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Compared with the traditional welding truss-column in shape of A, the members of the bolting top-joint are much smaller than the common welding joint. Furthermore, the members are more convenience on fabrication, transportation and installation. It should be noted that the zinc process is much easier and cheaper. In this paper, by using the finite element method, the effect of many factors to the global stiffness and the intensity of the bolting truss-column are analyzed; the factors include the column height, the root width to column height ratio, the tube thickness, etc. The results obtained are favorable references for design and optimization of the bolting  相似文献   

Debris flow is a kind of typical water ruins to highways, and it is a dynamic load for highway water ruin. The authors, following the moving law of debris flow and characteristics of highway ruin, put forward reasonable section shape of high - speed drainage trough. Then, according to the energy conservation principle and horizontal throwing theory, the authors established a calculation formula for the throwing distance. The results of the calculation formula given in this paper offer a solution for load calculation and control effect evaluation problems and provide theoretical foundation i to structure design and disease control of debris flow along the highways.  相似文献   

研究旨在利用局部多项式插值(LPI)对地震造成滑坡而形成的泥石流冲沟进行DEM建模,分析其插值参数对插值精度的影响,并提取最佳插值参数。以彭州市银厂沟谢家店滑坡体泥石流冲沟为例,以平均误差(ME)、中误差(RMSE)、最大正负误差(MPE, MNE)及正负误差百分比(PPE, PNE)作为DEM内插结果的精度评价指标,对不同阶数(P)、核函数[K(x)]、带宽(H)以及搜索扇区类型的DEM插值精度进行比较提取出最佳插值参数。结果表明:在其他参数默认的情况下,P为2时插值精度最高;K(x)为Exponential时拟合精度最高;4种搜索扇区类型的插值结果各项精度指标差异不大;插值试验中H=2为最优选择;所有设定参数的插值结果的正负误差大致都呈对半分布。利用LPI构建谢家店泥石流冲沟DEM结果可以满足大比例尺DEM精度要求,参数PK(x)、H对插值精度影响较大,而搜索扇区类型对插值结果影响较小,插值参数的优选有助于泥石流冲沟地形进行DEM构建。  相似文献   

This paper introduced FLUENT CFD simulation software and based on this software, the numerical modeling of the rotational flow sedimentation tank is set up and calculated. The separation efficiency curve and accumulation efficiency curve have been obtained and the deposition character inside the rotational flow sedimentation tank is shown. The conclusions given in this paper are valuable to the further improvement of the rotational flow sedimentation tank design.  相似文献   

关苍术生长发育规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究不同生长年限关苍术的生长发育规律,确定关苍术种子萌发所需的水分和温度,田间观察叶、茎、花、种子的生长发育情况。结果表明,关苍术种子足墒及15℃时易萌发;2年生关苍术的株高增长小高峰和叶片功能盛期比3年生提前10天左右;关苍术在6月下旬—7月上旬期间开始现蕾,现蕾后41.5~44.7天开花,单花序开放需4.2~6.5天,日开花高峰期为6:00—8:00,种子成熟需61.8~62.8天;关苍术地上部和地下部生长交替的时间,即地上/地下干物质比最高时期为8月17日—9月7日。  相似文献   

In this paper,the flow velocity fields,suspended solids concentration fields and flow-through curves in rectangular sedimentation tanks with different reaction baffles location,inlet horizontal velocity and length height ratio are simulated in detail using a developed mathematical model given in Reference 2.According to the numerical results,the influence of different reaction baffles location,inlet horizontal velocity and length height ratio on the operating efficiency is analyzed.Finally,the rational reaction baffles location,inlet horizontal velocity and length height ratio are presented.  相似文献   

小麦气孔密度及日变化规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
(1河北科技师范学院生命科学系,河北秦皇岛 066004;2秦皇岛市第二医院,河北秦皇岛 066000; 3河北科技师范学院化学系,秦皇岛 066004;4河北建材职业技术学院,秦皇岛,066004)  相似文献   

