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‘Canino’ apricots and ‘Royal Zee’ plums were treated with 1000 nl l−1 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) at 20 °C for 20 h following harvest before 0 °C storage. After 5 days storage for apricots and 10 days for plums and after 30 days storage for both, fruit were moved to 20 °C for ripening. In addition, apricots were stored for 20 days and then treated with 1-MCP concentrations of 10, 100 and 1000 nl l−1 at removal and held for ripening. Ethylene production and respiration rate, as well as fruit quality of apricots varied with treatment. Ethylene production was efficiently inhibited by 1000 nl l−1 1-MCP in fruit treated after storage but not in fruit treated before storage. Fruit softening was associated with ethylene production and affected by 1-MCP in a concentration dependent manner when treated after storage, while 1-MCP did not affect softening in prestorage treated fruit. The color change of fruit was ethylene-independent and not affected by 1-MCP. Internal flesh browning was decreased by 1-MCP regardless of the concentration when treated after storage, while it was enhanced in fruit treated before storage. Decay development in apricots was decreased by 1-MCP in a concentration dependent manner. Ethylene production and respiration in ‘Royal Zee’ plums was greatly inhibited by 1-MCP during ripening after both short-term (10 day) and long term (30 day) storage. Parameters associated with ripening processes were decreased significantly by 1-MCP, including softening, color change, and loss of titratable acidity. These data demonstrate that 1-MCP has potential to delay ripening of apricots and plums, but the cultivar, maturity of fruit, and time of application must be chosen carefully. It is suggested that 1-MCP is more efficient for extending the shelf life and improving the quality of ‘Canino’ apricots directly marketed or after storage, whereas it might be a potent compound for extending both storage period and shelf life of ‘Royal Zee’ plums.  相似文献   

正七八月是赏荷的季节。打开互联网,随意一搜,全国各地的荷展就超过百个,但是今年顶级的荷展在江苏扬州。7月28日上午,第30届全国荷花展在扬州瘦西湖风景区开幕,全国27个省市近400名业内专家齐聚于此,共同感受"一水回环杨柳外,画船往来藕花天"的荷之盛宴。全国政协人口资源环境委员会副主任、  相似文献   

Cooked rice of ‘Sasanishiki’ is soft and not as sticky as those of Japanese leading cultivars ‘Koshihikari’ and ‘Hitomebore’. As a method for efficient selection of a breeding line having a good eating quality like that of ‘Sasanishiki’, the use of physical properties of cooked rice and cooking quality was examined. There were differences of physical properties of the surface layer, starch-iodine blue value per solid substance weight in cooking water and volume expansion of cooked rice between ‘Sasanishiki’ and ‘Hitomebore’, these properties being considered to be usable for the selection of breeding lines. Using these traits as selection targets, one line, named ‘Tohoku 194’, which has eating quality highly similar to that of ‘Sasanishiki’ and cold tolerance derived from ‘Hitomebore’, was selected from progeny of a cross between ‘Sasanishiki’ and ‘Hitomebore’. An application for registration as a new variety has been submitted for ‘Tohoku 194’ under the Japanese Plant Variety Protection Act, and is expected to become a recommended cultivar in Miyagi Prefecture. ‘Tohoku 194’ may fulfill various demands of consumers and companies in the food industry.  相似文献   

<正>石斛兰为兰科石斛属植物,观赏价值极高,与蝴蝶兰、卡特兰、万代兰并称“四大观赏兰花”。近年来,海南大学等单位利用从泰国引入的石斛兰种源,在海南、云南进行适应性栽培与单株选择,选择观赏性好、花期长、耐贮运的优良单株,进行组培扩繁。组培苗经多点比较试验和优中选优,最终选择出两个性状稳定的优良品系‘粉黛’和‘贵妃’。  相似文献   

