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The incidence of Alopecurus myosuroides seedheads was monitored annually for 10 years in the cereal fields of a 173-ha arable and dairy farm. A. myosuroides persisted at low population densities, despite the use of herbicides and grass breaks in the rotation. The distribution of the weed was irregular, with none occurring on at least 60% of the positions surveyed in the cereal fields. Spatial distributions were compared between years, and some significant correlations were found from year to year in continuous cereals, and in cereal crops separated by a 3-year grass ley.  相似文献   

S. R. MOSS 《Weed Research》1987,27(5):313-320
Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. was studied over a 2-year period in winter wheat established after tine cultivations or direct drilling. Straw was removed by baling or spread and burnt. Seed production was either allowed or prevented by cutting and removing all vegetation at the end of the first year. Cultivation differences had no consistent effect on plant or seed populations. Straw burning destroyed about 50% of seeds and encouraged the germination of surviving seeds. Weed populations in the crop were lower on burnt than on baled areas. Where seed shedding was allowed, populations of seeds in soil and plants increased by up to nine-fold per year. Straw burning resulted in smaller population increases. Seed decline in the soil averaged about 80% per year, so that less than 6% of the weed seeds sown were still viable after 2 years’burial in the soil. Most of the seed decline occurred between July and October and was slightly greater on burnt than on baled areas. Only part of this seed loss was accounted for by germination and emergence of seedlings during summer and autumn. Plants emerging in the crop represented less than 26% of viable seeds present in the soil at time of drilling the crop. Few seedlings emerged in spring. The viability of shed seeds varied with year and with weed density. High infestations were associated with lower seed viability and also fewer heads per plant.  相似文献   

The survival of Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. seeds in soil   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
S. R. MOSS 《Weed Research》1985,25(3):201-211
The survival of Alopecurus myosuroides seeds was studied in soil under arable cropping and short term grass leys in which seed return was prevented. At two winter wheat sites, where weed seeds were sown, the mean annual seed decline was 73–83% over a 2- or 3-year period. The rate of decline was similar with all the cultivation systems studied: ploughing, tine cultivation and direct drilling. Seeds buried initially by ploughing, and then not disturbed by cultivation, were slightly more persistent. At five arable sites with natural populations of A. myosuroides, seed numbers declined to an average of 3% of the original amount present after 3 years, and to 1% after 4 years. Initial populations of over 50 000 seeds m?2 were recorded. Plant populations were not always proportional to the total seed content of the soil, especially on ploughed land. Seed decline in two grass fields was similar to that under arable cropping. A. myosuroides plants were recorded in a wheat crop following a 2-year grass ley. Weed plants did not persist in the vegetative state in grass used for conservation and grazing. At all sites, appreciable quantities of seeds were still present in the soil after 2–4 years. Although a relatively small proportion of seeds survived, the actual number of seeds surviving was substantial. For this reason, it was concluded that any eradication policy is unlikely to be effective in a cropping system dominated by winter cereals.  相似文献   

B. MELANDER 《Weed Research》1995,35(3):157-166
The impact of drilling date on Apera spica-venti and Alopecurus myosuroides in winter cereals was investigated in field trials in 1991 and 1992. Two drilling dates were considered with an inter val of 14 to 16 days between dates. Generally, drilling date had an inconsistent effect on weed plant populations in spring, but seedling emerg ence of both species appeared to be delayed at the later drilling compared with the earlier date. This delay may partly explain the reduced com petitive ability of A. myosuroides in wheat in 1991 and 1992 and of A. spica-venti in wheat in 1991 at the later drilling date. The seed popula tion per plant of both species was lower at the later date in some instances, whereas in others drilling date had no effect. Reduced seed produc tion was mainly caused by a reduction of the number of inflorescences per plant. The poten tial of utilizing drilling dates as a cultural control measure against grass weeds is discussed.  相似文献   

