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A 360‐day feeding trial was conducted to observe the influence of varying levels of dietary protein on growth, reproductive performance, body and egg composition of rohu, Labeo rohita. Twenty fish (40.4 ± 0.24 cm; 852 ± 4.9 g), stocked in outdoor concrete tanks (200 m2), in duplicate, were fed diets with varying levels (200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 g kg?1) of crude protein exchanged with carbohydrate to apparent satiation, twice daily, at 09:00 and 17:00 h. Higher (P < 0.05) weight increment was discernible in fish fed dietary protein ≥300 g kg?1. Gonadosomatic index was comparable (P > 0.05) among fish of different dietary groups except those fed 200 g kg?1 protein diet which produced least values. Egg diameter remained unaffected (P > 0.05) by variations in levels of dietary protein. Relative fecundity was maximum (P < 0.05) in fish fed 250 and 300 g kg?1 protein diets. With the exception of fish fed 200 g kg?1 protein diet, fertilizability (%) remained unaffected (P > 0.05) by variations in dietary protein level. Hatchability (%) followed the trend of variations almost similar to that of fertilizability. Proximate composition of muscle and eggs varied significantly (P < 0.05) with dietary protein levels. For broodstock L. rohita, a dietary protein level of 250 g kg?1 was found optimum with regard to its reproductive performance, egg quality and composition.  相似文献   

The post‐parturition behavioural patterns of adult Xiphophorus helleri (Heckel) were described and quantified by recording their duration and/or frequency in glass tanks. All births occurred in the dark. Female behaviour might increase the chance of newborn juvenile survival: at the top of the tank, where juveniles are more vulnerable to predation, the females gave birth in the artificial refuge, while no parturition took place in the refuge at the bottom. Birth‐giving females were no less cannibalistic than males and other females. There was a reduction in cannibalism and the frequency of secondary attacks with time, even though the number of juveniles in the tank continued to increase due to ongoing parturition. Most adults were found at the bottom of the water column during the first 500 min of parturition, after which they were distributed equally in the water column. The movement of adults, away from the bottom and consequently away from the juveniles corresponded with an increase in feeding on alternative food and a reduction in cannibalism. Thus, cannibalism in swordtail might be opportunistic predation.  相似文献   

This study determined the effect of different dietary protein and lipid levels on growth and survival of juvenile redclaw Cherax quadricarinatus. Nine practical test diets were formulated to contain three crude protein (CP) levels [260, 310 and 360 g kg?1, equivalent to 225, 260 and 296 g kg?1 digestible protein (DP) respectively] at three crude lipid (CL) levels (40, 80 and 120 g kg?1, equivalent to 38, 67 and 103 digestible lipids respectively), with digestible protein : digestible energy (DP : DE) ranging from 14.6 to 22.6 mg protein kJ g?1. Three replicate groups of 15 crayfish (initial weight mean ± SD, 0.71 ± 0.13 g) per diet treatment were stocked in 40 L tanks, at 28 °C for 60 days. The highest mean weight, specific growth rate and biomass, with values of 7.0 g, 3.67% day?1, and 370.2 g m?2, respectively, were achieved by feeding a diet with P : L = 310 : 80 (P < 0.05). The treatments resulted in a survival rate of 80–91%, feed conversion ratio of 1.08–1.61 and protein efficiency ratio of 2.24–3.08. Results indicated that a diet containing 270 g kg?1 DP (equivalent to 320 g kg?1 CP), 75 g kg?1 digestible lipid (DL) with a DP/DE of 18.4 mg protein kJ?1, and 0.031 g protein per animal per day was optimum for juvenile C. quadricarinatus under the tested experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Present study aimed to determine the optimum dietary lipid level in snakehead murrel channa striatus broodstocks. Triplicate groups of fish were fed for 240 days with isonitrogenous experimental diets with increasing lipid levels (100, 140, and 180 g kg?1), using fish oil and soybean oil as the lipid sources with the ratio of (1:1). Weight gain, GSI, fecundity, oocyte diameter and number of mature oocyte were found to be significantly higher in the group fed with diet containing 180 g kg?1 lipid level. Muscle fatty acid profile showed a significant increase in LA (18:2n‐6), LNA (18:3n3), total PUFA, n‐6 and ArA (20:4n‐6) in fish fed with diet containing 180 g kg?1 lipid. Increasing lipid level up to 180 g kg?1 resulted in significant increase in PUFA (LA & LNA), lc‐PUFA (EPA, DHA, ArA), total PUFA, n‐3 and n‐6 series in ovary and liver of female C. striatus.  相似文献   

