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不同断奶体重羔羊的育肥效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择3月龄左右断奶的绵羊羔羊90只,按断奶体重大小不同分为3组,在同一圈舍内育肥100d。结果表明,1,2,3组日增重分别达到(219±2.91)、(207±3.61)和(153±5.27)g,1组和2组日增重与第3组日增重差异显著(P<0.05),1组和2组之间日增重差异不显著(P>0.05);每组育肥羔羊增收分别为78.26,71.12和34.99元/只,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

羔羊早期断奶强度育肥技术效益   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

不同月龄羔羊育肥效果试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
养羊业是我县具有传统优势的饲养业,但羊肉生产普遍采用传统方法,除春季生产一部分二毛羊羔外,大部分肉羊的来源仍以大骟羊及老弱病残淘汰羊为主,方法原始,肉质偏低,生产周期长,数量供应有限,难以形成规模生产,经济效益不高.采用不同月龄羔羊育肥效果试验,使羔羊肉的品质明显改善,增重效果显著,并极大地提高了育肥羊生产的经济效益.  相似文献   

早期断奶羔羊育肥是指羔羊经过45~60d哺乳,断奶后继续在圈内饲养,到120日龄活重达15kg时屠宰的育肥方式。1肥羔生产的特点羊肉按羊的年龄分为大于12个月龄的大羊肉和小于12个月龄的小羊肉,其中4~6月龄的羔羊肉又称肥羔肉。因肥羔肉具有比成年羊羊肉更  相似文献   

肉羊产业是我区现代畜牧业发展的主导产业,是我区最具优势的传统产业之一。当前,全疆广大农牧区已兴起肉羊养殖的高潮,肉羊养殖业的经济效益、社会效益日益突显,在我区已经成为带动当地经济发展的支柱产业。因此,大力普及先进实用的羔羊育肥技术,使广大农牧民养殖户掌握有关羔羊早期断奶全精料育肥技术方面的科技知识,使羔羊育肥更加科学合理,羔羊生产水平和经济效益得到更大提高,笔者根据多年积累的羔羊养殖经验,现整理出羔羊早期断奶全精料有关育肥技术要点,供读者参考。  相似文献   

羔羊1.5月龄断奶,采用全精料育肥,育肥期为50~60天,羔羊3月龄左右屠宰上市。育肥期末羔羊活重可达30千克,料肉比可达3∶1。早期断奶羔羊育肥后上市,可以填补羊肉供应淡季的空缺,缓解市场供需矛盾。(一)饲养要点1.饲喂方法。羔羊出生后与母羊同圈饲养,前21天全部依靠母乳,随后训练羔羊采食饲料,将配合饲料加少量水拌潮即可,以后随着日龄的增长,添加苜蓿草粉,45天断奶后用配合饲料喂羔羊,  相似文献   

选择出生重及出生日期相近、生长发育正常的滩羊羔羊60只,随机分为4组,分别为30、45和60日龄断奶组,120日龄哺乳组为对照,各选取15只羔羊进行育肥试验,直至120日龄。结果表明:在120日龄时,试验组羔羊的体重和体尺均极显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。其中体重最高的是60日龄断奶组羔羊,为36.25 kg,日增重(75~120 d)达278.67 g,极显著高于对照组的23.27 kg和136.0 g,经济效益比对照组高出80.12元/只。  相似文献   

<正> 羔羊早期断奶强度育肥技术是将羔羊传统断奶时间从16—20周龄提前到6周龄,采用以整粒谷物为主的配合饲料,使用自动饲糟全天自由采食、自由饮水的一种新的强度育肥技术。该技术应用了反刍动物营养研究的新理论,饲喂整粒谷物,减少了瘤胃微生物对营养成分的酵解捐失,提高了饲料转化效率,抓住早期断乳羔羊生长发育最快的有利时机强度育肥,是快速生产优质羔羊肉的好方法。  相似文献   