P. AYRES 《Weed Research》1987,27(3):195-205
In pot and field experiments the addition of Ethylan D256 surfactant to spray solutions improved control of black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) by diclofop-methyl. Various other surfactants and oil adjuvants enhanced phytotoxicity but, generally, to a lesser extent. Ethylan D256 had most effect with applications made at early growth stages. Control of older plants was generally poor, whether or not the surfactant was added. Addition of Ethylan D256 had little effect on selectivity between A. myosuroides and cereals from lower than recommended doses of diclofop-methyl, but there was a suggestion of yield reduction from higher doses. Tank mixing with esters of ioxynil and bromoxynil sometimes improved control by diclofop-methyl but in other circumstances either had no effect or reduced phytotoxicity. Applications of diclofop-methyl in 60 or 120 1 ha?1 spray volume were as effective as applications in 240 1 ha?1.  相似文献   

Seed shedding from heads of Alopecurus myosuroides occurred from late June to late August at most locations. Most seeds were shed before winter wheat (Triticum-aestivum L.) was harvested hut at two winter barley (Hordeum sativum L.) sites, only 50% of seed was shed prior to harvest. The viability of seeds shed at the start and end of the shedding period tended to be lower than that at peak shedding time in late July and early August. There were large differences between sites in the viability of the total amount of seed shed. The results of viability tests based on the presence of full caryopses and germination in pots of sterile soil were similar. Assessments of head numbers and head length were significantly correlated with total seed production. Head length, but not head number assessments, were also significantly correlated with viable seed production.  相似文献   

In the UK biotypes of black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds) showing resistance to both chlorotoluron (CTU) and aryloxyphenoxypropionate graminicides are increasingly being observed. Although the precise mechanisms involved in this resistance have yet to be identified, increased herbicide metabolism has been implicated as being involved in at least some cases of resistance. Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are a group of enzymes which have been demonstrated to metabolise herbicides in some plants, and the resistant black-grass biotype Peldon contains approximately double the GST activity towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) of susceptible biotypes. To investigate further the possible role of GSTs in herbicide resistance in black-grass, a purification procedure has been developed for these enzymes. A 27.5 kDa polypeptide possessing GST activity was purified from the susceptible biotype Herbiseed. Purification of GSTs from the resistant biotype Peldon also identified this polypeptide along with an additional 30 kDa polypeptide. An in-vitro kinetic study of both crude and purified GST extracts, and western blot analysis using antisera raised against the 27.5 kDa polypeptide, suggest that the 30 kDa polypeptide may possess GST activity, and is not a precursor of the 27.5 kDa polypeptide. These results are discussed and compared to GST profiles for other weeds and crops demonstrating herbicide resistance or tolerance. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

AC 222,293 was found to exert its mode of action through inhibition of acetolactate synthase, the first enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of the branched chain amino acids. In vitro AC 222,293 was found to be only a very weak inhibitor of the enzyme, in contrast to the potent inhibition by the free acid, suggesting that action of the herbicide in vivo is dependent on deesterification. Enzyme preparations from susceptible Avena fatua and Alopecurus myosuroides and tolerant wheat (cultivar Fenman) were all equally sensitive with an I50 of approximately 5 · 10−7 M. Inhibition of treated plants is prevented when valine, leucine, and isoleucine are supplied via the nutrient solution. Prominent secondary effects are inhibition of DNA synthesis and cell division and the action of the herbicide is characterised by cessation of leaf growth.  相似文献   

Foliage applications of AC 222,293 were more active against Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. plants growing at high (26/16°C day/night) compared to either medium (16/10°C) or low (11/7°C) temperatures. Soil activity was unaffected by temperature. Enhanced activity against A. myosuroides required exposure to the high temperatures for only 24 h immediately post spraying and correlated with the accumulation of greater levels of the biologically active acid in the apical meristem region during this period. Both foliage and soil activity of AC 222,293 were greatest against Avena fatua L. plants growing at medium (16/10°C) compared to either high (26/16°C) or low (11/7°C) temperatures. Foliar activity decreased slowly with increasing periods of high temperatures post spraying and then only at doses lower than those recommended for field use. Reduced performance at the high temperatures correlated with lower levels of the biologically active acid in the meristem region, despite greater uptake and translocation. This was due to increased metabolism of the parent herbicide and formation of metabolites other than the free acid.  相似文献   