‘津香蜜’和‘巴梨’组织培养快速繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

今年以来,昆明斗南花卉批发市场上的百合品种结构出现了新变化,继今年1月份起亚洲百合退出大宗市场外,最近一段时间,已种植10余年的红色代表品种‘元帅’出现隐退迹象,“OT”系列百合品种‘罗宾娜’取而代之,其产量逐渐增加,价格居高不下,有望成为今后红色系的代表品种而畅销国内外市场。  相似文献   

母亲节前后昆明斗南花市康乃馨日上市量猛增至1200万支,均价也从4月份的0.33元/支涨至0.60元/支,其中红色系列(挑红色、红色)品种最为畅销,均价为0.70元/支。红色系主打品种‘达拉斯’(‘Dallas’)无论是规模还是价格日渐衰落,而其相似品种‘红色恋人’(‘Bombay’),上市量飙升,价格居高不下,成为康乃馨新秀。  相似文献   

最早进入中国市场的切花红掌几乎都是红色,如今市场上红色系品种比例下降了不少,但仍然是最主要的色系。  相似文献   

A family of the cross of the northern highbush blueberry ‘Draper’?×?the southern highbush ‘Jewel’ (D?×?J) was propagated and phenotyped for plant size, yield, rate of flower, bud, and fruit development, leafing ability, winter hardiness, and fruit quality for 2 years in the field in Florida (FL), Georgia (GA), Michigan (MI), and Oregon (OR). In addition, a controlled greenhouse study was conducted on these progenies to estimate their chilling requirements. Significant levels of genotypic variability were observed for all the traits and the majority showed significant location and genotype?×?environmental interactions. Most of these traits were normally distributed across genotypes. There were many more flower buds per cane in GA than FL and OR, and many more vegetative buds broke in OR than in the southeastern states. Most of the various yield and growth traits were significantly correlated, except for flower buds per cane with plant height and width, and strength of leafing with plant width and flower buds/cane. Plants in OR developed much more slowly than those in FL and GA. There was a significant G?×?E effect on days to early green tip, floral bud break, and full bloom. Significant correlations were observed between all the developmental rates except between floral bud break and the days to full flowering and first blue fruit. Most individuals were severely damaged by winter cold in MI, although a few showed good tolerance. Significant location effects were observed for pH, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), and SS/TA. Fruit in FL were a little softer and had higher SS/TA ratios than those in GA. There were significant interactions between genotype and environment for all the fruit quality traits except for fruit scar, firmness, anthocyanin content (ACY), and % juice. Fruit scar had a significant positive relationship with firmness and a significant negative relationship with flavor. Fruit color was significantly associated positively with soluble solids and ACY. Firmer fruit had significantly lower levels of ACYs. Fruit pH showed significant positive correlations with TA, TA/SS, and % juice, and significant negative relationship with SS and ACY. TA was significantly associated negatively with TA/SS and positively with ACY and % juice. TA/SS and ACY were positively correlated significantly with % juice. Two or three individuals were identified at each location that had high yields, were very early or late ripening and had excellent overall fruit quality. There were significant levels of genotypic, environmental (chilling hours) and G?×?E interaction among vegetative and floral buds for numbers of buds per shoot, percentage that developed and their developmental rate. The chilling requirement of highbush blueberry appears to be regulated polygenically as the D?×?J family segregated normally. On average, genotypes did more poorly at 250 and 350 chilling hours than the other chilling treatments.  相似文献   

‘月月红’是月季大家族中最普通的一种。它没有牡丹的雍容华贵,也不像杜鹃、茶花那样绚丽多彩。然而‘月月红’名符其实,几乎月月都能开出小小的粉红色花朵,平凡而好养,也因此赢得了大家的厚爱。公园里、草地边、人行道旁、庭院里、阳台上……从城市到乡村,到处可看到它可爱的身影。我对‘月月红’十分钟爱。20多年前,我养的第一盆花就是友人送的‘月月红’。图1是它的第五代扦插苗长大后的样子。这些年的养植,颇有一些体会。‘月月红’适宜生长在阳光充足、空气流通的环境中,喜欢疏松肥沃、排水良好的中性或微酸性土壤。植株壮实而根  相似文献   

