51 (10 per cent) fetuses survived to 98 days gestation and the virus was detected in 41 of the 46 dead (mummified) fetuses. This vaccine appears to be safe and effective for prevention of PPV-induced fetal loss in gilts.  相似文献   

Gilts vaccinated IM either once (4 gilts) or twice (2 gilts) with an acetylethyleneimine-inactivated porcine parvovirus (PPV) vaccine before they were bred were subsequently exposed intranasally and orally to virulent PPV at about the 40th day of gestation (from 37 to 43 days). At 2 weeks after vaccination, all had hemagglutination-inhibiting (HI) titers for PPV (from 20 to 80) which decreased by the time the immunity was challenged with virulent virus (from 10 to 40), but increased thereafter (from 160 to 1,280). Titers of singly and doubly vaccinated gilts were similar throughout the experiment. The gilts were killed at about the 84th day of gestation (from 80 to 87 days), and their litters were examined. Litters were comprised of 68 live fetuses and 1 dead fetus (7 to 14 fetuses/litter). Neither viral antigen, PPV, nor homologous HI antibody was found in any of the fetuses. In addition, 4 gilts were kept in contact with the vaccinated gilts and were treated similarly except for vaccination. These 4 gilts remained free of HI antibody until after they were exposed to virulent PPV during gestation. At the time the gilts were killed the titers were 1,280 to 2,560. Their litters were comprised of 11 live fetuses and 26 dead fetuses (8 to 11 fetuses/litter). Virus was isolated from fetuses of all litters. Viral antigen was found in 24 of the dead fetuses and 10 of the live fetuses. All infected live fetuses also had HI antibody for PPV. The 2 boars used to breed vaccinated and nonvaccinated gilts (usually each gilt was bred to each of the 2 boars), but not exposed to virulent PPV, remained free of HI antibody for PPV.  相似文献   

A commercially manufactured leptospirosis vaccine containing serovars pomona and hardjo and licensed for use in cattle and sheep was investigated to determine if it would prevent leptospiruria in pigs exposed to serovar pomona. Twenty piglets were each vaccinated twice at an interval of three weeks. Twenty other piglets were unvaccinated and served as controls. Three weeks after the second dose of vaccine all animals were exposed for 64 to 89 days to a natural infection with pomona. During the investigation blood samples were examined serologically and urine samples were examined by dark ground microscopy and cultured for the presence of leptospirae. Attempts were made to culture leptospirae from kidneys at slaughter. Kidneys were also examined histologically for evidence of leptospira infection. One vaccinated animal developed a respiratory disease. It was treated with antibiotics and removed from the trial. Leptosphuria was demonstrated in six of the remaining 19 vaccinated pigs and leptospirae were found in nine of 578 (1.5%) urine samples examined from these animals during the period of exposure. In contrast leptospiruria occurred in 19 of 20 unvaccinated pigs and leptospirae were found in 253 of 642 (39.4%) urine samples examined from these animals. Histopathological lesions consistent with leptospirosis were found in kidneys examined from two of 16 vaccinates and 17 of 18 non-vaccinates. Antibodies to serovar pomona were detected in 12 of 19 vaccinated pigs examined three weeks after the second dose of vaccine and before exposure to infection, and in all of 18 unvaccinated pigs examined after exposure to infection. It was concluded that use of this vaccine in pigs resulted in a significant degree of protection against leptospiruria.  相似文献   

A live vaccine based on a European isolate of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (Porcilis PRRS) was tested in this study in order to determine the protection of fattening pigs against the respiratory form of the syndrome under field conditions. Ten thousand pigs in an infected farm were vaccinated against PRRS virus at the age of 6 weeks and were compared with non-vaccinated pigs with respect to their health status, mortality, performance parameters (average daily gain, average daily feed intake, feed conversion ratio) and the presence of certain pathogens in their lungs. The results showed that treated pigs became ill less frequently and demonstrated reduced mortality compared with untreated ones. As compared with non-vaccinated animals, PRRS-vaccinated pigs also performed in a better way with respect to the feed conversion ratio (P < 0.05) and average daily gain (P < 0.05), while feed intake was similar for both groups (P > 0.05). Bacteriological examinations of the lungs revealed increased incidence of respiratory bacterial infection in untreated pigs compared with treated ones. A tendency for a faster antibody response was also detected in the vaccinees. The results of the present study show that immunization with a live vaccine does protect fattening pigs against the respiratory manifestations of PRRS.  相似文献   

An outbreak of reproductive failure, characterised by mummified foetuses and stillbirths, was investigated in an intensive piggery. Six foetuses that died towards the end of gestation had multifocal myocardial necrosis and encephalomyocarditis virus was recovered from 4 of these foetuses but not from 6 mummified foetuses. There was also a significant increase in failure of conception or early embryonic deaths in sows mated at the same time as sows which produced affected litters.  相似文献   

