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Wojcik A 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2003,301(5637):1183-4; author reply 1183-4

Toward Heisenberg-limited spectroscopy with multiparticle entangled states   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The precision in spectroscopy of any quantum system is fundamentally limited by the Heisenberg uncertainty relation for energy and time. For N systems, this limit requires that they be in a quantum-mechanically entangled state. We describe a scalable method of spectroscopy that can potentially take full advantage of entanglement to reach the Heisenberg limit and has the practical advantage that the spectroscopic information is transferred to states with optimal protection against readout noise. We demonstrate our method experimentally with three beryllium ions. The spectroscopic sensitivity attained is 1.45(2) times as high as that of a perfect experiment with three non-entangled particles.  相似文献   

 用汉字Foxbase开发一个操作界面好、通用性强的逐步判别分析计算程序。  相似文献   

用汉字Foxbase开发一个操作界面好、通用性强的逐步判别分析计算程序.  相似文献   

We have resolved single-exponential relaxation dynamics of the 2-, 3-, and 4-electron-hole pair states in nearly monodisperse cadmium selenide quantum dots with radii ranging from 1 to 4 nanometers. Comparison of the discrete relaxation constants measured for different multiple-pair states indicates that the carrier decay rate is cubic in carrier concentration, which is characteristic of an Auger process. We observe that in the quantum-confined regime, the Auger constant is strongly size-dependent and decreases with decreasing the quantum dot size as the radius cubed.  相似文献   

We show how entanglement shared between encoder and decoder can simplify the theory of quantum error correction. The entanglement-assisted quantum codes we describe do not require the dual-containing constraint necessary for standard quantum error-correcting codes, thus allowing us to "quantize" all of classical linear coding theory. In particular, efficient modern classical codes that attain the Shannon capacity can be made into entanglement-assisted quantum codes attaining the hashing bound (closely related to the quantum capacity). For systems without large amounts of shared entanglement, these codes can also be used as catalytic codes, in which a small amount of initial entanglement enables quantum communication.  相似文献   

Measurement-induced relative-position localization through entanglement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We demonstrate the difference between local, single-particle dynamics and global dynamics of entangled quantum systems coupled to independent environments. Using an all-optical experimental setup, we showed that, even when the environment-induced decay of each system is asymptotic, quantum entanglement may suddenly disappear. This "sudden death" constitutes yet another distinct and counterintuitive trait of entanglement.  相似文献   

Entanglement is the essential feature of quantum mechanics. Notably, observers of two or more entangled particles will find correlations in their measurement results that cannot be explained by classical statistics. To make it a useful resource, particularly for scalable long-distance quantum communication, the heralded generation of entanglement between distant massive quantum systems is necessary. We report on the creation and analysis of heralded entanglement between spins of two single rubidium-87 atoms trapped independently 20 meters apart. Our results illustrate the viability of an integral resource for quantum information science, as well as for fundamental tests of quantum mechanics.  相似文献   

Long-distance free-space distribution of quantum entanglement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We demonstrate the distribution of quantum entanglement via optical free-space links to independent receivers separated by 600 m, with no line of sight between each other. A Bell inequality between those receivers is violated by more than four standard deviations, confirming the quality of the entanglement. This outdoor experiment represents a step toward satellite-based distributed quantum entanglement.  相似文献   

郝海叶  张洋  那冬晨 《安徽农业科学》2013,(25):10230-10231
[目的]研究景天属植物叶绿体DNA与核DNA分步提取方法.[方法]以景天属植物佛甲草、八宝景天、华北景天、费菜和垂盆草为研究材料,进行叶绿体DNA和核DNA的分步提取,通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳和PCR扩增进行检测.[结果]改进后的方法提取的核DNA和叶绿体DNA的质量好,纯度高.以叶绿体DNA和核DNA为模板进行PCR扩增均得到理想的条带,扩增率为100%,重复性好.[结论]该研究为叶绿素DNA和核DNA的提取提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

Robust entanglement at room temperature is a necessary requirement for practical applications in quantum technology. We demonstrate the creation of bipartite- and tripartite-entangled quantum states in a small quantum register consisting of individual 13C nuclei in a diamond lattice. Individual nuclear spins are controlled via their hyperfine coupling to a single electron at a nitrogen-vacancy defect center. Quantum correlations are of high quality and persist on a millisecond time scale even at room temperature, which is adequate for sophisticated quantum operations.  相似文献   

长爪沙鼠是我区的主要鼠类之一,为探讨该鼠种在农林牧业系统中的作用,并有效地控制其危害,提高防治鼠害的技术水平和效果,研究该种群的年龄组成及鉴定所属年龄组是非常必要的。本文利用逐步判别分析法对3个年龄组中的72个个体作了分析,结果表明判别准确率达90.28%。在13个特征中选出了来自头骨外形的5个最显著的特征。在今后的实际工作中,为了鉴定所属年龄组,只需简单地测量这5个指标而不需要测量体重、体长以及观察毛色等特征。  相似文献   

基因工程化食品安全性在我国还是个新论题,文中从生物体内细胞的基因所含有的控制信息多重性和复杂性的角度,论述对控制信息结构及作用的困难性和局限性,论证了基因重组引起遗传基因变异的可能性,并通过实例,进一步证实遗传基因变异及控制给人类带来的危害,启发人们对基因工程化食品安全性加以关注。  相似文献   

Quantum computers have the potential to solve certain problems faster than classical computers. To exploit their power, it is necessary to perform interqubit operations and generate entangled states. Spin qubits are a promising candidate for implementing a quantum processor because of their potential for scalability and miniaturization. However, their weak interactions with the environment, which lead to their long coherence times, make interqubit operations challenging. We performed a controlled two-qubit operation between singlet-triplet qubits using a dynamically decoupled sequence that maintains the two-qubit coupling while decoupling each qubit from its fluctuating environment. Using state tomography, we measured the full density matrix of the system and determined the concurrence and the fidelity of the generated state, providing proof of entanglement.  相似文献   

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