Summary The Rp1 locus of maize is a complex rust resistance locus where multiple resistance genes are clustered. Rare recombination events between Rp1 genes or alleles can produce two or more detectable genes linked in coupling phase. Such compound genes can then be manipulated as a single gene in breeding programs. Several compound Rp1 genes, each carrying two or three tightly linked resistance genes, were constructed to test their utility in controlling common rust. While none of the lines carrying single Rp1 genes were resistant to all of the characterized North American P. sorghi biotypes, most of the two component and all of the three component Rp1 complexes were resistant. The potential for utilization of compound resistance genes in other crop species is discussed.  相似文献   

<正>兜兰又称拖鞋兰、仙履兰,是兰科兜兰属植物的统称,多数为地生种,杂交品种较多,多年生草本。兜兰喜温暖、湿润和半阴的环境,怕强光暴晒。绿叶品种生长适温为12℃~18℃,斑叶品种生长适温为15℃~25℃,能忍受的最高温度约30℃,越冬温度应在10℃~15℃为宜。一般而言,温暖型的斑叶品种等大多在夏秋季开花,冷凉型的绿叶品种在冬春季开花。主要分布于印度、尼泊尔、缅甸、泰国、越南、菲律宾、马来西亚、  相似文献   

Partial self-compatibility in ‘Tombul’ and ‘Montebello’ hazelnuts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Self-pollination of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) cultivars in 1988 and 1990 revealed the existence of partial self-compatibility in Tombul and Montebello. Percent cluster set in these cultivars averaged 44 and 20%, respectively, but was less than 10% in 8 other cultivars investigated. Percent cluster set from pollination with Segorbe averaged 62 and 41% in 1988 and 1990, respectively. Self-pollination produced 40% fewer nuts per cluster and twice as many blanks as cross-pollination. All cultivars and selections have an active sporophytic incompatibility system.Evaluation of self-compatibility in seedlings from the cross Montebello × Compton revealed that the partial self-compatibility of the maternal parent was transmitted to some of the progeny. Self-pollination resulted in greater than 10% cluster set in two selections, OSU 41.134 and OSU 43.025, in both years, but only in 1988 in OSU 42.089 and Willamette. Three other selections had very low set in both years. Results of incompatible crosses with standard testers were generally in agreement with those of self-pollination, except that the S2 tester induced greater set on 3 genotypes in 1988 and the S1 tester on 2 genotypes in 1990 than self-pollination. The partial self-compatibility of Montebello, OSU 41.134, and OSU 43.025 appears to be due to a failure of their stigmas to prohibit pollen tube growth in incompatible crosses. There is no evidence of a pollen-part mutation in Montebello, nor is there evidence that partial self-compatibility is due to the interaction of S-alleles, as Barcelona, which has the same alleles as these three genotypes, failed to set nuts in all incompatible crosses.  相似文献   

‘Anjou’ and ‘Comice’ pears from three harvest dates were conditioned to develop ripening capacity by exposure to 100 μL L−1 ethylene at 20 °C for 0, 24, 48, or 72 h, followed by varying durations of temperature conditioning at −0.5 or 10 °C. Ripening capacity was tested by measuring fruit firmness after 7 d at 20 °C after completion of conditioning treatments. Fruit firmness was also measured after conditioning but before ripening, and was designated “shipping firmness”, indicative of the potential for the fruit to withstand transport conditions without physical injury. Ripening capacity in both cultivars developed more rapidly with later harvest date, increasing duration of ethylene conditioning, and increasing duration of temperature conditioning. Ripening capacity developed much more rapidly at 10 °C than at −0.5 °C. Useful durations of temperature conditioning at 10 °C were limited by fruit softening below acceptable values of shipping firmness. However, sequential combinations of ethylene and temperature conditioning at both −0.5 and 10 °C were identified wherein post-conditioning shipping firmness was acceptable.  相似文献   

