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在广西南宁市测量粉单竹竹秆的全高、材长、胸径、节间数量及每节间三要素(直径、长度和壁厚)等秆形指标,对砍倒的立竹进行分段称重,研究这些指标与竹材生物量的关系。结果表明:材长、节间数量及三要素均与胸径相关密切,幂函数和线性方程拟合程度高。最长节间出现在第9~12节,最粗直径多在第4~6节。全株生物量中竹秆所占份额最大,为76.82%,各器官生物量依次为秆 > 蔸 > 枝 > 叶。单株竹秆鲜质量与胸径高度显著相关,可用二次线性方程进行较精确估算。研究秆形结构变化规律、全株及每段竹秆鲜质量分配格局,有利于促进粉单竹竹秆科学利用。  相似文献   

Pasture yield, quality and species distributions were compared between zones around live and killed eucalypt trees at two woodland sites in northeast Queensland which differed markedly in soil fertility. Trees affected pasture quality and yield on an individual tree basis: N concentration and dry matter digestibility tended to be higher under trees than in inter-tree areas at both sites and pasture yields declined with distance from killed trees at the lower fertility site. However, the distribution of individual species did not vary markedly with distance from trees. Trees also affected pasture yield on a woodland basis: yields were greater where the trees were killed than under intact woodland. Soil under trees had higher levels of organic carbon and greater litter cover than soil in inter-tree areas. However, pasture yields did not generally reflect this fertility gradient since growth was limited by moisture availability due to drought conditions during the study period. Pasture N concentration was higher under trees that in inter-tree areas since plants under trees produced a similar amount of biomass as plants in inter-tree areas, but had access to higher nutrient levels. Trees appeared to have a greater effect on soil nutrient availability at the low fertility site. Live trees depressed pasture yields to a lesser degree at the low fertility site, demonstrating that the effects of trees on soil water availability (on a woodland scale) are less important when soil nutrients are more limiting to growth. These results indicate that, while removing trees may enhance pasture productivity, this benefit may be offset by a reduction in pasture quality. Given the beneficial effect of trees on soil nutrients, tree removal may also have longer term implications for soil nutrient dynamics. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

大叶相思材积和生物量表的编制*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为探索大叶相思生物量和材积表编制方法,本文根据薪材林研究中收集的一些样木资料,选用W(V)1=aDb(下称1式)和W(V)2=a(D2H)b(下称2式)两种模型,经回归分析推导出两组干、枝、叶和总生物量及材积的回归方程。对两组回归方程分析比较结果,1式自变量D容易测定且精度高,故以1式作为编表模式,编制成材积表和各组分的生物量表。  相似文献   

马尾松在我国南方亚热带地区广泛种植,是我国主要植树造林树种之一,长期以来产生了巨大的生态和经济效益,在我国林业中有着重要地位。在全球气候变暖这一大背景下,研究马尾松森林生态系统的生物量和生产力具有非常重要的意义。文中从传统方法和遥感技术2个方面介绍了马尾松生物量和生产力的测算方法,分析了林龄、混交造林、立地条件、气候因素和林分密度对马尾松生物量和生产力的影响,并针对目前存在的问题提出未来研究的发展方向,以期为我国马尾松林的可持续经营提供参考。  相似文献   

杜仲人工林生物量及生产力研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对贵州遵义、湖南慈利26-27年生杜促人工林进行2a的生物量研究,调查标准地20块测定样木80株,叶面积71组。研究结果表明,立地条件好的大于立地条件差的生物量;相同立地条件下,干、枝生物量比例随年龄增大而增加,叶、根生物量下降,而皮的生物量却保持较为恒定的比例,其中根皮量可占总皮量30%左右,采代更新时应时加利用;用一林分中,生物量最大的为优势木,其次为中级木,最小的为被压木。通过林分密度调控和  相似文献   

喜树种源苗期生物量研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用18个喜树地理种源的540株1年生苗木作试验材料,分析了苗期各器官生物量及其相关规律。研究结果表明:各器官生物量(烘干)所占比例为:干29.54%,枝9.20%,叶30.75%,根22.74%,皮7.77%,其中以叶片所占比例最大;参试的18个种源中,以4号福建、8号和9号江西、11号和12号湖南种源生物量较大,其中以8号江西南昌种源总生物量和叶片生物量为最大。建立了用苗高(H)和地径(D)估  相似文献   

Shoot biomass production was estimated in two Estonian short rotation forest (SRF) plantations during the first rotation cycle (1994–1997). The plantations were established with six clones of Salix viminalis and one clone of Salix dasyclados in 1993. The plantation, located on well-composed organic soil, was characterised by higher productivity (6.2 t DM ha−1 per year) compared with the plantation on poor mineral soil (5.2 t DM ha−1 per year). Fertilisation of the latter plantation increased its productivity to 11.0 t DM ha−1 per year, which is the value close to a predicted maximum for Swedish climatic conditions. In fertilised plots, clone 81090 of S. dasyclados was characterised by the highest productivity among all clones, but also by high stool mortality. Clones 78021 and 78183 of S. viminalis had the most stable and relatively high productivity and can therefore be recommended as promising planting material for SRF in Estonia.