羔羊早期生长的主要特点是生长发育快,胴体生长发育快,胴体组成部分的增加大于非胴体部分(如头、蹄、毛、内脏等),脂肪沉积少,瘤胃利用精料的能力强,故此时育肥羔羊既能获得较高屠宰率,又能得到最大的饲料报酬。但缺点是胴体偏小,规模上受羔羊来源限制。  相似文献   

辛学 《江西饲料》2007,(1):44-45
1羔羊早期断奶全精料育肥的优点1.1羔羊出生后3个月内,生长速度最快,可以有较高的屠宰率。1.2只饲喂精饲料,不饲喂粗饲料,管理简单,不会发生消化道疾病,从而提高了饲料的转化率和日增重。据试验,羔羊在1.5月龄、体重10.5kg时断奶,育肥50d,羔羊育肥体重可达25 ̄30kg。2羔羊育肥前准备  相似文献   

Genotype x environment interaction (G x E) effects on live weaning weights of lambs were studied by using the 2 breeds Norwegian White sheep (NWS; heavy, long-tailed) and Spel sheep (Spel; lighter, short-tailed) as genetic groups (G). A total of 37,338 NWS lambs and 30,075 Spel lambs born from 1989 to 1999 on 40 farms that kept both breeds together were included in the analyses. Environment was characterized by farm x year (E). In a mixed linear model framework, significance of the random G x E effect and breed-specific environmental variances were tested by using a log-likelihood approach. Directions and magnitudes of the effect were described through variance component estimates. An across-genotype environmental correlation was also used. There was a significant G x E effect on lamb BW; significant breed differences were found for variance of flock x year effects, indicating different phenotypic plasticities with changing flock x year environments, with the NWS being more sensitive to environmental change. Further, the breed-specific residual variance was greater for NWS, indicating that the effects of environmental variation were larger for the weaning weights of the NWS breed within flock and year. Further, the correlation between flock x year effects for the 2 breeds was significantly different from unity (0.82 +/- 0.02), indicating that the common environment is "perceived" differently in the 2 breeds. The best environment for one breed is not necessarily best for the other breed, and vice versa. Solutions of flock x year effects may be used to describe how environmental characteristics such as climate and topography affect the production of different genotypes, and for clustering of environments, thus facilitating improvement of breeding programs and management schemes for domestic and wild ungulate populations.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine the effect of selection for high weaning weight on concentrations of plasma insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) in sheep and to evaluate the usefulness of measuring IGF-I as an aid in identification of genotypes with a higher growth potential. Lambs from two lines selected for high 120-d weight (HW and DH) and an unselected control (C) were weighed and blood samples collected monthly from birth to weaning (4 mo. of age). A clear differentiation in size occurred after 1 mo of age between lines, between sexes, and between singles and twins. At weaning, selected lines were 3.8 and 5.0 kg heavier than controls. Plasma IGF-I concentrations were 1.5 to 2 times higher (P less than .001) in males than in females after 1 mo of age. There were no significant differences in IGF-I concentration between lines or types of birth. However, line DH and single lambs on average had higher concentrations of IGF-I. Within sex and type of birth correlations between IGF-I concentrations at 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 mo and 4-mo BW ranged from -.16 to .49 in the three lines, and most were not significant. Coefficients of variation for IGF-I concentrations (36 to 50%) were two to three times higher than those for BW (11 to 15%). Due to the high variability of IGF-I measurements, the low correlations between IGF-I concentration and BW, and the small differences in IGF-I between control and selected lines, measurement of plasma IGF-I is unlikely to be an effective aid to selection for growth rate in sheep.  相似文献   

