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通过试验与推广总结出在杨树育苗中应用割地草最适施用时期是杨树芽苞未萌动前,最经济施用浓度为0.1%喷湿土表,除草效果90%以上,结合一次中耕除草,可基本免除人工除草。  相似文献   

长江滩地I-72杨人工林生物量和生产力研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
应用典型样地调查法和相对生长法,测定了长江滩地4种密度14年生I-72杨人工林的生物量与生产力.发现在密度250~370株·hm-2的范围内,I-72杨林分生物量从102.40 t·hm-2增加到147.20 t·hm-2,生产力从7.31 t·hm-2·a-1增加到10.52 t·hm-2·a-1.在所调查的林分中,地上部分生物量占总生物量的90%,其中干54%、枝28%、皮7%、叶1%;地下部分生物量仅占总生物量10%.在4种密度的林分中,I-72杨人工林生物量的径级分布表现为波浪形,随着林分密度的增大,生物量高峰出现时的径阶有减小的趋势.  相似文献   

修枝对欧美杨107杨水分生理的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

We compared responses to drought and re-watering of greenhouse-grown cuttings of Populus x euramericana (Dode) Guinier clones, Luisa Avanzo and Dorskamp. Total leaf area, leaf number, leaf area increment and stomatal conductance were evaluated periodically during a 29-day drought period and for 16 days after re-watering. Soil water content and predawn leaf water potential (Psi(wp)) were measured on Days 29 and 45. On the same days, relative water content (RWC), specific leaf area (SLA), nitrogen, chlorophyll, soluble sugars, total phenols, flavanols and antioxidant activity were determined for leaves taken from the bottom to the top of each cutting. Leaves of Luisa Avanzo cuttings grew more rapidly than leaves of Dorskamp and exhibited higher SLA, but lower concentrations of nitrogen, chlorophyll and soluble sugars and lower antioxidant activity per unit area. On Day 29, after withholding water, both clones had closed their stomata, reduced rates of leaf growth, and lower Psi(wp) and RWC; however, the clones differed in their responses to soil water depletion. Compared to Dorskamp, Luisa Avanzo closed its stomata earlier and maintained higher Psi(wp), but lower RWC and leaf sugar concentrations. Antioxidant activity of leaf methanolic extracts decreased in response to water stress only in Luisa Avanzo. Leaf physiology and its modulation by water stress were age dependent in Luisa Avanzo.  相似文献   

23个欧美杨无性系苗期叶锈病抗性测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以引进23个欧美杨无性系为研究对象,通过对苗木叶锈病感病指数的调查,借助SPSS统计软件对调查数据进行统计分析,结果表明:对叶锈病的抗性表现超过对照品种I108的有19个,其中02-36-1、02-36-4、N177、N197和N195这5个无性系对叶锈病完全免疫;无性系02-34-334对叶锈病表现为高度抗病;02-01-119、324、03-04-111、03-04-97和02-34-278表现为抗病;03-04-141、03-04-170、02-34-347和03-05-184表现为感病;02-01-219、03-04-167、03-04-288和02-34-228表现为高感;对叶锈病的抗性表现不及对照品种I108的有3个,即03-05-206、03-04-171和03-05-156,均表现为高感。  相似文献   

To test if some leaf parameters are predictors of productivity in a range of Populus deltoides (Bartr.) Marsh. x P. nigra L. clones, we assessed leaf traits and productivity in 2-month-old rooted cuttings from 31 clones growing in 4-l pots in a greenhouse, under conditions of controlled temperature and optimal irrigation. We evaluated four groups of variables describing (1) productivity (total biomass), (2) leaf growth (total leaf number increment and total leaf area increment rate), (3) leaf structure (specific leaf area and nitrogen and carbon contents) and (4) carbon isotope discrimination (delta), which is negatively correlated with time-integrated water-use efficiency. High-yielding clones did not necessarily display high leaf growth rates, but they displayed a larger total leaf area, lower specific leaf area and lower leaf nitrogen concentration than clones with low productivity. Total leaf area was mainly controlled by maximal individual leaf area and total leaf area increment rate (r = 0.51 and 0.56, respectively). Carbon isotope discrimination did not correlate with total biomass, but it was associated with total number of leaves and total leaf area increment rate (r = 0.39 and 0.45, respectively). Therefore, leaf area and specific leaf area were better indicators of productivity than leaf growth traits. The observed independence of delta from biomass production provides opportunities for selecting poplar clones combining high productivity and high water-use efficiency.  相似文献   