光对红剑鱼红色素细胞色素颗粒运动的影响及其机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究光对色素细胞色素颗粒运动的影响机制,以红剑鱼(Xiphophorus helleri)鳞片上红色素细胞为材料,体外培养后在显微镜下观察色素颗粒对不同波长光刺激的应答,并利用药理学手段研究色素颗粒对光应答的信号通路。结果表明:1)紫外光(350 nm,WU)、蓝光(450 nm,WB)、绿光(550 nm,WG)对红色素细胞色素颗粒的运动有不同影响;WB使色素颗粒聚集,WG使色素颗粒分散,而WU使红色素细胞剧烈收缩,色素颗粒聚集于细胞中心。2)双信使通路中的IP3通路可抑制色素颗粒的聚集反应;蛋白激酶C(PKC)的抑制子星孢素(ST)和H-7不影响WU引起的色素颗粒聚集反应,而IP3的抑制剂W-7可使色素颗粒聚集反应加快。3)色素颗粒运动反应与细胞内环腺苷酸(cAMP)水平有关;腺苷酸环化酶激活剂佛司可林(FSK)和cAMP-PDE阻断剂茶碱可抑制色素颗粒聚集反应,而蛋白激酶A(PKA)特异抑制子H-89可抑制色素颗粒的分散反应。以上结果提示,光对红色素细胞色素颗粒运动的影响可能是通过信号通道cAMP路径和IP3路径的共同作用  相似文献   

  • 1. The swordtail Xiphophorus hellerii is a popular ornamental freshwater fish that occurs as an introduced species in the aquatic habitats of at least 31 countries. Although introduced populations are found in other Australian states, the only known Western Australian population occurs in the Irwin River (29°15′S).
  • 2. The biology of X. hellerii in the Irwin River in south‐western Australia is described from four seasonal samples, collected by seine net, between spring 2002 and winter 2003.
  • 3. Pregnant females were collected in all seasonal samples, though juveniles were absent in spring, implying that juvenile mortality during late winter is high. Although mean length of pregnant females (38.7 mm) and mean gonadosomatic index (GSI) (14.7) were similar to reported data for X. hellerii populations in Queensland, mean fecundity was markedly lower in Western Australia, i.e. 34.1, cf. 60.15.
  • 4. Logistic analysis of the percentage of female and male X. hellerii with developing and mature gonads predicted that the length at which 50% of the sexes mature was 30.8 and 31.5 mm SL, respectively. The sex ratios of females to males did not differ statistically from a ratio of 2:1.
  • 5. The diet of all X. hellerii size classes was omnivorous (primarily vegetal matter/algae), although a significant difference was observed between the diet of juveniles and that of the two larger size classes (i.e. juveniles consumed greater quantities of aquatic invertebrates).
  • 6. A melanic polymorphism (i.e. pigmented caudal peduncle and fin) was observed in approximately 5% of X. hellerii collected.
  • 7. If released, the range of X. hellerii is likely to expand in anthropogenically modified habitats in tropical and temperate latitudes of Western Australia. Potential ecological impacts on indigenous fishes may be magnified owing to the depauperate nature of the endemic ichthyofauna including a lack of predators. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

饲料蛋白质和能量水平对红姑鱼生长和鱼体组成的影响   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
刘永坚 《水产学报》2002,26(3):242-246
采用 3× 3因子试验确定不同蛋白质和脂肪水平实用饲料对红姑鱼生长和鱼体组成的影响。初始平均体重为 2 .73g的试验鱼放养在 2 7个 2 .5m× 1.5m× 1.3m的网箱中 ,每箱放养 6 0尾。用饲料蛋白质水平为38% ,42 %和 46 % ,脂肪水平为 5 % ,8%和 12 %的试验饲料饲养鱼 8周。结果表明特定生长率和饲料系数以高蛋白质组 (HP ,46 % )显著高于中蛋白组 (MP ,42 % )和低蛋白组 (LP ,38% ) (P <0 .0 5 ) ;饲料脂肪水平对鱼的生长和饲料系数没有显著影响 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;随饲料DP/DE降低 ,脏体比和肝体比增加 ;随饲料可消化能增加 ,全鱼和肝脏的脂肪含量增加 ,但对机体的蛋白含量、氨基酸构成和灰分含量没有多大的影响。从本试验可初步认为红姑鱼幼鱼最适饲料蛋白质水平为 46 % ,可消化蛋能比 (DP/DE)为 119mg·kcal-1。  相似文献   

