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Spatial variations in feeding and condition of juvenile pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and chum (Oncorhynchus keta) salmon, and their implications for growth, were examined on the Vancouver Island continental shelf in early summer 1992. Juvenile pink salmon off northern Vancouver Island had more material in their stomachs, were in better condition, and had higher potential growth rates (from a bioenergetics model) than pink salmon off southern Vancouver Island. These variations were consistent with spatial differences in zoo-plankton biomass, there being more plankton in the northern region. There was a significant positive relationship between condition of pinks and the amount of material in their stomachs, suggesting a positive feedback on feeding success. Juvenile chum in the north also had more material in their stomachs than chum to the south. However, condition factor was not significantly different between southern and northern regions nor was there a significant relationship between condition factor and the weight of stomach contents for chum on the southern shelf. A bioenergetics model suggests that chum in the south were food limited. Stable carbon isotope data also indicated different feeding histories for some chum in the southern region, which may have been recent migrants onto the continental shelf from near-shore areas, or possibly a nearby hatchery. Estimation of the energy required by juvenile salmon to migrate north in a continental shelf area with low zooplankton biomass and a weak northerly current (inner shelf), compared with an area with higher zooplankton biomass but a strong southerly current (outer shelf), indicated sufficient surplus energy only in the inner shelf, consistent with observations of northward migrations predominantly through this area. Spatial variations in current velocity and zooplankton biomass can affect feeding, condition, and potential growth of juvenile pink and chum salmon off Vancouver Island.  相似文献   

Simultaneous trawling at surface and at depth at one location off the Columbia River, Oregon, in June 2000 identified the depth distribution of juvenile salmonids and associated fishes. Juvenile salmon off the Columbia River were distributed primarily near the surface, within the upper 12 m. Highest densities of subyearling chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) off the Columbia River were associated with high surface currents and decreasing tidal levels, with time of day possibly a co‐factor. Densities of yearling chinook salmon increased with higher turbidity. Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) was the most abundant and commonly caught forage fish, with density increasing at night, probably related to diel vertical migration. Catches of juvenile salmonids were not associated with catches of forage fishes. Daytime surface trawling appears to be an appropriate method for assessing the distribution and abundance of juvenile salmonids in marine habitats.  相似文献   

We examine sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis , on juvenile and adult salmon from the north coast of British Columbia between 2004 and 2006 in an area that does not at present contain salmon farms. There is a pronounced zonation in the abundance of L. salmonis on juvenile pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha , in the Skeena and Nass estuaries. Abundances in the proximal and distal zones of these estuaries are 0.01 and 0.05 respectively. The outer zones serve as feeding and staging areas for the pink salmon smolts. Returning Chinook, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha , and coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch , concentrate in these areas. We collected data in 2006 to examine whether L. salmonis on returning adult salmon are an important source of the sea lice that appear on juvenile pink salmon. Nearly all (99%) of the sea lice on returning Chinook and over 80% on coho salmon were L. salmonis. Most of the L. salmonis were motile stages including many ovigerous females. There was a sharp increase in the abundance of sea lice on juvenile pink salmon smolts between May and July 2006 near the sites of adult captures. As there are no salmon farms on the north coast, few sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus , and very few resident salmonids until later in the summer, it seems that the most important reservoir of L. salmonis under natural conditions is returning adult salmon. This natural source of sea lice results in levels of abundance that are one or two orders of magnitude lower than those observed on juvenile pink salmon in areas with salmon farms such as the Broughton Archipelago.  相似文献   

Previous research has documented two main migratory routes of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) through the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada, and large interannual variability in marine survival rates of the Chilko Lake stock. Simulation models were used to explore the influence of surface currents on the migratory route of juvenile sockeye salmon (smolts) through the Strait of Georgia. We used a model of downstream migration to generate daily numbers of Chilko Lake sockeye salmon smolts entering the Strait of Georgia, based on daily counts of smolts leaving the rearing lake. A numerical hydrodynamic model (driven by surface wind, tide, and Fraser River discharge) hindcasted surface currents in the Strait of Georgia on a 2 km × 2 km grid. A smolt migration model simulated fish moving through the Strait with different compass-oriented migratory behaviours (i.e. swimming speed and directional orientation) within the time-varying surface advection field. Results showed that surface currents within the Strait of Georgia can affect the migratory route of sockeye salmon smolts in spite of their large size (8 cm). Wind is the forcing mechanism primarily responsible for determining which migratory route would be used. Under prevailing wind conditions (i.e. toward the north-west), most sockeye salmon smolts would use the eastern migratory route; however, relatively brief south-eastward wind events (lasting about 2 days) would force most smolts into the western migratory route. Given the heterogeneity of food for salmon within the Strait, we hypothesize that wind-driven variability in the annual proportion of smolts that use the western and eastern migratory routes in the Strait of Georgia affects early marine survival rates of Fraser River sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

