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绝大部分脊椎动物,都在身体的后面拖着一条或长成短的尾巴,但不同的动物,尾巴的功能是不尽相同的。在多数动物,尾巴是用来维持运动时身体的平衡的。如生活于澳洲的大袋鼠.在快速跳跃时,一跳可迭6米,这时它那粗大的尾巴上下摇动着,起了舵的作用,维持着身体的平衡。  相似文献   

上帝似乎特别眷顾水雉,赐予它那靓丽的身姿和独特的魅力,为自己赢得了”凌波仙子”的赞誉。特别让人惊诧的是,它不过三十余厘米的身体,却长有一双十四五厘米长的大脚爪,构成了一种“不对称”的艺术美。  相似文献   

您有过亲手报着自己爱犬的身体,去墓葬的经历吗?如果您问那是什么感觉,那请您最好准备好手帕再阅读下面这篇文章:  相似文献   

吴巍 《野生动物》2001,22(3):26-27
在上海野生动物园里生活着一群来自南美洲的小精灵。你看它们那双大大的眼睛正满怀着好奇注视着你。这些可爱的小精灵就是松鼠猴。松鼠猴的个子在灵长美动物中算得上是迷你型了。它的体长大约只有十几厘米 可是尾巴的长度几乎与身体一样。松鼠猴的毛色非常漂亮:身体的大部分披着青黄色的外衣;腹部毛色较浅;四肢的毛色金黄或橘黄。松鼠猴是灵长类中恨可爱的一种动物。它那娇小的外形是如此惹人怜爱;臼净的小脸上一双乌溜溜的大眼睛更是人见人爱。下面让我们一起来看一下这可爱的小精灵的一天是如何度过的吧。 不过要和它们一起度过一天可…  相似文献   

  那一座座建筑物,大都完好地伫立着,那气派的德式风格和完备的基础设施,显示着这里曾经是人声鼎沸的繁华小镇。  相似文献   

正一天猎人带着猎狗去打猎,猎人一枪击中了一只兔子的后腿,受伤的兔子开始拼命地奔跑。猎狗在猎人的指示下也是飞奔出去追赶兔子。可是追着追着,兔子不见了,猎狗只好悻悻地回到猎人身边,猎人开始骂猎狗了:"你真没有用,连一只受伤的兔子都追不到。"猎狗听了很是不服气地回道:"我尽力而为了呀。"再说兔子带伤终于跑回到洞里,它的兄弟们都围过来惊讶地问它:"那只猎狗很凶呀,你又带着  相似文献   

现在,蛋鸡市场在经历了八年的风风雨雨之后,又一次让人们开始回味起九六年那久别的美梦,想象着,想象着,许多人已经抵制不住这撩人的诱惑,重新燃起了东山再起的欲火——再搏一把。  相似文献   

回到拉萨 《草原》2011,(5):70-73
一再声明,我们要和平相处,蚊子不乐意,我的一再声明就显得一厢情愿了。蚊子趁我不注意,在我身体裸露的部分,狠狠叮上一口,唱着歌飞走了。这我不乐意,把灯打开,四处寻找叮咬我的蚊子。还真让我找到一只,它趴在墙壁上摇晃着脑袋,从它那近似夸张的表情中,我甚至能看出它得意忘形的样子。"啪"一声,我的手掌打在墙壁上,翻开手掌,它身体的某个部位粘连在墙壁上摇摇欲坠。墙壁和我手掌上,却没有丁点的血迹。这多少有点不人道,我们尊崇有恩报恩有仇报仇的道理。挂  相似文献   

正一我掰下花椒树上倒立着的刺,将这些"小扇子"首尾相连,就能组成花朵、人的身体或者拐杖。单个的花椒刺横向排列着,就是院落里的扇面篱笆。这样的游戏,我一玩就是半晌。花椒刺总是毫不客气地扎进手指,拔出它,那股子麻劲附着在皮肤上,躁动不安,之后便又痒又疼。受伤的往往是右手食指,这个充满好奇的触角。接下来的几天时间,我用其他手指挠它;坐在椅子上,用扶手上的棱角蹭它;在院子  相似文献   

生长在非洲和马达加斯加岛的变色龙,在蜥蜴目中也是个怪物,它头上长角、身上有“刺”,体长约5~9英寸,身体颜色随着它的心理状态及环境温度而变化:当雌性排卵对,便呈现非常美丽鲜艳的体色;交尾时的雄性则呈深黑色;当敌手侵犯其势力范围时,体色马上变得苍白。同类角斗时,战败的变色龙又会呈现深色。如果它的体色呈现淡黄色或浅灰色,那就说明它的身体暖和或着  相似文献   

Bat Rabies in Ontario   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Rabies has been diagnosed for the first time in the bat population of Ontario. In the course of a study involving 72 bats from 24 counties of the province, five big brown bats (E. fuscus) were found to be infected with rabies through the mouse inoculation test. At the present time, it does not look as if bats have been connected with the epizootic of sylvatic rabies in Ontario.

