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  南正街是明清时沅州府衙所在地,已有600多年历史,虽然历经时间的磨损,但青石板、窨子屋、卷棚、马头墙、铜钱漏、祠堂、旧八字衙门门楼等古建筑至今仍然保存完好,见证着古镇的风雨沧桑。  相似文献   

在一般人眼里,果核是品尝鲜果后的弃物,但有一些小小的果核如桃核、杏核、橄榄核等,一旦到了微雕师的手中,就会化腐朽为神奇——这种出神入化的技艺,就是被誉为"鬼工"的核雕.  相似文献   

根据2003—2009年江苏省海安县老坝港综合养殖场产值统计资料,应用GM(1,1)模型、线性回归模型和自回归模型,预测了该养殖场2010年产值的发展趋势。  相似文献   

A penthrite grenade to replace cold harpoons in the Norwegian minke whale hunt was developed in 1983–1985. Data on survival times for 259 minke whales were collected from the trials in the 1984–86 hunting seasons, when 3 different prototypes were used. About 45% of the whales were killed instantaneously. The median survival time was 72 s. A substantially higher percentage of instantaneous deaths was recorded for penthrite grenades than for cold harpoons. The criteria for death were cessation of flipper movement, relaxation of the mandible, or sinking without any active movement. Some animals dived before the criteria could be controlled. If the central nervous system, heart, lungs or main vessels were damaged, a high percentage of the animals died instantaneously. In most cases, hits and detonations outside the thorax and central nervous system resulted in longer survival times than hits in the thorax. Survival time increased with whale size and range for animals not killed instantaneously. Marksmanship, technical and functional reliability of equipment and hunting techniques were all crucial to a good result. Better training of gunners, improved weapons and hunting equipment and more rapid reshooting of wounded animals would reduce the proportion of long survival times.  相似文献   

Numerous similarities in reproductive aging have been documented between the mare and woman. Aging is associated with a decline in fertility. In mares and women, oocyte transfer procedures were initially used to establish that oocyte donor age is associated with oocyte quality. Age-associated differences in oocytes include altered morphology, gene expression, and developmental potential. Reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial dysfunction are thought to be important contributors to loss of oocyte quality. In the woman, aneuploidy is a primary consideration with maternal aging. Although misalignment of chromosomes during meiosis has been observed in the mare, less is known in this area. Reproductive aging will be reviewed in the mare and compared with the woman with emphasis on factors that affect oocyte quality and developmental potential. Areas in which the mare could be used as a research model to study reproductive aging in women will be highlighted.  相似文献   

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