Horizontal ocean transport can influence the dynamics of higher‐trophic‐level species in coastal ecosystems by altering either physical oceanographic conditions or the advection of food resources into coastal areas. In this study, we investigated whether variability in two North Pacific Current (NPC) indices was associated with changes in productivity of North American Pacific salmon stocks. Specifically, we used Bayesian hierarchical models to estimate the effects of the north‐south location of the NPC bifurcation (BI) and the NPC strength, indexed by the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), on the productivity of 163 pink, chum, and sockeye salmon stocks. We found that for salmon stocks located in Washington (WA) and British Columbia (BC), both the BI and NPGO had significant positive effects on productivity, indicating that a northward‐shifted bifurcation and a stronger NPC are associated with increased salmon productivity. For the WA and BC regions, the estimated NPGO effect was over two times larger than the BI effect for pink and chum salmon, whereas for sockeye salmon the BI effect was 2.4 times higher than the NPGO. In contrast to WA and BC stocks, we found weak effects of both horizontal ocean transport processes on the productivity of salmon stocks in Alaska. Our results indicated that horizontal transport pathways might strongly influence population dynamics of Pacific salmon in the southern part of their North American ranges, but not the northern part, suggesting that different environmental pathways may underlie changes in salmon productivity in northern and southern areas for the species under consideration.  相似文献   

The abundance and stomach contents of salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) and the biomass of prey organisms were examined in the central subarctic Pacific and Bering Sea in the summer of 1991 and 1992. Salmonids were caught by surface longline using the same level of fishing effort. Chum (O. keta) and pink (O. gorbuscha) salmon were the predominant species, representing 44% and 36% sof the total catch (n = 1275) in 1991. In 1992, chum salmon composed 85% of the total catch (n = 603), but the catch of pink salmon decreased to 1% of the total catch due to the odd/even year fluctuation of Asian pink salmon abundance in the study area. It was found that chum salmon changed their dominant diet from gelatinous zooplankton (pteropods, appendicular-ians, jellyfishes, chaetognaths, polychaetes and unidentified materials) in 1991, when pink salmon were abundant, to a diet of crustaceans (euphausiids, cope-pods, amphipods, ostracods, mysids and decapods) in 1992, when pink salmon were less abundant. Local crustacean biomass (wet weight; mg m-3) had significant negative correlation with the CPUE (catch number per 30 hachi) of pink salmon in 1991 (r = -0.586; P = 0.026) and that of chum salmon in 1992 (r =–0.616; P = 0.014). There may be a limitation in the available prey resource for production of salmonids.  相似文献   

Zooplankton and fish densities in the southern Strait of Georgia were observed to coincide with variations in surface salinities resulting from the outflow of the Fraser River. Vertical net hauls in the euphotic zone revealed that copepods, amphipods, and euphausiids were significantly more abundant per m3 in the brackish estuarine plume (surface salinities - 10–15 ppt) when compared to the area covered by the freshwater of the Fraser River plume (0–10 ppt) and the region of the Strait of Georgia (25–30 ppt) unaffected by the outflow of the Fraser River.
The estuarine and riverine plumes had significantly higher fish densities (adult and juvenile herring, and juvenile salmonids [excluding chinook]) than the Strait of Georgia region, with no significant differences in densities of juvenile chinook salmon observed between regions. The highest catches of juvenile salmonids were at the boundary between the estuarine plume and the Strait of Georgia. Zooplankton found in the stomach contents of both adult and juvenile herring suggested that the herring were filter-feeding on the zooplankton in the estuarine plume. Juvenile salmonids fed primarily on small unidentifiable juvenile fish. The existence of increased densities of prey items in the estuarine plume is proposed to be the primary mechanism resulting in increased residence time in this region by outmigrating juvenile salmonids. Utilization of aggregated zooplankton could lead to increased salmonid growth rates and therefore to enhanced survival of individuals utilizing the Fraser River plume environment.  相似文献   