When estimating production, the use of proper allometric relations between shoot dry weight and diameter is of crucial importance. Additional measurements on 1-year-old shoots in 1998 showed that besides shoot age also clone and fertilisation are significant factors influencing allometric relations. The dry weight of fertilised shoots was about 10% lower than that of non-fertilised shoots of the same height and diameter. Older shoots were heavier than younger shoots with a similar diameter.  相似文献   

闽南麻竹人工林地上部分现存生物量的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对闽南地区麻竹人工林地上部分生物量模型及现存生物量结构进行了研究。结果表明:以模型m=a·(D2H)b对麻竹地上部分总生物量和秆生物量进行估计较为可靠,而对枝、叶生物量的估计需引进枝下高因子h及模型m=a·Db·(H-h)C或m=a·Db·[(H-h)/h]C.闽南地区麻竹人工林地上部分平均现存生物量为39.518t·hm-2,按年龄分配为:3年生生物量最高,占59.17%,其次为2年生、4年生、5年生;按器官分配为:秆生物量最高,占62.81%,其次为枝、叶。地上部分总生物量与秆生物量随竹秆高度增加而递减,枝、叶生物量自6~8m区分段分别向秆基及秆梢递减。  相似文献   

[目的]以云南省普洱市主要植被思茅松人工林为研究对象,探讨不同林龄思茅松人工林根系生物量的大小分布及变化特征。[方法]分别在5、8、15、25、36年生思茅松人工林内,利用内径为8.5 cm的根钻分3层(0~10、10~20、20~30 cm)获取思茅松与其它物种的细根、粗根及死根生物量数据。[结果]表明:随着思茅松人工林林龄的增长,思茅松细根生物量呈减少的趋势,而其它物种细根生物量呈增加趋势,细根生物量最大出现在36年生思茅松人工林。不同林龄思茅松人工林的思茅松粗根和死根生物量之间无显著差异,而其它物种及林分的粗根生物量和根系生物量则随林龄增长而增加。思茅松人工林的细根生物量主要分布在土壤深度0~10 cm内,其中,思茅松、其它物种、林分细根生物量以及根系生物量随土层深度的增加呈减少趋势。林龄和土壤深度对思茅松与其它物种的细根生物量有显著影响,林龄与土壤深度的交叉作用对思茅松细根生物量有显著影响,林龄对死根生物量有显著影响,林龄、土壤深度及林龄与土壤深度的交叉作用对粗根与根系的生物量有显著影响。[结论]思茅松人工林随着林龄增长,群落结构与树种组成随之发生变化,从而对根系生物量产生较大影响。  相似文献   

The accumulation of above-ground biomass and the seasonal patterns of leaf-area development, foliar nutrient concentrations and tree and soil water-status have been measured for fertilised, irrigated, and control stands of Pinus radiata D. Don growing on a low-productivity site, average annual precipitation of 790 mm, near Canberra in southeastern Australia. In the second growing-season after treatments commenced, projected leaf-area index reached peak values of 7 on the irrigated/fertilised stands compared with approximately 5 on the other stands. Average canopy nitrogen concentration (dry-weight basis) varied across the treatments from 9 to 17 mg g−1. Measurements of soil and tree water-status over a 2-year period indicated that stands which were not irrigated experienced summer droughts of up to 4 months duration.

Annual volume production measured over the 2-year period ranged from 17 to 45 m3 ha−1. The extent to which this variation could be attributed to differences in leaf area, rats of photosynthesis, duration of the period of positive net photosynthesis, and hence growth, was analysed in terms of a process-based model of stand growth dependent on climate and soil water-balance.