Three protein levels (30%, 38% and 45%) at three different dietary lipid concentrations (6%, 8% and 12%) were used to formulate nine different diets that were fed for 60 days to 6–8 weeks old juvenile swordtails (Xiphophorus helleri). It would appear that a diet of at least 45% protein at a 6% lipid concentration is needed for the best specific growth rate (1.27% per day) and feed conversion ratio (2.50) at this specific growth phase in X. helleri. No ‘protein sparing effect’ was found when lipid concentration was increased at lower protein levels. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

彭迪  陈效儒  文华  吴凡  陆星  田娟  刘伟  蒋明  喻丽娟  张璐  李淑云 《水产学报》2019,43(10):2175-2185
为研究克氏原螯虾亲虾对脂肪的需要量,本实验采用初始体质量为(15.46±0.20)g的克氏原螯虾亲虾324尾,分为6组(每组设置3个重复,每个重复18尾,雌雄比例为2:1),投喂粗蛋白质水平为30%,脂肪水平分别为1.98%(对照组)、4.12%、5.84%、7.89%、10.48%和11.89%的6组半精制饲料,饲养8周后,测定并分析亲虾的生长性能、肌肉成分、繁殖性能、肝胰腺消化酶活性以及血淋巴部分生化指标。结果发现:①随着饲料脂肪水平的升高,增重率和特定生长率先上升,在饲料脂肪水平达到7.89%后呈下降趋势;饲料系数和肝体比呈上升趋势,11.89%组最高。②饲料脂肪水平对亲虾肌肉水分和灰分含量无显著影响;随着饲料脂肪水平的升高,肌肉粗脂肪含量呈现先升高后降低最后趋于稳定的趋势,在饲料脂肪水平为5.84%时最高。③随着饲料脂肪水平的升高,性腺指数、抱卵率、抱卵量均呈现先上升后降低的变化规律,均在饲料脂肪水平为7.89%时达到最大。④血淋巴中总蛋白含量随饲料脂肪水平呈现先下降后上升趋势;谷草转氨酶、谷丙转氨酶活性均随饲料脂肪水平升高而升高,均在11.89%组最高;血淋巴中葡萄糖含量各组间无显著性差异。⑤饲料脂肪水平对实验虾肝胰腺蛋白酶和脂肪酶活性有显著影响,对淀粉酶活性无显著性影响。利用增重率与饲料脂肪水平进行折线回归分析,克氏原螯虾亲虾获得最佳增重率时对饲料的脂肪需要量为7.60%。对实验虾生长性能、肌肉成分、繁殖性能、肝胰腺消化酶活性、血淋巴生化指标进行综合分析,显示本实验条件下克氏原螯虾亲虾对脂肪需要量为7.60%~7.89%。  相似文献   

The shrimp Penaeus stylirostris is currently produced on a commercial scale in Tahiti and New Caledonia. Both super-intensive (80 animals m−2) and semi intensive (25 m−2) systems are promoted. Locally produced commercial feed contains 380–400 g kg−1 crude protein (CP) without special consideration for environmental impact. The need for a 'low pollution' diet implies reconsideration of the optimum dietary protein level for this species. Under experimental conditions, six isoenergetic practical diets ranging from 270 g kg−1 to 440 g kg−1 CP were formulated and fed to satiation for 30 days to juvenile P. stylirostris ; average growth rates were between 5.5 and 7.5 g per month with survival rates > 90%.
The lowest protein levels 270–310 g kg−1, gave significantly ( P < 0.05) poorer growth (5.5 g per 30 days) than was observed with 330–430 g kg−1 CP; 330 g kg−1 CP may be recommended, and as it is lower than levels in diets used currently, there is a possibility of reducing nitrogenous waste. In addition to growth response, protein efficiency ratio, protein productive value and food conversion (feed/gain) all supported a recommended dietary protein level of 330 g kg−1. Future prospects for practical feeds with even lower CP levels are considered.  相似文献   