‘Marcona’ and ‘Desmayo Largueta’ are the most widely cultivated almonds in Spain, representing around 27% of the total production and 34% of the entire almond growing surface. The excellent quality of their kernels makes them highly appreciated and demanded worldwide. However, due to their self-incompatibility, they should be grown along with cross-compatible cultivars, whose lower kernel quality often reduces the economic benefits of the plantation. In addition, although they are cross-compatible, are not good candidates to share the orchard since ‘Desmayo Largueta’ usually flowers earlier than ‘Marcona’. Therefore, to optimize orchard yield, genotypes with overlapping flowering times, cross-compatible with these cultivars and of similar fruit and ripening characteristics are desirable. In order to find suitable pollinators of these cultivars, five ‘Marcona’ and four ‘Desmayo Largueta’-type selections from “Instituto Técnico Agronómico Provincial (ITAP) de Albacete” (Spain) were characterized for flowering time and for self and cross-incompatibility. The results obtained showed that the nine ITAP selections were self-incompatible, and that three and one were promising candidates as pollinators of ‘Marcona’ and ‘Desmayo Largueta’, respectively. The S-haplotypes of two ITAP selections were characterized by cloning and sequencing their pistil S (S-RNase) and pollen S (SFB) genes. The results also showed that S f RNase does not have a mutated histidine in C2 region, and detected differences with other previously published sequences for S 23 RNase and SFB 23 allele. Moreover, the sequence for almond SFB 27 allele is reported here for the first time.  相似文献   

Postharvest 1-MCP can maintain fruit quality and inhibit development of superficial scald, a physiological storage disorder found in apple fruit, but the extent of the inhibition can vary by cultivar. In this study, we investigated whether multiple applications of 1-MCP, which are now permitted by a label modification of the commercial 1-MCP product, SmartFresh™, might improve scald control. ‘Cortland’ and ‘Delicious’ apples were untreated, treated on the day of harvest with the antioxidant inhibitor of scald, diphenylamine (DPA), or with 1 μL L−1 1-MCP at different intervals after harvest. Treatment times (days) were 1, 4, 7, 1 + 4, 4 + 7, 1 + 4 + 7, 7 + 14, 7 + 28, 7 + 42, and 7 + 84. Internal ethylene concentrations (IECs), flesh firmness, and accumulations of α-farnesene and conjugated trienols (CTols) were measured at harvest, at the time of treatment, and at intervals during air storage at 0.5 °C for up to 36 weeks. Scald was completely inhibited by DPA and all 1-MCP treatments in ‘Delicious’. However, effective control of scald in ‘Cortland’ was obtained with 1-MCP treatments within the first 4 days of harvest, either alone or in combination. Scald control with delayed 1-MCP treatments resulted in poorer scald control that was comparable to that obtained with DPA. IECs and α-farnesene accumulation were similar in untreated and DPA treated fruit, but inhibited by 1-MCP. However, differences among 1-MCP treatments became more evident with increasing storage periods. Inhibition of IECs and α-farnesene accumulation was greater in fruit treated on days 1, 4, 1 + 4, 4 + 7, 1 + 4 + 7, than on day 7 alone. A second application of 1-MCP on day 14 to fruit treated on day 7 increased inhibition of IECs, α-farnesene and CTol accumulations, but increasing delays before the second 1-MCP treatment resulted in progressively less inhibition of these factors. Similar effects of treatment on IECs, α-farnesene and CTol accumulations were found for both cultivars, even though no scald was detected in treated ‘Delicious’ apples. The results indicate that initial 1-MCP treatments should be applied to faster ripening cultivars such as ‘Cortland’ within a few days of harvest.  相似文献   