La rage est apparue pour la première fois chez les chauves-souris en Ontario. Au cours d'une étude qui a porté sur 72 de ces animaux provenant de 24 comtés de la province, l'inoculation d'animaux de laboratoire a permis confirmer la présence de la maladie chez cinq grosses chauves-souris brunes (E. fuscus). A date, il ne semble toutefois pas que les chauves-souris soient impliquées dans l'épizootie de rage sylvatique qui sévit en Orntario.


Rabid bats are regularly reported in Europe, especially in countries that have implemented a bat surveillance network. In May 2013, bat rabies was evidenced for the first time in Luxembourg (southern city of Differdange). The rabies virus, an EBLV‐1b strain, was diagnosed in a serotine bat that bit a 29‐year‐old male person while he was asleep. The man received rapidly a post‐exposure RABV treatment and was put under strict medical supervision.  相似文献   

Six hundred and twenty-eight insectivorous bats originating from seven provinces were submitted to this Institute for rabies diagnosis between August 1, 1963 and December 31, 1967. Brain tissue was examined by the fluorescent antibody technique and the mouse infectivity test was carried out with brain, salivary gland, interscapular adipose tissue and kidney samples. Rabies virus was detected in 44 bats, 29 of which were from Ontario, 12 from British Columbia and three from Manitoba. Most of the positive cases were diagnosed in summer months. Seven species were represented among the specimens found to be rabid; there were 32 big brown bats, three hoary bats, three silver-haired bats, two little brown bats, one eastern pipistrelle, one Keen myotis and one red bat. Another bat which was not identified also proved to be infected with rabies.  相似文献   

Bat rabies in alberta 1979-1982   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The infection rate among eight species of bats submitted for rabies diagnosis in Alberta during 1979-82 was 4.6%. Prevalence of rabies was greatest (24%) for hoary bats Lasiurus cinereus, while the big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus was the species in which rabies was most commonly diagnosed, and the species submitted most frequently for rabies diagnosis was the little brown bat Myotis lucifugus. The rabies infection rate among male hoary bats was significantly greater than in either sex of all other submitted species. The frequency of rabies diagnosis in hoary bats submitted during 1979-82 was also significantly higher than in those submitted between 1971 and 1978. There has been a significant decrease in the rabies prevalence or infection rate of little brown bats since 1971-78.  相似文献   

蝙蝠作为流行性乙型脑炎病毒宿主的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1986、1988、1990和1997年的7-8月,在云南省共捕获653只蝙蝠,其中棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaulti)593只,金管鼻蝠(Murina aurata)60只,采集血清及剖取脑组织作病毒分离和抗体检查。用细胞法和乳鼠法分离到6株病毒,带毒率为0.96%,其中从捕自景洪的棕果蝠脑组织中分离到3株,从河口的棕果蝠血清中分离到2株,从捕自耿马的金管鼻蝠脑组织中分离出1株。棕果蝠和金管鼻蝠的带毒率分别为0.84%和1.67%。这6株病毒能引起C6/36和BHK21细胞病变和导致乳小白鼠或3-4周龄小白鼠发病和死亡,并具有典型的嗜神经病毒感染症状,经血凝抑制,补体结合,免疫荧光和中和试验鉴定。新分离的6株病毒均为乙脑病毒(JE virus)。同期用血凝抑制试验对采获的425份棕果蝠血清作乙脑病毒抗体检查。阳性153-份,阳性率为36%,人有较高的感染率,。本次从棕果蝠和金管鼻蝠体内分离出乙脑病毒属具有重要流行病学意义。  相似文献   

Bat rabies in british columbia 1971-1985   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Rabies virus was demonstrated in 99 of 1154 bats submitted from British Columbia between 1971 and 1985. Rabies was diagnosed in seven species including big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus), the latter accounting for 51% of all positive cases. Colonial species represented 92.9% of all identified bats and 87.7% of all rabid cases. Most bats were submitted from the more densely populated areas of the province, and submissions and positive cases both peaked in the month of August. Daytime activity and inability to fly were the most common behaviors reported in rabid bats.  相似文献   

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