Mixed infestations of Alopecurus m yosuroides Huds. and broad-leaved weeds in winter cereals were controlled with a commercial formulation of ioxynil + bromoxynil + mecoprop. used in mixtures or as sequences with isoproturon or clofop-isobutyl. As well as controlling A. myosuroides the mixtures, applied in the autumn, gave good control of Veronica persica Poir., Galium aparine L. Lilhospermum arvense L. and Viola arvensis Murr. weeds which were resistant to isoproturon used alone. A. myosuroides had the major influence on crop yield in three experiments. High infestations of A. myosuroides reduced the broad-leaved weeds so that crop yields were only slightly improved when all the weeds were controlled compared with the control of A. myosuroides alone. In the remaining experiment. V. persica was very competitive with wheat; additional control of A. myosuroides improved yields considerably. Ioxynil + bromoxynil + mecoprop gave better final control of broad-leaved weeds when applied in the spring rather than the autumn but the sequence of a spring application following isoproturon or clofop-isobutyl in the autumn did not improve yields compared with the mixtures applied in the autumn. In all experiments, the highest yields were obtained from controlling both A. myosuroides and broad-leaved weeds in the autumn, provided that good control of A. myosuroides was obtained.  相似文献   

In trials carried out in 1978–80, blackgrass populations in winter wheat growing on heavy soil were substantially reduced by all chemical treatments tested, the least effective being methabenzthiazuron. Wild oat populations were also reduced by all treatments except chlofop-isobutyl and methabenzthiazuron. On average of the 3 years only metoxuron treatment gave wheat yields significantly higher than the unsprayed crop.  相似文献   

The inhibition of photosynthesis of detached black-grass leaves by chlorotoluron could be quantified by measuring the fluorescence induction using a sensor that almost fully suppressed the reflection component. The induction curve was measured twice on the same leaf spots, first after putting the leaves in the herbicide solution for 16 h, and again after placing the leaves in water for 1 day. Leaves from resistant plants showed partial to full recovery from the inhibition, while susceptible plants did not. These results for fluorescence induction were compared with the inhibition of photosynthesis rate in intact black-grass plants by chlorotoluron in the nutrient solution, and the recovery that occurred when the roots were placed again in herbicide-free nutrient solution. The similarity of the results indicates that the procedure for fluorescence induction can replace the more labour-intensive and complicated demonstration of inactivation by measuring photosynthesis rate. Each plant must be measured separately to avoid suppressing the differences between plants within a population. The method was used for samples from 22 fields in The Netherlands in which resistance of black-grass to chlorotoluron was suspected. The results indicate that substantial resistance was present in only two populations, but that weak resistance occurred in all fields. Utilisation de l'induction de fluorescence pour diagnostiquer la résistance au chlorotoluron chez le vulpin, Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. L'inhibition de la photosynthèse de feuilles de vulpin par le chorotoluron pourrait être quantifiee par la mesure de l'induction de fluorescence en utilisant un récepteur qui supprime quasiment la reflexion. La courbe d'induction était mesuree 2 fois, sur les memes fragments de feuille, la première après avoir mise pendant 16 h les feuilles dans la solution herbicide, et de nouveau après avoir placé les feuilles dans l'eau pendant un jour, Les feuilles des plantes resistantes se recuperaient partiellement à totalement de l'inhibition, tandis que les plantes sensibles ne le faisaient pas. Ces résultats sur l'induction de fluorescence ont été comparés avec le taux d'inhibition de la photosynthèse dans des plantes intactes de vulpin par le chlorotoluron dans la solution nutritive et avec la récupération qui apparaissait quand les racines étaient de nouveau placées dans une solution exempte d'herbicide, Les résultats similaires montrent que le procédé de I'induction de fluorescence peut remplacer la démonstration de l'inactivation, beaucoup plus laborieuse et compliquée par la mesure du taux de photosynthèse, Chaque plante doit être mesurée séparément pour éviter la suppression des différences entre piantes dans une population. La méthode a été utilisée pour les échantillons venant de 22 champs aux Pays-Bas dans lesquels on suspectait une résistance du vulpin au chlorotoluron. Les résultats montrent qu'une resistance réelle était seulement présente dans deux populations, mais qu'une faible résistance existait dans tous les champs. Fluorimetrische Diagnose der Resistenz von Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. (Acker-Fuchsschwanz) gegenüber Chlortoluron Die Hemmung der Photosynthese in isolierten Blättern von Acker-Fuchsschwanz durch Chlortoluron konnte durch Messung der Fluoreszenz-induktion bestimmt werden, wobei ein Sensor benutzt wurde, der die Reflektion fast vollständig ehminierte. Die Induktionskurve wurde zweimal gemessen, zum einen nach dem Einstetzen der Blätter für 16 h in die Herbizidlösung und zum andern nochmals nach einem Tag auf Wasser, Blätter resistenter Pflanzen erholten sich teilweise oder ganz von der Hemmung, solche empfindlicher Pflanzen nicht. Die Ergebnisse der Fluoreszenzinduktion wurden mit der Hemmung der Photosyntheserate intakter Pflanzen durch Chlortoluron in der Nährlösung und der Erholung nach Überführen der Wurzeln in herbizidfreie Nährlösung verglichen. Die Ähnlichkeit der Ergebnisse zeigt, daß man die arbeitsintensivere und komplizierte Bestimmung der Inaktivierung mittels Messung der Photosyntheserate durch die Fluoreszenzinduktion ersetzen kann. Jede Pflanze muß für sich gemessen werden, um ein Verwischen der Unterschiede zwischen den Pflanzen einer Population zu vermeiden. Die Methode wurde zur Untersuchung von Proben aus 22 Feldern in den Niederlanden angewandt, wo Resistenz von Acker-Fuchsschwanz gegenüber Chlortoluron vermutet wurde. Nur in 2 Populationen wurde eine volle Resistenz festgestellt, aber eine schwache Resistenz lag bei allen Fällen vor.  相似文献   