The variation of tensile strength parallel to grain in Chinese fir and I-214 poplar wood from plantations was studied in this paper. Aaccording to the national standards The Testing Methods for Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood (GB 1927 to 1943 ? 1991), the small clear wood samples were cut and tested, which represent the south and north of trees with heights of 1.3, 3.3, 5.3 and 7.3 m. The results showed: the tensile strength parallel to grain of the north wood was higher than that of south wood. ANOVA shows that the tensile strength parallel to the grain with height is of significant difference (at 0.05 level).  相似文献   

We hypothesized that photoinhibition of shade-developed leaves of deciduous hardwood saplings would limit their ability to acclimate photosynthetically to increased irradiance, and we predicted that shade-tolerant sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) would be more susceptible to photoinhibition than intermediately shade-tolerant red oak (Quercus rubra L.). After four weeks in a canopy gap, photosynthetic rates of shade-developed leaves of both species had increased in response to the increase in irradiance, although final acclimation was more complete in red oak. However, photoinhibition occurred in both species, as indicated by short-term reductions in maximum rates of net photosynthesis and the quantum yield of oxygen evolution, and longer-term reductions in the efficiency of excitation energy capture by open photosystem II (PSII) reaction centers (dark-adapted F(v)/F(m)) and the quantum yield of PSII in the light (phi(PSII)). The magnitude and duration of this decrease were greater in sugar maple than in red oak, suggesting greater susceptibility to photoinhibition in sugar maple. Photoinhibition may have resulted from photodamage, but it may also have involved sustained rates of photoprotective energy dissipation (especially in red oak). Photosynthetic acclimation also appeared to be linked to an ability to increase leaf nitrogen content. Limited photosynthetic acclimation in shade-developed sugar maple leaves may reflect a trade-off between shade-tolerance and rapid acclimation to a canopy gap.  相似文献   

Jonsson TH 《Tree physiology》2006,26(7):905-914
At coastal sites, trees are exposed to marine aerosols that may cause foliar necrosis and shoot dieback, which can result in deformed crowns and contorted stems. A six-year study of leaf primordia in terminal buds of black cottonwood trees (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & Gray) on Heimaey Island off the south coast of Iceland was undertaken to elucidate the physiological events associated with salt-deposition-related bud failure. Leaf and bud lengths, dry mass, water content and chloride concentrations were monitored and related to four phenological stages: (1) bud set; (2) dormancy induction; (3) dormancy release; and (4) bud break. The trees set buds in July and shed their leaves by late September. Leaf primordia generally stopped growing by September 10 +/- 22 days and attained midwinter water content in late September. Leaf growth commenced in the terminal buds by March 2 +/- 16 days, but mean dates of bud swelling and bud break were April 29 +/- 19 and May 10 +/- 12 days. In summer and until November, chloride concentrations in leaf primordia were low, but increasing. Chloride concentrations remained stable from December to February, even though the dormant trees were exposed to large amounts of marine aerosols. In February and March, three events occurred more or less simultaneously: (1) leaf extension growth commenced; (2) chloride concentration surged in the leaf primordia; and (3) the leaf primordia began to hydrate. Following dormancy release, growth and hydration of leaf primordia were negatively related to chloride concentration in the leaf primordia, with inhibition of leaf growth, tissue hydration and chloride acquisition occurring at a chloride concentration threshold estimated at 7.3 mg Cl- g(-1) tissue water. Necrosis of leaf primordia was observed above 14 mg Cl- g(-1) tissue water. Growth and hydration of leaves at bud break in mid-May was explained by a three-parameter logistic model of chloride concentration in leaf primordia at the end of March. By mid-May, 90% of all buds remained non-necrotic, but only 56% the terminal buds had broken. Salt alone explained the observed growth suppression of leaf primordia in the buds and the resultant failure of terminal buds to break by mid-May.  相似文献   