[目的]研究澳洲白羊体质量与体尺指标的相关及回归关系,为肉羊新品种选育提供参考.[方法]采用SPSS19.0软件对6月龄澳洲白羊体质量与体尺指标进行相关性分析、通径分析、逐步回归分析,并对其相关系数进行分解,得出了体质量与体尺指标之间的最优回归方程.[结果]体质量(y)与管围(x6)和胸围(x3)相关性极显著(P<0....  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the association between the haplotypes of the prion protein (PrP) locus and several reproductive and lamb weight traits in Ripollesa sheep. Prion protein genotypes were available for a total of 310 sheep (7 rams, 114 ewes, and 189 lambs), all of them belonging to the purebred Ripollesa flock of the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona, for which all sheep had a known pedigree. In addition, the genotype of 24 historical descendants of the previously genotyped adult individuals was reconstructed, provided that both parents were homozygous for PrP haplotypes. Only 3 haplotypes (ARR, ARQ, and ARH) were observed in the PrP locus of the sheep sampled. Reproductive traits included conception rate and litter size, whereas birth BW and 90-d BW were the lamb weight traits studied. The additive effect of PrP haplotypes was analyzed through Bayesian animal threshold and linear models, for reproduction and weight traits, respectively. Ewe reproductive data belonged to 89 ewes that gave 492 conception rate records and 440 litter size records. Analyses of BW at birth and at 90 d of age were made on 323 and 164 lamb records, respectively. No associations between PrP haplotypes and conception rate and BW traits were observed. For litter size, the effect of the ARH haplotype was greater than that of the ARQ haplotype. Differences between ARH and ARR haplotypes also suggested an advantage for the ARH. As a whole, our results indicated that the selection favorable to increase litter size in Ripollesa ewes may also increase the ARH haplotype frequency, which contradicts the recommendations of the current European Union legislation aiming to increase the genetic resistance to scrapie. As a consequence, scrapie genotyping needs to be included as a new selection criterion in the breed.  相似文献   

早期断奶对羔羊生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将120只10~15 日龄的德国美利奴羊(♂)×小尾寒羊(♀)杂交一代羔羊随机分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组,Ⅰ组于35 日龄断奶、Ⅱ组于45日龄断奶、Ⅲ组于60 日龄断奶、Ⅳ组于90日龄断奶.结果表明:60 d体重4组间无显著差异(P>O.05);90 d体重,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组极显著(P(0.01)高于Ⅰ组,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组间差异不显著(P>O.05).30~60日龄日增重,Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组极显著高于Ⅰ组(PO.05).45日龄断奶,羔羊体质健壮,抗病能力较强,综合效益高,为最佳断奶时间.  相似文献   

郑阳  徐柱  柳剑丽  师尚礼 《草原与草坪》2010,30(6):26-30,36
通过不同放牧率对内蒙古本地绵羊(母羊)连续2年(2008~2009)的体重和繁殖性能的影响的研究表明:(1)在试验期内,随着时间的推移,不同放牧率下的绵羊体重总体上都呈上升趋势;间隔1个放牧率或以上的处理间,存在不同程度的显著性差异;(2)绵羊的个体增重与放牧率之间存在负相关关系;而公顷增重与放牧率的关系符合二次曲线关系,在达到公顷最大增重前,随着放牧率的增大而增大,之后随着放牧率的增大减小;(3)单位家畜增重和单位面积增重的交点的生态学意义在于放牧率为1羊/hm2,公顷增重和家畜个体增重相同;单位家畜个体增重对应的畜产品最优放牧率为0.50羊/hm2,单位面积家畜最大增重对应的畜产品最优放牧率为2.38羊/hm2;(4)过高的放牧率导致绵羊出现空怀现象及产羔率下降;羔羊的初生重和个体增重均随着放牧率的增大而减小,但其显著性差异仅表现在较高的放牧率与较低的放牧率之间,而在相邻放牧率间差异不显著。  相似文献   