Seedling emergence of Alopecurus myosuroides Huds., Stellaria media L. (Vill.), Galium aparine L. and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was compared at a range of depths of soil cover from 2 to 11 cm. The covering soil was a fertile agricultural soil with 60% clay content which had been sieved into four aggregate sizes. The aggregate sizes used were 26-50 mm. 14-25 mm. 6-13 mm and below 6 mm. Total emergence of all species was reduced with increased depth of sou cover. With A. myosuroides and S. media, total emergence was lowest in fine soil conditions. Alopecurus myosuroides showed a marked interaction whereby response to depth of sowing was least with fine tilth. The time to 50% emergence showed a similar response. With all four species, seedling emergence was slowest at greater depths of sowing and with the finest tilth, the differences tending to increase with increasing depth of sowing. A vert high proportion of the time to 50% emergence was accounted for by the lag time between sowing and the first recorded emergence.  相似文献   

B. J. WILSON 《Weed Research》1979,19(3):193-199
Mixed infestations of Alopecurus myosuroides and Arena fatua growing in wheat were controlled individually or together in three experiments. Difenzoquat and ciofop-isohutyl were applied at the early tillering or early stem extension stages of the crops. Early control of both species resulted in significantly higher yields than later control, even though weed emergence was incomplete at the early applications. Herbicides, re-applied at the second date, improved the control of wild-oats hut not of black-grass; yields were not enhanced by this second application Halving the dose of herbicide gave little reduction in weed control or crop yield at the early date, but there was a greater response to dose with the later application. Yields were lower where only one weed was controlled. This work shows the need for broad spectrum control early in the life of the crop to safeguard yield where black-grass, and wild oats occur together in large numbers.  相似文献   

Black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds) is a major grass weed in winter cereals in Europe. It reduces yields and can act as a secondary host for a range of diseases. Herbicide resistance in this species was first detected in the UK in the early 1980s, and has now been reported in thirty counties. To successfully manage herbicide resistance it is vital that suspect populations are tested so that appropriate action can be taken. Ideally, a test will be quick, cheap and easy to use. Furthermore, it should provide an unequivocal result before post-emergence herbicides are to be applied, allowing alternative strategies to be adopted where necessary. This paper reports the development of new tests for herbicide resistance based on our observation that the resistant black-grass biotype Peldon contains approximately double the activity of the enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST) compared with susceptible biotypes. Data are presented on the production of a monoclonal antiserum to a novel 30 kDa GST polypeptide purified from the biotype Peldon. An ELISA using this antiserum is described and the utility of this assay to detect resistant black-grass biotypes in plants grown under glass and in the field is presented. In addition, a microtitre assay for GST activity is described, which allows the rapid assessment of GST activities of plants. Both abundance and activity of GSTs are discussed as markers for herbicide resistance in black-grass.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Herbicide-tolerant winter oilseed rape (OSR) varieties offer the opportunity of using imazamox for weed control, an active ingredient belonging to the...  相似文献   