We studied salmon feeding selectivity and diel feeding chronology in the Columbia River plume. Juvenile chinook and coho salmon were caught by trawling at 2–3 h intervals throughout a diel period on three consecutive days (21–23 June 2000) at stations located 14.8 and 37 km offshore from the mouth of the Columbia River. A total of 170 chinook salmon were caught at the inshore and 79 chinook and 98 coho salmon were caught at the offshore station. After each trawl, potential prey were sampled at different depths with 2–3 different types of nets (1‐m diameter ring net, bongo net, neuston net). Despite the variability in zooplankton abundance, feeding selectivity was surprisingly constant. Both salmon species fed selectively on larger and pigmented prey such as hyperiid amphipods, larval and juvenile fish, various crab megalopae, and euphausiids. Hyperiid amphipods were abundant in the salmon diets and we hypothesize that aggregations of gelatinous zooplankton may facilitate the capture of commensal hyperiid amphipods. Small copepods and calyptopis and furcilia stages of euphausiids dominated the prey field by numbers, but were virtually absent from salmon diet. Juvenile chinook salmon, with increasing body size, consumed a larger proportion of fish. Stomach fullness peaked during morning hours and reached a minimum at night, suggesting a predominantly diurnal feeding pattern. In general, both chinook and coho salmon appear to be selective, diurnal predators, preying mostly on large and heavily pigmented prey items, in a manner consistent with visually oriented, size‐selective predation.  相似文献   

Late-spawning Fraser River sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka , stocks have suffered significant prespawn mortality associated with an unusually early freshwater migration pattern and the myxosporean parasite Parvicapsula minibicornis . Surveys of migrating adult salmon from several spawning populations were conducted in 1999 and 2000 to determine the extent of infection with P. minibicornis , when and where the parasite first becomes detectable during migration, and whether early migrating stocks might be used as sentinels to assess risk of infection in late-spawning stocks. Posterior kidney, preserved in 95% ethanol, was examined for P. minibicornis in stained histological sections and using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. The prevalence of this parasite in all Fraser River sockeye salmon stocks examined was high (range 47–100% infected). In contrast, P. minibicornis was not detected in the fish tested from the two sockeye salmon stocks outside the Fraser River drainage in either 1999 or 2000. The parasite was also not detected histologically or by PCR in the kidney tissue of the fish from the Fraser River that were sampled in salt water or early during their freshwater migration up the river. These findings and the progression in the prevalence and intensity of infection as the fish from three stocks (early Stuart, Weaver Creek and Cultus Lake) were monitored over time, suggest salmon acquired the parasite either in the lower Strait of Georgia or in the lower Fraser River before the confluence of the Harrison River. In both 1999 and 2000 the parasite was present in all Fraser River sockeye salmon stocks sampled, which suggests that early Stuart salmon may be valuable as a sentinel stock for the presence of the parasite in later-spawning stocks.  相似文献   

The Larkin lectures are held every two years at the University of British Columbia in recognition of Dr. Peter Larkin's contributions to fisheries science. The lecture I presented in November 2015 coincided with an announcement that the Institute of Fisheries that Peter Larkin founded in the 1960s would be restructured as the “Institute for Oceans and Fisheries” with an emphasis on fisheries and oceans issues important to British Columbia as well as the rest of the world. I decided to look back at research issues that Peter Larkin thought would be important for Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in the future and see what has happened as a way of identifying the complexity that the Institute for Oceans and Fisheries in particular and the science community in general will face. I chose five themes from Peter Larkin's talks: 1 understanding marine survival, 2 ocean carrying capacity, 3 aquaculture, 4 climate, Pacific salmon and climate change and 5 informing the public, and then added my opinion about research priorities for the future. Peter Larkin recognized the future relevance of these examples, but he probably could not have imagined how these and related issues will challenge his renamed institute and the rest of the research community over the next 50 years.  相似文献   