  • ? Mycorrhizal fungi and hydrogels (water-absorbing polymers) can improve water availability for trees. The combination of both factors for plant performance under water limitation has not yet been studied.
  • ? To investigate the influence of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus, hydrogel and the combination of both factors, a drought-sensitive poplar, Populus euphratica, was examined in this study.
  • ? After 16 weeks of inoculation, no ectomycorrhizas were found. Nevertheless, P. involutus-inoculated poplars displayed increased concentrations of soluble sugars and osmolality, leading to an improved water status. Growth was diminished compared with non-inoculated P. euphratica. The presence of hydrogels in the rooting medium resulted in increased biomass and higher plant water content and decreased the osmolality of plant tissues. Drought markedly decreased water contents in rooting medium and plants, and leaf chlorophyll fluorescence, and stimulated the root growth, concentrations of soluble sugars and osmolality in plants. Under drought conditions, P. euphratica exhibited osmoregulation by accumulation of low-molecular-weight carbohydrates.
  • ? These data indicate that adding hydrogels to soils may improve the plant performance. The reasons for improved osmoregulation by fungi and hydrogels were probably related to their stimulating influence on the formation of soluble carbohydrates under drought conditions.
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    南抗杨、常绿杨对云斑天牛抗性的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
    通过人工接种天牛成虫试验和相关抗性指标的测定与分析,结果表明,接种成虫在I-69、I-72杨上的栖息时间较长,而且刻槽、产卵数均较其在南抗杨、常绿杨上多;抗性生理指标测定结果表明,相同立地条件下,几个测定树种(两年生健壮植株)树皮的含水量,南抗杨<常绿杨<I-72杨<I-69杨,这与树种抗虫性强弱相一致;树皮细胞膜透性:刺槐<常绿杨<南抗杨<I-69杨<I-72杨;树皮内酚类物质含量;:南抗杨、常绿杨、I-69杨、I-72杨依次降低。室内试验结果与试验地(歌乐山、荣昌、双桥)调查的云斑天牛危害各参试树种的结果相一致,即南抗杨对天牛的抗性较强,常绿杨次之,I-69,I-72杨对天牛的抗性较弱。  相似文献   



    The European black poplar (Populus nigra) is considered one of the most seriously endangered indigenous tree species. However, the total area covered by monoclonal plantations of hybrid poplar is growing, because of the high profitability of these trees.  相似文献   

    Effects of 10 microM cadmium (supplied as Cd nitrate) on the utilization and allocation of iron (Fe) were investigated in poplar (Populus alba L.) plants grown in nutrient solution with Fe(III)-EDTA or Fe(III)-citrate as the Fe source. The effects of Cd were also compared with those of Fe deprivation. The accumulation of Fe in roots was 10-fold higher in plants grown with Fe-citrate than with Fe-EDTA. Cadmium decreased leaf chlorophyll concentrations and photosynthetic rates, and these decreases were more marked in plants grown with Fe-citrate than with Fe-EDTA. In both Fe treatments, addition of Cd caused large increases in root and shoot apoplasmic and non-apoplasmic Cd contents and increases in root Fe content; however, Cd decreased shoot Fe content, especially in plants grown with Fe-citrate. New leaves of plants grown with Fe-citrate had small cellular (non-apoplasmic) Fe pools, whereas these pools were large in new leaves of plants grown with Fe-EDTA. Non-apoplasmic Cd pools in new leaves were smaller in plants grown with Fe-citrate than with Fe-EDTA, indicating that inactivation of non-apoplasmic Cd pools is facilitated more by Fe-EDTA than by Fe-citrate. In the presence of Cd, Fe-EDTA was also superior to Fe-citrate in maintaining an adequate Fe supply to poplar shoots. Differences in plant responses to Fe-EDTA and Fe-citrate may reflect differences in long-distance transport of Fe rather than in acquisition of Fe by roots.  相似文献   