Annual canopy net photosynthesis simulated by the model ranged from 18 t carbon ha−1 for the control stand to 38 t ha−1 for the irrigated/fertilised stands. Simulations indicated that 67% of this difference could be attributed to the role of irrigation in extending the period of active growth. The additional leaf area carried by the irrigated/fertilised stands contributed a further 23%, while differences in rates of photosynthesis, related to nitrogen nutrition, explained the remaining 10%.  相似文献   

Measures of forest productivity for various site conditions are necessary for forest management planning, where timber production is the objective. This study was undertaken to test whether autecological productivity relationships developed for lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and interior spruce (Picea engelmannii×P. glauca) using the biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification system of British Columbia are useful as practical field-based procedures to predict site index. Independent data sets consisting of 111 plots for pine and 114 plots for spruce were collected for use in testing the bias and precision of the models. A regression on residuals (predicted minus test values) indicated that the lodgepole pine model was unbiased in estimating site index (p=0.08). However, there was a lack of precision, with a square root of the mean squared prediction error (root-MSPR) of 2.8 m. Only 56% of the test plots had differences from the predicted values of 2.0 m or less. Residual analysis showed that the interior spruce model was biased in estimating site index (p<0.01), generally predicting greater site index than the test values. The model also lacked precision, with a root-MSPR of 3.2 m. Only 44% of the test plots had differences from the predicted values of 2.0 m or less. Forest managers requiring a site-index prediction tool need to decide whether the degree of accuracy precision provided by these models is acceptable.  相似文献   

本研究以筇竹与黄皮树人工混交林中筇竹地上部分为研究对象,测定分析了1~4年生分株地上部分各构件生物量及含水率,建立人工筇竹分株地上部分各构件的生物量及总生物量模型,以期为人工筇竹林的经营管理及其碳汇项目的开发提供科学依据。结果表明:随着筇竹分株年龄的增加,各构件含水率和生物量均逐渐减少,筇竹1~4年生分株地上部分平均含水率分别为57.62%、53.40%、50.01%、42.66%,平均生物量分别为133.99、123.31、109.76、85.39 g/m2;各年龄分株地上部分生物量的分配均呈现出秆>枝>叶的变化规律。不同年龄分株的胸径与秆、枝、叶生物量及地上部分总生物量均有极显著相关性(P<0.01)。以胸径为自变量建立的各年龄筇竹分株地上部分总生物量模型的决定系数(R2)均在0.93以上,具有较高的可信度,也有着较强的适用性,可用于类似立地条件下的筇竹分株生物量估测。  相似文献   

Sawflies (Perga species) are leaf-damaging pests of the major plantation tree species Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus. This work describes the patterns of quantitative genetic variation in susceptibility to attack by Perga affinis ssp. insularis, based on data from a large open-pollinated trial containing genetic material from throughout the geographic range of E. globulus ssp. globulus. Forty three per cent of the trees in the trial exhibited damage from sawflies in either their sixth or seventh growth seasons. The incidence of damage was genetically based, with significant variation between geographic races of E. globulus ssp. globulus and highly heritable (h2=0.43±0.05) variation in damage incidence within races. Susceptibility to sawfly damage significantly affects plant fitness with both genetic and environmental correlations demonstrating that sawfly damage causes slow growth and increased mortality of trees. Mild and severe sawfly damage resulted in 16 and 31% reduction in the basal area of surviving trees, and the effect was consistent across races and families. Based on this data, we propose a model predicting relative plantation productivity of races of different susceptibility under different infestation regimes.  相似文献   

海南木莲人工林生物量及养分分配   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文测定并分析了海南尖峰岭地区30年生的热带乡土树种海南木莲人工林生物量及其估算模型,论述了生物量及其养分分配规律。指出:海南木莲各器官及整株生物量模型以幂函数模型W=a(D2H)b比较理想;全林分的总生物量为144.066t/hm2,其中地上部分生物量89.935t/hm2。乔木层生物量占78.81%,林下植物层占21.19%;在乔木层中,树干、树叶、树枝、树皮和树根所占的比例分别是54.127%、2.354%、7.762%、9.370%和26.388%;乔木层中,各器官的养分含量,除Ca外,都是叶比其它器官(枝、皮、干、根)的养分含量高许多,N、P、K、Ca、Mg5个常量养分元素在海南木莲人工林生物体中的总贮量分别为557.754,24.330,599.908,275.557,64.103kg/hm2,各养分贮量在各器官中分布,除P外,从小到大为树叶、树枝、树皮、树干、树根  相似文献   

在太行五台山地区,调查华北落叶松人工林林分16块标准地,并测定了单株平均木各器官生物量及营养元素含量,拟合了华北落叶松林木各器官生物量随年龄变化的logistics生长方程。试验表明:华北落叶松立木及林分生物量年平均生长随年龄呈抛物线变化,24年生时达到高峰,而叶片对干材的净光合同化率18年生时即达顶峰,约为400g/m2。15年生林木各器官主要营养元素总积累量,从大到小顺序为N、Ca、K、Mg、P,林分每公顷可积累以上五种营养元素的总量是888.91kg。N为406.86kg,其中叶片中N积累214.56kg,占总N积累的52.74%;干中N积累54.35kg,占总N积累的13.36%。15年生华北落叶松林分,生产1吨干物质即固定N3.5kg;而生产1m2木材需固定N4.6kg;伐倒1m3木材所消耗的N仅为0.611kg,占1m3木材需固N总量的13.36%。  相似文献   