Delaware River and Bay Morone saxatilis (Walbaum), striped bass, have recently undergone a dramatic recovery. Here, we examine spatio‐temporal patterns in the distribution and food habits of striped bass in marsh creeks in the estuary (salinity range 1–20 psu), 1996–2000. Sampling occurred monthly, April through November, with otter trawls (4.9 m, 6 mm mesh, n = 6760) and weirs (intertidal block nets, 6 mm mesh, n = 647) at eight sites. Young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) fish were generally more than 10 times more abundant at oligohaline sites, although they were abundant at mesohaline sites in 1996, the lowest salinity year. Small striped bass (<100 mm) in creeks relied on mysids and other crustaceans and became more piscivorous with size. Overall, they consumed 46% by weight fish, of which 52% were mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus (L.), and 18% were YOY Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus (L.), prey types which are not typical in most food habits studies and are indicative of feeding in marsh creeks. These data suggest that young striped bass are an abundant component of Delaware Bay marsh creek fauna and may play an important role in trophic relays within this system.  相似文献   

We examine the oft-quoted relationship between the migration of Fraser River sockeye salmon around the northern end of Vancouver Island and sea surface temperatures. We examine the methods used to estimate the northern diversion and conclude that the estimates have a sufficiently low expected error to form a useful representation of sockeye salmon behaviour. The well-known relationship with Kains Island sea surface temperature is explored and problems are pointed out. In particular, we explore why Kains Island temperatures are good predictors of salmon behaviour in May when the sockeye can be over 1000 km away, but the coastal temperatures are poor predictors in July to September when the salmon are actually close by. We show that a more robust predictor can be developed using open ocean temperature fields and we show why Kains Island fails as a predictor during the summer months. Finally, we show by cross-validation that the northern diversion is predictable with an r.m.s. error of about 0.1.  相似文献   

Computer simulations were used to investigate whether compass orientation is a sufficient guidance mechanism for sockeye salmon migrating to the Fraser River from their ocean foraging grounds in the north-east Pacific Ocean. Daily surface ocean currents, simulated by the ocean surface current simulations (OSCURS) model, were used to test the influence of currents on the return oceanic migration of Fraser River sockeye salmon. High seas tagging and coastal recover data of Fraser River sockeye salmon were used for the migration simulations. Surface currents were shown to increase the speed of the homeward-migrating sockeye salmon, as well as to deflect the fish in a north-eastward direction. In spite of ocean currents, all Fraser River sockeye salmon were able to reach their destination with a fixed direction and bioenergetically efficient swimming speed when migration was delayed until the last month at sea. Compass orientation alone was shown to be a sufficient direction-finding mechanism for Fraser River sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

Soybean meal (SBM) inclusion in salmonid diets can lower feed cost, but dramatically reduces growth and feed utilization, and increases mortality in juvenile chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, due to diminished diet palatability and/or other adverse physiological effects exerted by antinutritional factors in SBM. The objective of this study was to investigate whether commercial Antarctic krill meal Euphausia superba or hydrolysates enzymatically produced from Pacific hake Merluccius productus could reverse the negative palatability effects of SBM inclusion in juvenile chinook salmon diets. Diets without SBM or with SBM and no added feed attractant were used as positive and negative control diets respectively. Incorporation of 2% krill meal or Alcalase®‐produced hydrolysates into SBM‐containing diets (20% of dry matter by isonitrogenous replacement of fishmeal) significantly (P < 0.05) increased feed intake, feed utilization, fish weight gain and thermal growth coefficient during a 5‐week trial. Nevertheless, the negative effects on fish performance incurred by dietary inclusion of 20% SBM could not be fully reversed, indicating that most of those effects were likely unrelated to palatability. This study demonstrates the potential for using Pacific hake hydrolysates as a dietary feed attractant for salmonid diets, and supports the need for further research to optimize its application for ideal fish performance.  相似文献   