皇康康  张春晓  王玲  宋凯  黄飞 《水产学报》2014,38(6):877-887
为研究饲料中不同蛋白质和脂肪水平对牛蛙生长、体组成和肝脏健康的影响,以红鱼粉、豆粕和酪蛋白为蛋白源,鱼油和豆油为主要脂肪源,α-淀粉为主要糖源,微晶纤维素为填充剂,并补充无机盐和维生素等配制实验饲料。实验设3个蛋白水平(35%、40%和45%),每个蛋白水平下设4个脂肪水平(4%、7%、10%和13%),共12种饲料,饲料可利用能变化范围为12.4~17.8 kJ/g,蛋白能量比变化范围为21.9~32.0 mg/kJ。每种饲料设置3个重复,每个水族缸放养12只牛蛙[初始平均体质量为(91.5±1.1)g],每日饱食投喂2次,实验周期56 d。结果发现,饲料蛋白质和脂肪水平对牛蛙的存活率无显著影响,而13%脂肪组的牛蛙肝脏出现颜色不均一和肝体脆化无韧性的现象。饲料蛋白质和脂肪水平显著影响牛蛙的增重率、特定生长率、摄食率、饲料效率和蛋白质效率。其中,40%蛋白组牛蛙的增重率和特定生长率显著高于35%蛋白组,与45%蛋白组无显著差异。随着蛋白质水平的升高,饲料效率显著升高,而摄食率和蛋白质效率显著降低。随着脂肪水平的升高,增重率、特定生长率和摄食率显著升高,饲料效率、蛋白质效率和氮保留率无显著差异。饲料脂肪水平与牛蛙全体的脂肪含量和总能水平正相关,但不影响牛蛙全体的蛋白质含量。随着饲料脂肪水平的升高,牛蛙肝脏丙二醛含量显著升高,过氧化氢酶和脂蛋白酯酶活力先升高后降低。研究表明,牛蛙饲料适宜的蛋白质和脂肪水平分别为40%和7%,适宜蛋白能量比为27.7 mg/kJ。  相似文献   

A probiotic bacterial strain, Bacillus subtilis, isolated from the intestine of Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton), was incorporated in fish feed at four different concentrations (5 × 108 cells g−2, 5 × 107 cells g−2, 5 × 106cells g−1 and 5 × 105 cells g−1) and fed to four species of livebearing ornamental fish, Poecilia reticulata (Peters), Poecilia sphenops (Valenciennes), Xiphophorus helleri (Heckel) and Xiphophorus maculatus (Gunther) for one year duration to observe the effect of dietary probiotic supplementation on their reproductive performance. Sixty virgin females of each species were stocked separately in circular FRP tanks (350 L) and fed diets with varying levels of probiotic cells and control feed. Broodstock performance was evaluated based on gonadosomatic index (GSI), fecundity and fry production of female broodstock. The results showed that supplementation of feed with probiotics increased significantly (P<0.05) the GSI, fecundity and fry production of spawning females and length and weight of fry in all the four species of fish. The number of dead and deformed fry were also significantly lower (P<0.05) in fish fed with the probiotic feeds. The use of higher concentration of the probiont in diet did not always lead to significantly improved reproductive performance of the spawners. Collectively, this study showed that female livebearers benefit from inclusion of probiotics in diet during their reproductive stages.  相似文献   

A study was conducted at Bunda Fish Farm to evaluate the effects of dietary lipid levels on reproductive performance of Oreochromis karongae. Fish were reared in 12 hapas for 86 days, with four experimental diets containing 8.28%, 10.17%, 12.09% and 14.05% levels of lipid, replicated three times. At the end of the experiment, O. karongae fed 10.17% and 12.09% lipid had the highest absolute fecundity (237.5 ± 6.50 and 271.3 ± 26.19, respectively) as compared with fish fed on 8.28% and 14.05% lipid levels (90.3 ± 46.3 and 143.7 ± 30.8 respectively). Higher number of spawns (5) were observed in fish fed on diets containing crude lipid of 10.17%. We can assume also that diets of 10.17% lipid are not costly as those of 12.09% or 14.05% lipid. It was found that the size of eggs depended on the number of eggs spawned by the female fish, as the number of eggs increased, the weight of eggs and mean egg diameter decreased. There were no significant differences (> 0.05) among treatments in terms of relative fecundity. Based on these findings, it is recommended that diets containing crude lipid of 10% should be fed to broodstock for optimum reproductive performance of O. karongae.  相似文献   