An experiment using a total of 210 crossbred pigs from two farrowing groups evaluated the effects of three weaning weights and their associative starter feeding program on subsequent postweaning performance to 105 kg BW. One group of pigs nursed their dams in outside heated hutches (Trial 1), and a second group was raised in a centrally heated farrowing house (Trial II). The three pig weaning weight groups ranged in weight from 1) 4.1 to 5.0 kg, 2) 5.5 to 6.8 kg, and 3) 7.3 to 8.6 kg. Pigs in Group 1 were fed a high nutrient dense diet (HNDD) for a 2-wk period followed by a corn-soybean meal-dried whey (C-SBM-DW) and then a corn-soybean meal (C-SBM) diet, each for a 2-wk period. Group 2 was fed the same diet sequence except that HNDD was provided for 1 wk, whereas Group 3 was provided only the C-SBM-DW and the C-SBM diets each for 2 wk, consecutively. At the end of the nursery period, pigs were fed C-SBM diet formulations to 105 kg BW. Pigs of Trial I averaged 5.2 d older at weaning than those raised in the central farrowing house, but only a 1.5-d difference existed between light- and heavy-weight groups in both trials. Gains and feed intakes for the three weaning groups were higher as weaning weight increased during both the nursery and the growing-finishing period. There did not seem to be a compensatory growth response for lighter-weight weanling pigs even though they had been fed starter diets containing milk products. Consequently, fewer days (approximately 15) were required for the heavier-weight weanling pig group to reach a final weight of 105 kg than for the light-weight group. The medium-weight group required an intermediate number of days to reach 105 kg.  相似文献   

本文旨在了解绵羊(湖羊和巴什拜羊)促卵泡激素受体(FSHR)基因3'-UTR特征,分析高、低繁殖力绵羊品种FSHR基因3'-UTR突变位点多态性差异,并探索其机制。研究获得788 bp的湖羊和巴什拜羊FSHR基因3'-UTR序列,两者一致性为98.17%,且均含有加尾信号、保守的ARE元件和多个miRNA结合位点;池DNA测序在FSHR基因终止密码子后325nt处发现一个碱基T插入/缺失,命名为*325del T;多态性分析发现绵羊FSHR基因*325del T位点有3种基因型(TT型、T-型和--型),在湖羊群体中T为优势等位基因(频率为0.604),而在巴什拜羊群体中-为优势等位基因(频率为0.635);荧光素酶活性分析发现*325del T突变对绵羊FSHR转录活性无显著影响。发现FSHR基因*325del T的多态性可能与绵羊繁殖性能有关。  相似文献   

Lamb weaning weights at 30 +/- 14, 60 +/- 28, and 90 +/- 28 d were used to evaluate the effect of birth weight on the linear adjustment of weaning weight to a constant age and the effect of deviations from target dates on the accuracy of linear age adjustment. The data consisted of 13,501 birth weights, 3,721 30-d records, 10,988 60-d records, and 3,285 90-d records from the National Sheep Improvement Program data base for the Dorset, Polypay, Rambouillet, Columbia, Hampshire and Suffolk breeds. The effect of using constant vs actual birth weights in a standard linear age adjustment was evaluated using various sex, type-of-birth, and breed type constants. Product moment and rank correlations indicated that a constant birth weight should be used when the actual birth weight is not known, but the choice of constant makes little difference in average bias or maximum adjustment error. The linear age adjustment procedure and the optimal age range for recording weaning weight were examined using a model including effects for contemporary group, sex, type of birth and rearing, age of dam, and breed. The linear age adjustment did not remove the effect of age for the small breed type (Dorset, Polypay, and Rambouillet breeds) at 30 d and the large breed type (Columbia, Hampshire, and Suffolk breeds) at 60 d for age ranges greater than +/- 7 d (P less than .01) but was adequate for all lambs weaned at 30 +/- 7 d, 60 +/- 7 d, and 90 +/- 28 d of age.  相似文献   


Genotype by environment (G×E) interaction effects influence phenotypic expressions of a trait and may be of importance for sheep breeding. Interaction effects are more likely to be present when there are large environmental differences. Norwegian sheep usually graze mountain or forest pastures during summer. In this study, we estimate G×E interactions in Norwegian White Sheep as genetic correlation between area-specific traits (autumn lamb weight) in three ram circles located in two different counties; two in Buskerud in the south and one in Troms to the north of the country. Using data from the National Sheep Recording System, a bivariate animal model was fitted and genetic correlations for each trait were obtained. None of the correlations were significantly different from unity indicating the absence of G×E interaction effect for weaning weight. To gain further insight, studies should include a breeding-goal level aggregation of all traits thought to contribute to profitability.  相似文献   

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