Experimental model of debris flow impact features   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper developes the physical experimental model for the valley-shaped debris flow, and draw up 15 operating modes in accordance with three sets of particle solids at 0.3~0.8 cm, 0.8~15 cm and 1.5~3.0 cm in diameter and fluid at the solid to liquid (RSL) rate of 0.02, 0.08, 0.16, 0.20 and 0.25. It conducts more than 40 simulations, and obtained 85 000 data using the new test methods such as Fastcam-ultima1024 typed CCD camera, HS200 typed dynamic transducer and multi-channel strain instrument. The experimental results show that the debris flow fluctuation becomes obvious at low RSL, the debris flow surge gradually embodies with the increase of RSL and the initial surge appears ahead of time with the increase of particle diameter. The impact forces of debris flow trend to increase nonlinearly with the increase of RSL and particle diameter, however, the flow speed at the mouth of debris flow valley trend to decrease with RSL increase. The studies may produce some valuable enlightenment in debris flow impact simulations and theory basis for various slurry viscosity and RSL.  相似文献   

Bt棉棉子中Bt蛋白定量检测方法建立及变化规律研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
应用Envirologix试剂盒测定99B、33B棉子仁中Bt蛋白的含量,分别为4376.4ng·g1和4321.7ng·g1;测定系列稀释的棉子仁提取液,Envirologix试剂盒测得的OD450和Agdia试剂盒测得的OD630间的相关性很好,相关系数接近0.99;而Agdia试剂盒测得的系列稀释液的OD630与其Bt蛋白含量间有很好的相关性,相关系数大于0.99。据此,利用Agdia试剂盒测得99B、33B棉子、棉子仁、棉子壳在12个月的贮存过程中Bt蛋白含量的变化规律,棉子、棉子仁中Bt蛋白含量降低一半,棉子壳中Bt蛋白含量降低四分之一。  相似文献   

Applied Force Analysis of Turbulent-debris Flow to Drainage-canal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper firstly makes an introduction to turbulent debris flow(rare debris flow)destroying drainage canal, then simply summarizes the characteristics of the turbulent debris flow; thirdly deeply analyses drainage canal being done force from two directions:one is vertical to drainage canal wall, the other is equal to drainage canal wall, furthermore obains ten formulas. For this reason, designing basis for drainage canal is provided.  相似文献   

春玉米田翻压绿肥腐解及养分释放特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用尼龙网袋埋田法,研究越冬绿肥二月兰在春玉米田土壤腐解特征及养分释放规律,为华北地区春玉米减肥增效技术研究提供理论依据。结果表明,二月兰还田0~10d腐解速率最高,达1.21g/d,阶段内累积腐解率为28.94%;11~45d进入缓慢腐解期,腐解速率为0.44g/d,阶段累积腐解率占比37.45%;46~123d腐解速率稳定在0.03g/d,至玉米收获时累积腐解率达71.26%。二月兰腐解期内养分累积释放率表现为钾>碳>磷>氮,分别达94.90%、76.46%、56.35%和53.83%,且钾、碳和氮均在还田0~45d累积释放量最高,而磷在还田0~3d出现“增高富集”后快速释放。据测算,二月兰腐解期内氮、磷、钾释放量分别为26.82、4.04和35.88kg/hm2。因此,华北地区绿肥二月兰还田可适当替代化学肥料,依据养分释放规律,春玉米前期应重氮磷、轻钾,后期补氮钾。  相似文献   