    We studied the effects of three nitrogen (N) supply rates (low, intermediate and high) on Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings and poplar clone "I-214" (Populus x euroamericana (Dole) Guinier) cuttings growing in mini-stands. Our specific objectives were to: (1) evaluate the effects of N supply on water-use efficiency (WUE) and biomass production; (2) determine if N affects WUE through control of carbon assimilation rates or through stomatal control of water loss; and (3) compare three methods of estimating WUE: one short-term method (WUE(i), based on gas exchange measurements) and two long-term methods (WUE(T), based on the ratio between biomass production and transpired water, and Delta, based on leaf carbon isotope discrimination tested as a proxy of WUE). In both species, biomass production, WUE(i) and WUE(T) increased with increasing N supply, but there was no effect of N supply on either transpiration or stomatal conductance and Delta was negatively related to leaf N concentration. Plots of Delta versus both WUE(i) and WUE(T) revealed negative trends, but the regression between WUE(i) and Delta was significant only for Douglas-fir, and the regression between WUE(T) and Delta was significant only for poplar. Thus, the mechanisms underlying the response of WUE to N supply were mainly related to a positive effect of N supply on photosynthetic rates. The data confirm that carbon isotope discrimination may be a useful proxy of WUE. The finding that N availability enhances both biomass production and WUE may have practical implications in regions where these factors impose constraints on forest productivity.  相似文献   

    Saplings of six Finnish hybrid aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx. x P. tremula L.) clones were exposed to 0, 50, 100 and 150 ppb ozone (O3) for 32 days in a chamber experiment to determine differences in O3 sensitivity among genotypes. Based on the chamber experiment, three clones with intermediate sensitivity to O3 were selected for a free-air O3 enrichment experiment in which plants were exposed for 2 months to either ambient air (control) or air containing 1.3 x the ambient O3 concentration. We measured stem height and radial growth, number of leaves, dry mass and relative growth rate of leaves, stem and roots, visible leaf injuries, net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of the clones. There was high clonal variation in susceptibility to O3 in the chamber experiment, indicated by foliar injuries and differential reductions in growth and net photosynthesis. In the free-air O3 enrichment experiment, ozone caused a shift in resource allocation toward stem height growth, thereby altering the shoot to root balance. In both experiments, low O3 concentrations tended to stimulate growth of most clones, whereas 100 and 150 ppb O3 in the chamber experiment impaired growth of most clones. However, growth of the most O3-tolerant clone was not significantly affected by any O3 treatment.  相似文献   

    Leaf development of shoots exposed to full sunlight and shoots shaded by the canopy was followed in field-grown, mature peach trees (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch, cv. Loring) during the first half of the 1995 growing season. The architecture and size of shaded shoots and sun-exposed shoots differed significantly. Total number of leaves produced on shaded shoots was significantly less than on sun-exposed shoots throughout the season, and differences in leaf number between light conditions increased as the season progressed. The overall patterns of leaf development along sun-exposed and shaded shoots were qualitatively similar. The expression pattern of the type II chlorophyll a/b-binding protein gene, Lhcb2*Pp1, determined by RNA abundance in leaves at different positions along the shoot, was also similar between the two light conditions. The major difference between sun-exposed and shaded leaves was a lower abundance of Lhcb2*Pp1 RNA in mature, shaded leaves compared with sun-exposed leaves. Although the number of fruit per shoot was significantly lower on shaded shoots than on sun-exposed shoots, the rate of fruit drop was not substantially different during the growing season, indicating that quantitative differences in leaf initiation and growth caused by differences in light exposure did not adversely affect fruit retention. However, based on comparison with a previous study of leaf development in non-fruiting trees, reproductive development slowed the rate of vegetative growth without affecting the overall pattern of leaf development along the shoots.  相似文献   

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