Abstract –  For at least 15 years, multiple Pacific Rim Laboratories have cooperated to standardise the collection of Pacific salmon genetic data. For species such as Chinook salmon and chum salmon, allozyme electrophoretic data sets now include hundreds of populations sampled over multiple years throughout the north Pacific. More recently, microsatellite DNA markers have emerged as a new cornerstone of Pacific salmon genetic research. The allozyme experience provides at least two important lessons regarding shared, standardised databases. First, interlaboratory standardisation is sufficiently costly and time consuming that little progress is typically made in the absence of specific fishery management and conservation needs; thus immediate needs will direct future standardisation. Secondly, justified or not, there are significant concerns regarding intellectual propriety and other perceived privileges associated with unpublished genetic data that are shared among laboratories. This article describes challenges to genetic standardisation relative to new research goals, along with specific suggestions for meeting those challenges.  相似文献   

In recent years, returns of adult sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka to the Columbia River Basin have reached numbers not observed since the 1950s. To understand factors related to these increased returns, we first looked for changes in freshwater production and survival of juvenile migrants. We then evaluated productivity changes by estimating smolt‐to‐adult return rates (SAR) for juvenile migration years 1985–2010. We found SAR varied between 0.2 and 23.5%, with the highest values coinciding with recent large adult returns. However, the largest adult return, in 2012, resulted not from increased survival, but from increased smolt production. We evaluated 19 different variables that could influence SARs, representing different facets of freshwater and ocean conditions. We used model selection criteria based on small‐sample corrected AIC to evaluate the relative performance of all two‐ and three‐variable models. The model with April upwelling, Pacific Northwest Index (PNI) in the migration year, and PNI in the year before migration had 10 times the AICc weight as the second‐best‐supported model, and R2 = 0.82. The variables of April ocean upwelling and PNI in the migration year had high weights of 0.996 and 0.927, respectively, indicating they were by far the best of the candidate variables to explain variations in SAR. While our analyses were primarily correlative and limited by the type and amount of data currently available, changes in ocean conditions in the northern California Current system, as captured by April upwelling and PNI, appeared to play a large role in the variability of SAR.  相似文献   

Juvenile salmon traveling northwestward to the Pacific Ocean from the Strait of Georgia migrate through and take residence in both Johnstone and Queen Charlotte Straits. Johnstone Strait is a narrow and deep passage that is tidally mixed daily, resulting in a nearly isothermal water column, surface to the bottom (approximately 250 m). The trophic gauntlet hypothesis (McKinnell, Curchitser, Groot, Kaeriyama, & Trudel, 2014 ) suggests that Johnstone Strait provides a poor growth environment for fish required to transit this area during their migration, due to the oceanographic conditions found there. Using insulin‐like growth factor‐1 (IGF1), a hormone used to assess short‐term growth (within 5–7 days) in fishes, growth was measured in individual juvenile salmon from five species in the Northern Strait of Georgia, Johnstone Strait, Queen Charlotte Strait, and Queen Charlotte Sound in the summer of 2012, 2013, and 2014. All five juvenile salmon species had significantly lower IGF1 concentration in both Johnstone and Queen Charlotte Straits as compared to the Northern Strait of Georgia. These results are consistent with some aspects of the tropic gauntlet hypothesis as growth of juvenile salmon in both Johnstone and Queen Charlotte Straits were significantly lower than found in the Northern Strait of Georgia across all salmon species and all years. In addition, these results demonstrate the utility of growth indices for assessing the effects of environmental variation on juvenile salmon in the presence of a strong ecological driver.  相似文献   

Drinking in freshwater juvenile salmon was investigated in response to vasodilation by sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a nitric oxide donor, which significantly increased blood vessel diameter in Atlantic salmon alevins. Atlantic salmon fry (1–3 g), as previously shown, drank at a significant rate in fresh water which doubled to about 1.2 ml kg–1 h–1 following injection of SNP (100 mol kg–1), through dilation of body vasculature and activation of a vasoconstrictive mechanism, the endogenous renin angiotensin system (RAS). This response was 50% inhibited by injection of about 100 mg kg–1 enalapril. Fry increased drinking in response to SNP administered in the water, though the concentration required for maximal response, 1.6 mmol l–1, was much greater than for injected SNP; this response was also inhibited by enalapril injection. Possible involvement of the gill vasculature and branchial osmoreceptors or baroreceptors in control of the drinking response is discussed.  相似文献   

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