摘要:为探讨梨树在不同土壤水分条件下和不同季节的耗水规律,以4年生盆栽黄冠梨为试材,用称重法研究了黄冠梨在5月至10月不同土壤水分条件下的日耗水量,分析了耗水量与气象因子及叶面积的相关性。结果表明:在适宜水分条件下梨树的耗水量显著大于中度亏缺和重度亏缺条件下的耗水量。梨树叶幕形成阶段日耗水量较小,在0.25-0.58L/日。从旬耗水量的变化来看,以6月上旬耗水量最大,达到10.1L/旬,一天中的耗水高峰出现在10:00-14:00。在生长季的中期随土壤水分含量的下降,光合速率显著降低,而其他因子没有显著差异。通过回归分析表明,日平均气温是影响耗水量的主要因素,其次是空气相对湿度和风速。耗水量与气温(显著水平p=0.0075)、风速(P=0.0135)、梨树叶面积(相关系数r=0.9516)均达到显著正相关;与空气湿度呈显著负相关(P=0.0462)。认为梨树的发育阶段、土壤水分含量、枝叶量、气温、空气湿度及风速是制订梨树耗水模型的基础。  相似文献   

(1湖南农业大学生物安全科技学院,湖南长沙 410128; 2湖南邵阳职业技术学院,湖南邵阳 422001;3湖南湘阴县兰岭茶厂,湖南湘阴 410501)  相似文献   

利用无机膜分离技术降低大米饮料沉淀率的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
大米饮料是目前国内饮料厂家密切关注和开发的产品。大米饮料因采用富含淀粉质的大米作为原料,经水解液化后制备而成,货架期内极易发生沉淀分离现象,严重降低了产品的商品价值。采用无机膜分离技术处理大米饮料,选择合适处理工艺及参数,可除去大米饮料中微米级颗粒。研究结果表明,无机膜处理能有效解决大米饮料的沉淀问题,工艺技术稳定可靠,可取代离心分离等净化技术。  相似文献   

Based on the motion equations of particles in the gas-particle rotary flow,the relationship among the equivalence particle diameter, characteristic time of the nonequivalence particle and their deposition efficiency is analyzed , and then the results of this study agree very well with the experimental data .  相似文献   

使用LI-6400便携式光合测定系统,对湿地松优良半同胞家系净光合速率的日变异规律进行了研究,结果表明1年中湿地松各半同胞家系3~8月典型天气的Pn值日变化模式为‘双峰’型,其余各月即1、2、9、10、11、12月的Pn值日变化模式为‘单峰’型,各家系1龄针叶的Pn值显著高于2龄针叶的Pn值,全天以傍晚时的Pn值为最低。湿地松优良半同胞家系的Pn值显著高于普通种的Pn值,表明通过遗传改良,提高了湿地松的光合能力,从而提高了湿地松良种的生长量和产量。  相似文献   

The influence of the arrangements of pipes on gas solid flow characteristics in the dense section of standpipe in the circulating fluidized bed is studied on a cold state experiment platform.The influence relationships of the percentage of area of pipes in the standpipe cross section and section shape of pipes and the circulation rate,adjusting range and distribution percentage of loose air are studied emphasizedly.  相似文献   

为了确定锡林河流域紫花苜蓿生育期内不同阶段的需水量、需水规律和合理的灌溉定额。采用非充分灌溉试验,研究了紫花苜蓿的需水规律、产量与灌溉定额间的关系以及合理灌溉定额。结果表明:第1 茬紫花苜蓿需水高峰值出现在6 月下旬—7 月初,其需水强度最大可达5.09 mm/d;第2 茬紫花苜蓿需水高峰值出现在8 月上旬—8 月中旬,其需水强度最大可达5.23 mm/d。根据紫花苜蓿产量与灌溉定额间表现为二次抛物线型关系,以追求单位面积产量、灌溉水生产效率和生产弹性系数最大为目标,确定紫花苜蓿的合理灌溉定额,该成果为节水灌溉制度的制定和灌溉预报等提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

在制备米乳饮料的过程中,采用不同的高压均质工艺参数对米乳饮料进行均质和稳定化,实验结果证明,不同的均质工艺参数对米乳的稳定性影响很大。影响米乳稳定性的主要原因是脂肪球的粒径,当脂肪球粒径为7.343μm时,米乳饮料稳定;脂肪球粒径为0.394μm时,米乳不稳定,脂肪会明显上浮。  相似文献   

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