尾叶桉幼林地上部分生物量及养分循环的研究*   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
论述了2-3年生尾叶桉幼林地上部分生长、生物量积累和生物量在树木各器官及各径阶中的分配,林分净生产量,树木各器官及凋落物的养分含量和林分的养分循环。2年生时林分的生物量为22.9t/hm^2,其中干材占60.2%,皮占8.9%,枝占14.7%,叶占16.2%。3年生时林分生物量为40thm^2,其中干材占63.6%,皮占7.7%,枝占14.1%,叶占14.6%。年净生产量为20.5t/hm^2,约  相似文献   

Stigmasterol, isolated from the bark of Butea monosperma was evaluated for its thyroid hormone and glucose regulatory efficacy in mice. Its administration at 2.6 mg/kg/d for 20 days reduced serum triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxin (T4) and glucose concentrations as well as the activity of hepatic glucose-6-phophatase (G-6-Pase) with a concomitant increase in insulin indicating its thyroid inhibiting and hypoglycemic properties. A decrease in the hepatic lipid peroxidation (LPO) and an increase in the activities of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione (GSH) suggested its antioxidative potential. The highest concentration tested (5.2 mg/kg) evoked pro-oxidative activity.  相似文献   

The productivity and biomass allocation strategies of two early successional (ES) and two late successional (LS) tropical tree species were compared and related to their successional status. Apart from distinct differences in clean bole length, crown depth, maximum crown width and leaf area index (LAI), the ES species showed higher allocation to the shoot, particularly to the bole, whereas the LS species had higher allocation to the root. The ES species with shallow root system had more root biomass within the upper 20 cm of the soil profile while the LS species with deeper roots had a higher proportion of root biomass distributed below the 20 cm depth. The productivity of the shoot of ES species was significantly higher than that of LS species. However, root productivity for ES species was higher only up to 4 years of age; the differences were not significant between 5 and 7 years. The implication of these results for agroforestry and mixed plantation forestry is emphasized.  相似文献   

采用全部、分层挖取法,研究洞庭湖区9年生桤木人工林的生物量及根系分布规律。结果表明:桤木单株生物量为44.39ks/株,各器官生物量大小排序为树干〉树根〉树枝〉树皮〉树叶;林分总生物量为96.06/hm^2;林分净生产力为10.67/(hm^2·年)。桤木根系发达,根深60~80cm;根系中以根桩和粗根的生物量所占的比例最大,两者之和占根系总生物量的84.27%。在垂直分布上,根系主要分布在0~40cm的土层中,其生物量占根系总生物量的84.51%。在水平分布上,根系主要分布在离树桩0~50cm的范围内,其生物量占根系总生物量的84.49%;特别是粗根,其生物量占根系总生物量的29.47%;茵根的生物量占根系总生物量的0.39%,主要分布在离树桩50~100cm的范围内,该区域根系的生物量占茵根总生物量的70.97%。  相似文献   

目的 以库布其沙漠沙柳为研究对象,建立基于BP神经网络的沙柳生物量模型,探究不同建模因子下的沙柳生物量估算模型变化,以期探究沙柳生物量估算模型的最优形式。 方法 选取6种沙柳生长因子,并根据与生物量相关性大小加入输入变量,从而组成6组不同输入变量,输入变量包含因子数量逐步增加(1 ~ 6种)。对比BP神经网络沙柳生物量模型不同输入变量所拟合模型的性能,确定最佳输入变量,并在最优输入变量的基础上,确定BP神经网络隐层数量,经过反复训练,建立基于BP神经网络的沙柳生物量估算模型。 结果 基于BP神经网络的沙柳生物量模型最优结构,即输入层节点数(Nin)∶隐层节点数(Nh)∶输出层节点数(Nout)为:4∶9∶1。其中训练数据R2=0.97,RMSE=0.67,MAE=0.50;测试数据R2=0.96,RMSE=1.10,MAE=0.77。 结论 基于BP神经网络的沙柳生物量,随着输入变量中输入因子的数量不断增加,发现其R2、RMSE、MAE所表现出的模型性能逐渐变好,但是输入变量每增加1种后,当输入因子数量为5时,模型精度相比输入因子数量为4时提升幅度较小,考虑模型使用时的精度和野外工作的便利性,输入层最优输入因子数为4种,当隐层数为9时模型性能表现为最优。  相似文献   

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