In order to determine if vertically transmitted porcine circovirus (PCV) has played a role in reproductive failure in pigs in areas of endemic infection, archival fixed tissues were examined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry. Tissues tested were from routine cases of abortion or reproductive failure submitted between 1995 and 1998 to the diagnostic laboratory at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, Saskatoon. They originated from 29 high-health herds in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan and comprised a total of 36 individual submissions. Porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1) was not detected by PCR in any submitted tissues. Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) was not detected by PCR or immunohistochemistry in any of the submitted tissue. The effect of extended formalin fixation on the detection of PCV2 by PCR was assessed and fixation for up to one week had no gross effect on sensitivity of detection using this PCR technique. Failure to detect porcine circoviruses in cases of reproductive failure prior to 1999 in areas of endemic infections, suggests that reproductive disease may be a new clinical manifestation of PCV2 infection, and that vertical transmission may not have been the primary mechanism of initial dissemination of the virus in the pig population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine effects of vaccination protocols with modified-live porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) vaccine on persistence and transmission of virus in pigs infected with a homologous isolate and determine clinical and virologic responses following heterologous viral challenge. ANIMALS: Four hundred forty 6- to 8-week-old PRRSV-na?ve pigs. PROCEDURES: Pigs were allocated into 5 groups. Groups A to D were inoculated with wild-type PRRSV VR2332. Group A (positive control pigs) received PRRSV only. Groups B, C, and D received modified-live PRRSV vaccine (1, 2, or 3 doses). Group E served as a negative control group. To evaluate viral transmission, sentinel pigs were introduced into each group at intervals from 37 to 67, 67 to 97, and 97 to 127 days postinoculation (DPI). To evaluate persistence, pigs were euthanized at 37, 67, 97, or 127 DPI. To assess clinical and virologic response after challenge, selected pigs from each group were inoculated at 98 DPI with a heterologous isolate (PRRSV MN-184). RESULTS: Mass vaccination significantly reduced the number of persistently infected pigs at 127 DPI. Vaccination did not eliminate wild-type PRRSV; administration of 2 or 3 doses of modified-live virus vaccine reduced viral shedding after 97 DPI. Previous exposure to wild-type and vaccine virus reduced clinical signs and enhanced growth following heterologous challenge but did not prevent infection. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Findings suggest that therapeutic vaccination may help to reduce economic losses of PRRSV caused by infection; further studies to define the role of modified-live virus vaccines in control-eradication programs are needed.  相似文献   

A new clinicopathological disorder associated with a paramyxovirus infection in pigs is described. Central nervous system manifestations and corneal opacity are the main features in piglets two to 21 days old. Older pigs seem to be more resistant and only corneal opacity is commonly observed. In pregnant sows the virus appears to be responsible for reproductive disturbances such as stillbirth, mummification and a return to oestrus. The changes are mainly microscopic and characterised by a non-suppurative encephalomyelitis, interstitial pneumonia and anterior uveitis with corneal oedema. Experimental infection of one-day-old piglets with the virus reproduced clinical signs similar to those described in naturally infected piglets. The virus was recovered from the tonsils, lung and brain of the experimentally infected piglets between the fourth and 20th day after infection.  相似文献   

畜禽传染病是由一些特定病原微生物引起的疾病,传播快、危害大。随着畜牧业的快速倔起,畜禽疾病的危害也日益突出,严重地制约着畜牧业的健康发展。纵观近几年畜禽疾病的流行情况,传染病给畜牧业造成的经济损失有明显上升的趋势,老的疾病没有得到有效控制,新的疾病又不断出现,疾病流行成为的养殖人员最感头痛的问题。据统计,1999年我国死于疾病的猪占养猪总量的8%,鸡的死亡率为20%,直接经济损失达300多亿元,另加上因疾病淘汰的畜禽及由此导致的生产性能下降及治疗药费加大和饲料转化率降低的开支,总计经济损失将达到800亿元左右。控制传染病,…  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to detect the presence of porcine parvovirus (PPV) and porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) in a farm showing reproductive failure and increased mortality in neonatal piglets by histopathological examination, polymerase chain reaction, and demonstration of viral antigen and nucleic acid. Out of 594 piglets farrowed by 70 first-parity gilts, nine (1.51%) mummified fetuses, 13 (2.19%) stillborn, and 572 (96.3%) live-born piglets were recorded. The average litter size at birth was 8.48 piglets per litter. One hundred ninety-four (33.91%) piglets died within 7 days of age. PPV was detected in five litters (7.14%) and two of them revealed coinfection with PCV2. The pathological lesions in the coinfected litters were more severe, indicating a synergistic action between the two viruses. Results of this study suggest for the first time occurrence of PPV and coinfection with PCV2 in crossbred Indian pigs affected with reproductive problem and neonatal mortality.  相似文献   

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