In this study, two growth trials were conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary protein and lipid levels on growth and feed utilization of white sea bream (Diplodus sargus) juveniles. For the first trial, five diets were formulated to contain 120 g kg?1 lipid and increasing levels of protein, ranging from 400 to 600 g kg?1. Two additional diets were formulated with 400 and 600 g kg?1 protein and 180 g kg?1 lipids. The diets were fed to apparent visual satiety to duplicate groups of fish with a mean weight of 1.5 g for 10 weeks. For the second growth trial, four diets were formulated to contain 120 g kg?1 lipid and 380–520 g kg?1 protein. Two additional diets were formulated with 380 and 520 g kg?1 protein and 180 g kg?1 lipids. The diets were fed to apparent visual satiety to triplicate groups of fish with a mean weight of 41 g for 12 weeks. At the end of both trials, there were no growth differences among groups independent of the dietary protein content. In the first trial, growth was negatively correlated to dietary lipid levels. No significant differences of feed intake were detected among groups in both trials, but a direct correlation between feed efficiency and dietary protein level was observed. Protein efficiency ratio and nitrogen (N) retention (% N intake) significantly decreased with the increase of dietary protein levels. In both trials, energy retention (% energy intake) was highest in groups fed on diets with the highest protein‐to‐energy (P/E) ratio. At the end of both trials, no significant differences in whole‐body composition were observed among groups. Specific activity of enzymes involved in amino acid catabolism [aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH)] showed no significant differences with dietary protein level in both trials. Nevertheless, in the first trial, a significantly lower GDH activity was observed in fish fed with higher dietary lipid levels. No differences were found for specific activity of the lipogenic enzymes, fatty aid synthetase and glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase, in the second trial. Results of this study indicate that a diet with a protein level of 380–420 g kg?1 and a P/E ratio of 20 g protein MJ?1 satisfies the growth requirements of D. sargus juveniles. Also, within the range tested, no evidence of protein sparing by dietary lipids seems to occur.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to investigate the influence of dietary protein levels on growth performance, carcass proximate composition and liver lipid classes of juvenile Spinibarbus hollandi (Oshima), a cyprinid fish. White fish meal was the primary protein source in the study. Eight experimental diets containing 13–55% crude protein were fed to three replicate groups of six fish weighing nearly 8.5 g each for 10 weeks. Both percentage weight gain and feed efficiency ratio increased significantly with increasing dietary protein levels up to 31%, but there was no further increase for protein levels from 31% to 55%. Application of broken‐line regression analysis to the percentage weight gain provided an estimate of 32.7±1.5% dietary protein for maximum growth. The protein efficiency ratio and productive lipid value were inversely correlated with dietary protein level. The hepatosomatic index and the viscerosomatic index were also inversely related to dietary protein level. The carcass protein of fish fed lower protein diets was significantly lower than that of the fish fed higher protein diets. Carcass lipid content decreased with increasing dietary protein levels, whereas moisture was inversely related to lipid content. Both liver glycogen and liver lipid contents decreased with increasing dietary protein levels. Triglyceride was the major component in the liver lipid, and the amount of triglyceride deposited in the liver also decreased with dietary protein levels. The results indicated that both carcass proximate composition and liver lipid class of juvenile Spinibarbus hollandi were affected by dietary treatments.  相似文献   

Lipids include some of the most important nutrients that affect the survival and growth of fishes in their early life stages. Lipid deficiency prior to spawning may significantly reduce egg production, hatchability and the number of surviving larvae. In this study, we investigated the effects of isocaloric diets containing 80, 140 and 200 g kg−1 of lipids (lipid source, soy oil) for 90 days. The following data were collected at 0, 45 and 90 days: final weight; length; conditioning factor; hepatosomatic, gonadosomatic and visceral fat indices; total plasma protein; testosterone; 17ß‐estradiol; free amino acids; and ovary and muscle fatty acid profiles. Additionally, fecundity, oocyte production, egg morphometric parameters, and larval and postlarval growth were evaluated. Results were not statistically different for husbandry and biochemical parameters, but visceral fat content increased with increase in dietary lipid levels. The fatty acid profiles and composition differed among dietary treatments. The egg diameter and area were significantly low in fish fed the 200 g kg−1 lipid diet, thereby hindering growth, survival and weight compared to those in postlarval fish (< 0.05). The best reproductive rates were obtained when using diets containing 80–140 g kg−1 total lipids.  相似文献   