Stay green or delayed senescence is considered to play a crucial role in grain development in wheat when assimilates are limited. We identified three QTLs for stay green on the chromosomes 1AS, 3BS and 7DS using a recombinant inbred (RI) population developed by making crosses between the stay green parent ‘Chirya 3’ and non-stay green ‘Sonalika’. The RI lines were evaluated in natural field conditions for 2 years in replicated trial. The QTL on chromosome 1A was identified in both the years, while the QTLs on 3BS and 7DS were identified only in 1st and 2nd year, respectively. The QTLs explained up to 38.7% of phenotypic variation in a final simultaneous fit. The alleles for higher stay green values derived from the stay green parent ‘Chirya 3’. The QTLs were named as QSg.bhu-1A, QSg.bhu-3B and QSg.bhu-7D. The QTL QSg.bhu-3B and QSg.bhu-7D were placed in the 3BS9-0.57-0.78 and 7DS5-0.36-0.61 deletion bins, respectively.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty six F1 plants from a ‘Regent’ × ‘RedGlobe’ cross were used to generate a partial linkage map with 139 microsatellite markers spanning all 19 chromosomes. Phenotypic scores for downy mildew, taken over two years, confirmed a major resistance QTL (Rpv3) against downy mildew in the interval VVIN16-cjvh to UDV108 on chromosome 18 of ‘Regent’. This locus explained up to 62 % of the phenotypic variance observed. Additionally a putative minor downy mildew resistance locus was observed on chromosome 1 in one season. A major resistance locus against powdery mildew (Ren3) was also identified on chromosome 15 of ‘Regent’ in the interval UDV116 to VChr15CenGen06. This study established the efficacy of and validated the ‘Regent’-derived downy and powdery mildew major resistance genes/QTL under South African conditions. Closely linked SSR markers for marker-assisted selection and gene pyramiding strategies were identified.  相似文献   

K. A. Pyke  C. L. Hedley 《Euphytica》1982,31(3):921-932
In an attempt to explain previously observed differences between the growth rates of leafless and conventional plants, we have compared representatives of three pea phenotypes; conventional (AfAfStSt), semileafless (afafStSt) and leafless (afafstst) with regard to their embryonic axis/embryo weight ratio and their patterns of pre-emergent growth. Within each phenotype, comparisons were made between genotypes which differed for mean weight per seed and between seed weight classes within each genotype. Although significant differences were found between genotypes for embryonic axis/embryo weight ratios, these could not be attributed to differences between phenotypes. Within each seed population there was a consistent decrease in this weight ratio with increasing seed size irrespective of phenotype.Relative growth rate (RGR) of the seedlings prior to emergence was similar for all genotypes within and between phenotypes and also for seed size classes from individual populations. There was however a positive relationship betweed seed size and absolute growth rate within and between seed populations.The results suggest that differences between the phenotypes do not become manifest until after emergence of the seedling from the soil and the possibility of a post-emergent lag phase in the leafless type is therefore suggested.  相似文献   

Grevillea ‘Sylvia’ is a novel cut flower of sub-tropical to tropical origin. Cut inflorescences were dry-stored at 0, 5 or 10°C for 3, 6, 9 or 12 days. Inflorescences stored at 0°C for 3 or 6 days maintained a post-storage vase life of 7 days, which was similar to that of non-stored (control) inflorescences. There was no evidence of chilling injury even after 12 days at 0°C. Stems stored at 5 or 10°C for periods of 9 or 12 days suffered significant loss in vase life. Shortened longevity was associated with increased levels of flower and perianth abscission. Respiration rates of inflorescences stored at 0, 5, 10 or 22°C fell markedly with decreasing temperature. Temperature quotients (Q10) estimated for 0–5, 5–10 or 10–22°C intervals were 2.1, 3.8 and 3.4, respectively. Inflorescences stored dry at 0°C for 6, 12 or 18 days maintained vase lives about 1 day longer than those stored wet. Vase lives after 6, 12 or 18 days dry storage were 8, 6 and 4 days, respectively. To simulate non-refrigerated export by aircraft, inflorescences were held wet or dry for 2 days at 22°C. Vase life of stored inflorescences was shortened by 1 day compared to non-stored control inflorescences. There was no difference in inflorescence vase life between wet versus dry transport simulation.  相似文献   

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