大穗看麦娘是我国麦田新发生的恶性杂草,与日本看麦娘苗期形态相近,导致难以识别和有效监测.本研究利用4个DNA条形码候选序列(rbcL、matK、trnH-psbA和ITS2)对13份大穗看麦娘和10份日本看麦娘叶片材料进行分子鉴定,采用Vector NTI分析扩增的DNA序列峰图质量并比对碱基差异,通过MEGA 6.0...  相似文献   

This study reviews 52 field experiments, mostly from the UK, studying the effects of cultivation techniques, sowing date, crop density and cultivar choice on Alopecurus myosuroides infestations in cereal crops. Where possible, a statistical meta‐analysis has been used to calculate average responses to the various cultural practices and to estimate their variability. In 25 experiments, mouldboard ploughing prior to sowing winter cereals reduced A. myosuroides populations by an average of 69%, compared with non‐inversion tillage. Delaying drilling from September to the end of October decreased weed plant densities by approximately 50%. Sowing wheat in spring achieved an 88% reduction in A. myosuroides plant densities compared with autumn sowing. Increasing winter wheat crop density above 100 plants m?2 had no effect on weed plant numbers, but reduced the number of heads m?2 by 15% for every additional increase in 100 crop plants, up to the highest density tested (350 wheat plants m?2). Choosing more competitive cultivars could decrease A. myosuroides heads m?2 by 22%. With all cultural practices, outcomes were highly variable and effects inconsistent. Farmers are more likely to adopt cultural measures and so reduce their reliance on herbicides, if there were better predictions of likely outcomes at the individual field level.  相似文献   

Seeds of four winter wheat cultivars, Slejpner, Galahad, Avalon and Penman, were sown at depths ranging from 6–75 mm in soil in pots, and isoproturon or chlorotoluron was then applied to the soil surface. For chlorotoluron-treated plants (both pre- and post-emergence) the dose required to produce a 50% effect (ED50) was unaffected by depth of planting. In contrast, for isoproturon applied pre-emergence, the ED50 for both Avalon and Slejpner was strongly affected by sowing depth. Although chlorotoluron was much more active in a second experiment when applied post-emergence to Slejpner wheat, the ED50 for both herbicides increased with greater depth of sowing. Protection of wheat from isoproturon damage by deeper planting was enhanced if the adsorption capacity of the soil was raised from Kd 0.5 to 2.0 by incorporation of activated charcoal in the soil. Isoproturon entry into plants (as measured by the effect on rate of photosynthesis) was slower in those that had been sown deeper and were growing in more adsorptive soils, but there was no obvious relationship between these observations and isoproturon distribution in the soil profile. In nutrient culture the four wheat cultivars responded similarly to a range of doses of isoproturon. The chlorotoluron-sensitive cultivars, Slejpner and Galahad, were damaged by much lower doses of chlorotoluron than were Avalon and Penman. Bromus sterilis L. responded similarly to wheat with regard to its interaction with isoproturon and planting depth. Alopecurus myosuroides Huds., however, was less damaged by isoproturon when the zone above the seed was protected from the herbicide by growing the shoot through a plastic straw.  相似文献   

Alopecurus myosuroides is an annual winter grass weed present in many winter and spring crops. The vernalization responses of three populations of A. myosuroides were assessed using natural exposure during winter in two field experiments and using cold exposure of imbibed seeds in a refrigerator in two greenhouse experiments. It was observed that a period of chilling during the pregermination phase had a marked effect on subsequent phenology. In the greenhouse, the major effect of vernalization was the reduction in the vegetative period because of an early reproductive induction of the apex. Plant morphology was affected by vernalization via a decrease in biomass resulting from a reduced tiller number. In all experiments, the time to panicle emergence and the number of leaves on the main stem were reduced by the chilling treatment in field and greenhouse experiments. Alopecurus myosuroides appears to be a species with a partial (quantitative) requirement for cold vernalization, but polymorphism for vernalization requirement was observed within and between populations. Depending on the sowing date, 850–1200 day–degrees C were required for flowering. The possible existence of different annual life forms within A. myosuroides is discussed.  相似文献   

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