A 3 × 5 factorial design including three lipid levels (100, 130 and 180 g kg?1 diet, based on dry matter) and five dietary protein levels (370, 420, 470, 520 and 570 g kg?1 diet, based on dry matter) was conducted to investigate the optimum dietary lipid and protein requirements for Rutilus frisii kutum fingerlings. Triplicate groups of 80 kutum (500 ± 60 mg initial weight) were stocked in 250‐l tanks and fed to apparent satiation thrice daily for 8 weeks. The results showed that the growth performance and feed utilization were significantly (P < 0.05) affected by dietary protein and lipid levels. Weight gain, specific growth rate and feed conversion ratio of kutum improved significantly with increasing protein level from 370 to 470 g protein kg?1 diet, but there was a significant decrease in growth parameters with increasing protein level from 470 to 570 g protein kg?1 diet. Also, the higher values of weight gain, specific growth rate and better feed conversion ratio were observed for fish fed diets containing 130 g kg?1 lipid diet. The results of this study showed that diet containing 420 g kg?1 protein and 130 g kg?1 lipid with a P:E ratio of 19.22 mg protein kJ?1 of gross energy is optimal for kutum fingerlings.  相似文献   

Dietary protein and lipid effects on growth, body composition and indices of iridescent Shark Pangasius hypophthalmus (Sauvage 1878) fry were studied using a 4 × 2 factorial design. Triplicate groups of 10 fish per tank, with initial mean weights of 3.54–3.85 g were fed eight isocaloric diets comprising a combination of four protein levels (250, 300, 350 and 400 g kg−1 or 25%, 30%, 35% and 40%) and two lipid levels (60 and 120 g kg−1 or 6% and 12%) respectively. The fish were hand-fed to satiety twice daily for 8 weeks. Specific growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) showed significant effects ( P <0.05) with variations in dietary protein and lipid. The highest SGR was observed in fish fed 40% protein/12% lipid diet but this value was not significantly ( P >0.05) different from the fish fed 30% protein/12% lipid diet. The FCR was lowest for the 40/12 diet and differed significantly only with the 25/6, 25/12 and 30/6 treatments respectively. The hepatosomatic index (HSI) was significantly affected by the level of protein, but intraperitoneal fat (IPF) showed significant variation due to dietary lipid level. The HSI significantly ( P <0.05) decreased when dietary protein increased from 25% to 30% but increased marginally thereafter. The IPF values increased with increased dietary lipid but decreased with increased dietary protein. Body protein was positively correlated with dietary protein content; conversely, body lipid content decreased with increase in dietary protein. The results of this experiment indicate the presence of a protein-sparing effect of lipid as fish fed 30% protein/12% lipid diet had growth and feed utilization comparable to those fed 40% protein/12% lipid diet.  相似文献   

The effect of two crude dietary protein (26% and 32% P) and two lipid levels (4.7% and 12% L) on gonadal development of female redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus was determined. The gonadosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic index (HSI), biochemical composition of gonad and hepatopancreas, oocyte diameter and frequency of the developmental stage of oocytes were analysed. The GSI was significantly less using 26% P to 4.7% L. A significant interaction between P and L content was found for GSI. A significantly higher HSI value was obtained when L was 12%. P content in the hepatopancreas was significantly higher using 32% P and 4.7% L. The maximum L content in the hepatopancreas was obtained from the 32% P and 12% L diet. A significant interaction between P and L content was found for L content in the hepatopancreas. A higher frequency of post‐vitellogenic oocytes was obtained with diets containing 32% P. There was an interaction between dietary P and L level causing lipid accumulation in the hepatopancreas and changes in GSI. For an optimum 32% P, excess dietary lipid is bioaccumulated in the hepatopancreas, indicating that there is excess available energy. When the P and L levels are restricted, there is a limited gonad development, thus affecting overall reproduction in female C. quadricarinatus.  相似文献   

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